高考英语 考点突破Unit2 阶段写作方略课件 大纲人教版选修8

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《高考英语 考点突破Unit2 阶段写作方略课件 大纲人教版选修8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语 考点突破Unit2 阶段写作方略课件 大纲人教版选修8(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、佳作赏析开放式提示类 眼下,大家都在倡导诚信,呼唤诚信,有人甚至提出了政府诚信,就连高考也要签署诚信协议,难道中国已进入一个诚信危机的时代?请就这个话题写一篇100词左右的短文。_ _上一页上一页1 1话话题题特特点点:开放式提示类作文只给出主题、两三点提示或一段素材,然后由考生在此基础上充分发挥想象力,自由创作。这样就对考生的能力要求更高,考查也更全面。它不仅考查考生的书面语言表达能力,语言组织能力,而且考查考生的逻辑思维能力,发散思维能力,丰富的想象力以及多角度考虑问题的创作思维能力。上一页上一页2写好这类作文要注意:写好这类作文要注意:(1)认真审题。把握要求,找准提示语中的关键句,确定

2、文章的中心思想。(2)依据关键句,草拟提纲,梳理文章脉略。(3)准确定位人称、时态,遣词造句要扬长避短。(4)明确写作内容:首先明确主题;然后根据主题构建文章的结构,即写作提纲;最后在写作过程中做到突出主题、层次分明。上一页上一页3常用的表达句式:常用的表达句式:(1)主题句句式:Everyone knows that.With the advance of science and technology.Its important that sb. shouldv.Theres no doubt that.(2)承接句句式:We have reasons to believe that.Tha

3、t is to say./That is./Namely.However,its a pity that.(3)结论句句式:Thus,this is the reason that.Therefore,we should realize that. What kind of person can be trusted?And what kind of society can be admired?An honest person and an honest world!Honesty is “gold” in the relationship between people. Everyone

4、enjoys working with an honest person while no one loves to make friends with a dishonest one. Honesty is the best policy,and it is a simple rule that an honest businessman can have more customers in the long run. As students,you see,only when we are honest can we gain more both in knowledge-learning

5、 and in character-building. So everyone should be honest.上一页上一页本文以设问开头,直奔主题,能引起读者注意,提纲挈领,富有新意。紧扣中心,论述条理分明,有理有据,且能首尾照应。使用连词while形成了良好的对比关系;it作形式主语的结构以及only引导状语从句的倒装结构都丰富了句型的应用;“both.and.”和“in the long run”的使用也很准确恰当。上一页上一页(1)短语类:make friends with.in the long runboth in knowledgelearning and in charact

6、erbuidingthe best policy(2)句子类:Everyone enjoys working with an honest person while no one loves.it is a simple rule that an honest businessman can have.As students,you see,only when we are honest can we gain more both.and.习作过关 (2010西工大附中高三模拟) 当今社会人人渴望成功,你认为我们应该具有什么样的品质才能走向成功呢?请以“How can we succeed i

7、n life?”为题写一篇英语短文。上一页上一页上一页上一页注意:1.短文标题已写好,不计入总词数。2词数:100左右。 How can we succeed in life?_【参考范文】 How can we succeed in life?Everybody is eager for success. But how can we succeed in life?Here are my opinions:First,we must be kind and friendly,which allow us to make friends and survive wherever we are

8、. Second,we must set a goal for life,which motivates us to pursue our dreams. Third,we must believe in ourselves. Only with selfconfidence can we work toward our goals. Fourth,we should develop good characters,such as strong will,diligence,and perseverance,which helps us to hold on to our dreams when we get into trouble.I think success belongs to those who keep on trying. So lets take action now!上一页上一页



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