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1、Thematic Based Language Teaching 主主题题式教学在式教学在21世世纪纪的的发发展及展及应应用用Jianhua BaiProfessor of Chinese, Kenyon CollegeDirector, Chinese School, Middlebury CollegeTodays Talk is Divided into:nWhat is Theme-base Language Teaching?nWhy?nHow (curriculum design) ?nHow (material development)?nHow (classroom pract

2、ice)?What?nan approach to curriculum design that seeks to reach a balance between language and content instruct instruction with an emphasis “on using the language rather than on talking about it” (Lightbown & Spada, 1999, p. 92).什么是主题式语言教学n主题式语言教学是以内容为载体,以文本的内涵为主题所进行的一种语言教学活动。主题式语言教学模式强调语言在实际生活中的实际

3、应用,主张语言教学情景化,生活化。此种教学模式不再以语言要素或者语言技能为课堂的组织结构,而是把语言放到有意义的主题中去学习,把语言教学和“内容”教学结合起来。Why: What does Research Tell Us?nLanguage is a system of symbols by which people of a social group communicate, and language is based on syntax (rules of sentences), phonology (rules of sounds), morphology (rules of word

4、 formation), semantics (how symbols and meanings are related), and words. As teachers we need to help our students to acquire this system effectively in a meaningful and communicative and theme-based context. 教学理念: What does Research Tell Us?n语言是人们用以交流的符号系统,以语法(成句的规则)、语音(语音规则)、词法(词语形成规则)、语义(符号和意义的关联

5、)和构词为基础。作为语言教师,我们需要帮助学生在一个有意义的交际环境中,有效地获得该系统。主题式教学的中心是让学生在良好的、具有高度动机的环境中进行语言学习。Why: What does Research Tell Us?nThe presentation of coherent and meaningful information leads to deeper processing, which results in better learning Information that has a greater number of connections to related informa

6、tion promotes better learning (Anderson, 1990).围绕有意义的主题进行教学有助于学生对新内容的吸收。nFacts and skills taught in isolation need much more practice and rehearsal before they can be internalized or put into long term memory; coherently presented information (thematically organized) is easier to remember and leads

7、to improved learning (Singer, 1990)围绕有意义的主题进行教学有助于学生的长期记忆。Why: What does Research Tell Us?nLanguage is a social activity, and the choice of language varies according to social function and personal intention and various contextual forces. Meaningful and theme-based contexts facilitates effective lan

8、guage teaching and learning.教学理念: What does Research Tell Us?n语言是一种社会行为,语言形式的选择因社会功能和个人交际目的而异。不论是从语言学还是从实用性的角度看,在语境中学/教语言都是必要的。n在语言学习过程中,学生需要大量的、有意义的、具沟通的练习,以发展他们的语言自动化能力。优优化化输输入:入:What does the IP theory tell us?nInput Processing (输入处理), Processing Instruction (PI) 和 Structured Input (SI)等理論對如何幫助學生

9、更好地吸收語言輸入, 如何使學生更有效地掌握語言規律,特别是對第二语言学习中的語法教學都有极其重要的指导作用 n主主题题、“句情句情”带带句型句型练习练习。以。以练带讲练带讲,优优化化输输入。入。Focus-on-form 优优化化“输输出出”练习练习 n围绕主题的“输出”练习能优化语言输入,有益语言学习。教师应拿出足够的时间进行语言输出练习(focus-on-form),并且正确对待学生输出时的偏错现象、观察偏错的规律与原因,适时适当地纠错,使学生从输出中获得更有效的输入学习,形成一个有益的学习循环。优优化化“输输出出”练习练习(Output hypothesis) n围绕主题的“输出”练习

10、能优化语言输入,有益语言学习。教师应拿出足够的时间进行语言输出练习(Swain 1985, 2005) A learner needs to be “pushed toward the delivery of a message that is not only conveyed, but that is conveyed precisely, coherently, and appropriately (1985:249). 主题式教学在教学实践中之应用nImplication for enhancing curriculum design, material development and

11、 classroom practices:n教学大纲及课程设置: AP 课程之设计n教材编写:在明德研究生课程的实施n课堂操作: 语言操练情景化、生活化主题式教学与美国AP课程的设计nStart with a theme that is important and relevant to the students, e.g. the universal themes (21st Century skills) from the AP program.主题式教学 为学生创设了有挑战性的问题情境,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣 (identity, green world,and other K16 a

12、rticulation scenarios) nDetermine the learning outcomes/standard-based objectives and acceptable evidence, aligned with the performance standards. (p 16)nPre-assessment aligned with the standard-based objectives (asa level-check of level of instruction and learning and as a warm-up for the new unit

13、of learning (温故知新)nPlan instruction and learning (learning scenarios as the blueprint): select materials, plan instructional and learning activities, plan and implement formative assessment etc.nPerformance based assessment of expected learning outcome.nAP中文课程及测试主题式教学在教学实践中之应用n教材编写:在明德研究生课程的实施nThema

14、tic Units (1)nThematic Units (2)nStartalk Projectsnhttp:/主题式教学在教学实践中之应用n课堂操作: teaching of ba in a cooking themen课堂操作: 新版IC的几个例子, p133, 141)n课堂操作: Using Themes for Beginning-level Studentsn课堂操作: 语言操练情景化、生活化n课堂操作: 主题式词汇、句段练习ConclusionnHow can we apply the principle of theme-based language teaching and learning in curriculum development, material development and classroom practice?n如何从主题教学的发展汲取华语教学界专家们对主题式教学设计的重要观点,并进一步探討这些观点对华语教学的指导作用?n利与弊?potential applications and challenges



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