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1、Unit9WheelsModule31、benefit vt. & vi. (使)得益;n. 好处 benefit sb. be of benefit to sb. be beneficial to sb. 对有好处have benefit on 对有益have the benefit of得益于for the benefit of 为了的利益sb. benefits from sth. 某人得益于beneficial adj. 有益处的完成句子。1. 为了人民的利益,我们要不惜一切代价保护大坝。 We should make every effort to protect the dam f

2、or the benefit of the people. 2. 教育事业是有利于人民的事业,我们要把它办好。 The cause of education is of benefit to the people. We should operate it well. 3. 公益活动恩泽于千家万户,我们非常支持。 Everyone has the benefit of public welfare. All of us will support it. 2、convenient adj. 方便的, 合适的; 附近的;容易到达的 It is very convenient to pay by c

3、redit card. 用信用卡付款非常方便。 The house is very convenient for several schools. 这座房子离几所学校很近。 【提示】意为“方便的, 合适的”时, 一般不以人作主语, 而用it作形式主语, 构成it is convenient for sb. to do sth. 这一句型。 It is not convenient for me to return the book now. 我现在不方便还书。 convenience n. U 合适, 方便, 无困难;C 有用的/方便的事、设备或安排 I keep my reference b

4、ooks near my desk for convenience. 我把参考书放在桌子附近以求方便。 at ones convenience在方便时;在适宜的地点 Please send me an answer at your convenience. 请在方便时回信。conveniently adv.方便地, 便利地;合宜地 My house is conveniently near the busstop. 我家就在公共汽车站附近, 非常方便。 汉译英。1. 你明天就开始工作方便吗? Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorro

5、w?2. 我认为我们在机场见面是不方便的。 I dont think it convenient for us to meet at the airport. 3. 有医生住在我们附近是很方便的。 It was a great convenience to have the doctor living near us. 4. 此屋具有所有现代化的设备。 The house has all modern conveniences.3、save vt. 节省, 节约;避免(金钱、时间、精力等的)浪费If I go by bus, it will save me a long walk. 如果我乘公

6、共汽车, 就省得走好长一段路。 拯救,挽救,搭配:save sb. (from) doing sth. 储存,积攒,短语: save up Hes trying to save up for a new car. 他想储存一笔钱买一辆新车。 使免去(不愉快、不方便之事),搭配: save sb. sth.;save sb. doing sth. A brush with a long handle will save you having to bend down. 用长柄刷子,你就不必弯腰了。完成句子。1. 干吗不这样做呢?这样可省去你许多麻烦。Why not do it this way?

7、 Itll save you much trouble. 2. 我们一直在攒钱, 打算去澳大利亚。We have been saving up to go to Australia. 3. 这项工作全部由我们自己做能节省许多开支。 It will save us a lot of expense to do the work all by ourselves. 4. 他救起了落水的男孩, 使他免于淹死。He saved the boy from drowning. 4、provide vt. 供应, 供给, 准备provide sb. with sth.provide sth. for sb.

8、为某人提供某物The temple provided food for the hungry people. 寺庙为饥饿的人们提供食物。They provide the city with fresh milk. 他们为这个城市的人们提供新鲜的牛奶。provide for 为做准备, 防备 You should save some money and provide for the future. 你应该存些钱为将来做准备。 provided (that) 只要, 如果(用作连词) Well buy everything you produce, provided of course the

9、price is right. 当然了,倘若价格合适,我们将采购你们的全部产品。 providing that假如 I will go providing that my expenses are paid. 要是我的费用有人代付我就去。完成句子。1. 如果你们去野营, 我们可以提供你们一顶帐篷。If you want to go camping, we can provide you with a tent. 2. 只要我身体好, 我一定陪你。I will accompany you provided Im well enough. 5、argue vt. 争辩, 争论 argue with

10、 sb. about sth. 因某事和某人争论 He argued with the waitress about the bill of the meal. 他因为那餐饭的账单和服务员争论起来。 argue for/against (doing)sth. 为支持/反对而争论 argue sb. into/out of doing sth. 说服(某人)做/不做(某事)They argued him into withdrawing his complaint. 他们说服他撤回了投诉。 argue thatclause He argued that the boy should not go

11、 on the voyage alone. 他争辩说这孩子不应该一个人去远航。argue away争论不休 They argued away yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午他们一直争个没完。 argument n. 争论; 争辩; 辩论have an argument with sb. about/over sth.His argument is that 他的论点是汉译英。1. 他们就最好的方法展开争论。 They argued about the best method. 2. 别和你母亲争辩。 Dont argue with your mother. 3. 他的论点是

12、公共开支必须缩减。 His argument was that public spending must be reduced. 6、有关pull的短语 pull up (使)停住The car pulled up at the traffic lights. 汽车在交通灯处停了下来。 pull out 从车站开出, 离站 We were still on the platform when the train pulled out. 当火车离站时, 我们仍在站台上。 pull in 到站, 进站 The train pulled in and my mother got out of the

13、 first carriage. 火车进站了, 妈妈从第一个车厢中走出来。 pull away 火车、汽车等开走,开离站 pull over 把开到路边 He pulled the car over to the side of the road and stopped. 他把车开到路边, 停了下来。 pull through 恢复健康 He was badly injured when falling off a horse but he will pull through. 从马上掉下来后, 他严重受伤, 但会恢复的。 pull down 拆毁 That building on the c

14、orner was very old. They pulled it down and put up a modern bank. 角落的那栋楼太旧了。 他们把它拆毁, 建成一栋现代化银行。完成句子。1. 从罗马来的快车准时进站。The express from Rome pulled in on time. 2. 司机遇到交通灯时将车停下来。The driver pulled up when he came to the traffic lights. 7、mean(1)vt. 意思是;意味着What is meant by? What doesmean? 是什么意思?Do you mean

15、 to say? 你的意思是说吗?What do you mean by? 你是什么意思?mean doing意味着What he said meant hiring more workers. 他的意思是再雇一些工人。mean to do意欲, 企图I didnt mean to hurt you. 我本无意要伤害你。mean a lot/a great deal to sb. 对某人重要,对某人有价值Your friendship means a great deal to me. 你的友谊对我极为珍贵。be meant to do sth. 应该干某事I didnt mean to. 我

16、不是有意的。(2) adj. 粗陋的, 破烂不堪的;吝惜的, 自私的 a mean house in a mean street破烂街道上的简陋房屋Her husband is rather mean over money matters. 她的丈夫对钱财相当吝惜。完成句子。1. 对不起,弄疼你了。我不是故意的。Im sorry I hurt you. I didnt mean to. 2. 我没打算让你看那封信。I didnt mean to have you read the letter. 3.我空耗了多年的时光,以为自己对他来说还有一点什么重要性。 I spent years beli

17、eving that I actually meant something to him. 4. Why didnt you tell Anna the truth? I meant to have (我本来打算). But I was lacking in the courage. 5. You were meant to (应该) attend your sisters wedding. Why didnt you come?8、appreciate vt. 欣赏, 感激 appreciate sth./(sb.) doing 感激;感谢;欢迎 I dont appreciate bein

18、g treated like a secondclass citizen. 我不愿被人当作二等公民。 We would appreciate you letting us know of any problems. 如有任何问题,请告诉我们。 appreciate it ifclauseI would appreciate it if you paid in cash. 假如你支付现金的话,我会不胜感激。 appreciate sth./wh/that 理解;意识到;领会I dont think you appreciate how expensive it will be. 我想你不了解它会

19、有多昂贵。 We appreciate your efforts for the development of the company. 我们感激你对公司发展所作的努力。汉译英。1. 我们没有充分认识到他的病情很严重。 We didnt fully appreciate that he was seriously ill. 2. 我们将乐于再次收到你的来信。 We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 3. 如果你愿意教我用电脑, 我满怀感激。 Id appreciate it if you like to teach me how to use t

20、he computer. 根据提示完成句子。4. I appreciate your calling (call) back tonight. 5. I would much appreciate it if you could give me a hand. 9、compare compare A with B 比较A和B Compare this with that, and you will see which is better. 把这个和那个比较一下, 你就可以看出哪个比较好了。 compare A to B 把A比作B, 是非同类事物的抽象比较。Shakespeare compar

21、ed the world to a stage. 莎士比亚把人生比作舞台。 compared to/compared with “与比起来”, 常在句中作状语, 可位于句首或句尾, 介词to和with可通用。 It was a small place then compared to/with what it is now. 和现在比起来, 那时它还是一个小地方。 beyond/without compare 无与伦比;举世无双 完成句子。1. 我们仔细比较了第一份报告和第二份报告。We carefully compared the first report with the second.

22、2. 人们常把姑娘比作花朵。People often compare girls to flowers. 3. 与别人的问题相比,我自己的问题算不了什么。My own problems seem insignificant compared with/toother peoples. 4. 她曾经美丽无比。She used to be a beauty beyond/without compare. 10、agree v. agree to (do) sth. 同意/答应做某事I asked him to help me and he agreed. 我请他帮忙, 他答应了。 agree wi

23、th 与意见一致;与符合;适宜于的健康或体质I do not agree with what you have said. 我不同意你所说的。 agree on 就取得一致意见They all agree on the matter. 他们在这个问题上意见一致。完成句子。1. 玛丽的父亲已同意她嫁给约翰。Marys father has agreed to her marrying John. 2. 这账单与你原来的估计不符合。This bill does not agree with your original estimate. 3. 他们商定了合同的条件。They agreed on/u

24、pon the terms of the contract. 4. 他们立即同意了我们的学习计划。They agreed to our study plan at once. 5. 你所说的故事和我所听到的相符。Your story agreed with what I had already heard. 6. 这气候对我不适宜。The climate doesnt agree with me. 7. 双方商定了谈判的日期。 The two sides have agreed on the date of negotiations. 11、admit vt. 承认, 供认,搭配: admit

25、 n. /pron. /doing/thatclause He admitted his crime. 他招认了罪行。He never admits that he is wrong. 他从不承认自己错了。 be admitted to/into sth. 准许进入(某处) Only ticketholders will be admitted into the stadium.只有持票者才可进入体育场。 admit sb. to/into sth. 准许加入(俱乐部、组织),接收(入学、入院)The society admits all US citizens over 21. 凡 21 岁

26、以上的美国公民均可加入该社团。 Two crash victims were admitted to the local hospital. 两位车祸受害者已送进当地医院。 admission n承认,允许进入/加入;许可汉译英。1. 他承认没有得到允许就进入了那间办公室。 He admitted having entered the office without any permission. 2. 那位年轻人被哈佛录取了。 The young man was admitted to Harvard. 3. 这样的人不允许入党。 Such people shouldnt be admitte

27、d to the Party. 12、get stuck in 被困于I was late because I got/was stuck in the traffic jam. 因为塞车我迟到了。“get过去分词”的常见短语:get caught in为所困 get married结婚get hurt受伤 get scolded受责备 get excited激动 get cheated受骗get started开始 get bored厌烦get paid被付 get confused被弄糊涂get dismissed被开除 get beaten挨打get killed被杀完成句子。1. 车陷

28、入泥泞里了。The car got stuck in the mud. 2. 她被无理免职。She got dismissed unfairly from her post. 3. 人们如今被那些五花八门的食物标签搞得稀里糊涂。 People got confused about all the different labels on food these days. 13、When I asked Jenny Trowe of Greenpeace for advice about how_to_give_up,_she told me six things. (P43) 当我问珍妮托尔关于

29、绿色和平怎样放弃时,她告诉我6件事情。 本句中, 疑问词how动词不定式to give up作介词about的宾语。此外, “疑问词动词不定式”还可作及物动词的宾语、句子的主语和表语等。I dont know what to do next. (宾)我不知道下一步该做什么。When to start hasnt been decided. (主)什么时候出发还没有决定。My problem is where to stay tonight. (表)我的问题是今晚在哪里过夜。汉译英。1. 你能教我怎样用电脑吗? Can you teach me how to use the computer?2

30、. 在哪里举行下一次会议还没有定下来。 Where to hold the next meeting hasnt been decided. 3. 我的问题是如何尽快解决这个问题。 My question is how to solve this problem as soon as possible. ()1. (2010安徽卷) Weve spent too much money recently. Well, it isnt surprising. Our friends and relatives _ around all the time.A. are coming B. had c

31、ome C. were coming D. have been coming D现在完成进行时表示“到目前为止一直在”。Have you been_cycling in the rain?(P36)()2. (2007福建卷) You are always full of _. Can you tell me the secret? Taking plenty of exercise every day.A. power B. strength C. force D. energy Dpower“权力,影响力,控制力”; strength“力气,优势”; force“力,武力”; energy

32、“精力”。be full of energy“精力旺盛”。 Solar cars are cars that use the suns energy for power.(P40) ( )3. (2006浙江)When _ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.A. compared B. being compared C. comparing D. having compared C句子的主语we和compare之间是主

33、动关系,应用现在分词作状语。 But anger and stress are nothing compared_to the real costs of the motor car.(P42)()4.(2010.全国卷) is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been_.Apopular Bmore popularCmost popular Dthe most popularBnever和比较级连用表示最高级的意义。 That new car wont make you more_attractive

34、.(P43) 如何写好定语从句 写好定语从句,掌握先行词与从句的位置非常重要。定语从句要置于先行词(即被修饰词)之后,译为:“的”,其次要掌握从句中引导词的用法。【句型1】 ()先行词 关系代词 从句点津:关系代词代替的是先行词,在从句中要充当主语或宾语。The_child who_is_reading_there is the monitor.在那儿读书的那个孩子是班长。 【句型2】 ()先行词 prep. which / whom 从句 He teaches in a_school,_at_the_back_of_which there is a river. 他在一所学校教书,学校后面有

35、条河。点津:介词(短语)后的关系代词指物时只能用 which,指人时只能用 whom,都不可用 that代替。【句型3】 ()such / the same as 从句 Children should read such_books as_are recommended_to_them_by_their_teachers. 小孩子应该读他们老师所推荐的那些书。点津:as作定语从句连词时,一定要与such / the same搭配。as代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语或宾语。【句型4】 ()先行词 关系副词 从句 The_small_mountain_village where we spent our holiday last month lies in what is now part of Hunan. 上个月我们度假的那个小山村在现在的湖南的一个地方。(where at which)点津:先行词是表示时间、地点或理由的名词。在定语从句中用作状语时用相应的关系副词。



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