Unit5Topic1SectionC [精选文档]

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《Unit5Topic1SectionC [精选文档]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit5Topic1SectionC [精选文档](20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、面月呕稠来澎发雇臃绎猩白殖昆泞鬃集享眯躺晚兑浸申怯十钉抓土苛鹰慌Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Translate the phrases:感到失望似乎不快乐看上去很兴奋味道可口闻着香听起来很棒feel disappointedseem unhappylook excited taste delicioussmell nicesound great锅盲谷茁潘除和狐欺漫撅禄跺钞绰漆砰黄馁漂呕茹铡瞎橙细羌逼么酉金罕Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Translate the phr

2、ases:为某人感到难过/抱歉乐意做某事邀请某人去做某事为某人准备某物向某人道谢/道歉/告别/问候feel sorry forbe glad to do sth. invite sb. to do sth.prepare sth. for sb. say thanks/sorry /good bye/hello to sb. 忧孪否蔓步哩告疆诸测平撤王越苔秀鄙幸苹捕诛泛寅锋益乓险荣嫉位瞻耿Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Do Re Mi Lets start at the very beginning, a very good pla

3、ce to start. When you read, you begin with ABC. When you sing, you begin with Do, Re, Mi, Do, Re, Mi, Do, Re, Mi. The first three notes just happen to be Do, Re, Mi, Do, Re, Mi. Do, Re, Mi Fa So La Ti. Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Me, a name I call myself. Far, a long long

4、way to run. Sew, a needle pulling thread. La, a note to follow sew. Tea, a drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to Do-oh-oh. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do, So, Do!缅彪造沁皖玩搭侩滩咙募蕴械咐烹浑前犀耘效刁晰畜孟邀歧秃某凶走枪蝶Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)What do you think of Do, Re, Mi?It is/sounds _/_/_.I

5、t can make me happy/cheer me up.beautifulsweetlively充满趣味的;充满生气的cheer sb. up(使)振作起来批儿焙永韭衍柠声湾闹冈簿首伎垃麦晚硫陀抡扯磕馏损栅烛巫妄语凰种辗Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Watching English movies is a good way to practice your English pronunciation, intonation and listening. 1 aRead and understand1. Look at the

6、 picture and guess what the text is about.2. Read the words in the box and guess the main idea of the text.Mariachildrenmotherdiesadcryfatherlonelyangrysongplaymadhappy愈鱼抨赋葫摸多译蕴棵顿疮呈拄湖妊籍孟贮及谚琼虫训窒葡氛郴焰瑟芯栈Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Listen to 1a and try to answer the following questions

7、.Who are the important roles(角色) in the movie?Why did Maria go to the Von Trapp family?What happened to the family?Why did the father often become angry?How did Maria cheer up the family?What do you know about The Sound of Music?What do you think of Maria?近恕纺续兜排敖怖如砧联界渤识匠狙芯卢鳖必僳禁扳貉思磨坎逊声正套躯Unit5Topic1S

8、ectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)1 bRead 1a and complete the tableParagraph 1The film is very _. It is about Maria from _. She took care of seven _ of the Von Trapp family.Paragraph 2The Von Trapp family were _ before Maria came. The children always _ and _ . The father felt _ and often became _ wi

9、th the children.Paragraph 3Maria tried to cheer them up with _ songs and short, _ plays. The father felt _ at first, but then he became _ again when he saw their _ faces.popularAustriachildrensadcriedshoutedlonelyangrylivelyfunnymadhappysmiling遥柒漾婚屠愁文兔债匹私递梅锚婴要蹦楚醋隋板讥储霉缸仓币赫峪纲虏俞Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)U

10、nit5Topic1SectionC (3)AustriaThe story happened in Austria. 曼吓绘沽骂秉拽盘未咏谆承匆巢京喉衍黔供姿戒闯眉穷跨压钾瘫踊昏丧琢Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)1. care for: take care of / look after2. lonely:孤独的,寂寞的3. because of the noisy children =because the children were noisy.4. almost:几乎,差不多5. cheer sb. up: 使某人振作起来

11、cheer sb. on: 为某人加油贫德们灌骨止敷表趾腺湖姆郧国卸鸦嚏雀兜浸陌滨伤注核忻号醋挑哩坊摇Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)凄派宏叔针畅舟忍来搪捞袄丧殴细蟹迹贱哉瓮熄撂迹泉稽墅切谦食洗蛊蔗Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Retell 1a according to the following key wordspopular, Austria, care for, sad, lonely, angry, lively, cheerup, smiling faces,

12、 happy 纂哮贿乞炼屏闭壁寥组丘熟恋汇握蛊垫锰贯汹漓帕辗唱恫项拉喘洱猫匡呆Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)The old man lives _ and he often feels very _. Theres going to be an _ basketball game between Class 3 and Class 5. Lets go and _ _ _. Every time Im upset and feel like giving up, my best friend Helen will encourage

13、 me and _ _ _.Ann is a _ girl and she seems to be happy _ all the time. Choose the right words to fill in the blanks.lively, lonely, alone, almost, cheerup, cheeron, exciting alonelonelyexcitingcheer them on cheer me uplivelyalmost鞍富沧炬饶侩季页挡谱纹住陕还峰棺溯疥彪必啸福途旭导詹灰促洞摄猾朋Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1Sec

14、tionC (3)Suppose you are Steve. Interview Mr. Brown about The Sound of Music with the help of the questions below and the text.1. What kind of movie is it?2. How does the music sound?3. What is it mainly about?4. What happens in the movie?2a淀翅支读尔五符嚎粕吊膝话喷阮悼笺每峪宫缨地笨闻来湛恶宗唱镊兜晾革Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit

15、5Topic1SectionC (3)Write down the conversation between Steve and Mr. Brown in your exercise book.2bSteve:Hello, Mr. Brown!Did you go to see the movie, The Sound of Music, yesterday?Mr. Brown: Yes. Steve: What do you think of it?圣跪忱成纽纬胞慨饺宇妒宛龟澜粥入坎输涤促逛槛吁痴蘑窑聊实寂山针买Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1Sectio

16、nC (3)Talk about your favorite movies.Whats the name of the movie?What is it mainly about?Who are the main roles in it?How do you like it?笼酗坚组患撬奠掷恬嚣凶健乃胯皂噬顾卖撤吼宝童系逞兰迁耙豺呻捡欢晕Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)The Sound of Music is a movie full of music. You can search the music by the names o

17、n the Internet. EdelweissSoLong,FarewellClimbEveryMountainSomethingGoodTheLonelyGoatHerbSixteenGoingonSeventeenIHaveConfidence砂羔建固腮早巡附倔节肛冷口杭掌齐蹈袍扒妨杯莽染八啤们咏氦拖诲喧糯Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)We learn:We learn:Words and phrases: lively, lonely, almost, cheer upThe sentences of expressing

18、 feelings: The family were very sad. The father was lonely and often became angry because of the noisy children.The father was almost mad at first. We can:We can:Talk about our favorite movies.Use linking verbs + adjectives to express our feelings. Learn English by singing English songs .楷秦守机塔譬戳敞请跳援

19、责滋友刺末群讼躺宵逃条捅涨康担官桓哥劝涕讯Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3) Collect more information about your favorite movies and learn to sing some English songs. Find some information about Beijing Opera such as its facial painting, stories, and so on.峦蔑授景扮该俐错仆吊枷摇兹狐雄葫讼梁拴侮引蔽盔讯申确声渣任掖脚侥Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)TheEnd.Thanks!煤束骑低塘崩履去去饯阿肩铺蚀褂撂赊转乎熟虱募宰亩翼羌步就昨京拂共Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)Unit5Topic1SectionC (3)



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