甘肃省玉门市花海中学七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 7 Jenny's New Skirt课件 冀教版

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甘肃省玉门市花海中学七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 7 Jenny's New Skirt课件 冀教版_第1页
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《甘肃省玉门市花海中学七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 7 Jenny's New Skirt课件 冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《甘肃省玉门市花海中学七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 7 Jenny's New Skirt课件 冀教版(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Colours and ClothesLesson 7. 情景对话情景对话1. _ _, Jenny. Good afternoon, Kim. 2. I like your blue skirt. _!3. Is it new?_,_ _. 1. what colour 提问颜色的句型提问颜色的句型What colour do you want? 你想要什么颜色?你想要什么颜色?What colour is this skirt?这条裙子是什么颜色?这条裙子是什么颜色? Its blue. 它是蓝色的。它是蓝色的。What colour are these clothes? 这

2、些衣服是什么颜色?这些衣服是什么颜色? They are red. 它们是红色的。它们是红色的。【探究总结探究总结】(1)what colour+be+主主语语,意意为为“是是什什么么颜颜色色?”用用于于对对主主语语颜颜色色进进行行提提问问。be的的形形式式由由后后面面的的主主语语决决定定,单单数数用用is,复数用,复数用are。(2)what colour+be+主主语语,该该句句型型的的答答语语结结构构为为:“It/They +is/are+表表示示颜颜色色的的词词”,也也可可只只用用表表示示颜颜色色的的单单词词作作简略回答。简略回答。【学以致用学以致用】_ is it?Its orang

3、e. A. What B. What colourC. How D. How colourWhat colour _ the apples? They are red. A. are B. is C. am D. be2. favourite adj. & n. 最喜欢的(东西)最喜欢的(东西)But my favourite colour is pink. 但但是是我最喜欢的颜色是粉色。我最喜欢的颜色是粉色。My favourite clothes are blouses and skirts. 我最喜欢的衣服是衬衫和裙子。我最喜欢的衣服是衬衫和裙子。Blue is my favourite

4、. 蓝蓝色色是是我我最最喜喜欢的。欢的。【学以致用学以致用】李雷最喜欢的颜色是黑色。李雷最喜欢的颜色是黑色。Li Leis_ black. 裙子是我最喜欢的衣服。裙子是我最喜欢的衣服。Skirts are _ clothes. 答答 案案 : favourite colour is my favourite. 单项选择单项选择1. _ is that skirt?Its red. A. What B. WhereC. How D. What colour 2. What colour are your crayons?_ . A. Its a purple B. Its purpleC. They are purples D. They are purple3. My favourite colour_ white. A. are B. is C. be D. am4. I like your sweater. Its nice. _ A.No,its not nice. B. Thank you. C. I dont like it. D. Youre welcome. 5. Can I wear the blouse _ this skirt, mom? Sure. A. and B. to C. with D. in



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