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1、The IPA for you :12 3例词: am can bag map and apple thank glad happy factory 例句:A black cat.一只黑猫一只黑猫I am really glad to see you.能见到你我真高兴能见到你我真高兴4例词:What can I do for you?Can I help you?Thank you so much for seeing me off. 谢谢你来送我。Im glad to hear that.听到这消息我很高兴。5例句:Happy birthday to you.祝你祝你生日快乐生日快乐!Bei

2、ng happy in my work is most important to me.工作工作中开心最重要。中开心最重要。6/e/7例词:egg pen desk best yes ten bed tennis ready best else例句: Get lost 滚开1.lets have a rest2.Good, better, best. 3.We are the best. 8He is the best students in our class. 他是我们班最好的学生之一。他是我们班最好的学生之一。Get it? 明白了吗?明白了吗?Get out of my face. 从

3、我面前消失从我面前消失When will it be ready?什么时候能准备好?什么时候能准备好?9i10例词:in it is six fish sit this MissEnglish busy difficult 例句:Sit down. 坐下。11Miss Smith misses her mother very much.史密斯小姐非常想念她的母亲。All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。Saying is easy,doing is difficult.说起来容易,做起来难 It is not difficul

4、t to speak English. 说英语不难12u13例词:good book look foot sugar pull push woman put full 例句:Look at the cookbook, Its really good.14例句:Dont push me.别逼我。别逼我。Dont look me like thant.别那样看着我别那样看着我15 短奥音短奥音中嘴嗷哟中嘴嗷哟16例词: sorry boss boy body doctor hospital tomorrow not hot box clock often例句:Sorry to bother you

5、.对不起打扰你了对不起打扰你了.I am sorry I am late.抱歉我来晚了抱歉我来晚了17例句:例句:Get lost! 滚开!滚开!You really did a good job! 你干得非常出你干得非常出色。色。What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天打算做什么?你明天打算做什么?Its a hot potato. (烫手土豆)这是个棘(烫手土豆)这是个棘手的问题手的问题Where are you from?你来自哪里?你来自哪里?I am from China. 我来自中国我来自中国18 小阿音小阿音19例词: cup us bus m

6、ust but club duck funny up much study come love some colour worry 例句: Thank you very much. 非常感谢非常感谢!Dont worry. 别担心。别担心。Dont give up.别放弃。别放弃。Shut up. 闭嘴闭嘴! 20例句:例句: Would you like a cup of tea? 你想来杯茶吗?你想来杯茶吗? Ive heard so much about you.(久仰大名久仰大名)What colour does she like?她喜欢什么颜色?她喜欢什么颜色?How much ar

7、e the eggs?这些鸡蛋多少钱?这些鸡蛋多少钱?How much meat do you want?你想要多少肉?你想要多少肉?21例句:例句: Fuck off. 滚蛋!滚蛋!Dont touch me. 别碰我。别碰我。 You such a jerk! 你这个混蛋。你这个混蛋。Let others worry about small problems, but not you.让别人去担心小问题吧,但不是你让别人去担心小问题吧,但不是你Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.让别人去因小伤痛而哭泣吧,但不是你。让别人去因小伤痛而哭泣

8、吧,但不是你。Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌爱屋及乌22例句:例句: Its a duck soup. 这是鸭汤,小菜这是鸭汤,小菜一碟。一碟。How can I get in with you? 我怎我怎么才能联系上你?么才能联系上你?Come in, please. 请进!请进! Good luck! 祝你好运。祝你好运。23 卷舌音24例词: dinner letter better under river driver doctor visitor word world panda homework housework 例句:The farmers sister is

9、 a doctor.农民的妹妹是一个医生。He always keeps his words.他总是信守诺言。25例句:You have my word.(我向你保证)【电影上经常出现】Its a small world.世界真小啊 Its not the end of the world.这又不是世界末日。26:感叹祖国大感叹祖国大好山河音好山河音27例词: class, grass, park, hard, star, start, farm,例句: you are so smart.你真聪明。Its far to the farm from the park. 从公园到农场很远。28i:

10、穿针引线音穿针引线音29例词:he see week feel eat read speak please meal team beach people 例句 : Tea or coffee? 要茶还是咖啡? Please speak English with me.请和我一起说英语. I feel great today. 我今天感觉非常棒我今天感觉非常棒30例句: See you tomorrow.明天见明天见 3132u:长乌音长乌音 火车叫火车叫33例词:do, who, whose, food, afternoon, cool, school, shoe, soup, fruit,

11、blue, 例句:How do you do? Do you like Chinese food?34例句:You look really cool. 你看起来真的很酷。你看起来真的很酷。Would you like to see a movie this afternoon?今天下午你们想看一个电影吗?今天下午你们想看一个电影吗?3536:中嘴长嗷音中嘴长嗷音37例词例词: morning short horse storm score four fourteen forty born all ball call tall small basketball warm walk 例句:例句:M

12、y uncle is forty-four. Where were you born? 你出生在什么地方?/h:s/b:skitb:l/:t/m:ni/38例句例句:When did you get up yesterday morning? 你昨天早上几点起的床?3940:41例词: work girl T-shirt birthday first third early learn purple Thursday 例句:Lady first ! 女士优先。I,m working on it.我正在努力.Happy birthday to you.祝你生日快乐祝你生日快乐. .42It,s

13、never too late to learn. 什么时候学习都不晚。 How much is that T-shirt? 那件T恤衫多少钱? Is this your first trip to china?这是你第一次来中国吗?43ai爱的 大嘴音44例词例词: I eye My mine five nineteen fine like light right white fight child time China idea try 例句例句: Dont be shy, just try. 不要害羞,尽管尝试.Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同.Good ide

14、a! 好主意!/lait/ 灯光灯光 /rait/正确正确,右方右方main我的我的 /fait/打架打架小小 孩孩 中中 国国 主主 意意 尝尝 试试 再再 见见喜喜 欢欢好好 的的白色白色眼眼 睛睛 五五十九十九 我我形物形物/我的我的45例句例句: Is that right? 那样对吗? I have no idea. 我不知道。46u疯狂 舀水音47例词:例词:hello no know old those coat boat road row , slow, snow, grow, show , window yellow例句例句:Go and open the window.去把

15、窗户打开.show me the photo. 给我看看照片。/n/ /uld/ 48例句例句:How old are you? 你多大了? I know you are going to make it.我知道你会成功。I know youll make it, if you try.如果你尝试,我知道你就会成功I know it like the back of my hand.我对它了如指掌。49ei疯狂 咧嘴音50例词: day, today, play, place, plate, say, game, rain, great,grape, late例句例句:Great wall (

16、伟大的墙)长城 /pleis/ /pleit / /dei/ /sei/ /geim/ reit 51例句例句:What day is it today?今天是星期几?Today is a great day.今天是伟大的一天。The Chinese are a great people.中华民族是一个伟大的民族。Take an umbrella with you, it,s raining.带上雨伞,下雨了。Its raining cats and dogs. 天下着倾盆大雨。Whats the date today? 今天是几号? 52au鬼哭 狼嚎音53例词:例词:our sour mo

17、uth house mountain about round thousand how now down town flower例句例句: I found a mouse in the house.我在房子里发现一只老鼠/baut/54例句:例句:What do you think about it? 你对此怎么看?/baut/55例词例词: air, hair, chair, pear where there, their careful, square例句例句:Where there is a will, there is a way.有梦想就有希望 野兔音野兔音56例词:ear, hea

18、r, year, dear, near, cheer, beer, really例句: Hear with ears.用耳用耳朵听朵听i耳朵音57例词:sure, tourist, poor, February 【februri】例句:Im sure my English is very poor. 我确定我的英语很糟糕。我确定我的英语很糟糕。u 肯定回答音肯定回答音sure58i男孩boy音:音:拇指和其余四拇指和其余四指合拢成半圆后,食指迅速竖起。指合拢成半圆后,食指迅速竖起。例词:例词:boy choice point oil enjoy /indi / 例句:例句: I really

19、enjoyed talking to you. 真的很乐意与你谈话You stand absent choice. 你别无选择59例句:例句:I enjoy losing face. 我热爱丢脸。60you ju: 你,你们你,你们 use ju:z 用用 music mju:zik 音乐音乐computer kmpju:t 电脑,计算机future fju:t 将来将来 Unit ju:nit 单元 student stju:dnt ju:61/吐舌音吐舌音“吐舌音吐舌音”62 吐舌音吐舌音thank /k / thin/in / 谢谢谢谢 瘦的瘦的think/ik/ three/ri: /

20、 想,认为想,认为 3 三三Thursday/:zdi / third/:d / Thu. 星期四星期四 3rd 第三第三thirteen/ :ti:n/ thirty/:ti:/ 13 十三 30 三十63something/,smi / north/n: /一些东西,一些事情一些东西,一些事情 北北 方方thing/i / south/sau/ 东西,事情东西,事情 南南 方方fifth /ff/ twelfth/twelf/ 第五第五 12th 第十二第十二例句例句:1、Thank you!= Thanks! 谢谢!2、What month is this? 现在是几月份? mn 643

21、、I dont think so. 我不这样认为。我不这样认为。4、 Thursday will be my birthday. (星期四是我的生日。)5、Its nothing. 没什么,不用谢.6、Thing will be get better.事情会好起来7、Nothing can stop me, nothing can stand in my way.没什么能阻挡我。65例句:例句: I dont think your plan will work. 我认为你的计划行不通。66/ /咬舌音咬舌音67 咬舌音咬舌音father /f: / mother /m/ 父亲父亲 母亲母亲we

22、ather/we/ there / 天气天气 那里那里this /is/ that /t/ 这个这个 那个那个these /i:z/ those /uz / 这些这些 那些那些68then their together1、Neither father nor mother likes this weather. 爸爸和妈妈都不喜欢这天气。2、A: Whose pen is this?这只笔是谁的?B: Its Roberts pen. 它是罗伯特的。A: And whose books are these?这些书呢B: Theyre Lucys books.它们是露西的。3、Those are

23、 my new shoes!那些是我的新鞋.4、These are my clothes. 这些是我的衣服.69Im feeling under the weather.我觉得不舒服。Whats the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?70/m/ 【闭嘴鼻音】【闭嘴鼻音】71/m/ 闭嘴鼻音闭嘴鼻音 例词例词: name same time come some home Madam Miss Mr(mister) mine man woman make much month名字名字时间时间来来一些一些家家女士女士小姐小姐先生先生MyMy的名词性物主代词的名词性物主代词男人

24、男人女人女人制作制作非常非常月份月份同样同样72例句例句:1、Whats your name?你叫什么名字?2、Whats the time? 几点了?3、Come here! 来这儿里!4、Ill be back home tomorrow morning. 我将在明天早晨回家。5、Yes-sir! 是的,长官!Yes Madam!是的,夫人736、Thank you very much! 非常感谢!7、Whats your mobile phone number? 你手机号是什么?8、How much money do you make a month?你一个月赚多少钱?9、Im goin

25、g to see him on Monday morning.我将要在星期一早上去看他.74/n/ 【开口鼻音】【开口鼻音】75/n/ 开口鼻音开口鼻音 nine learn listen oftenthen when down brown fineplan rain train turn begin join /lisn/ daun /fain/fn/nain/frend/mauntin/en/braun 学学 习习常常常常什么时候什么时候计计 划划下下 雨雨火车火车轮到,转变轮到,转变开开 始始参参 加加76例句:例句:1、I will see you tomorrow afternoon

26、 我们明天下午见。2、I enjoy singing English songs to young children . 我喜欢向小朋友们唱英文歌3、I want to be number one.我想成为第一4、When is lunch going to be ready?午饭什么时候好?5、Morning, Ladies and gentlemen! 女士们,先生们!早上好!77/ 撒娇鼻音撒娇鼻音78/ 撒娇鼻音撒娇鼻音 thing something anythingnothing everything angry singer sing sang song strong young

27、 long morning evening swing i 东西,事情东西,事情一些事情一些事情任何事情任何事情没有东西没有东西每一件事情每一件事情生生 气气歌歌 手手唱唱 歌歌过去时过去时歌歌 曲曲强强 壮壮年年 轻轻长长 的的早早 晨晨晚晚 上上荡秋千荡秋千79例句:例句: 1、Anything else? Thats really something.那真是了不起2、Nothing is important than me3、Who is you favorite singer?你最喜欢的歌手是谁?4、Im thinking of drinking this evening.我在想今晚去喝酒。5、I think youre making progress in your English. 我觉得你的英语在进步。6、There isnt anything interesting in the newspaper today. 今天报上没有什么有趣。7.Thank you for everything. 谢谢(你所做的)一切80例句:例句: Nothing down, nothing up.(没有落就没有起)【人间规律】81/t/ 【气冲舌尖【气冲舌尖 齿根音】齿根音】8283



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