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1、中国土壤分类系统 n2019年由全国第二次土壤普查办公室为汇总年由全国第二次土壤普查办公室为汇总拟订拟订n高级分类自上而下是高级分类自上而下是:土纲、亚纲、土类、亚土纲、亚纲、土类、亚类;类;n低级分类自上而下是低级分类自上而下是:土属、土种和变种土属、土种和变种n中国土壤分类与代码中国土壤分类与代码:GB/T17296-2021中国土壤分类系统n高级分类等级上的土壤分类单元包括了较多高级分类等级上的土壤分类单元包括了较多的土壤个体,个体之间的性质差异大;的土壤个体,个体之间的性质差异大;n低层次分类等级上的分类单元则包括了较少低层次分类等级上的分类单元则包括了较少的土壤个体,并且个体之间的相


3、种则作为基层分类的基本单元。而土种则作为基层分类的基本单元。n各级别划分的依据:各级别划分的依据:n土纲土纲(soil order) 某些土类共性的归纳,是根据土壤成土过程的共同特点及土壤属性的某些共有特性来划分的。某些土类共性的归纳,是根据土壤成土过程的共同特点及土壤属性的某些共有特性来划分的。n亚纲亚纲(suborder) 同一土纲范围内,根据土壤所处水热条件差异所形成的土壤属性的重大差异来划分的。同一土纲范围内,根据土壤所处水热条件差异所形成的土壤属性的重大差异来划分的。n土类土类(soil great group) 依据成土条件、成土过程与发生属性的共同性划分的。土类之间在成土条件、成

4、土过程和土壤性状剖面有明显的差异。依据成土条件、成土过程与发生属性的共同性划分的。土类之间在成土条件、成土过程和土壤性状剖面有明显的差异。n亚类亚类(subgroup) 同一土类范围内的划分。一个土类中,有代表土类概念的典型亚类,也有表示由一个土类向另一土类过渡的亚类。它是根据主要成土过程以外的同一土类范围内的划分。一个土类中,有代表土类概念的典型亚类,也有表示由一个土类向另一土类过渡的亚类。它是根据主要成土过程以外的附加的成土过程来划分的。这一级分类单元上的土壤改良利用的情况基本一致。附加的成土过程来划分的。这一级分类单元上的土壤改良利用的情况基本一致。n土属土属(soil genus) 是

5、由高级分类单元基层分类单元过渡的一个中级分类单元。主要是根据地方性因素如成土母质类型、水文地质状况以及人为活动等来划分的。是由高级分类单元基层分类单元过渡的一个中级分类单元。主要是根据地方性因素如成土母质类型、水文地质状况以及人为活动等来划分的。n土种土种(soil species) 土壤分类系统中的基层分类单元,它处于相同或相似景观部位,其剖面形态特征在数量上基本一致。同一土种的宜耕性、适种性及限制性因土壤分类系统中的基层分类单元,它处于相同或相似景观部位,其剖面形态特征在数量上基本一致。同一土种的宜耕性、适种性及限制性因子基本一致。子基本一致。n亚种亚种(subspecies) 原称变种,


7、,也属连续命名法。土属、土种和亚种均不能自成一段,必须与它的上一级分类单元连用。用。 n本文来自本文来自: 林学苑网林学苑网(gxforestry) 详细出处请参考:详细出处请参考:gxforestry/show.asp?id=2451中国土壤分类系统n分类原则:中国土壤分类系统的原则主要是以土壤发生演变为基础,从成土条件和中心概念着手,以典型土壤和生物气候条件来判断土壤类型。分类原则:中国土壤分类系统的原则主要是以土壤发生演变为基础,从成土条件和中心概念着手,以典型土壤和生物气候条件来判断土壤类型。n级别:中国土壤分类系统共分七级,其中土纲、亚纲、土类、亚类属于高级分类单元,土属、土种和亚种

8、属于基层分类单元。在高级分类中,土类为基本单元,级别:中国土壤分类系统共分七级,其中土纲、亚纲、土类、亚类属于高级分类单元,土属、土种和亚种属于基层分类单元。在高级分类中,土类为基本单元,而土种则作为基层分类的基本单元。而土种则作为基层分类的基本单元。n各级别划分的依据:各级别划分的依据:n土纲土纲(soil order) 某些土类共性的归纳,是根据土壤成土过程的共同特点及土壤属性的某些共有特性来划分的。某些土类共性的归纳,是根据土壤成土过程的共同特点及土壤属性的某些共有特性来划分的。n亚纲亚纲(suborder) 同一土纲范围内,根据土壤所处水热条件差异所形成的土壤属性的重大差异来划分的。同

9、一土纲范围内,根据土壤所处水热条件差异所形成的土壤属性的重大差异来划分的。n土类土类(soil great group) 依据成土条件、成土过程与发生属性的共同性划分的。土类之间在成土条件、成土过程和土壤性状剖面有明显的差异。依据成土条件、成土过程与发生属性的共同性划分的。土类之间在成土条件、成土过程和土壤性状剖面有明显的差异。n亚类亚类(subgroup) 同一土类范围内的划分。一个土类中,有代表土类概念的典型亚类,也有表示由一个土类向另一土类过渡的亚类。它是根据主要成土过程以外的同一土类范围内的划分。一个土类中,有代表土类概念的典型亚类,也有表示由一个土类向另一土类过渡的亚类。它是根据主要

10、成土过程以外的附加的成土过程来划分的。这一级分类单元上的土壤改良利用的情况基本一致。附加的成土过程来划分的。这一级分类单元上的土壤改良利用的情况基本一致。n土属土属(soil genus) 是由高级分类单元基层分类单元过渡的一个中级分类单元。主要是根据地方性因素如成土母质类型、水文地质状况以及人为活动等来划分的。是由高级分类单元基层分类单元过渡的一个中级分类单元。主要是根据地方性因素如成土母质类型、水文地质状况以及人为活动等来划分的。n土种土种(soil species) 土壤分类系统中的基层分类单元,它处于相同或相似景观部位,其剖面形态特征在数量上基本一致。同一土种的宜耕性、适种性及限制性因

11、土壤分类系统中的基层分类单元,它处于相同或相似景观部位,其剖面形态特征在数量上基本一致。同一土种的宜耕性、适种性及限制性因子基本一致。子基本一致。n亚种亚种(subspecies) 原称变种,是在同一土种范围内,根据土壤表层的某些差异来划分的。原称变种,是在同一土种范围内,根据土壤表层的某些差异来划分的。n命名:采用连续命名和分级命名相结合的方法。土纲和亚纲为一段,以土纲为基础,在土纲的前面叠加形容词或副词构成亚纲名称,亚纲名称为连续命名法。土命名:采用连续命名和分级命名相结合的方法。土纲和亚纲为一段,以土纲为基础,在土纲的前面叠加形容词或副词构成亚纲名称,亚纲名称为连续命名法。土类和亚类为一

12、段,以土类名称为基础,加形容词或副词前缀构成亚类名称,也属连续命名法。土属、土种和亚种均不能自成一段,必须与它的上一级分类单元连类和亚类为一段,以土类名称为基础,加形容词或副词前缀构成亚类名称,也属连续命名法。土属、土种和亚种均不能自成一段,必须与它的上一级分类单元连用。用。 n本文来自本文来自: 林学苑网林学苑网(gxforestry) 详细出处请参考:详细出处请参考:gxforestry/show.asp?id=2451土纲土纲n铁铝土纲铁铝土纲淋溶土纲淋溶土纲n半淋溶土半淋溶土钙层土钙层土 n干旱土干旱土漠土漠土n初育土初育土半水成土半水成土n水成土水成土盐碱土盐碱土 n人为土人为土高山

13、土高山土 soil orders(土纲)nTotally 11 orders (Three groups of soil orders).n The largest group includes seven orders(类类) with well-developed horizons or fully weathered mineralsn A second group includes a single soil order that is very rich in organic mattern The last group includes three soil orders with

14、 poorly developed horizons or no horizonsOxisols氧化土)nOxisols 氧化土氧化土(热带地区高度风化和淋热带地区高度风化和淋溶的土壤溶的土壤)nin equatorial, tropical, and subtropical zones on land surfaces n have been stable over long periods of timenusually lack distinct horizons Oxisols (氧化土)nare dominated by stable sesquioxides(三氧化二物三氧化二物)

15、 of aluminum and iron.n are red, yellow, and yellowish-brown colors are normal Oxisol (氧化土)Ultisols老成土)nUltisols(老成土老成土(高度风化和淋溶的一种黄色高度风化和淋溶的一种黄色至红色的土壤至红色的土壤) nDeveloped in nEquatorialnTropical nSubtropicalUltisols老成土nHave been stable over long periods of timenDeveloped in nWarmnMoistnHave clay accum

16、ulationUltisols老成土)nare quite closely related to the Oxisols in outward appearance and environment of origin. nUltisols are reddish to yellowish in colorUltisol profileVertisols (变性土)nDeveloped on certain rock typesnDeveloped in wet-dry climatenDeveloped under grasslandVertisols (变性土)nVertisols stan

17、d in sharp contrast to the Oxisols and Ultisolsn Vertisols are black in colorn Vertisols have a high clay content n Vertisols (变性土)nMuch of the clay shrinks and swells greatly with seasonal changes in soil water contentn Wide, deep vertical cracks develop in the soil during the dry seasonn Alfisols(

18、淋溶土)nThe Alfisols nHave Horizons of eluviation and illuviation of clayAlfisols(淋溶土)nare soils characterized by an argillic(白粘土白粘土) horizonn produced by illuviation(淀积淀积)n The distribution of Alfisols is extremely wide in latitudeSpodosols(灰土)nformed in the cold climate nUnder cold needleleaf forests

19、. nhave a unique property-a B horizonn have a light-clored horizon of eluviation and dense horizon of illuvationSpodosols(灰土)nSpodosolsnSpodosols are nstrongly acidnlow in plant nutrients, such as calcium and magnesium, and low in humus.Histosols(有机土)nHistosolsn This unique soil order nhas a very hi

20、gh content of organic matter in a thick, dark upper layern They have formed in shallow lakes and ponds by accumulation of partially decayed plant matter. Histosols(有机土)Entisols(新成土新成土)nEntisols nhave the combination of a mineral soil nthe absence of distinct horizonsInceptisols(始成土)nInceptisols nare

21、 soils with horizons that are weakly developednthe soil is quite youngn AndisolsnAndisolsn are more than half of the parent mineral matter is volcanic ashn The fine ash particles are glasslike shards(碎片碎片). n Andisols do not appear well in our world Mollisols(软土)nMollisolsnare soils of grasslands n

22、are unique in having a very thick, dark brown to black surface horizonMollisot (软土)Aridisols(旱成土)nAridisols ncharacterize the desert climatenthey are low in organic matter and high in salts. Aridisols旱成土Tundra(冰沼土) SoilsnTundra Soilsnsoils with weakly developed horizons nformed largely of primary mi

23、nerals ranging in size from silt to clay that are broken down by frost action and glacial grinding.(冻结和冰川的擦磨冻结和冰川的擦磨)n nSoil orders take “sol” as postfix(字尾字尾)Story for soilCRIMINAL CASES SOLVED USING EARTH MATERIALSnThe Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) nhas collected and studied soil samples,

24、 minerals for criminal investigations since 1935 nthousands of cases involving Earth materials are studied in the United States each yearn Throughout the world soil is usually collected at crime scenesnworld soil is routinely studied at crime labsnworld soil is often used as physical evidence during

25、 crime trials. CRIMINAL CASES SOLVED USING EARTH MATERIALSA story nA crime had been committed in the foothills(小丘) of the Rocky Mountains, near Denver, Colorado. nOne month later a burning vehicle was found at a dump in New Jersey (on the East Coast of the United States).n Soil samples were taken fr

26、om the fender (挡泥板of the burning car were studied nAnalyses of the soil samples nshowed there were four layers of soil that had built up under the burning cars fender. (挡泥板) nThe outer, recently deposited layer of soil was from the New Jersey dumpsite. nThe three inner layers of soil contained miner

27、als from the Rocky Mountain Front area near Denver, ColoradoA story nGeologists obtained 360 soil samples from the Rocky Mountain Front area near Denver, Coloradoncompare them with those found under the fender of the burning car in New Jersey.n A story nSoil samples were also taken from the victims

28、ranch大农场)n One of the three inner layers of soil under the suspects cars fender matched the soil sample at the crime sceneA story n The second inner layer of soil matched the soil sample obtained at the victims ranch(牧场)A story nThe first inner layer of soil did not match any of the 360 soil samples

29、 taken from the Rocky Mountain Front area near Denver, ColoradonThe suspect was convicted and jailed based upon the results using soil sample comparisonsA story Another Storyntobacco was reported stolen from a farmn Soil samples were taken from the farm where the tobacco had been stolennsamples were

30、 also taken from the leaves of the stolen tobacco and from the suspects farm. Another Storynsoil on the stolen tobacco leavesn did not match the soil samples taken from the suspects farmn but matched soil samples taken from the farm where the tobacco was reported stolen. nThe suspect was arrested ba

31、sed upon the resulting soil sample comparisonsSoil SoftwarenCLUES: Computer-based Learning in Land Use and Envrionmental Sciencesn Soil Science and ManagementnEROSION-3D: Soil Erosion Model InfonEUROSEM: The European Soil Erosion ModelnFAO-AGLS: Tools and SoftwarenFAOSOIL.HLP - FAO Soil Classificati

32、on ProgrammeSoil SoftwarenIdentikit: Expert System for Acid Sulphate SoilsnNAL: Soil/Plant/Water-related SoftwarenName That Soil: Identify and Name Soils by the FAO classification (with USDA translation)nNRCS: Environmental & Economic Models npcSITES: FREE set of software tools designed for developi

33、ng, managing and interrogating soil databasesSoil SoftwarenPEDON Description Program: USDA Natural Resources Conservation ServicenSDE: Soil Depletion Estimates ModelnSoils Explorer: FREE Software from the USDA-NRCS (for the States only)nSoil Physics SoftwarenSPAW: FREE Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Water Mo

34、delnSoilVision: Database software system for the estimation and management of soil-water propertiesSoil SoftwarenTAEX: Texas Agricultural Extension Service Software CataloguenUnsatflow - Desktop Utility to Deal with Elementary Soil Hydrologic ProcessesnUSDA Soil Texture Auto Lookup - FREE Software f

35、rom Christopher Teh Boon SungSoil SoftwarenWaterMod - soil water dynamics in agricultural and environmental systemsnWEPP: Water Erosion Prediction ProgramnWWW-Server for Ecological ModellingSoil SoftwarenCLUES: Computer-based Learning in Land Use and Envrionmental Sciencesn Soil Science and Manageme

36、ntnEROSION-3D: Soil Erosion Model InfonEUROSEM: The European Soil Erosion ModelnFAO-AGLS: Tools and SoftwarenFAOSOIL.HLP - FAO Soil Classification ProgrammeSoil SoftwarenIdentikit: Expert System for Acid Sulphate SoilsnNAL: Soil/Plant/Water-related SoftwarenName That Soil: Identify and Name Soils by

37、 the FAO classification (with USDA translation)nNRCS: Environmental & Economic Models npcSITES: FREE set of software tools designed for developing, managing and interrogating soil databasesSoil SoftwarenPEDON Description Program: USDA Natural Resources Conservation ServicenSDE: Soil Depletion Estima

38、tes ModelnSoils Explorer: FREE Software from the USDA-NRCS (for the States only)nSoil Physics SoftwarenSPAW: FREE Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Water ModelnSoilVision: Database software system for the estimation and management of soil-water propertiesSoil SoftwarenTAEX: Texas Agricultural Extension Service Software CataloguenUnsatflow - Desktop Utility to Deal with Elementary Soil Hydrologic ProcessesnUSDA Soil Texture Auto Lookup - FREE Software from Christopher Teh Boon Sung作业作业n请找到请找到“中国土壤系统分类方案中国土壤系统分类方案n用树形方法表达上述方案中的土壤类型用树形方法表达上述方案中的土壤类型n中国土壤数据库中国土壤数据库



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