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1、Unit4TextIIConfucius,thePhilosopherDesignedbyShirleyHwang1ContentsLead-in activities Structure & Main IdeasAnalysis of the Text Oral Work Assignment2Lead-in Activities According to your own understanding, please give us a brief introduction to Confucius. In which book Confucius put forward his main

2、philosophy and teachings? List core thought of Confucius in his teachings. Among all his disciples, who do you like best and why ?3A Brief Introduction to Confucius Confucius(551BC-479BC), named as Master Kong, Kong Qiu (孔 丘 ) Zhongni( 仲 尼 ), founder of Confucianism, is regarded as a great philosoph

3、er, thinker and educator of ancient China and is recognized as one of the most influential figures in Chinese history. His main philosophy and teachings can be found in the Analects compiled by his disciples and their students .4Confucius Core Thought Humanity Humanity (仁)(仁)Do not do unto others wh

4、at you would not have others do unto you. Righteousness ( Righteousness (义义) ) To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage. Ritual Ritual ( 礼礼 )Look not at what is contrary to propriety; listen not to what is contrary to propriety; speak not what is contrary to propriety; make no moveme

5、nt which is contrary to propriety. Knowledge Knowledge (智)(智)He was of an active nature and yet fond of learning, and he was not ashamed to ask and learn from his inferiors. 5 integrity integrity (信)(信) Keepwhatyousayandcarryoutwhatyoudo. Loyalty Loyalty (忠)(忠)The emperor is the emperor, the ministe

6、r is the minister, the father is the father, and the son is the son. Filial Filial piety piety (孝孝)while his parents are alive, the son may not travel too far. If its necessary to travel, there should be a definite direction6The Structure This text can be divided into three parts Part 1( Para.1-6) M

7、aster Kung gave his disciples very strict intellectual training. Part2 ( Para.7-13) Two examples of how disciples urgent questions stimulated Masters mind and made him give the most notable sayings. Part3(Para.14-17) Confucius enjoyed appraising the character of men of the past and his time includin

8、g his disciples. 7The Main Idea It mainly describes Master Kungs requirements on his students as well as himself and in some informal conversations with his students, Master Kung shows his brilliant thoughts. 8Analysis of the Text Master Kung: also spelled Kong, the title of honor for Confucius 孔夫子9

9、1)MasterKungkepthisdisciplesunderrigidmentaldiscipline.MasterKunggavehisstudentsverystrictintellectualtraining.disciple:someonewhobelievesandhelpstospreadthedoctrineofanother;e.g.HesJesusfavoritediscipleintheGospel of John102) regarding: you can use regardingregarding to indicate the subject that is

10、 being talked or written about. 关于; 至于e.g.Theproposalregardingsafetyinproductionwascalledupintheconferencethismorning.113) A few for that reason gained a questionable fame for they are known to history only because of the humiliating reproofs the Master gave them .e.g.AfewofConfuciusstudentsgainedth

11、eirfamenotbecause of their brilliant thoughts but because ofConfuciuscriticismonthem.124)Accordingtohisownstatementshemadenoattempttosugar-coatthepilloflearning.Hesaidhewouldnevermakeanyefforttomakelearninganeasymatter.13 sugar-coat V. coated by sugar, to make sth. sound reasonable and acceptable; e


13、hewaswarmlyattachedtothem.BothofConfuciusandhisstudentshaveadeepaffectiontoeachother.beattachedto:fullofaffectionorfondnesse.g. He is deeply attached to Dudu, his dog, who hasaccompaniedhimfornearlyeightyears.7) He had no charity for sloth and laziness Hecouldnottoleratethosewhowerelazyandreluctantt

14、oworkhard.17charity:kindnessandtoleranceinjudgingothers(对他人)宽容,宽厚My mother often tells me that it is a virtue to look upon others with charity8)Rottenwoodcannotbecarved,awallofdirtyearthwillnotreceivethetrowel!:Youcannotcarveanythingoutofrottenwoodnorplasterupwallbuiltupofrubbish.朽木不可雕也,粪土之墙不可圬也。9)H



17、masterwasprobablyasfortunateinhisinvoluntaryselectionofdisciplesas23Lao-tzeLao-tze 13)Lao-tze:alsospeltLao-tzu,LaoTse,founderofDaoism(道家),whichestablishedtheearliestontology(本体论)andcosmology(宇宙论)inChina.Littleisknownabouthislifeandheissaidtobea contemporary of Confucius. The central concept of hisph

18、ilosophicalsystemisTheDao(orTao,oftentranslatedas“theWay”),whichisalsothecoreofclassicalChinesephilosophy. Hisbook Dao De Jing is the first work with a comprehensivephilosophicalsysteminthehistoryofChinesePhilosophy.14)OnethoughtofDaoismmentionedinthetext:InjuryshouldberecompensedbykindnessTheMaster


20、.”始吾于人也,听其言而信其行;今吾于人也,听其言而观其行Q:whatmakesConfuciuschangeinstudyingthecharacterofpeople?17) howfarahorseflycantravelonthetailofahorseYanHui,themastersfavoritestudentiscomparedtoahorsefly(牛虻).Itsametaphorusedinasatiricalwayto indicate that Hui was given high honor by“flattering”Confucius.Oral Work Please work in pairs and make a presentation about Confucius and his disciples according to the text. 29Assignment Finish exercise on notebook P.50 on your notebook 30 Thats the end! Thank you for your attention 31



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