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1、阅读技巧阅读技巧Reading SkillReading-Skill阅读技巧V . Reading SkillsV . Reading Skills: Revision of Developing Vocabulary SkillsRevision of Developing Vocabulary Skills 猜词知识复习猜词知识复习Developing Vocabulary SkillsDeveloping Vocabulary Skills 1. Words have no meanings by themselves. The meanings are provided by you

2、- the reader.2. Words should be learned through context clues : 1) Restatement- synonym : A synonym appears in the same sentence as the word. 2) Restatement-antonym : The clue to meaning is provided through the use of contrast . 3) Explanation : The meaning of the word is explained . Reading-Skill阅读

3、技巧Revision of Developing Vocabulary SkillsRevision of Developing Vocabulary Skills 猜词知识复习猜词知识复习4) Example : A specific example is given , which acts as a clue to meaning .5) Definition : The meaning of the word is defined . 6) Situation : The correct choice from among multiple meanings can be discov

4、ered through the context in which the word is used .3. Words are learned by a study of their structure . A. Roots B. Prefixes C. SuffixesReading-Skill阅读技巧Practice exercise 11. “ Pablo calls out all the time, his teacher said to the childs mother . “ He hits the other children and will not stay in hi

5、s seat . Such behavior is highly undesirable for a student in third-grade classroom . A. wild B. not wanted C. lively D. evil2Western farmers learned to grow crops on dry land . they irrigated the soil , using pipes or canals to carry water to the fields . A. fertilized B. harvested C. brought water

6、 to D. took water from3. The plan was thoughtless . Howard clearly spent no time considering its strengths and weaknesses , and he did not discuss his plan with others . A. dull B. weak C. unintelligent D. done without thinkingDirection : Select the best meaning of the word in italics .Reading-Skill

7、阅读技巧Practice exercise 21.I support the cause of equal rights for women . A.something that makes something happen B. movement in which many people are interested C. matter for a court of law2. The government put pressure on the strikers to go back to work . A. continued weight or force B. a state of

8、trouble or strain C. a compelling influence3. A survey shows that teenagers smoke more than adults . A. a poll B. an oral examination C. a land plan4. We must conclude therefore that teenagers are not aware of the danger of smoking . A. decide B. bring to an end ; finish C. settle5. Heavy people see

9、m to be more prone to heart disease than thin ones . A. liable; likely B. lying face down; C. lying flat Direction : Read each sentence carefully. Then read the meaning in the parentheses . Circle the letter of the meaning that best fits the context of the sentence .Reading-Skill阅读技巧VI. Reading Skil

10、ls : Sentence Comprehension 每个段落都是由各种不同类型的句子组成的,它 包括主题句(topic sentence)和一些用来解释、扩展和支撑主要思想的句子。在这部分我们着重辨认段落中句子和句子之间,句子里各部分之间的联系方式。常见的方式有:例证例证(example)、解释解释(explanation)、对比和对照对比和对照(comparison and contrast)、定义定义(definition)、因果因果(causeeffect)、重复重复(repetition)和结论结论(conclusion)。Reading-Skill阅读技巧VI. Reading

11、Skills : Sentence Comprehension 【例例1】 A. Henry likes all kinds of hot or spicy foods . For instance , he enjoys food containing hot chili peepers . B. In recent years, UFOs have been seen in different parts of the country . For example , there was a rash of sightings in New Hampshire several years a

12、go . More recently , they have been seen in Georgia . C. Mary shows her interest in the womens lib movement in several ways . She speaks to small groups about the importance of equal rights for women . She subscribes to magazines such as MS .1. 例证(例证(example)显然显然A A里的两个句子是通过表示例证的信号词里的两个句子是通过表示例证的信号词

13、“for instancefor instance”联系在一联系在一起的,第二个句子举例说明起的,第二个句子举例说明HenryHenry所喜欢的食物。所喜欢的食物。B B中,信号词中,信号词 for for exampleexample 后面的句子举例说明后面的句子举例说明UFOsUFOs被看到的具体地点。同样被看到的具体地点。同样C C中的第二和中的第二和第三句给出了第三句给出了MaryMary对妇解放运动感兴趣的具体例子。对妇解放运动感兴趣的具体例子。 为了让读者明白无误地理解所读内容,作者常用具体的例证来证明自己的为了让读者明白无误地理解所读内容,作者常用具体的例证来证明自己的主要思想。

14、主要思想。Reading-Skill阅读技巧VI. Reading Skills : Sentence Comprehension【例例2】A. Joe called the doctor because his sister was very ill .B. Frank loves to swim . It makes him feel relaxed after a long , tiring day .C. So many people just refuse to involve themselves in issues of national importance . They fe

15、el that somehow they will get into trouble if they make their views known .2.解释(解释(explanation)为了说明一件事和解释一种行为的理由时,作者常用解释的方法,常见的用于解为了说明一件事和解释一种行为的理由时,作者常用解释的方法,常见的用于解释的信号词有:(释的信号词有:(this is so) because , the reason for this is 等。等。A A中中because because 所引导的从句解释说明了所引导的从句解释说明了Joe Joe 请医生的原因。请医生的原因。B B 中

16、的第二中的第二句解释说明句解释说明Frank Frank 为什么喜欢游泳。为什么喜欢游泳。C C 中第二句告诉我们许多人不愿中第二句告诉我们许多人不愿卷入国家重大问题的原因。因此,卷入国家重大问题的原因。因此,A,B,C A,B,C 三例都属于解释型。三例都属于解释型。Reading-Skill阅读技巧VI. Reading Skills : Sentence Comprehension【例例3】A. Marge is a very talkative person. Her sister Mae, on the other hand , is very shy and quiet .B. S

17、ue is a very talkative person . So is her sister Ann .C. Some states have very strict laws prohibiting gambling . Others , on the other hand , have laws that encourage gambling .3.对比和对照对比和对照 (comparison and contrast)有时作者通过比较两件事或人的相同点和不同点来帮助读者更加清楚有时作者通过比较两件事或人的相同点和不同点来帮助读者更加清楚地理解他的主旨。用来表示比较和对比的信号词有地理

18、解他的主旨。用来表示比较和对比的信号词有:by comparison, on the other hand , on the contrary. A 中,作者告诉我们Marge 和Mae 不同之处的一个方面,他用 on the other hand 表示对照(contrast)。在B 中,作者用so 表明Sue和Ann的相同之处,属于对比型(comparison)。作者在C中陈述了一些州法律严格禁止赌博,而在其他一些州法律则鼓励赌博,作者用on the other hand 表示法律的不同之处。 Reading-Skill阅读技巧VI. Reading Skills : Sentence Co

19、mprehensionSeeing Relationships1) The sentences in a paragraph often relate to the main idea and to each other by A . example B. explanation C. comparisoncontrast4.小结小结2) Some words are guideposts that help you to understand relationships between sentences in a paragraph . A. Some words continue or

20、further the thought : and furthermore moreover also in addition besides B . Some words change the direction of the thought : but yet in spite of however on the contrary nevertheless C .Some words illustrate the thought : for example for instanceReading-Skill阅读技巧VI. Reading Skills : Sentence Comprehe

21、nsionD. Some words explain the thought : (this is so ) because the reason for this isE .Some words show comparison or contrast : by comparison on the contrary on the other hand 3) Punctuation marks can help you to understand relationships within a sentence or paragraph. A. Commas, dashes , parenthes

22、es set off background or explanatory information. B. Colons introduce explanations or enumerations. C. Question marks tell you to look for an answer .Reading-Skill阅读技巧Direction:Each of the following sentences is followed by four statements. For each one , mark E in the space provided if it is an exa

23、mple.1.Different people are inspired in different ways._ Some are inspired by the people they love._ Some are inspired by the chance to make a lot of money._ Some are inspired by the chance to become famous ._ Some people however, are never inspired.2.Good students develop their own systems for taki

24、ng notes in text books._ They may, for example, underline important points._ They also develop a system for taking notes from classroom lectures._ They may put an S to show where a summary is ._ These students usually get better grades.EEEEEEReading-Skill阅读技巧Direction:Each of the following sentences

25、 is followed by four statements. For each one , mark XP in the space provided if it is explanation. 1.Many people like to watch TV._ Its relaxing ._ My neighbor likes to watch TV ._ Its inexpensive ._ They learn from it .3.That furniture is not very appealing ._ It is clumsy looking ._ It is uncomfo

26、rtable ._ That chair is not appealing ._ It is much too expensive .XPXPXPXPReading-Skill阅读技巧VII. Reading Skills :VII. Reading Skills : Sentence Comprehension 理解句子(理解句子(2)第六部分介绍了例证(example)、解释(explanation)、对比和对照(comparison-contrast)三种句子和句子之间以及句子里各部分之间的联系方式。 本部分接着介绍定义定义(definition)(definition)、重复重复(re

27、petitionrepetition)、)、因果因果(cause-effectcause-effect)和结论结论(conclusionconclusion)四个方式。Reading-Skill阅读技巧VII.VII. Sentence Comprehension 理解句子理解句子 1.1.定义(定义(定义(定义(definitiondefinition) 有时作者认为你或许不理解一个词或一个概念的意思,有时作者认为你或许不理解一个词或一个概念的意思,这时候他会定义该词或此概念。这时候他会定义该词或此概念。【例例1】 By a society I mean a number of people

28、 who have lived together long enough to become organized to some degree and who share a common culture.在此句中,作者是要告诉你在此句中,作者是要告诉你society一词一词 的意思,所的意思,所以该句是对以该句是对society一词的定义。一词的定义。Reading-Skill阅读技巧VII.VII. Sentence Comprehension 理解句子理解句子2.2.重复(重复(重复(重复(repetitionrepetition) 有时作者简洁易懂的语言来重复表达他们的主要论点,有时作

29、者简洁易懂的语言来重复表达他们的主要论点,以便使你更好地理解他们。以便使你更好地理解他们。【例例2】 I wish you would discontinue constantly annoying me . Please stop calling me on the phone , writing letters to me ,and waiting for me when I leave my place of work . In other words , please stop bothering me .在上面的例子中,第一句表明了本小段的主要思想,在上面的例子中,第一句表明了本小段

30、的主要思想,第二句属于例证,第三句是对主要思想的重述。第二句属于例证,第三句是对主要思想的重述。Reading-Skill阅读技巧VII. Sentence Comprehension 理解句子理解句子3.3.因果关系(因果关系(因果关系(因果关系(cause-effectcause-effect) 在因果关系中,作者强调一件事情的发生会导致另一件事情的发生,在因果关系中,作者强调一件事情的发生会导致另一件事情的发生,或者一件事情的发生是另一件事情的结果。作者常用的信号词是或者一件事情的发生是另一件事情的结果。作者常用的信号词是: : because of this , as a result

31、 , consequently .【例例3】 A. It is raining outside . The ground is wet . B. Professor X is very boring . Because of this , few people like his class . C. Courses in black history are being offered in many schools . As a result , more people than ever before appreciate the blacks contribution to society

32、 .上面【例3】A中的地面变湿是外面下雨的结果。B中很少有人喜欢Professor x 的课是教授本人惹人讨厌的结果。C中越来越多的人意识到黑人对社会的贡献是许多学校开设黑人历史课的结果。Reading-Skill阅读技巧VII. Sentence Comprehension 理解句子理解句子4.4.结论(结论(结论(结论(conclusionconclusion) 当作者需要做出推论时当作者需要做出推论时, ,他们常常下结论。结论可以是一个理论,他们常常下结论。结论可以是一个理论,一个假设,一个推测或一个见解。一个假设,一个推测或一个见解。【例【例4】A. It is raining out

33、side . The ground will probably become soaked.B. Roslyn has been studying very hard in the science course she is taking . She should earn a top grade . A A中的第二个句子中的第二个句子The ground will probably become soakedThe ground will probably become soaked . . 是作者的一种猜测。是作者的一种猜测。B B中的中的Roslyn Roslyn 应该拿第一名也是作者的

34、猜测。应该拿第一名也是作者的猜测。Reading-Skill阅读技巧VII.VII. Sentence Comprehension 理解句子理解句子1) The sentences in a paragraph often relate to the idea and to each other by A. definition B. repetition C. cause-effect D. conclusion5.5.小结小结小结小结 Seeing RelationshipsSeeing Relationships2) Some words are guideposts that help

35、 you to understand relationships between sentences in a paragraph . A. Some words show that the thought will be repeated : in other words B. Some words may show a cause- effect relationship : because of this consequently as a result thus C. Some words indicate a conclusion . in conclusion therefore

36、as a resultReading-Skill阅读技巧Direction: Each of the following sentences is followed by four statements . For each one , mark D in the space provided if is a definition . Leave it blank if it is not .1. When fuel is scarce , a fireless cooker can help ._ A fireless cooker is a small container that fit

37、s into a larger container with enough space between the two so that some material can be packed around it ._ The fireless cooker may someday be a common household tool ._Fuel refers to anything that will ignite and burn ._The fireless cooker is really very helpful .2. Fallout radiation passes throug

38、h any clothing that is practical to wear ._Clothing does not protect you from fallout radiation ._Fallout refers to the heavier-than-air particles that fall back to earth ._Radiation is a process in which energy is sent out in all directions ._Even waterproof rainwear is not protective .DDReading-Sk

39、ill阅读技巧3. Some people get “carried away” over their automobiles ._ Being “carried away” means paying more attention to it than is really necessary ._They wash it and polish it and buy gadgets to decorate it ._They constantly tinker with it ._Some people really do pay excessive attention to their car

40、s .4. Many people we consider to be heroes today were criticized during their lives for not conforming ._Robert Fulton is one such person ._A hero is a person who is admired for certain qualities or achievements ._Conformity means be having the way you think people want you to rather than according

41、to your own set of values ._Florence Nightingale was a heroine .DDDReading-Skill阅读技巧Direction: Each of the following sentences is followed by four statements . For each one mark R if is repetition . Leave it blank if it is not .1. Music has been essential to humans since the very earliest times ._ P

42、eople used it in religious rites ._ People used it for entertainment ._ Music has been very important to humans since very early times ._ People used in war .2. Belittling Congress is a national pastime ._ People are constantly belittling Congress ._It makes some people feel superior ._It is way of

43、getting rid of our frustrations ._ People all over the country spend time belittling Congress .RRRReading-Skill阅读技巧Direction: Each of the following sentences is followed by statements. For each one mark CE if is cause-effect . Leave it blank if it is not .1. Winter came early and with it came a grea

44、t deal of cold wind and snow ._As a result . swimming and other warm weather activities stopped early ._This resulted in people staying indoors more ._Because of this , the stores were soon sold out of raincoats , snow shovels , and other winter gear ._By comparison , other winters have been milder

45、.3. Sometimes the title of your speech doesnt indicate its real purpose ._As a result people are confused ._When this happens , your speech is less effective ._Because of this you may deceive people ._ It is unfair for the audience not to know the real purpose of the speech .CECECECECEReading-Skill阅

46、读技巧Direction: Each of the following sentences is followed by four statements . For each one , mark CN if is a conclusion . Leave it blank if it is not .1. Humans have been pushed to the surface and kept there by porpoises ._Perhaps they have been taken pity on less well adapted humans and wish to as

47、sist them ._They have saved people from drowning ._They can probably be considered good friends of humans ._My friend was saved by porpoises .3. We live in an age of exciting change ._History will probably record this age as time of insecurity ._One of these changes is the information explosion ._We should benefit immensely from these changes ._It may take years for conditions to become stabilized .CNCNCNCNCNReading-Skill阅读技巧



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