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1、Unit5Do you have a soccer ball?SectionB(2a-SelfCheck)Revision Lets That sounds good / interesting / difficult /boring / fun / relaxing /.play computer gamesdraw pictures Lets That sounds good / interesting / difficult /boring / fun / relaxing /.play tennisplay basketball2aFind the sports words in th

2、e unit. Write them in the correct column.Things I have things I dont have_ _ _ _2bRead the survey results in a school magazine and answer the question: Who has a soccer ball?Grammar 1I dont have a soccer ball,but my brother Alan does.I dont have a soccer ball,but my brother Alan does. 我没我没有足球,但我的弟弟艾

3、伦有。有足球,但我的弟弟艾伦有。doesdoes在此处是助动词没有词义,代替在此处是助动词没有词义,代替 has a soccer has a soccer ballball以避免重复。这种用法在英语中很常见。以避免重复。这种用法在英语中很常见。egeg:I have a baseball ball bat,I have a baseball ball bat, but she doesnt.but she doesnt.我有一个我有一个帮球拍,但她没有(棒球拍)。帮球拍,但她没有(棒球拍)。Grammar 2We go to the same school and we allWe go t

4、o the same school and we all love soccer.love soccer.我们上同我们上同一所学校,并且我们都爱足球运动。一所学校,并且我们都爱足球运动。same same 意为意为“相同的相同的”,其前常加定冠词,其前常加定冠词thethe,其后常,其后常接单数名词。接单数名词。samesame的反义词为的反义词为differentdifferent,differentdifferent后接复后接复数名词。数名词。eg: They are in the same school, but different classes. eg: They are in th

5、e same school, but different classes. 他们他们在同一所学校,但却在不同的班级。在同一所学校,但却在不同的班级。Grammar 3?We play it at school with our friend. We play it at school with our friend. 我们和朋友们在学我们和朋友们在学校里一起踢(足球)。校里一起踢(足球)。?with with 是介词,意为是介词,意为“和和 一起;带有;使用一起;带有;使用”,后接名词或代词作宾语,一起构成介词短语,在句中后接名词或代词作宾语,一起构成介词短语,在句中作状语。作状语。?eg:

6、China is a country with a long history.eg: China is a country with a long history. 中国是一个历中国是一个历史悠久的国家。史悠久的国家。?We see with our eyes. We see with our eyes. 我们用眼睛看。我们用眼睛看。Grammar 4Its easy for me.Its easy for me.它对我来说很简单。它对我来说很简单。It + beIt + be + + 形容词形容词 + + for sb.(+ to do sth.)for sb.(+ to do sth.)

7、是固定句型,是固定句型,意为意为“对某人来说(做某事)是对某人来说(做某事)是的的”,it it 是形是形式主语。意思相反的短语是式主语。意思相反的短语是 be difficult for sb.be difficult for sb.“对对来说很困难来说很困难”。egeg:Its difficultIts difficult for mefor me to play tennis.to play tennis. 对我来说打网对我来说打网球难。球难。Who do you think says these sentences?2cCheck() F for Frank, G for Gina o

8、r W for Wang Wei.1. I play ping-pong with myclassmates after class.2. I have soccer balls, basketballs, volley balls and baseballs.3.My brother has a soccerball butI don t.F G WF G W4.I only watch sports on TV.5.Soccer is not easy for me.6.My brother and I are in the same school.Reading in detailFra

9、nk Brown:utI dont have a soccer ball, b_ my amebrother Alan does. We go to the s_ occerschool and we love s_. We play it at soccerriendselaxingschool with our f_. Its r_.play with sb.Gina Smith:Yes, I do. I have two soccer balls, three volleyballs, four basketballs,and five baseballs and bats. I lov

10、e TV!Gina Smith has nine balls. FFourteenGina loves sports and plays them every day. Fsports, but I don t play them I only watch them on Wang Wei:No, I dont. Soccer is difficult. I like balls and two ping-pong bats. After class, I play ping-pong. Its easy for me. I have three ping-pong ping-pong wit

11、h my classmates. BWhat is easy for Wang Wei? ( )A. soccer B. ping-pong C. basketballcWho does he play ping-pong with? ( )A.his friends B. his brother C.his classmats3aWrite more questions about sports equipment.Sports Survey1. Do you have a soccer ball? ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont.2. _ () Yes, I d

12、o. ( ) No, I dont.3. _ ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont.4. _ ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont.3bExchange books with a partner.Answer his or her questions in 3a.Do you have a?Yes, I do./ No, I dont.3cLook at the information in 3a. Write about yourself and your partner with but. _I dont have a baseball, but

13、 I have a soccer ball. Tom has a baseball , but he _doesnt have a baseball bat. _Liu Kai has a soccer ball, but he doesnt _have a tennis ball. Liu Kai has a _basketball and I do, too._Self Check1. List all the sports you know. Write what you think of them. Sports_Your opinion_volleyball fun, difficu

14、lt _ _ 2. Complete the questions and answers.1. A: _?Does your mom have a baseball batB: Yes, my mom has a baseball bat.2. A: Do you have a volleyball?Yes, I have a volleyball. B: _/ No, I dont have a volleyball. _.Does your father have a soccer ball3. A: _?B: Yeah, my father has a soccer ball.4. A: _?Does your teacher have a soccer ballB: No, she doesnt . My teacher has a tennis ball. Homework1. 1.背诵背诵2b2b部分。部分。2. 2.写一段话,谈谈你所拥有的体育写一段话,谈谈你所拥有的体育用品和其他物品。用品和其他物品。



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