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1、探索中的高三词汇复习探索中的高三词汇复习 在语篇中激活词汇在语篇中激活词汇高三词汇学习存在的问题高三词汇学习存在的问题重点难点不明重点难点不明学习方式枯燥学习方式枯燥词汇印象肤浅词汇印象肤浅重意不重用重意不重用遗忘率很高遗忘率很高词词汇汇在在语语篇篇运运用用中中存存在在的的困困难难高中英语课程标准高中英语课程标准高三词汇复习的重点高三词汇复习的重点理解、辨析、运用理解、辨析、运用词汇教学的重点词汇教学的重点从运用的角度入手从运用的角度入手 与读写技能相结合与读写技能相结合 一个词语只有在语篇中与其它词语同一个词语只有在语篇中与其它词语同时出现,构成一个统一的有机体,该词时出现,构成一个统一的有

2、机体,该词的意义才能被准确理解。的意义才能被准确理解。 余德敏(余德敏(2002)认为,由篇章构成的)认为,由篇章构成的语境包含的内容把篇章中的词语联系起语境包含的内容把篇章中的词语联系起来,使学生更容易从他们的心理词汇中来,使学生更容易从他们的心理词汇中提取词汇,有利于词汇的记忆。提取词汇,有利于词汇的记忆。专家观点专家观点高三词汇复习的策略思考高三词汇复习的策略思考 以话题为中心以话题为中心以语篇为依托以语篇为依托以读写为手段以读写为手段高三词汇教学的几个尝试策略高三词汇教学的几个尝试策略1.在分模块复习中围绕语篇主题复现和运用词汇在分模块复习中围绕语篇主题复现和运用词汇2.在同一主题的模

3、块整合中归纳词汇和活用词汇在同一主题的模块整合中归纳词汇和活用词汇3.在在说明说明话题项目表中提取话题复习目标词汇话题项目表中提取话题复习目标词汇4.4.在高考真题回收再利用中辨析、欣赏、运用词汇在高考真题回收再利用中辨析、欣赏、运用词汇5.5.在课外美文欣赏中理解、运用、拓展重点词汇在课外美文欣赏中理解、运用、拓展重点词汇回收高考真题语篇回收高考真题语篇辨析欣赏运用词汇辨析欣赏运用词汇真题单项填空语境中真题单项填空语境中真题完形填空篇章中真题完形填空篇章中真题阅读理解语篇中真题阅读理解语篇中2009浙江卷单选真题浙江卷单选真题(词汇辨析题)(词汇辨析题)5. The income of sk

4、illed workers went up._, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. OtherwiseThe income of skilled workers went up._, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. _,theunskilled workers are more likely to get unemployed. _ , plenty of parents urge their children

5、 to majorin a skill at a university. _,theyll be faced with more fierce competitions in the job-hunting.MeanwhileMoreoverThereforeOtherwise学业就业话题学业就业话题6. The system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library.A. access B. passage C. way D. approach (to

6、 sth) :a way of entering or reaching a place:Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities. (to sth) the opportunity or right to use sth or to see sb/sth: You need a password to get access to the computer system. _(随着考试的临近随着考试的临近),my classmates buried themselves i

7、n piles of homework. While our teachers expect us to adopt_ (有效的复习方法有效的复习方法)With the final exam approachingWith the approach of the final examan effective approach to reviewing lessonsan effective method to review lessons11. The good thing about children is that they _ very easily to new environment

8、. A. adapt B. appeal C. attach D. applyDoes the idea of studying abroad _ you? If so,Its suggested that youd better _ great importance_ a second language learning and learn to be independent from now on for a future plan. However, thissuggestion doesnt _ every case.appeal toattachtoapply to出国学习话题出国学

9、习话题15. John is very _- if he promises to do something hell do it.A. independent B. confident C. reliable D. flexible good qualityindependent confidentreliableflexibleTask:Ask students to describe a person/ something using the above words to show their qualities or characteristics品质特征话题品质特征话题反思反思摒弃传统

10、的单选题讲解方式,提倡词汇学习摒弃传统的单选题讲解方式,提倡词汇学习的语境化的语境化利用单选题语境或创设语境,理解、辨析和利用单选题语境或创设语境,理解、辨析和欣赏词汇欣赏词汇让学生模仿语境,自创语境,理解并内化词汇让学生模仿语境,自创语境,理解并内化词汇语境的创设要符合学生的心理特征和生活实际语境的创设要符合学生的心理特征和生活实际2009天津卷完形天津卷完形Main IdeaA simple thing can make a big difference!A friendly waving _ by a big bright smilethe _ of the whole neighbor

11、hoodaccompaniedfeelingsA smiling face and a friendly wave _ the start of my day.cheered up(Waving to me)A puzzleA mysterypresent withstudymistakeconcludegreethold outa stiff-looking businessmana brief, awkward wave backNo one failed to wave back!(Waving to others) lowerwave/smileactionresponseSpeaki

12、ng and writing假如你是假如你是“the son in the car”, 请用所给的关键请用所给的关键词写出你的所见,所闻,所感,所思。词写出你的所见,所闻,所感,所思。要点如下:要点如下: 1.你的所见所闻你的所见所闻 2.你的感想你的感想 3.你对此事的评价你对此事的评价 Every day, in my fathers car to school I saw a crossing guard holdout his stop sign. After the kids on the road had reached the safety of the sidewalk, he

13、 would lower his sign and let the cars go. He always waved and smiled at my father as we passed by. The guard presented me with a puzzle and I tried to study whether he mistook my father for someone else. Finally, I concluded that theywere just strangers and from then on they greeted each other warm

14、lylike old friends every morning. There is no doubt that his simple wave and smiling face cheered upthe start of our day. A small change really makes a big difference.If we remember to be friendly to the people around us, our life willturn out to be more colorful and meaningful.该策略启用的动力该策略启用的动力这是一篇感

15、情细腻描写生动的文章,值得回味。这是一篇感情细腻描写生动的文章,值得回味。文中的挖空词即题眼是烘托主旨,支撑结构,描述文中的挖空词即题眼是烘托主旨,支撑结构,描述主要细节的关键词。主要细节的关键词。该策略运用的原则该策略运用的原则在篇章主旨、结构和细节的梳理中,创设情景对在篇章主旨、结构和细节的梳理中,创设情景对关键词汇循环利用,加深理解和品味。关键词汇循环利用,加深理解和品味。该策略运用的收获该策略运用的收获学生在语篇中回味词汇,并在语篇输出中选择学生在语篇中回味词汇,并在语篇输出中选择运用重点词汇,理解并巩固了词汇。运用重点词汇,理解并巩固了词汇。2009江西卷阅读理解江西卷阅读理解D 论

16、述文论述文限时阅读理解训练后发现文章词汇量大,派生词多,句限时阅读理解训练后发现文章词汇量大,派生词多,句型难,意义理解难度大。型难,意义理解难度大。 对该语篇再解读再利用,于是采用了类似于湖南卷对该语篇再解读再利用,于是采用了类似于湖南卷(书面表达第一节),(书面表达第一节), 江苏卷(任务型阅读),安徽卷江苏卷(任务型阅读),安徽卷(写作中的第一节:任务型读写)的模式。(写作中的第一节:任务型读写)的模式。旨在语篇的篇章结构整理,主旨大意的理解,细节梳理中旨在语篇的篇章结构整理,主旨大意的理解,细节梳理中再一次复习词汇,并突破长句难句。再一次复习词汇,并突破长句难句。篇章的特点篇章的特点篇

17、章的解读篇章的解读titleName or No Name?1.introductionThe personal _ information indicates responsibility held in writing.2.effectsof _ Those who living together without signatures on a marriage certificate arent _for the relationship.A signature in a business contract or a bank document is a(n) _ to take the

18、 matter seriously.Only with peoples signatures, their written complaints will be _ by governments or organizations.3.reasonsfor_Multi-billionaire: the good deeds “donation” for help but not for _ to make news.crime witnesses: the willing to assist but unwilling to _ their identity.4.conclusionWhethe

19、r to carry a name depends on how much we are ready for _. stamping the name while expressing an opinion is a way to _ what we say.particularagreementprocessedpublicityrevealinvolvementhonoursignatureanonymityresponsiblePeople today prefer living together to putting their signatures on a marriage cer

20、tificate because they refuse to accept responsibility for the relationship.original sentenceThose who living together without signatures on a marriage certificate arent responsible for the relationshipparaphrased sentenceparticular: specific; detailedprocess: to deal within the usual wayreveal: to l

21、et something become knownpublicity: the attention that someone or something gets from newspaper or TV, etc.honour: to do what you have agreed to do1.由于附近的工厂噪音影响了我们的学习,我班学生联名由于附近的工厂噪音影响了我们的学习,我班学生联名 写了份报告给市长。写了份报告给市长。2.我认为在报告中署名是表示我们对所说的话负责。我认为在报告中署名是表示我们对所说的话负责。3.我们相信签了名的材料能够得到认真对待并给予处理。我们相信签了名的材料能够

22、得到认真对待并给予处理。4.我们不担心暴露身份,反之,这样做表明我们信守诺言。我们不担心暴露身份,反之,这样做表明我们信守诺言。 As the noises from the nearby factory affect our study, my classmates wrote a report to the mayor. I think carryingsignatures in the report indicates we hold responsibility forwhat we said. We also believe that the written complains wi

23、th signatures can be taken seriously and processed. We arent afraid of revealing identity. Instead, we honour our promise in this way.Discussion If you are to write a letter to your school headmaster , telling him the problems about the school canteen, will you write with your signature?Why? Or why

24、not?2009浙江卷阅读理解浙江卷阅读理解A 记叙文记叙文本文是一篇人情味浓厚的文章,文中词汇丰富,句型多样。本文是一篇人情味浓厚的文章,文中词汇丰富,句型多样。在篇章结构的整理,感人情节的回顾,细节的梳理中在篇章结构的整理,感人情节的回顾,细节的梳理中再一次辨析和欣赏词汇,并巩固句型。在回读美文和再一次辨析和欣赏词汇,并巩固句型。在回读美文和复习词汇的过程中得到情感的升华。复习词汇的过程中得到情感的升华。篇章的特点篇章的特点篇章的解读篇章的解读篇章的延伸篇章的延伸以以“说说”或或“写写”的形式,以文章内容为载体,对重的形式,以文章内容为载体,对重要词汇和句型进行巩固和延伸。要词汇和句型进行

25、巩固和延伸。Time: before an important datePlace: at a checkout counterCharacters: an elderly woman and I (strangers)Plot: the beginning the development the endingTheme: love and kindness are rewardingA Special DayA Special Day2009浙江卷浙江卷阅读理解理解A.The beginning of the story1.我匆忙去店里卖到了些花去赴约。我匆忙去店里卖到了些花去赴约。I ha

26、d h_ to the store to pick up some flowers for an important date.I had r_ to the store to buy some flowers for an important date.In a store I had been in a _ to purchase some flowers for an important date.In a store I had purchased some flowers in a _ for an important date.3.她没有放下篮子,抬头看着我,友善地笑了。她没有放下

27、篮子,抬头看着我,友善地笑了。She stopped unloading her basket, looked up at me,_ nicely.She stopped unloading her basket and looked up at me _ a nice smile.She stopped unloading her basket, looked up at me and _ a nice smile.hurriedrushedhurryrushsmilingwithgave/smiled ExtendedPick up1.The children have picked up

28、 the local accent.2.I picked up a magazine that was lying on the table.3.Im going to pick up my son after work.4.We picked up radio signals for help from the damaged plane.5.Dont worry! Trade is picking up again.6.She picked herself up and started running again.7.He was picking up the skills quickly

29、. Look up, look into, look over, look through Ill _the times of the train before I set off. _ the written report and tell me what you think of it!We must _ the house before we decide to rent it. The police have received the complaint, and theyre _ it.look upLook throughlook overlooking into.The deve

30、lopment of the story_ _ a special lady _ will be getting those beautiful flowers._ _ obvious _ the lady is lucky to have a boy friend bring her such lovely flowers._(令我尴尬令我尴尬),I kept saying that she was the special one._(玩笑地玩笑地), I added that I couldnt _ why shewanted to date a guy like me.It was _

31、and _ times when her _ husband, who passed away, used to buy her flowers every week._(毫无疑问毫无疑问)I thought she was just the speciallady and I handed her the flowers and thanked her.ItisthatItisthatEmbarrassedlyJokinglyfigure outroughromanticincredibleTheres no doubt thatthe elderly ladys encouraging r

32、emarks:the writers response:The elderly ladys beautiful memory:The writers action: Extended句型:句型:It is +强调部分强调部分+ that It is obvious that There is no doubt that. The ending of the story1.一会儿后,她才反应过来我把花给了她。一会儿后,她才反应过来我把花给了她。It _her a moment to _ that I was giving her the flowers.A moment _, she reali

33、zed that I was giving her the flowers.she didnt realized I was giving her the flowers _ a moment later.It was a moment _ she realized that I was giving her the flowers.2.我约会迟到了一点儿,告诉了女友这个故事。我约会迟到了一点儿,告诉了女友这个故事。3.最后我鼓足勇气向女友求婚;正是这个故事让我赢得了爱情。最后我鼓足勇气向女友求婚;正是这个故事让我赢得了爱情。I was slightly late for the date,

34、telling my girl friend about the story.Finally I worked up the courage to ask her to marry me. It was thanks to the story that I won her heart. Extended副词的复习:副词的复习:sincerely, slightly, seriously, rarely, probably, partly, merely, gradually, generally, frequently, fluently, fortunately, firmly, event

35、ually, extremely, exactly, especially, briefly 高考词汇表高考词汇表Make a dialogue between the writer and his girlfriend about the above story, using the related words in the passage:A: Terribly sorry, Im a little bit late.B: Not at all. Whats up?in a hurryto my embarrassmentjokinglyslightlyfinallypick upunlo

36、adlook upfigure outpass awayhandrealizeIt is +强调部分强调部分+ thatIt is obvious thatThere is no doubt thatIt took sb. to do Time :Place: Characters:Plot: the beginning the development the endingTheme: love and kindness are rewardingA Special DayA Special DayTeens, 21st century, Senior 3 Edition时事之窗时事之窗校园热

37、点校园热点文化体育文化体育运动休闲运动休闲科技生活科技生活品味地道美文,品味地道美文, 解读高考词汇解读高考词汇栏栏目目报刊美文中学习和拓展词汇报刊美文中学习和拓展词汇选择美文选择美文解读美文解读美文精简美文精简美文拓展主题拓展主题巩固词汇巩固词汇if, scared, pretended, meanest, cheerreal, resist, accomplish, explained, broad1.1.教师重新整合美文并模仿上海卷的词汇考题:挖空填空教师重新整合美文并模仿上海卷的词汇考题:挖空填空2.2.先不给学生任何选择,让他们思考并小组讨论填空词汇先不给学生任何选择,让他们思考并小

38、组讨论填空词汇3.3.对学生给出的各种词汇欣赏和分析后,再给出参考词汇对学生给出的各种词汇欣赏和分析后,再给出参考词汇Design a title for the passage:Tell the purpose of the passage:Beautiful sentences about smiles:A smile makes a differenceRemember to smile !品味地道美文,品味地道美文, 解读高考词汇解读高考词汇Giving a smile takes so little efforts but makes such a big difference! A

39、 smile can help to get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers.A smile can open doors and tear down walls.A smile can be used to apologize, to greet someone, to ask for help or to start a conversation.If we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than to see

40、 the smiling face of a good friend.Smile at the people around you and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other A smile makes a differenceSmile to neighboursSmile to teachers orfriendsSmile to yourself In a word, remember to smile!.build up friendshipshare happinessbring cheeradva

41、ntagesof smileSo I wantto smilesmile at my parents orfriendswhy?smile at myselfwhy?in a wordIwant tosmile 某英语报社拟成立某英语报社拟成立“微笑俱乐部微笑俱乐部”,现向癸未征募会员。要求申请,现向癸未征募会员。要求申请者提交一篇题为者提交一篇题为“I want to Smile”的英语短文。请你以申请者的身的英语短文。请你以申请者的身份,根据以下思路图的提示用英语写一篇短文。份,根据以下思路图的提示用英语写一篇短文。 语篇中高三词汇复习的反思和感悟语篇中高三词汇复习的反思和感悟1.1.高三

42、词汇复习应坚持挖掘发现高三词汇复习应坚持挖掘发现归纳总结归纳总结拓展延伸拓展延伸 选择运用的原则选择运用的原则 2. 2.高三词汇复习的探索是一项费时费力的任务高三词汇复习的探索是一项费时费力的任务, ,需要需要 备课组的分工合作,资源共享。备课组的分工合作,资源共享。 3. 3.以语篇为依托的词汇复习,必须精心挑选预设话题,以语篇为依托的词汇复习,必须精心挑选预设话题, 话题必须贴近学生的生活实际,让学生有感而发话题必须贴近学生的生活实际,让学生有感而发, , 有话可说。有话可说。4.4.在词汇复习的语篇输出与表达中,应适当渗透写作在词汇复习的语篇输出与表达中,应适当渗透写作 技巧的点拨,尤

43、其是篇章结构和行文连贯的技巧,技巧的点拨,尤其是篇章结构和行文连贯的技巧, 使学生的语篇生成有意有色。使学生的语篇生成有意有色。 5. 5.听写和翻译等策略仍然是词汇复习的好办法,改听写和翻译等策略仍然是词汇复习的好办法,改 进实施的方式和手段可以提高学生词汇复习的兴趣进实施的方式和手段可以提高学生词汇复习的兴趣 和教学的实效。和教学的实效。高三教学高三教学高考真题高考真题课外美文课外美文词汇复习词汇复习Thanks a lot for your time!Yesterday Once Morea valuable timea valuable timeMr Belsor and I(feel

44、ings)timeplacean experiencefeelings/gainsa survey“spend weekends with your parents”attitudelike dislikeactivitiesreasonsA:请以请以”Thanks a lot for your time”为题,记叙你与父母的一次难忘经历,为题,记叙你与父母的一次难忘经历,以及你自己的真实感受。内容如下:以及你自己的真实感受。内容如下: 一个时间一个时间 一处地点一处地点 一次经历一次经历 一种感受一种感受 一项收获一项收获B:你和极大多数学生一样喜欢和你和极大多数学生一样喜欢和家长一起度周末

45、,请就下列表格的家长一起度周末,请就下列表格的提示,就周末活动方式、理由等提示,就周末活动方式、理由等给出自己的想法,并提出展望。给出自己的想法,并提出展望。“spend weekends with my parents”activities1._ 2._reasons ?hope ?Assignments:Swap your writing among the group and appreciate another writing.help correct the errors in your classmates writinglist the wonderful words and p

46、hrases that youve found enjoy the beautiful sentences that exist in another writing9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。2024/9/182024/9/18Wednesday, September 18, 202410、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/2024 8:25:46 PM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/18Sep-2418-Sep-2412、故人江海别,几度隔山川。2024/9/182024/9/182024

47、/9/18Wednesday, September 18, 202413、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/202414、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。18 九月 20242024/9/182024/9/182024/9/1815、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。九月 242024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/202416、行动出成果,工作出财富。2024/9/182024/9/1818 September 202417、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。2024/9/1

48、82024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。2024/9/182024/9/18Wednesday, September 18, 202410、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/2024 8:25:46 PM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/18Sep-2418-Sep-2412、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/18Wednesday,

49、 September 18, 202413、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/202414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。18 九月 20242024/9/182024/9/182024/9/1815、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。九月 242024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/202416、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2024/9/182024/9/1818 September 202417、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/182024/

50、9/189、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。2024/9/182024/9/18Wednesday, September 18, 202410、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/2024 8:25:46 PM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/18Sep-2418-Sep-2412、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/18Wednesday, September 18, 202413、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。2024/

51、9/182024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/202414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。18 九月 20242024/9/182024/9/182024/9/1815、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。九月 242024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/202416、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2024/9/182024/9/1818 September 202417、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/182024/9/18MOMODA POWERPOINTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id urna blandit, eleifend nulla ac, fringilla purus. Nulla iaculis tempor felis ut cursus. 感感 谢谢 您您 的的 下下 载载 观观 看看专家告诉



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