高一英语第一册Unit 15 重点词汇解析课件

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1、Unit 15Supplementary Reference Materials1、mystery1) sth that is impossible to understand or explain or about which little is knowne.g. Twenty years after the event, his death _ (仍是一个谜). They never _(解开此谜) of Jims disappearance. (find an explanation for) be a mystery to sb / sth: used to say that sb

2、cant understand sth at alle.g. _(对我是个谜) how she manages to work so fast.2) a strange secret qualitye.g. The ladys mystery _(她的妩媚之所在).adj. mysterious: e.g. remains a mysterysolved the mysteryIts a mystery to memakes her charminga mysterious look / action2、I dont think I know you.1) I think / believe

3、/ suppose / imagine /+从句e.g. He shall not be back until 8. - I dont think / believe / suppose / imagine he shall be back until 8, _ (是吗)? They think she will win the game, _(是吗)?I think / believe / suppose /+sb/sth +to be. I (dont) think / believe / suppose / imagine +从句 I (dont) think / believe / s

4、uppose / imagine so. I think / believe / suppose / imagine not . I hope so. I hope not. (Dont say: I dont hope so)shall hedont they我认为 是我认为 (不)我(不)这样认为我不这样认为我希望如此。我希望不这样2) 疑问词+do you think (believe, suppose, imagine) ?e.g. What do you think _ (现在他在干什么)? Who do you imagine _(一定打扫过)the classroom yeste

5、rday evening? _(你认为他怎么样) he will come here?But we can say: Do you know ?3、recognis(z)e: vt. (not in progressive) n. recognition1) know who sb is or what sth is, because you have seen, heard, experienced, or learned about them in the paste.g. I know him, but when I saw him last night, I could _(差点认不出

6、他了). (recognize ones voice, handwriting, ) he is doing nowmust have cleanedHow do you supposehardly recognize himhow he will come here认出他的声音,认得他的笔迹2) officially accept that organization, government etc. has legal or official authoringe.g. Thats a _ (受到公认的方法) of teaching English.3) be recognized to b

7、e / as : be thought of as being important or very good by a lot of people e.g. He _ (被公认为是之一) of the greatest poets in the 20th century.4) accept and admit, often unwillingly, that sth is truee.g. We recognize that this is an unpleasant _ (不得已而作出的选择). Do you think he _(他觉得是多么地傻吗)?But: know English /

8、 Tom very well; know right from wrong; be known to sb be known as / for; as far as I knowrecognized methodis recognized to be onechoice to have to makerecognized how foolish he looks4、would rather: If you would rather do or have sth, you would prefer to do it or have it. would rather (not) do (than

9、do ) would do rather than do prefer (doing) to (doing) prefer to do rather than do e.g. I would rather swim _(而不打篮球). I would rather _(不对你讲真话)three years ago. would rather sb did sthe.g. I would rather (你不告诉我真相) about the necklace.than play basketballnot have told you the truthyou didnt tell me the

10、truth5、explain: vt. explanation n. 1) make sth clear or easy to understande.g. Tom explained _(他为什么开会迟到). He explained _ (他真的是个警察). He _ (简单地向他们解释了一下情形).2) give or be a reason for sthexplain oneself tell sb who is angry or upset with you the reasons why you did sthe.g. You havent been to school for

11、a few days. I think you _ (最好自我解释一下).say clearly what you meane.g. I didnt mean that. I guess I have not explained myself very well( ).why he was late for the meetingthat he was really a policemanbriefly explained the situation to themhad better explain yourself无法说清楚我是什么意思了6、 matter1) n. a subject o

12、r situation that you have to think about or deal withe.g. You do realize this is _ (一个很严肃的事情), dont you? (请注意强调动词的方法) the matter: e.g. Whats the matter with you?=Whats wrong with you? There is something with your TV.= Something is with your TV. There is nothing with your TV.= Nothing is with your TV

13、. as a matter of fact: no matter what / how / who / when /= what / how / who / when / -evere.g. No matter what you are doing (= you are doing), you must finish it soon. a serious matterwrongthe matterthe matterthe matterthe matterin factWhateverwrongwrongwrongwrong to make matters worse: making a ba

14、d situation even worsee.g. The car had broken down, and to make matters worse( ), it was beginning to rain. a matter of life and death: used to say that a situation is extremely serious or dangerous and sth must be done immediately( )2) vi. be important, esp. be important to you personally or have a

15、 big effect on what happense.g. It doesnt matter. / It wont matter.( ) _ (要紧吗) if I am a little late? _ (即使又何妨/又什么关系) he drinks a little, at least he is happy? I dont care what it looks like - _(要紧的是) that it works.更糟糕的是关乎生死问题; 千钧一发没关系Will it matterWhat does it matter ifwhat matters is7、marry 1) vt.

16、 & vi. become sbs husband or wifee.g. Alice _ (嫁给了,与结婚) a Frenchman. Tom _ (把他的女儿嫁给了) a lawyer. She married well , rich / young / . ( ) Is Jack _ (是结婚了还是单身)? He _ (与结婚) Mary last year. He _ (与结婚)Mary for one year. They _ (结婚) ten years ago. They _ (结婚) for ten years. perform the ceremony at which tw

17、o people get marriede.g. The old captain _ (给他们主持了婚礼).marriedmarried his daughter to嫁给了有钱人 / 很小就结婚了married or singlegot married tohas been married togot marriedhave been marriedmarried them8、continue v. keep happening, existing, or doing sth for a longer period of time without stoppinge.g. He will _

18、 (继续接受教育) in the US. The fighting _ (持续了一周). _ (继续这场讨论) makes no sense(is very pointless). Mary _ (继续工作) after she had had her baby. They _ (饭后接着谈). go on doing go on to do go on with sth (n. / pron.)be continuing his educationcontinued for a weekContinuing with this argumentcontinued to workcontinu

19、ed talking after the meal9、call on sb = = visit sb call at somewhere = = visit somewhere visit sb / somewhere = call on sb to do sth : officially ask a person or organization to do sthe.g.The Party _(号召我们学英语). call oneself : ( ) call up: call in: call attention to: a particular subject or problem ca

20、ll for sb: call for sth: call sth off: say that sth will not take placee.g. The match _ (取消) because of the rain.drop in on sbdrop in at somewherepay a visit to sb / somewherecalls on us to study English自称为ring sb up; telephone someoneask sb to come to you by telephoning themask people to pay attent

21、ion tocollect sb in order to go somewhereneed sth.was called off10、 It was hard to choose. English is difficult (for us) to learn. = . The ice is _(够坚硬的,可以在上面滑). The bag is _ (重得提不起). We have _ (一些作业要做). The teacher _ (给我们布置了一些要做的作业). There is _ 有事要(你)做.Tom: Mary, I am going to the supermarket for s

22、hopping. Do you _ (有什么需要我帮你买的东西吗)?Mary: No, thank you. I have bought what I need. If I have _ (有什么东西要买), I will go shopping on my own. It is difficult (for us) to learn Englishhard enough to skate on(too) heavy to carrysome exercises to dogave us some exercises to dosomething (for you) to dohave som

23、ething to be boughtsomething (I want) to buy11、bring back1) bring sb / sth with you when you return to a placee.g. Could you _ (给我也带点东西回来) if you are going to the shop? We will take you to the concert, and we can also _ (把你给带回来).2) cause sth to returne.g. Those songs certainly _ (使我们回忆起许多往事).bring a

24、bout: bring down: to a low place or a lower level their position of powerbring in: a particular amount ofbring out:bring back a few things for mebring you backbring back a lot of memoriescause sth to happencause sth to come downcause sb to loseintroduce sthearnmoneyproduce a new productbring up: bri

25、ng on: e.g. _ (这到底是怎么搞的)? Have I upset you somehow? make plants or crops grow fastere.g. The hot weather has really _ (使玫瑰生长得更好).12、cost1) vt. (no passive) be able to be bought or made at a certain price ( )e.g. These shoes cost ( ) 25. How much does the coat cost( )? The bridge _ (用了他们100万英镑才建起).ed

26、ucate and care for a childbe sickmake sth bad or unpleasant happenWhatever has brought this onbrought on the rosesare worthWhat does it costcost them one million pounds to buildsth cost sb some money to do result in the loss of sth ( )e.g. Her marriage _ (使她失去了工作). This crisis(危机) has _ (使很多工人失业).2)

27、 n. the amount of money paid or needed to buy, do, or produce sthe.g. Think about _ (养大一个孩子得花多少钱). sth needed, given, or lost in order to obtain sthe.g. War is never worth _ (根本不能弥补它给人类生活所带来的巨大损失).at all costs / at any cost:no matter what the cost or result might be ( ) at the cost of : sth cost sb

28、sthcost her her careercost many workers their jobsthe cost of bringing up a childthe terrible cost in human life不惜任何代价以作为代价But: spend / pay buy = buy for some money take takes costs costs13、pay for sth1) give money for sth you want to buye.g. She _ (买那本书花了5美元). Who is going to _ (付饮料钱)? sbsome time

29、/ money on sth (in) doing sthsbsome money for sthsbsth for sb for some moneysb sthsthsb some time to doItsb some time to do sthItsbsome money to do sthsthsb some money to dopaid $5 for that bookpay for the drinks2) suffer because you have done sthe.g. You will _ (晚上睡得迟,明天怎么受得了). :e.g. When can you _

30、 (给我付工钱)?pay back: e.g. Can you lend me 10 and Ill _ (星期五还给你)? Did I _ (还给你那10英镑了吗)? Has he _ (从你那儿借的钱他还了) from you last week?pay off: 1) vi. be worth the troublee.g. His careful preparation really _ (没有白费).pay for your late night tomorrowpay sb for sthpay me for the workgive sb the money that you o

31、we thempay you back on Fridaypay you back that 10paid back the money (he) borrowedpaid off2) vt. give sb all the money you owe theme.g. Ive _ (付清了余款) on the washing machine. e.g. Two hundred workers _ (被结清工资解雇了).pay in cash / dollars / pounds / ( )pay the bill: ( )be paid by the hour: ( ) paid off t

32、he balancehave been paid off付现金 / 付美元 / 付英镑 / 买单按小时计酬pay sth offpay sb off14、after all1) in spite of things which had been done or thought earlier (usually the sentence)e.g. I was feeling tired, but then Tom said he was going, so _ (我终究还是决定去). Although they met with difficulties, I hear that _ (终究还是

33、成功了).2) dont forget; used when you are giving force to your opinion with good reasons (usually the sentence)e.g. Mary didnt pass the exam, but _ (毕竟她已尽了力). Its not surprising youre tired. _ (毕竟你深夜才睡).I decided to go after alltheyve succeeded after allafter all she had done her bestAfter all, you wer

34、e up until late at nightfollowingfollowed by15、worth: prep. to have a value in moneye.g. How much _ (这项链值多少钱)? The child _ (值得一教). The bicycle is worth _ / _ / _ (值那么多钱). _ an hour early(早到那里是值得的), if you want a good seat. _ (获益匪浅) to talk to the editor.worthy adj.e.g. a worthy person / cause: ( ) H

35、e is worthy of his _/the _ /the _ 他配得上他的 / / This place is worthy of a visit ( = _ ). = This place is worthy _ . = This place is worthy _(这地方值得参观).is the necklace worthis worth teachingits priceits costwhat I paid for itIts well worth getting thereIt would be worth (your) while高尚的人/正义的事业famehonornam

36、e (praise)名气 荣誉名声(赞誉)worth visitingof being visitedto be visited16、at (the) most: at (the) least: 1) ; as many as or more than 2) used when you are giving the smallest thing that sb should doe.g. They could _ (最起码应给我回封信)! more than: 1) 2)e.g. She was _(不只是一个教师). She is operating on a patient now. le

37、ss than:e.g. The next train should _ (没有这趟那么拥挤). no less than:e.g. There were _ (坐有200人之多) in the hall. not more thannot less thanat least have answered my lettermore than a teacherbe less crowded than thisovermore important thannot as muchjust as many asno less than 200 people sitting / seated no m

38、ore than: 1)e.g. His school education _ (加起来总共只有一年). 2)e.g. I am _ (我和你都没有疯).But: I am _ (我不比你更疯). The officials _ (究竟是什么东西,皇帝和大臣们都看不见). more and more: an increasing number of something(反义词: )e.g. _ (越来越多的人) want to learn Chinese in China. more or less: almoste.g. We are expecting 150 delegates(代表)

39、at the conference(会议), more or less(差不多;或多或少).onlyadded up to no more than one yearneither nor no more mad than you arenot more mad than you arecould see no more than the emperorless and lessMore and more people17、attend: vt. 1) be present at an event; go to an event such as a meeting or a classe.g.

40、 I shall be attending _ / _ / _ / _ ( / / / ). How many _ (这个学校有多少学生)?attend to sb / sth: / e.g. I _(有一、二件事情要处理), so I may be late. She is _ (在照看孩子).2) look after sb esp. because they are illattend sbe.g. The queen had a good servant _ (在看护她).the meetinga lectureschoolclasses 参加会议听演讲上学 听课children at

41、tend the schoollook after sbdeal with sthhave got one or two things to attend toattending to the baby(on / upon)attending (on / upon) her18、earn: vt. 1) get money by workinge.g. He _ (挣了许多钱). 2) get sth that you deserve(应得) because of your qualities or actionse.g. She _ (赢得了地位) in the team by traini

42、ng hard.earn money = earn ones / : / earn ones living by doing = earn a living = = earn fame: earned a lot of moneyearned her placemake money赢得信心making a living by doingconfidence respect尊敬make a livingearn ones bread赢得名望19、besides:1) prep. as well as; in addition to; alsoe.g. There were three other

43、 people at the meeting besides Mr Tom.2) adv. in additione.g. I dont think that Im going to Scotland for Christmas. Its such a long way. Besides, I havent got much money left.except: not including a particular person or thing; leaving out; but note.g. I answered all the questions except the last one

44、. I know nothing about what happened in the Europe except what I read in the newspaper. I know nothing about him except that he is from the USA.except fore.g. You wrote a very good article except for your bad handwriting.but: excepte.g. There is no one reading in the library but Tom. All but one of

45、the ships were destroyed in the storm ten years ago.Try to translate the following into English: 我只是静静地坐在椅子上我只是静静地坐在椅子上。 There is nothing for me to do but sit in the chair silently. I had nothing to do but sit in the chair silently. ( = I did nothing but sit in the chair silently.) There is no choic

46、e but to sit in the chair silently . I had no choice but to sit in the chair silently.Thank you!9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。2024/9/182024/9/18Wednesday, September 18, 202410、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/2024 1:45:46 PM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/18Sep-2418-Sep-2412、故人江海别,几度隔山川。2024/9/18

47、2024/9/182024/9/18Wednesday, September 18, 202413、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/202414、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。18 九月 20242024/9/182024/9/182024/9/1815、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。九月 242024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/202416、行动出成果,工作出财富。2024/9/182024/9/1818 September 202417、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的

48、射线向前。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。2024/9/182024/9/18Wednesday, September 18, 202410、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/2024 1:45:46 PM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/18Sep-2418-Sep-2412、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9

49、/18Wednesday, September 18, 202413、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/202414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。18 九月 20242024/9/182024/9/182024/9/1815、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。九月 242024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/202416、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2024/9/182024/9/1818 September 202417、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。2024/9/182024/9/182

50、024/9/182024/9/189、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。2024/9/182024/9/18Wednesday, September 18, 202410、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/2024 1:45:46 PM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/18Sep-2418-Sep-2412、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/18Wednesday, September 18, 202413、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者

51、有力,自胜者强。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/202414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。18 九月 20242024/9/182024/9/182024/9/1815、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。九月 242024/9/182024/9/182024/9/189/18/202416、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2024/9/182024/9/1818 September 202417、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2024/9/182024/9/182024/9/182024/9/18MOMODA POWERPOINTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id urna blandit, eleifend nulla ac, fringilla purus. Nulla iaculis tempor felis ut cursus. 感感 谢谢 您您 的的 下下 载载 观观 看看专家告诉



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