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1、Module 2 Fantasy LiteratureIntroduction His Dark Materials by Philip PullmanRead the passage in Act. 1 and find out:1 whether it is a fantasy story2 the tense to tell a story3 underline new words while reading.New words:extraordinary heroinephilosophical witch/ wizardSimple present tenseLearning to

2、learn on P17.The Cat That VanishedNew words: vanish hesitate leap (leapt; leapt)p Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. scent blink invisible alien1.to do things in a particular way2.someone who shows you which direction to go in3.to jump high into the air or over something4.to

3、 wait before you do or say something because you are not sure5.a nice smell 6. without any doubt7. a small tree 8. to suddenly disappear behave bush definitely guide hesitate leap scent vanish behave Match the words with their meanings.(Act.2,P16)guideleaphesitatescentdefinitelybushvanishThe Cat Tha

4、t VanishedCan you predict what s going on in the story according to the title?to disappear suddenlyRead the passage and p underline smart expressions; p underline difficult sentences while reading;p finish Act. 1, 3 and 4 on P16 & 17;p finish the exercise on the handout;Remember:DONT refer to the vo

5、cabulary list while reading! Act.1Putthesentencesinthecorrectct.1Putthesentencesinthecorrectorder.order.The cat comes up to Will. The cat behaves in a strange way .Will climbs through the hole.Will decides not to return to his world.The cat vanishes.(1). the cat came up to rub her head against his k

6、nucklesA. The cat wanted Will to touch her head with the back of his hand.B. The cat came up to bite Wills hand. (2). She padded across the road and towards the bushes A. She walked quietly across the road. B. She ran across the road.Act. 3 Choose the best meaning for the expressions from the passag

7、e.to make sth press against sth else and move it around(3)keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating.A. He looked once at the place where the cat had been investigating.B. He watched the place that the cat had been looking at and touching.(4). If you were level with the patch

8、so that it was edge-on, it was nearly invisible.A. If you were looking at the grass you could see it.B. If you were standing next to the area of grass you could not see it.two things that are level are at the same height as each other(5). He was looking at something profoundly alien.A. He was lookin

9、g at something very different and strange.B. He was looking at something very exciting.(6). He turned away with a shudder.A. He laughed nervously.B. His body shook slightly because he was afraid.Act. 4 on P 17Choose the best answers. (1). The cat vanishes through . a) something Will Cant see b) an e

10、mpty patch of grass c) some bushes(2). Will blinks because . a) he cant see clearly b) his eyes hurt c) he cant believe what he saw(3). It is . a) easy to see the patch in the air from some positions b) impossible to see the patch c) difficult to see the patch(4). Will looks through the hole in the

11、air . a) because he is frightened b) because he knows there is a different world on the other side c) because it is alien5. Will does not go back to his world because . a) life is difficult in his world b) he wants to learn about this new world c) it is difficult to see the old world3.Readthepassage

12、againandchoosethe3.Readthepassageagainandchoosethebestanswer.bestanswer.(1). According to Para 1, Will cant think clearly because _. A. He was very frightened in the dark.B. He was excited when he saw a cat. C. He was worn out.D. He was hesitant to make his decision.(2). According to the text, we ca

13、n know that Moxie was _.A. the cat that vanished B. a friend of WillC. a pet tabby of WillD. a homeless/ stray cat3. Read the passage again and choose the best answer.(3). From the last three paragraphs, we know that_.A.Will was fascinated by the new world.B.Will was afraid of the new world.C.Will w

14、orried about the safety of the cat.D.Will had a habit of sleep walking.3. Read the passage again and choose the best answer.(4). Which of the following statements about “The Cat That Vanished” is true?A. The cat was Wills beloved pet cat.B. It was the cat that led Will to another world.C. The cat be

15、longed to another world.D. The cat was said to have super powers.3. Read the passage again and choose the best answer.(5). which of the following statement is TRUE?A. From the most positions, the patch was completely invisible.B. Will didnt doubt on the other side was a different world. C. The patch

16、 is easier to see in the new world than the old world.D. Will stayed in the new world because he disliked his home. 3. Read the passage again and choose the best answer.Appreciate the following Sentences:1. Will was stupefied with exhaustion, and he might have gone on to the north, or he might have

17、laid his head on the grass under one of those trees and slept(Para. 1) be stupefied with 因疲劳、厌倦等而昏昏沉沉,神志不清因疲劳、厌倦等而昏昏沉沉,神志不清 might have done1. 表示对过去可能发生的事情的推测表示对过去可能发生的事情的推测2.威尔威尔累得脑子都木累得脑子都木了,他了,他本可以本可以继续向北走,也继续向北走,也有有 可能可能在某棵树下头枕草地昏昏睡去在某棵树下头枕草地昏昏睡去2. Eventually this cat turned away. This was night,

18、 and there was a territory to patrol, there were mice to hunt. (Para. 3)最后,最后,这只猫只猫转身走开了。正身走开了。正值夜晚,它夜晚,它还要巡要巡查自己的自己的领地,地,还要捕捉老鼠。要捕捉老鼠。3. Then she leapt backwards, back arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly. (Para. 5)独立主格结构独立主格结构, with her back arched and with her fur on end, with her tail he

19、ld out stiffly., and her back was ached, her fur was on end, and her tail was held out stiffly.然后它向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖立,尾巴僵直然后它向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖立,尾巴僵直地伸着。地伸着。4.If you were level with the patch so that it was edge-on, it was nearly invisible, and it was completely invisible from behind. (Para. 9) 如果你与那块空间处在同等高度

20、,从侧面看你如果你与那块空间处在同等高度,从侧面看你几乎看不到它,从后面则完全看不到它。几乎看不到它,从后面则完全看不到它。He couldnt possibly have said why. He knew it at once, as strongly as he knew that fire burned and kindness was good. (Para. 11)4. 他不可能说得出所以然来。他只是马上就知道了,他不可能说得出所以然来。他只是马上就知道了,就好像他知道火会燃烧、善意是美好的一样。就好像他知道火会燃烧、善意是美好的一样。6. But this was the cen

21、ter of a broad boulevard, and at the side of the boulevard was a line of cafe and small shops, all brightly lit, all open, and all utterly silent and empty beneath a sky think with starts. (Para. 13)独立主格结构独立主格结构, with all brightly lit, with all open, and with all utterly silent and empty beneath a s

22、ky think with starts., and all of them were brightly lit, all were open, and all were empty were只是,他所处的是一条街道的中央,路的一侧是成行的只是,他所处的是一条街道的中央,路的一侧是成行的咖啡馆和小商店,灯火通明,还在营业,在布满繁星咖啡馆和小商店,灯火通明,还在营业,在布满繁星的夜空下,所有的商店都静悄悄的,无人光顾。的夜空下,所有的商店都静悄悄的,无人光顾。7.With a dawning light-headedness, the feeling that he was dreaming

23、but awake at the same time, he stood up and looked around for the cat, his guide. (Para.15) 带着逐渐出现的晕眩感觉,那种处在半梦半醒带着逐渐出现的晕眩感觉,那种处在半梦半醒之间的感觉,他站起身来环顾四周寻找他的向之间的感觉,他站起身来环顾四周寻找他的向导导那只猫。那只猫。 Smart Expressions:因因而神志不清而神志不清让头脑清醒让头脑清醒从从蹑手蹑脚地走出来蹑手蹑脚地走出来放下放下伸出手伸出手朝朝走过来走过来尽管如此;虽然这样尽管如此;虽然这样渴望做某事渴望做某事走开走开向后一跃向后一跃警

24、觉地观察警觉地观察向向扩展扩展be stupefied withclear ones headpad out ofput downhold/reach/hold out ones handcome up toall the samefeel a longing to do/for turn awayleap backwards/forwardswatch alertlysweep over swept swept注视;盯着看注视;盯着看注视;凝视注视;凝视寻找;搜索;想办法寻找;搜索;想办法仔细看仔细看从某些角度从某些角度一米宽一米宽与与处于同等高度处于同等高度深信不疑深信不疑仅仅因为这一个原

25、因仅仅因为这一个原因使人头晕目眩使人头晕目眩在满是星星的夜空下在满是星星的夜空下( (空气中空气中) )充溢着充溢着( (某种某种味道味道) )花香花香四处寻找四处寻找sth.sth.keep ones eyes onfix oncast aboutlook closelyfrom some anglesa meter cross/widebe level withwithout the slightest doubtfor the reason alonemake ones head swimbeneath the sky thick with starsbe laden withthe scent of flowerslook around for sth.How to write a good fantasy story?p Good plot Imagination Creativityp Good description Details Informative verbs Informative adjs



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