(全国)高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars课件 新人教必修3

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1、.核心单词识记思考运用一、单词拼写1.(2014湖南,阅读B)It sounds fine in _ (理论)but its not easy to carry it out.2.They created one of the new _ (体系)of teaching foreign languages.3.(2015天津,15)The boss of the company is trying to create an easy _ (气氛)where his employees enjoy their work.4.*He got hold of the rope and _ (拉)ha

2、rd.5.*(2015新课标全国,阅读D)If people had normal lives,these cafes wouldnt _ (存在). theorysystemsatmospherepulledexist二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.*(2015江苏,阅读B)Many wastes produced in the producing process are _ (harm)as well.2.(2013四 川 , 阅 读 B)Soon afterward, waves _ (crash)over the boat,and it began to sink.3.One can

3、make 18 by _ (multiply)3 and 6 (together).4.Is there always a conflict between science and _ (religious).5.*(2015北京,七选五)Daydreams are often very simple and direct,quite _ (like)sleep dreams,which may be hard to understand.harmfulcrashedmultiplyingreligionunlike6.*(2015四川,阅读E)However,_ (physics)Josep

4、h West thinks there might have been a simpler way,who led the new study.7.*The _ (biology)saw some dead fish _(float)on the surface of the lake.8.(2015安徽,28)Some experts think reading is the _ (fundament)skill upon which school education depends.9.The _ (puzzle)expression on his face _ (puzzle)me.10

5、.*The robbers hit them _ (violent).They couldnt bear it any more so they decided to answer _ (violent)with _ (violent).physicistbiologistfloatingfundamentalpuzzlingpuzzledviolentlyviolenceviolence三、开心词场With the development of astronomy,people know more about the fundamental theory of climate,atmosph

6、ere and the globe.Now more and more satellites and spaceships are sent into space where theres no oxygen and gravity. 【联想积累】“推,拉”家族pull n.&vt.拉(力);拖;牵引力draw vt.&vi.拖,拉drag vt.&n.拖,拉,拽push v.&n.推,推动(力)后缀-ist必备名词荟萃archaeologist 考古学家biologist 生物学家chemist 化学家physicist 物理学家psychologist 心理学家specialist 专家s

7、ociologist 社会学家scientist 科学家typist 打字员tourist 旅游者,游客 高频词链条reaction n.反应;回应react v.反应exist vi.存在;生存existence n.存在;生存harmful adj.有害的harm n.危害;害处 vt.损害;伤害harmless adj.无害的unlike prep.不同;不像like vt.喜欢;adj.相像likely adj.可能的violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的violently adv.强烈地;激烈地;凶猛地violence n.暴力 .重点短语识记思考运用一、补全短语1._ ti

8、me及时;终于 2.in _ turn轮到某人;接着 3.cheer _感到高兴;感到振奋4.*break _突发;爆发 5.*prevent._阻止;制止 6.watch out _当心;提防inonesupoutfromfor二、短语填空1.(2013湖 北 , 阅 读 B)Sheila describes the adventure of _ Perri in a tiny town where her husband was doing research fieldwork.2.*The wall _ all the light.It should be pulled down.3._

9、 sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly.4.(2013陕西,24)The manager wants to see changes in the company,and I am sure he will _.in time;in ones turn;cheer up;block out;break out;prevent from;give birth to;watch out for giving birth toblocks outWatch out forin time5.Youd better come up with a goo

10、d idea to _ her _,otherwise she may give up halfway.6.A fierce fight _ between the two brothers just because of a small thing.7.Class Three should be responsible for raising the red flag this week _.8.*Sometimes I think _ myself _ smoking and drinking is a very hard task.cheerupbroke outin its turnp

11、reventingfrom【联想积累】“动词out”短语荟萃block out 挡住(光线)look/watch out 当心,提防find out 查出,弄明白try out 试用,试验put out 扑灭run out 用完let out 泄漏,发出(声音)die out 灭绝“动词from”短语一览keep/stop/prevent.from阻止;制止separate.from 把和分离开differ from 与不同suffer from 受苦hear from 收到的来信die from 因而死learn from 向学习result from 由于date from 始于时期ben

12、efit from受益于.经典句式识记思考运用1.“Oh,dear,” I cried,“walking does need a bit of practice _ gravity has changed.”“天哪,”我大声说,“重力改变了,看来走路也的确需要练一练了。”_(既然)you have done the thing,stop blaming yourself._(既 然 你 已 经 完 成 了 )your homework,you can go to play basketball. now thatNow thatNow that you have finished2.The e

13、arth became so violent that it was not clear _ the shape would last _.地球变得如此激烈动荡以至于不知道这个固体形状是否会继续存在下去。_(无论你是否喜欢这个意见),Im going ahead with it.She was in doubt _(她是否正确). whetheror notWhether you like the idea or notwhether she was right or not【联想积累】表示原因的连词(短语)小结(1)now (that)相当于since,是连词短语,用来引导原因状语从句,口语

14、中经常省略that。(2)because因为(语气较重,常用于回答why的疑问句)。(3)since因为;既然(可与now that互换),as因为(语气较弱)。(4)for因为(并列连词,引导一个分句,不能置于句首,表示进一步的补充说明)。(5)表原因的介词短语:due to,because of,on account of,owing to,thanks to,as a result of等。.单元语法识记思考运用主语从句用适当的关联词填空1.It was never clear _ the man hadnt reported the accident sooner.2._ he has

15、 become a rich man is known to all in our town.3.Before a problem can be solved,it must be obvious _ the problem itself is.4.It is still uncertain _ he is coming or not.5._ seems easy to some people seems difficult to others. whyThatwhatwhetherWhat【学法点拨】主语从句与形式主语it连词that引导的主语从句,通常用形式主语it代主语从句。连接代词(副

16、词)引导的主语从句,可以用形式主语it代主语从句,也可直接在句首使用主语从句。单 词 点 睛1.exist vi.存在,在于教材原句They laid eggs too and existed on the earth for more than 140 million years.他们也生蛋,在地球上生存了一亿四千多万年。(1)exist in存在于之中exist on靠为生There exist(s)/existed.某地有/存在(2)existence n.存在;生存come into existence产生;成立;开始存在单句语法填空/完成句子They cant exist _ the

17、 money hes earning.他们靠他挣的那点钱无法维持生活。When did the world come into _ (exist)?写作佳句_ a generation gap between the young and the old.青年人和老年人之间存在着代沟。答案onexistenceThere exists2.puzzle n.谜;难题vt.&vi.(使)迷惑;(使)为难高考例句(2015四川,阅读E)People have long puzzled over how the Egyptians moved such huge rocks.长期以来,人们对埃及人是如何

18、搬动那么大的巨石一直感到困惑。(1)a puzzle一件让人感到困惑的事情be in a puzzle不知如何是好be in a puzzle aboutbe puzzled about对迷惑不解(2)puzzle over/about苦思冥想;绞尽脑汁单句语法填空/完成句子Their reason for doing it is still _ puzzle to me.他们为什么干那事仍然让我费解。Im _ a puzzle as to what to do next.对于下一步该做什么我不知道。写作佳句 The firemen _ the cause of the fire.The fi

19、remen _ the cause of the fire.消防队员对这场火灾的起因困惑不解。答案ainwere in a puzzle about;were puzzled about 3.pull n.&vt.拉(力);拖;牵引力高考例句(2013福建,阅读A)When they pulled the carpet up in my old bedroom,they found the ring.当他们拉开我旧卧室的地毯时,发现了这个戒指。pull away(汽车等)开走pull down拆毁;摧毁pull in(车辆)进站停靠;靠边停靠pull out驶出;拉出,拔出pull up把拉过

20、来;(使)停下单句语法填空/完成句子Look! The girl _ (pull)the toy along behind her.The train from London will pull _ at noon.从伦敦开出的火车中午要进站。写作佳句 They were so deeply involved in the matter that they found it _.他们在那个问题上陷得太深,难以自拔。答案is pullinginhard to pull out 短 语 点 拨1.in time 及时;终于;迟早高考例句(2014四川,阅读B)We arrived in the s

21、ummer,just in time to enjoy the midnight sun.我们夏季到达,恰好赶上欣赏午夜太阳的奇景。in no time 立刻,马上on time 准时at times 有时at a time 每次,逐一at one time 一度;曾经at no time决不,从不写出下列句中in time的含义I intended to catch the early train,but I didnt get up in time.Youll succeed in time because you are always working hard.Working hard

22、made him successful in time.答案及时迟早终于 2.prevent.from 阻止;制止教材原句They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.他们把过多的二氧化碳释放到大气层中,这使得地球上的热不能释放到太空中去。prevent/stop.(from)doing sthkeep.from doing sth阻止做某事keep.doing sth 使一直做某事protect.f

23、rom保护不受侵袭;挡住;防御单句语法填空/完成句子What can we do to prevent the disease from _ (spread)to other districts?A possible war was finally prevented _ breaking out with their effort.一场可能的战争最终由于他们的努力而避免了。写作佳句If you _,will you let me know ahead of time?如果你有事耽搁不能来的话,请提前告诉我一声好吗?答案spreadingfromare prevented/stopped/ke

24、pt from coming 特别提示:(1)在主动语态中,stop和prevent的搭配中可省去from;而keep.from doing sth中的from不可省略。(2)在被动语态里,这三个搭配中的from均不可省略。3.break out 突发;爆发高考例句(2014重庆,阅读A)War broke out one evening.一天傍晚战争爆发了。break down毁掉;坏掉;(计划/谈判)失败break up打碎;拆散;(会议)结束;分裂(解体)break off (使)停止;中断;折断break into强行进入(某处)单句语法填空/完成句子Should another wo

25、rld war break _,what would become of human beings?万一另一次世界大战爆发,人类将会发生什么事?We had to break _ the house as we had lost the key.因为我们弄丢了钥匙,所以我们不得不破门而入。 写作佳句 A fire _ in the lab,a lot of equipment was damaged.After a fire _in the lab,a lot of equipment was damaged.实验室发生火灾后,很多设备被毁了。答案outintohaving broken ou

26、t;broke out 特别提示:break out强调战争、疾病、火灾等的突然爆发,一般不用于被动语态。 句 式 透 析教材原句 But when I tried to step forward,I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.而当我试着向前迈步时,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。 倍数表达式:(1)倍数as.as.(2)倍数比较级than(3)倍数the size/height/length/width.of.(4)倍数what从句单句语法填空/完成句子They have three times as many cows _ we have.他们拥有三倍于我们的奶牛。My house is twice the size _ my parents.我的房子面积是我父母的两倍。写作佳句 The room is _ that one.这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。答案asofthree times the size of/three times as large as/twice larger than



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