2017-2018学年高中英语 Unit 1 Cultural relics Section 2 Learning about Language课件 新人教版必修2

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1、英语必修必修 人教版人教版新课标导学新课标导学新课标导学新课标导学Unit 1Cultural relics Section Learning about Language 2 2自自主主预预习习3 3合合作作探探究究4 4巩巩固固提提升升5 5课课 时时 作作 业业1 1语语法法精精讲讲语语 法法 精精 讲讲限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句自自 主主 预预 习习用关系词(which/whom/where)完成下列句子。1This gift was the Amber Room, _was given this name because several tons of amber were u

2、sed to make it.2. The amber _was selected had a beautiful yellowbrown colour like honey.3It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, _took the countrys best artists about ten years to make.whichwhichwhich4However,the next King of Prussia,Frederick William I ,to _ the amber room belonged,d

3、ecided not to keep it.5Later,Catherine had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg _she spent her summers.6There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, _was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.whomwherewhich合合 作作 探探 究究一、限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别项目限制性定语从

4、句非限制性定语从句形式与先行词之间不用逗号隔开与先行词之间一般用逗号隔开功能与先行词的关系十分密切,限制了先行词的意义。如果去掉该从句,剩余部分的意思往往不完整,甚至失去意义是先行词的附加说明,如去掉,句子剩余部分的意思仍然完整先行词先行词一般为单个的名词或代词先行词既可为单个的名词或代词,也可为整个句子或其中一部分引导词可用所有的关系代词/副词引导,且关系词作宾语时可省略在所有的关系词中不能用that或why引导非限制性定语从句,且其他引导词不能省略Do you know the woman scientist who has won the Nobel Prize for Medicine

5、?(who引导限制性的定语从句,从句与主句之间无逗号隔开)你知道那位获得了诺贝尔医学奖的女科学家吗?The body of the missing firefighter,who was considered to have escaped from the scene of the fire when they were trying to put out the flames,was found 13 years later.(who引导非限制性定语从句,与主句之间有逗号隔开)这位失踪的消防员的尸体13年后被找到了,当时他被认为在扑灭大火时临阵脱逃。Taobao is a website

6、where you can buy what you want at a good price.(where引导限制性定语从句)淘宝是一个你能以一个合理的价格买到你想要的东西的网站。There are many places of interest in the city, where many visitors will go every year.(where引导非限制性定语从句,主句与从句之间用逗号隔开)在这座城市里有很多的名胜,每年很多的游客会来参观。(2015福建高考)China Today attracts a worldwide readership,which shows th

7、at more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.(which引导非限制性定语从句,主句与从句之间用逗号隔开)今日中国杂志吸引了全世界的读者,这表明世界各地越来越多的人想了解中国。(1)which引导非限制性定语从句时不置于句首。(2)在非限制性定语从句中,关系代词作宾语时不能省略,关系代词指人时,只能用whom,不能用who。(3)关系代词that不引导非限制性定语从句。(4)关系副词where,when及why可以转换成相应的介词which。用适当的关系词填空。(2016天津高考)We will put

8、 off the picnic in the park until next week, _the weather may be better.(2016浙江高考)Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears,none of _has been proved.(2016北京高考)I live next door to a couple _children often make a lot of noise.whenwhichwhose二、非限制性定语从句中需要注意的几个问题1关系副词why不能引导

9、非限制性定语从句,但可用for which 代替why来引导。Many of us wanted to know the reason,for which he didnt attend the meeting.(此处的for which相当于why)我们中的很多人都想知道这个理由,为什么他没有出席会议。2非限制性定语从句由“介词关系代词”引导时,其中的关系代词用which或whom。(2015重庆高考)He wrote many childrens books,nearly half of which were published in the 1990s.他写过很多儿童书籍,将近一半都是在

10、20世纪90年代出版的。The director,with whom Jack shared a dormroom in the Film Academy,has already made four films.这位导演已经执导了四部影片,在电影学院求学时杰克与他同住一间寝室。the 名词of whom/which可换为:of of whom/whom/whichthe名词或whose名词。Seven people were caught in the big fire that broke out on Friday,four of whom(of whom four)were badly

11、injured at the scene.七人被困在星期五发生的大火里,其中四人当场严重受伤。Taj Mahal was built with marble,the colour of which(of which the colour/whose colour)was white.泰姬陵是由大理石建成的,大理石的颜色是白色的。3在“介词which/whom”引导的定语从句中,介词的选择原则。(1)根据介词与动词的搭配关系。There was nobody in the dark street,to whom she could turn for help.在漆黑的街上没有一个她能够寻求帮助的

12、人。(turn to)(2015安徽高考)Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon which school education depends.有些专家认为,阅读是学校教育所依赖的基本技能。(depend upon)(2)根据介词与形容词的搭配关系。I introduced some subjects to her,in which she may be interested.我给她介绍了几个科目,她可能对此感兴趣。(be interested in)(3)根据介词与先行词的关系。The president said t

13、hat he didnt need to explain the reason,for which the plan couldnt be carried out.总监说他不需要解释这项计划不能执行的理由。(for the reason)(4)根据属于与被属于(或部分与整体)的关系。(2014天津高考)English is a language shared by several diverse cultures,each of which uses it differently.英语是一种多文化共享的语言,每一种文化都以不同的方式使用它。4as,which 引导非限制性定语从句的区别。项目a

14、swhich指代引导的从句只能指代整个主句的内容引导的从句既可指代整个主句的内容,又可指代主句的一部分位置可位于主句之前、之中或之后引导的从句不能位于主句之前意义正如这,那功能起连接上下文的作用,表达说话人的观点、看法,并指出主句内容的根据或出处等引导的从句在意义上相当于一个并列句(2015江苏高考)The number of smokers,as is reported,has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.(as引导非限制性定语从句)正如所报道的,烟民的数量仅仅在一年内就下降了17%。(2015重庆高考)As a student in sen

15、ior high school,the most important task is to study hard,which determines our future.(which引导非限制性定语从句)作为一名高中生,最重要的任务就是努力学习,这决定着我们的未来。分析思考下列各句的句子结构并填空。As is known to us all,China has many places of interest.He was late again,which made his teacher angry.He was ill,for which he did not go to school.(1

16、)句中含有 _引导的非限制性的定语从句,as为 _代词,指代整个主句的内容。从句与主句用 _隔开,句子结构为:As.主句。as关系逗号(2)句含有 _引导的 _定语从句。which指代 _的整个意思,在从句中作 _。句子结构为:主句逗号which.。(3)句含有介词 _加关系代词 _引导的非限制性定语从句。which指代 _的整个意思,作介词for的宾语,for which在从句中作 _状语。which非限制性主句主语forwhich主句原因关系代词as引导限制性定语从句时通常用于结构the same.as.及such.as.。He has got such a good chance as

17、everyone else wants.(such.as.,as引导限制性定语从句)他得到了一个其他每个人都想要的一个好机会。(1)as还常用在一些固定结构中,如as we know/as is known to all(众所周知),as we all can see (正如我们大家都能看到的那样),as is often the case (情况常常是这样),as might be imagined (可以想象得到),as might be expected(正如所预料的那样),as has been pointed out(正如所指出的那样),as has been said before

18、/above (正如前文所述),as (it) often happens(像往常一样)。(2)当which在从句中指代的是先行词本身而不是主句时,不可用as代替which。The car,which we saw on the playground yesterday,is Mikes.我们昨天在操场上见到的那辆车是迈克的。填入恰当的介词。There was a prison on the island, _ which nobody escaped.He has made great progress in his work, _which his parents feel proud.Sometimes we may be in a similar situation, _which we have ever been.fromofin完成句子。They have bought an apartment recently, _ ( _)face south.最近他们买了一套公寓,公寓的两个方间朝南。 _,the earth moves around the sun.众所周知,地球围着太阳转。two rooms of whichof which two roomsAs we all know/As is known to all



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