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1、 Unit 2Are they yours?Module 1 Lost and foundGROUPWORK:A:Excuse me. Is this /that your ?B: No, it isnt. Its his/her A:Excuse me . Is this/that your?C: Yes, it is. Its myA: Here you are.C: Thank you.A: Excuse me. Are these/ those your ?B: No, they arent. Theyre his/her A: Excuse me . Are these/ those

2、 your?C: Yes, they are. Theyre myA: Here you are.C: Thank you.A man is talking to a woman at the lost and found office. Hes looking for his_A man is getting on the bus. His _is lost.cameramobile phoneReading and vocabulary1.Complete the sentences with the correct words and expression from the box.ca

3、mera computer mobile phoneget on 反义反义 get off2. Read the passage and answer the questions.1.When do people often lose things?2. Why are there lost and found offices at airports and stations?People often lose things when theyre travlling or when theyre in a hurry.Because people often leave their thin

4、gs on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis.The Lost and Found Office in New York CityThere are bikes, a large boat, a lot of animals and there are also some sausages. They look for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. 3. What do people do at the lost and found office?

5、4. What strange things are there at the New York City Lost and Found Office?1. The Lost and Found Office in New York City 在在纽约市失物招领所。纽约市失物招领所。 Language notes例如:例如:Ok, lets go check at the lost-and-found office.好吧好吧,我们去失物招领处。我们去失物招领处。 2.lose things 丢东西丢东西例如:例如: 1)She went to school in a hurry. 她匆匆忙忙地

6、去学校了她匆匆忙忙地去学校了。2)Dont be in a hurry. 不要着急不要着急。人们在旅行中或是人们在旅行中或是匆匆忙忙匆匆忙忙时经常丢东西。时经常丢东西。2. People often lose things when theyre travelling or when theyre in a hurry.2.) Hurry up, or we cannot get to the railway station on time. 快点儿,快点儿, 否则我否则我们就不能按时赶到火车站了们就不能按时赶到火车站了3.) Hurry up, the taxis waiting. 快点儿,

7、快点儿, 出租车等着呢出租车等着呢。1)Theres no hurry, so do it slowly and carefully.不必赶时间,所以要慢慢地、细心地做。不必赶时间,所以要慢慢地、细心地做。其他与其他与hurry 有关的短语还有有关的短语还有(theres) no hurry, 意思是意思是“不忙,不忙, 不必着急,不必着急, 有充裕的时间有充裕的时间”; hurry up 的意思是的意思是“快点儿,快点儿, 赶紧赶紧”,例如:,例如:leave 表示表示“落下,遗忘落下,遗忘”, 它还有很多其他的含义:它还有很多其他的含义:1.) 表示表示“离开离开”例如例如:Nancy w

8、ants to be a doctor whenshe leaves school.南希毕业后想当一名医生。南希毕业后想当一名医生。3. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. 他们把东西他们把东西落在落在飞机、火车、飞机、火车、 公交车和出租车上。公交车和出租车上。2). 表示表示“把(某人或某物)留在(某处)把(某人或某物)留在(某处)”例如例如:I often leave the kids with Susan.我经常把孩子们留给苏珊(照顾)。我经常把孩子们留给苏珊(照顾)。3.) 表示表示“留到,留到

9、, 留待留待”, 例如:例如:Leave it another week, then tell him hell have to decide.把此事再放一周,到时告诉他必须做出决定。把此事再放一周,到时告诉他必须做出决定。4.) leave 还可以用作名词,还可以用作名词, 表示:表示:“假期,假期, 休假休假” 例如:例如: I have to ask for three days leave. 我得请三天假。我得请三天假。3.Thats why there are lost and found offices at airportsand stations. 这就这就是是机场和火车站都有

10、失物招领机场和火车站都有失物招领办公室办公室的原因的原因。thats why 表示表示“是是 的原因的原因”,常用,常用于句首,于句首,后面跟的是结果,后面跟的是结果, 例如:例如:Tom got up late this morning .That is why he was late for work. 汤姆今天早晨汤姆今天早晨起晚了。着就是他上班迟到的原因。起晚了。着就是他上班迟到的原因。4. Hundreds of people come here every day. 每天都有许多人到这里来。每天都有许多人到这里来。hundred 是一个确数,是一个确数, 表示表示“一百一百”;hu

11、ndreds of是一个概数,是一个概数, 表示表示“好几百,许许多多好几百,许许多多”。当。当hundred 前面有一个具体的数词时,前面有一个具体的数词时,hundred 不变不变为复数,例如:为复数,例如:two hundred cows 两百头奶牛两百头奶牛 about a hundred bikes 大约一百辆自行车大约一百辆自行车再如:再如:two thousand mobile phones and one thousand cameras 两千部手机和一两千部手机和一千个照相机千个照相机当当hundred 与与of 连用时,连用时, 它后边的名词和它它后边的名词和它本身都用复数

12、,本身都用复数, 例如:例如:hundreds of cows 几百头奶牛几百头奶牛再如:再如:thousands of people 成千上万的人成千上万的人 thousands of readers 成千上万的读成千上万的读者者5. look for 与与 find find和和look for 都有都有“找找”的意思,但含义不同。的意思,但含义不同。find 强调强调“找找”的结果,而的结果,而look for 强调强调“找找”的的过程过程请看例句:请看例句:1)He is looking for his bike.他在找他的自行他在找他的自行车。车。2)Im looking for m

13、y watch, but cant find it. 我在找我的手表,但是找不到。我在找我的手表,但是找不到。3)I hope you will soon find your lost wallet. 希望你尽快找到丢失的钱包。希望你尽快找到丢失的钱包。另外,另外,find还有还有“发现发现”;“感到感到”等意思。等意思。例如:例如:I found a wallet in the desk. 我在课桌里发现了一个钱包。我在课桌里发现了一个钱包。I find this book very interesting. 我觉得这本书很有意思。我觉得这本书很有意思。6. Are you looking

14、for fifteen kilos of sausages?你在寻找你在寻找15公斤公斤的香肠吗的香肠吗? 数量词的用法:数量词的用法: kilo后面加名词时常用后面加名词时常用 “数量数量+ kilo (s) + of + 名词名词”结构结构例如:例如:three kilos of eggs 3千克鸡蛋千克鸡蛋 one kilo of vegetables 1公斤蔬公斤蔬菜菜 3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expression from the box.People in a hurry ofte

15、n (1)_things, and there are (2)_things at lost and found offices at (3)_ and (4)_.At the New York City Lost and Found Office, there are also somevery (5)_ things. There are fifteen kilos of (6)_-are they yours? And how do you lose a (7)_ boat on atrain?airport hundreds of large lose sausage station

16、strangelosehundreds ofairportsstationsstrangesausageslargeWhen we lost something, or pick up something, what should we do ? (当我们丢了东西时或者捡到东西时,我们应该怎么做?)Write a lost notice(寻物启事寻物启事) or a found notice (招领启事)招领启事)LostA watchIts white.Please call Mary. Telephone number is 654-321.寻物启事寻物启事,需写明物品,物品特征,失物,需

17、写明物品,物品特征,失物人,还有联系方式人,还有联系方式.用英语写用英语写寻物启事寻物启事Writing用英语写用英语写失物招领失物招领FoundA red pen I found it in class room.Please call Mary at 654-321.失物招领失物招领,要写明拾到的物品及物品特征,要写明拾到的物品及物品特征,还可以具体写一下在哪拾到的还可以具体写一下在哪拾到的, 什么时间捡什么时间捡到的到的, 别忘了写清楚联系人及联系方式别忘了写清楚联系人及联系方式 .Writing4. Read the lost and found notes. Write notes

18、for two more things.My gloves.Theyre blue and white.Call Tony at 8574 9326.Is this your bag?Call Betty at 2369 0390LostFound请根据信息写一份寻物启事Name: HelenLost: a notebook Phone :646-6412Lost: A notebookMy name is Helen. I lost my notebook. Can you help me find it? Please call me at 646-6412. Thank you.Tony

19、 BrownNo.2 Middle schoolClass Two,Grade OneLost(寻物启事)(寻物启事):My school ID card.My name is Tony Brown.Please call 685-6034. Is this your pen?Its black.Please call Miss Ma.Phone#3144829Is this your pen?Call Miss Ma at 3144829.Found:Pen请根据信息写一份请根据信息写一份招领启事招领启事Found: Crayons Are these your crayons ?Pleas

20、e call Mary .Phone # 235-0285.Alan,Is that your silk scarf in the lost and found case? Nick 用英语写失物招领和寻物启事用英语写失物招领和寻物启事招领启示:一个紫色钱包,找招领启示:一个紫色钱包,找John 电话号码:电话号码:3539495寻物:一个照相机寻物:一个照相机 失主是失主是Steve 电话:电话:6034685FoundI found a wallet. Its purple. Is it your wallet?If it is your ring , please call John a

21、t 3539495.Lost I lost a camera. If you find my camera, please call Steve at 6034685.Thank you very much!5. Put these pieces in order to make a message. Write numbers in the boxes.at 529-6403.4call David 3A set of keys. please2 Found: Found: 1Put in order to make a messageMy name is Jack. A backpack.

22、Found: Phone number 63017047.at 63752148.Please call CindyMy notebook.Lost: 12341234归纳:寻物启事和失物招领的归纳:寻物启事和失物招领的格式格式Lost:寻物启事寻物启事 Found:招领启示招领启示My is lost. Is this your .? My name is My name is. Please call at. 数字数字 Please call at 今丢失钱包一个,有拾到者可打今丢失钱包一个,有拾到者可打电话电话695-3059与与David联系。联系。Lost:My MyPleaseis

23、 David.695-3059. 根据所给提示,完成下面的寻物启事。根据所给提示,完成下面的寻物启事。 根据所给提示,完成下面的招领启事。根据所给提示,完成下面的招领启事。捡到一部手机,失者可打电话捡到一部手机,失者可打电话425-6801找找Bob.Found:Is thisPleaseBob.Phone #情景剧编演情景剧编演短剧包括丢物,捡物,交物,领物或还物短剧包括丢物,捡物,交物,领物或还物 Whats this ?Who(谁谁) lost it? I found a /an .I lost my .Where(哪里)(哪里) is it ?Is this your .?Here you are .Found:Lost:2.写一段自己的公告信息写一段自己的公告信息1. 完成作业本(完成作业本(1)(Unit2) 3. 预习预习Unit 3



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