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1、 Find out the phrases in pairs等待等待拿出拿出把把拿给拿给看看看着看着走上去走上去逃跑逃跑匆忙上船匆忙上船 跟在后面跟在后面乘下一班轮船乘下一班轮船拿起拿起在在3号船上号船上几分钟前几分钟前下船(车)下船(车)带着手铐带着手铐干得好干得好 wait for hold out show sth. to sb. look at go up run away hurry abroad go after take the next ferry pick up on No. 3 ferry a few minutes ago get off be in handcuffs

2、well donehappen to sb1. 昨天一件令人伤心的事发生在昨天一件令人伤心的事发生在Paul身上身上A sad thing happened to Paul yesterday.2. 他昨天发生了一次可怕的交通事故他昨天发生了一次可怕的交通事故A terrible accident happened to him yesterday.3. 他刚刚发生什么事情了?他刚刚发生什么事情了?What happened to him just now?wait waited-waiting wait for sb/ sth to do.等待等待去做去做 ferry 轮渡轮渡 He _ t

3、he ferry every morning. waits for 昨天我在等船的时候,发生了一件有趣的事情。昨天我在等船的时候,发生了一件有趣的事情。When I _ the ferry, an exciting thing _ me. was waiting for happened to 我等不及假期的到来我等不及假期的到来I cant wait for the holiday to comeThe man hurried aboard, and the two tourists went after him.那个男的那个男的急急忙忙急急忙忙上了船,两名女游客上了船,两名女游客跟着跟着他

4、上了船。他上了船。hurry to some place赶往某地赶往某地hurry to do sth.赶着去做某事赶着去做某事in a hurry = hurriedly匆忙地匆忙地我匆忙地赶去学校。我匆忙地赶去学校。I hurried to school.I hurried to go to school.I went to school hurriedly.I went to school in a hurry.hurry to some placehurry to do sth.in a hurry = hurriedlyBe aboard adv. 登船,登机登船,登机Are all

5、 the passengers aboard the ship?所有的乘客都上船了吗?所有的乘客都上船了吗?hurry aboard匆忙上(船、飞机等)匆忙上(船、飞机等)铃响了铃响了!我们赶紧登船吧。我们赶紧登船吧。Here comes the bell. Lets hurry aboard.The man showed his bag to the women.He showed me a book.He showed a book to me.The man showed the women his bag.The little dog likes going after the chi

6、ldren.=The little dog likes following the children.Three men were going after the boy.Three men were following the boy. on the other side of 在的另一侧。他们住在马路的另一边他们住在马路的另一边They live on the other side of the road.在河的那一边有很多漂亮的花。在河的那一边有很多漂亮的花。There are lots of beautiful flowers on the other side of the rive

7、r. in 可以表示可以表示“穿着;戴着穿着;戴着”.戴着手铐戴着手铐戴着眼镜戴着眼镜穿着绿色的裙子穿着绿色的裙子戴着红色的帽子戴着红色的帽子in handcuffsin glassesin a green dressin a red hat同步练习同步练习:1.It is rude to a_ with others in public places.2.She lost her p_,so he has no money to buy a new coat.3.H_up, or you will be late for school.4.I will tell you how to fin

8、ish the job. F_ me, please.5.Be quick, there are only 5 m_ left.6.Are all the passengers a_ the ship?7.We can take a f_ there.8.He tried to s_some money from that rich lady.9.Soon, the thief was in h_.rgueollowinutesboarderrytealandcuffsurseurry完成句子完成句子:1. 昨天,她昨天,她遭遇了遭遇了一场交通事故一场交通事故.An accident _ _

9、him yesterday.2. 上星期天,上星期天, 他买了一只手表并他买了一只手表并给我看给我看Last Sunday he bought a watch and _ _ _ _.3. 小明的家在小明的家在路的另一侧路的另一侧Xiaomings home is _ _ _ _ _ the road.4. 一个小偷偷了一个女士的钱包后很快一个小偷偷了一个女士的钱包后很快逃跑逃跑了。了。A thief stole a ladys purse and he _ _.5. 我看见几个男的进了警察局,我看见几个男的进了警察局, 他们都他们都戴着手铐戴着手铐.I saw some men go to

10、the police station. They were _ _.6. 我不知道如何我不知道如何处理处理这个问题。这个问题。I dont know how to _ _ the problem.happened toshowed it to meran awayon the other side of in hundcuffsdeal withLanguage points1.Suddenly, he saw an old lady fall over and hurt her leg. (P36)突然,他看见一位老太太摔倒并伤了腿。see sb do sth 意为“看见某人做过某事”, 强

11、调事情发生的结果。see的句型还有:see sb doing sth表示“看见某人(当时)正在做某事”,强调当时事情发生的动作。 同步练习:1. 昨天晚上当我经过操场时,我看见他在打篮球。Last night when I passed the playground, I_ _ _ _. 2. In Shanghai, I saw people _ chickens feet and smelly tofu.A. eat B. eatsC. to eat D. atesaw him playing basketballA2.He rode his bike quickly to keep wa

12、rm. (P36)他加快了蹬车的速度想使身体快点暖起来。他加快了蹬车的速度想使身体快点暖起来。keep 意为意为“保持保持”,连系动词。连系动词后跟,连系动词。连系动词后跟形容词。形容词。keep +keep +形容词,表示形容词,表示“保持某种状保持某种状态态”,如,如: keep warm 保暖;保暖;keep quiet保持保持安静。类似用法的连系动词还有安静。类似用法的连系动词还有feel,如:,如: feel hot 感到热。感到热。同步练习同步练习:1. 每天吃一个苹果能帮你保持身体健康。每天吃一个苹果能帮你保持身体健康。Eating an apple every day can

13、help you_ _.2. 走了很长一段路后,他感到很累。走了很长一段路后,他感到很累。After a long walk, he _ _ _ .keep healthyfelt very tiredUnderline some useful phrases in Reading B on P36熬夜熬夜对某人生气对某人生气考虑考虑独自独自感到内疚感到内疚在在是一侧是一侧Stay up lateBe angry withThink aboutOn ones own Feel guiltyOn the side of 3. stay up late 熬夜熬夜Why did Chen Yu _

14、_ _ last night?Because he had to work on his science project.stay uplate4.be angry with sb. at/ about sth.Because he didnt complete the project, the science teacher was sure to _ _ _ him.He was angry _ (making) such a stupid mistake.beangry withat5.think about 考虑考虑, 思考,研究思考,研究He _ carefully _ his pr

15、oject he wanted to finish it this morning.thoughtaboutCf. think of表示表示1. “考虑考虑,对对有有某种看法某种看法”,可与可与think about互换互换 2. “关心,想出,打算关心,想出,打算”,通常不能,通常不能互换互换6.walk around 四处走四处走7. on ones own 独自地独自地= alone, by oneselfShe should not _ _ _ _ _ in this cold weather without her walking stick.walk around on herow

16、n8.on the side of 在在的一侧的一侧on the other side of 在在的另一侧的另一侧He rode quickly to the telephone booth _ _ _ _ the road and called the ambulance.on the side of9.in a hurry 迅速,赶快迅速,赶快= hurriedlyChen Yu left home _ _ _ and rode quickly to school.in a hurry练习练习1. 玛丽很不高兴,她为没有帮助一个迷路的孩子玛丽很不高兴,她为没有帮助一个迷路的孩子而感到内疚。

17、而感到内疚。Mary was unhappy. She _ _ about not helping the lost child.2. 那个小男孩能独自上学了。那个小男孩能独自上学了。 The little boy can go to school _ _ _.3. 我昨晚感到很累,因此我今天早上很迟醒来。我昨晚感到很累,因此我今天早上很迟醒来。 I felt quite tired last night, so I _ _ last this morning.felt guiltyon his ownwoke up4. 迈克昨晚熬夜了,今天感到很困。迈克昨晚熬夜了,今天感到很困。Mike _

18、 _ _ last night. He feels very sleepy today.5. 在新学期第一天,很多新生在校园里四处走,熟在新学期第一天,很多新生在校园里四处走,熟悉学校。悉学校。 On the first day of the new term, many new students _ _ the school to find their way.6. 相信我,我一定会考上大学的。相信我,我一定会考上大学的。 Believe me. I _ _ _ go to the college.stayed up latewalked aroundam sure toFind out the past tense of the verbswake wokesaysaidstaystayediswasputputriderodethinkthoughtwantwantedseesawfallfellhurthurtlivelivedgetgotfeelfelthavehadcallcalledpickpickeddodid



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