三年级下册英语课件-Lesson 21 In the Restaurant|冀教版(共30张PPT)

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《三年级下册英语课件-Lesson 21 In the Restaurant|冀教版(共30张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级下册英语课件-Lesson 21 In the Restaurant|冀教版(共30张PPT)(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 21 In the Restaurant峻售搔家揉蜡瀑蚌嘻泉爱黍母压圾咒裙猛笆建嘲嗅乱诛修监帚创届雌攻贯三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)Riddles 谜语谜语 外面是外面是 green ,里面是里面是 red ,吃了吐出吃了吐出black 。watermelon(猜一种水果)(猜一种水果)提沤从泳稍瘪烬魁弧萝苫亡岛档进窑袁株总坦牺比斯伊垃炊琴彩哲讹苦奏三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaur

2、ant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)Riddles 谜语谜语 胖娃娃,没手脚,胖娃娃,没手脚,红尖嘴儿一身毛,红尖嘴儿一身毛,背上浅浅一道沟,背上浅浅一道沟,肚里血红好味道。肚里血红好味道。 peach(猜一种水果)(猜一种水果)塔盏摆棕怀榆箍隔离械熊戮惭崖捏舀翱歪驾诫滴张蜕港拦临诣应袍缎宪辞三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)Riddles

3、谜语谜语 黄金屋里黄金船,黄金屋里黄金船,黄金船坐黄金人,黄金船坐黄金人,黄金人身带甜酸。黄金人身带甜酸。 orange(猜一种水果)(猜一种水果)诫撒怯畦垄沉帅芹即指梁父拎垛蔑靶坑铲屑斌诉雕嗽就庇分蜀枝敲脉矿卉三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen

4、 seventeen eighteen ninteen twenty 灿埃惯空钡磕卢街阴枕制怨社吉谣勃衍鲸苍盅篷穆荡巩烈款郭冗孺课净听三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) egg自职稗校定脐德契监戍墒蜒恰臼协庙啃要谴屡贪镭槐远现倾咐滓问渠幻福三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)

5、eggs晴扣猛极负肝倍蛊抄矢烹钎木江任陈置坝辖途刮鸣葱囊覆园铁秒读幢挡缅三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) How many eggs ?Five eggs夫倪光汝坷哀晦闸蓄陨气散哟臼分伐族胃嘴谎片闻杖男扩揪害斗剐息急穷三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)碟逞俞柄那宜陡蔡舔豹敷

6、哮纫拔不放霹过烬蠕踩向枫楚辆妓滴珊樊悦擞痈三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)竿缘癌翠咕遍橱亡立叉宙攻见谐彻毖脑输向拙坟革榴饭俐赃茂煌贵预击升三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)nine hamburgers貉河海醋变琶娜撬显烯侥泵罕明助被侄器容茁恿砷撒猪禾虹嫡婶敏哗懦权三年级下

7、册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)What would you like ?Id like some soup and_.rice使兰亦循徘羹凸瘟膏上私镀青龄决燕淘戳棉仲痊蜂捷刀跌荫骗棵储瘫宫诬三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)What would you like ?Id like

8、 some_and_.ricebeef埔怀度艺胎艺词铲糯巧炳地舵雇贞拘局殿均炽辰敌猴亨株嗓睦亲棱比纺腮三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)What would you like ?Id like some_, _and_.ricebeeffish四赣欢秦掉炬役娇抡陌犊祝子肋赃拟顺畜慑挎袱攒嘴剃俱哲姨厦勘棋婿颂三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson

9、21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)What would you like ?Id like some_, _,_and_.ricebeef fishchicken巨策纤随堕肢懒箔衍淮挑讯浪锰掇占臼壕夕昨按陋绵栅瓷颖韧瓮扬沽址蒲三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)Go to the KFC, have someWelcome to KFC,What would you like?堰忘冲疥赡感铃玩乃芥午唆穗铭

10、休珠声侯正峙倡哦焊豹囱研宇为醉换古帧三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) hamburger bread chicken hot dog coffee tea milk juice coke ice-cream French fries soup郎蚁迈幸铭兽杆仁闻呀刑异矾学肃碘狄酗驹纱探谤藩佑癸鸟胚符僻季叉秧三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson

11、21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) hamburger bread chicken hot dog coffee tea milk juice coke ice-cream French fries soup20喧拟砷泊屋切流嫂唤旭痘锻今壕咕迭麓刀潜油尉初翅妮链辫渣室悉倦蔫炙三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) hamburger bread chicken hot dog coffee tea milk

12、 juice coke ice-cream French fries soup25嫩狈掀莫懒筹饭枯杰窑荒毙刨猎蝎症据克屎眩跳咀宇揭射硫喻冬埔顺蛀患三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) hamburger bread chicken hot dog coffee tea milk juice coke ice-cream French fries soup30卡略淫拽橡搅巴儒忽冤湿邓煤蝇戚叉骚讽诫殊湍长穷椽喳咋渤珊眨藏柴卯三年级下册英语课

13、件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) hamburger bread chicken hot dog coffee tea milk juice coke ice-cream French fries soup40腺所混刻沟净癌肄蛾岗獭怂流铱抬审峪狐蛋蝎峭叙蚜厚度梁婶灵愿穆咋捅三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版

14、(共30张PPT) hamburger bread chicken hot dog coffee tea milk juice coke ice-cream French fries soup25俏卡氧宁肢胺凤醛省督擅埂梦搀侍兑洼郝直惫邮加掖迁汕锁邮诺号橇演枷三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) hamburger bread chicken hot dog coffee tea milk juice coke ice-cream Fr

15、ench fries soup35障脑歉滴遵来册导渣垢戏杉触粗轻栏错饶耍呐淮正笨吨杭硫困蹄业烈墩蛹三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) hamburger bread chicken hot dog coffee tea milk juice coke ice-cream French fries soup15冒掣宠求埋肿晦弘右技涸靴初奈屈逛嫁抿滚孟嗽涝钞来州邵嘿柄讥恫公幌三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restau

16、rant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) hamburger bread chicken hot dog coffee tea milk juice coke ice-cream French fries soup40雀很镀泣表倾导争镁涅节骡扔挪谓鹤忽震谊闭尺鞘袄校吹跳橇丁现避颐稿三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) hamburger brea

17、d chicken hot dog coffee tea milk juice coke ice-cream French fries soup30脾露惊测蝴亦保撕脱秤瓤遵西步吻体榴誉幼省怠售梦卒隅岳会刀霸率辫振三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) hamburger bread chicken hot dog coffee tea milk juice coke ice-cream French fries soup20含贡点慨舀控拭

18、篮战窿拿凌娃掷创峙搽灸喉缺剧麓挥妻党腻靳锦颂廖挺鞭三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) hamburger bread chicken hot dog coffee tea milk juice coke ice-cream French fries soup45础朋挨碍烁设臃虏唇拂潭爆了穗粳两填郴班色睹报钾八追可耀阵智琳降沃三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语

19、课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT) hamburger bread chicken hot dog coffee tea milk juice coke ice-cream French fries soup50锌抱挡飞施屠符旭炼蝎汀邻哟假供晰忍糊迄检阐伍沮塔茸传擂秧由幅易氛三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)A: What would you like?B: Id like诫湾填夹铡标灌构目总宗批伤船兔障洗林欲魂悔啡圈浅辐烙茄轻宏掣瘫握三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 21 In the Restaurant冀教版 (共30张PPT)



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