高中英语 Module 5 Period Ⅳ Reading Practice & Cultural Corner & Writing同步备课课件 外研版选修6

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1、教师用书独具演示教师用书独具演示课标解读(1)掌握本学案中所给出的词汇,能够理解并能熟练运用。(2)理解课文。(3)听懂课文中所给出的听力材料。(4)能够根据课文中所提出的问题,发表自己的看法和给出学生认为合理的建议。(5)掌握写关于“正反观点的议论文”的写作要领。新课导入建议你们看过侏罗纪公园和勇敢的新世界吗?知道里面的主要内容吗?今天我们就一起学习这两部作品的内容。演示结束演示结束 .判断正误阅读P67课文,判断正误1Dinosaurs died out before mosquitoes.()2Dinosaurs died out after mosquitoes began to ex

2、ist.()3Jurassic Park is only fiction.()4There are still proper conditions for dinosaurs to exit today.()5Cloning dinosaurs is possible.()【答案】1.T2.F3.T4.F5.T.语篇理解阅读 P69课文,选择最佳答案1The first paragraph is written in order to .Atell us the time when the novel came outBtell us the popularity of the novelCm

3、ake us more interested in the novel2In Brave New World, which of the five types of clones are leaders of society?ABetas.BEpsilons.CAlphas.1accompany v. 陪伴;伴随发生;补充;给伴奏Accompanied by Hammonds two grandchildren, they are sent on a tour through Jurassic Park in computer controlled cars. (P67)在哈蒙德的两个孙子的陪

4、伴下,他们被送到电脑控制的轿车中进行环绕侏罗纪公园的旅行。She asked me to accompany her to the airport.她要求我陪她到机场去。Lightning is usually accompanied by thunder.雷声常常伴随着闪电而来。The singer was accompanied on the piano by her elder sister.她姐姐为那位女歌手用钢琴伴奏。accompany sb. to.陪某人去某地(to为介词)be companied by附有,伴随accompany sb. on/at the乐器用乐器为某人伴奏i

5、n sb.s company in the company of sb.in company with sb.和某人在一起完成句子每天有你的相陪,我总会有阳光般的心情的。 every day, I always have a sunny mood.与朋友一起度过了一个愉快的夜晚。A pleasant eveningwasspent friends.【答案】Companied by youin the company of2knock out 摧毁But a tropical storm hits the island, knocking out the power supply, and an

6、 employee destroys the security system so that he can steal dinosaur embryos and sell them. (P67)但是热带风暴袭击了该岛,摧毁了这里的电力供应,一位雇员为了偷恐龙胚胎贩卖,破坏了这里的安全系统。The enemy charged up the mountain, attempting to knock out our forces.敌人向山上冲锋,企图把我们的兵力摧毁掉。knock out的其他含义:使筋疲力竭;击倒;打败;使惊讶,震撼;敲出;(药品)使(人)入睡;使失去效能under contro

7、l在控制之中;控制住beyond/out of control不受控制lose control of不能驾驭;失去控制in control of管理,控制着in the control of在的控制之下bring /keep sth. under control使受控制You must get your spending under control.你必须节制开支。Whos in control of the project?谁是这个项目的负责人?The store was in the control of Jim.这家商店由吉姆管理。4as far as we know据我们所知.the

8、mosquitoes need to be much older, and as far as we know, mosquitoes that old do not exist. (P67)蚊子也需要年代更久远些,而据我们所知,年代那么久远的蚊子根本不存在。as far as作从属连词,意为“就来说,在范围内”,强调程度或范围,常与know, see, concern等动词连用。As far as I know, he has been abroad.据我所知,他已经出国了。as far as Im concerned据我所知as far as (it) is known众所周知as far

9、 as I can feel就我的感觉absorb. into把吸收进absorb. from从中吸收/取be absorbed by被吞并be absorbed into被并入be absorbed in(doing)全神贯注于He pretends to be absorbed in listening.他假装在专心听讲。单项填空When I opened the door, I found my father sitting in his chair, completely a magazine.Aabsorbing inBabsorbing toCabsorbed in Dabsorb

10、ed to【解析】句意:当我开门看到爸爸时,他正坐在椅子上入迷地看一本杂志。absorbed in sth.意为“专心于某物”,用作状语。【答案】C题目要求克隆人这一话题在世界上引起了激烈的争论。请你根据以下提示,用英语写一篇题为On Human Cloning的英语短文,词数为120150。短文的开头已为你写好。 赞同的观点 反对的观点 你的观点是一个科学的突破;能制造出拯救生命的人体组织和器官;对无生育能力的人是一个喜讯。克隆人是违背伦理的;无权用人类做试验;不应该干扰自然;担心造出超人种。应将重点放在对人类有益的动物和干细胞的研究上。句式温习1克隆人这一话题在世界上引起了激烈的争论。Hu

11、man cloning .2一些人认为;而另一些人则持有相反的观点。Some people suggest. Others, however, .3对于那些没孩子的人来说也是个好消息。It is also good news for those .4如果我们干扰自然会造成许多麻烦。If we go against nature, we .5只有通过这种方式人类才能从中受益。 we make it beneficial to mankind.【答案】 1.has caused a heated debate 2.hold the opposite opinion3.who cant have babies4.might create problems5.Only in this way can



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