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1、何少健何少健He shaojian广西医科大学组胚教研室广西医科大学组胚教研室办公地点:办公地点:104104馆三楼馆三楼关于教学改革的几点补充关于教学改革的几点补充教学模式教学模式满堂灌、全部点满堂灌、全部点启发式启发式教学方式教学方式教师讲授、归纳教师讲授、归纳学生全盘笔记学生全盘笔记教师抛砖引玉教师抛砖引玉学生自学为主学生自学为主学习方式学习方式被动式被动式主动式主动式学习方法学习方法死记硬背死记硬背理解式记忆理解式记忆教学目的教学目的以通过考试以通过考试为目的为目的通过考试通过考试检验学习效果检验学习效果Constitution Constitution of human body o

2、f human body from macroscopy to microscopy from macroscopy to microscopyhuman human body body systemssystemsorgansorganstissuestissuescellscells and and intercellularintercellularMaterialsMaterials间质间质subcellularsubcellularstructuresstructuresEMEMMoleculeMolecules s分分子子atomsatomsatomic nucleus elect

3、ron NeutronNeutron中子中子ProtonProton质子质子研究研究正常机体正常机体的的细微结构细微结构及其及其相关功能相关功能的科学。的科学。组织学组织学上皮组织上皮组织结缔组织结缔组织肌组织肌组织神经组织神经组织基本组织基本组织Constitution Constitution of human body of human body from macroscopy to microscopy from macroscopy to microscopyhuman human body body systemssystemsorgansorganstissuestissuesc

4、ellscells and and intercellularintercellularmaterialsmaterialssubcellularsubcellularstructuresstructuresmoleculemolecules satomsatomsatomic nucleus electron neutronneutronprotonprotonClassification of GlandsStructure of Exocrine Glands Types of Glandular Cells* Covering Epithelium * Glandular Epithe

5、lium and Glands* Specialized Structure of Epithelial Cell Exocrine Gland Endocrine Gland Acinus or Secretory Portion DuctSerous cellMucous cell* Covering Epithelium * Glandular Epithelium and Glands* Specialized Structure of Epithelial CellFree Specialization Lateral 侧面侧面Spec.Basal Spec.MicrovilliCi

6、lia Tight Junction Intermediate JunctionDesmosome Gap Junction Basement Membrane Plesma Membrane InfoldingHemidesmosome*Connective *Connective Tissues Tissues ProperProper * Blood * Blood and Lymph and Lymph* Cartilage* Cartilage and and Bone BoneLoose Loose Connective Connective TissueTissueDense C

7、onnective Dense Connective Tissue TissueAdipose TissueAdipose TissueReticular TissueReticular TissueCellsCellsFibersFibers GroundGroundSubstanceSubstanceFibroblastsPlasma CellsMacrophagesMast CellsAdipose Cells未分化的间充质细胞未分化的间充质细胞 白细胞白细胞 Collagen FibersReticular FibersElastic FibersProteoglycan (formi

8、ng molecular sieve)GlycoproteinTissue FluidMesenchyme*Shape *Structuer*Function*Connective *Connective Tissues Tissues ProperProper* Blood * Blood and Lymph and Lymph* Cartilage* Cartilage and and Bone BoneLoose Connective TissueLoose Connective Tissue Dense Dense Connective Connective Tissue Tissue

9、 AdiposeAdipose Tissue TissueReticular Reticular Tissue TissueDense Regular Connective TissueDense Irregular Connective TissueElastic TissueWhite Adipose TissueBlown Adipose TissueReticular CellsReticular FibersMatrix* Blood and LymphErythrocytesLeukocytesBlood Platelets* Connective * Connective Tis

10、sues Tissues Proper ProperStructure of Bone MarrowHaemopoiesisBlood (1) Structure of Bone Marrow and Haemopoiesis Lymph* Cartilage* Cartilage And Bone And Bone* Cartilage* Cartilage And Bone And BoneHyaline CartilageFibrous CartilageElastic Cartilage* Connective * Connective Tissues Proper Tissues P

11、roper* Blood * Blood and Lymph and LymphBone TissueLong BoneCartilageCartilage(1 1)BoneBone(2 2)Bone Bone developmentdevelopmentIntramembranous Ossification Endochondral OssificationHe shaojian (何少健何少健)&* Skeletal Muscle* Cardiac Muscle* Smooth Muscle Structuer Under L.M (1) Ultrastructure & Molecul

12、ar Constitution Mechanism of Contraction Types of Skeletal Muscle FibersMyofibrils Transverse tubules(T-tubules)Sarcoplasmic reticulum, (L-tubules)* Skeletal Muscle Ultrastructure & Molecular ConstitutionMyofibrils (2)Thick filaments(3)Thin filaments Myosin(肌球蛋白)(肌球蛋白)Actin(肌动蛋白)(肌动蛋白)Tropomyosin(原(

13、原肌球蛋白肌球蛋白)Troponin(肌钙蛋白)(肌钙蛋白)* Skeletal Muscle* Cardiac Muscle* Smooth Muscle Structuer Under L.M Ultrastructure & Molecular Constitution Mechanism Of Contraction(5) Types of Skeletal Muscle FibersMyofibrils Transverse tubules(T-tubules)(4)Sarcoplasmic reticulum, (L-tubules)* Skeletal Muscle* Cardi

14、ac Muscle* Smooth Muscle Structuer Under L.MUltrastructure & Molecular ConstitutionTransverse tubules (T-tubules) Sarcoplasmic reticulum (L-tubules)Thick filamentsThin filamentsStructuer Under L.M.Ultrastructure & Molecular ConstitutionMechanism of Contraction Neuron Synapse Neuroglia cell Neural St

15、em Cell Nerve Fiber and Nerve Nerve ending Degeneration and Regeneration of Nerve FiberShape (1)Structure (2)Classification SomaNeuriteMembraneNucleusPerikaryon The Numbers of Neurite Long or Short Axon Function Releasing the Sorts of NeurotransmittersDendritesAxonClassificationof Neurons (3) The Nu

16、mber of Neurites Long or Short Axon Function Releasing the Sorts of Neurotrans- mittersPseudounipolar NeuronBipolar NeuronMultipolar NeuronGolgi type I NeuronGolgi type II NeuronSensory NeuronInterneuron Motor NeuronCholinergic NeuronAminergic NeuronPeptidergic NeuronSynapse(1)(1)NeuronTypesClassifi

17、-cationStructure of Chemical SynapsesAxodendritic SynapseAxospinous SynapseAxosomatic SynapseAxoaxonal SynapseDendrodendritic SynapseElectrical SynapseChemical SynapsePresynaptic Element (Synaptic Bouton)Synaptic Cleft Postsynaptic ElementStructure Influence OnNext Cell Excitatory SynapseInhibitory

18、SynapseNeuroglia or glial CellNeuronSynapseGlial Cell In the Central Nervous SystemGlial CellIn the Peripheral Nervous SystemAstrocytesOligodendrocytesMicrogliaEpendymal CellsNeural Stem Cell Nerve Fiber and Nerve Nerve ending Degeneration and Regeneration of Nerve FiberSchwann Cells Satellite Cells

19、 *Shape *Structuer*Function*Shape *Structuer*Function*Shape *Structuer*FunctionNeuronSynapseNeuroglia or glial Cell Nerve Fiber and Nerve Nerve ending Degeneration and Regeneration of Nerve FiberSelf-replication Differentiated potency( labeled protein nestin )Neural Stem CellNerve Fiber and NerveNeu

20、ronSynapseNeuroglia CellNeural Stem CellNerve Fiber(1 1)NerveMyelinated N. F. In the Peripheral Nervous SystemMyelinated N. F. In the Central Nervous SystemNerve Ending Degeneration and Regeneration of Nerve FiberMye-linated N. F.(2)Unmye-linated N. F.Unmyelinated N. F. In the Peripheral Nervous Sys

21、temUnmyelinated N. F. In the Central Nervous SystemNerve EndingNeuron SynapseNeuroglia CellNeural Stem CellNerve Fiber and NerveSensory Nerve EndingMotor Nerve EndingDegeneration and Regeneration of Nerve FiberFree Nerve EndingEncapsulated Nerve Ending Tactile Corpuscle (触觉小体)(触觉小体)Lamellar Corpuscl

22、e(环层小体)环层小体)Muscle Spindle(肌梭)(肌梭)Somatic Motor Nerve EndingVisceral Motor Nerve EndingDegeneration and Regeneration of Nerve Fiber*Neuron *Synapse *Neuroglia Cell*Neural Stem Cell*Nerve Fiber and Nerve *Nerve EndingDegenerationRegeneration1 1、通过组织学总论的学习,你对组织学有何认识?、通过组织学总论的学习,你对组织学有何认识?2 2、请将每一基本组织的

23、框架列出。、请将每一基本组织的框架列出。3 3、各基本组织的知识点有哪些?、各基本组织的知识点有哪些?4 4、各基本组织的知识点如何构成各基本组织、各基本组织的知识点如何构成各基本组织 的内容?的内容? 5、你如何理解结构和功能的关系(举例说明)?你如何理解结构和功能的关系(举例说明)? OVER*Cartilage*CartilageandandBoneBoneHyaline Cartilage Fibrous Cartilage Elastic Cartilage* Connective * Connective Tissues Proper Tissues Proper* Blood a

24、nd Lymph* Blood and LymphCartilage Tissue PerichondriumFormation and Growth of CartilageCartilage MatrixChondrocyteInterstitial GrowthAppositional Growth* Bone* BoneBone Tissue Long Bone* Connective * Connective Tissues Proper Tissues Proper* Blood and * Blood and Lymph Lymph* Cartilage* CartilageBo

25、ne MatrixBone CellsOsteoprogenitor CellOsteoblastsOsteocytesOsteoclastsSpongy BoneCompact BonePeriosteum(Outer/inner) Circumferential LamellaeOsteon or Haversian SystemInterstitial Lamellae BloodNeutrophilic Granulocyte (Neutrophils) Eosinophilic Granulocyte (Eosinophils) Basophilic Granulocyte (Bas

26、ophils)Monocytes LymphocytesErythrocytesLeukocytesBlood Platelets*Shape *Structuer*Function*Shape *Structuer*Function*Shape *Structuer*Function1.Components(组成)(组成): 2. Muscle cells and a litter of L.C.T. 3.2. Types : 4. Skeletal muscle (骨骼肌)(骨骼肌)5. Cardiac muscle (心肌)(心肌)6. Smooth muscle (平滑肌)(平滑肌)3

27、. The Several Terminology:Muscle fiber/cell(肌纤维(肌纤维/肌细胞):肌细胞): Because of their shape like the fiber.Sarcolemma(肌膜):(肌膜): The membrane of the muscle cell.Sarcoplasm(肌质(肌质/浆):浆): The plasma of the muscle cell.Sarcoplasmic Reticulum(肌质(肌质/浆网):浆网): The smooth endoplasmic reticulum of the muscle cell.(1

28、) Shape & Size(2) Nucleus(3) Sarcoplasm(1) Shape & Size: long cylinder 1 40 mm in the length 10100 m in diameter(2) Nucleus (Nuclei ): polynucleation peripheral flat-ellipse (扁椭圆形扁椭圆形)(3)Sarcoplasm: Sarcoplasm is full of longitudinal myofibrils, and among them there are many organelles such as mitoc

29、hondria.Myofibril(肌原纤维):(肌原纤维): Each myofibril is composed of repeating subunits called sarcomeres,which are composed of myofilaments.Skeletal MuscleSkeletal Muscle Fibers(longitudinal section)MyofibrilCross StriationMuscle Satellite CellSkeletal Muscle Fibers(transverse section)Muscle Cell Myofibri

30、lNucleiMuscle Fiber and MyofibrilMuscle FiberMyofibril I band A bandCross StriationMuscle Fiber and MyofibrilMuscle FiberMyofibril I band A bandCross StriationI band.(I/明带明带) A band.(A/暗带暗带) Band Patterns of the MyofibrilMuscle Fiber and MyofibrilMuscle FiberMyofibril I band A bandCross StriationMyo

31、fibrilI bandA band线线Myofibril(electronic microscope)A band band lineI bandlineline I band.(明带明带): Z line. Thin line in middle of the I band, caused by the presence of the Z disk. Band Patterns of the Myofibril线线Myofibril(electronic microscope)A band band lineI bandlineline A band.(暗带暗带): H band M li

32、ne Band Patterns of the Myofibril线线Myofibril(electronic microscope)A band band lineI bandlineline A band.(暗带暗带): H band. The central region of the A band, which is slightly lighter in appearance because it does not have thin filaments in it. Band Patterns of the Myofibril A band.(暗带暗带): M line There

33、 is a central dark line in A band. there are structural proteins at the location that bind to thick filaments to keep them in register. Band Patterns of the Myofibril线线Myofibril(electronic microscope)A band band lineI bandlinelineSarcomere(Sarcomere(肌节肌节) ) A segment of myofibril between two neighbo

34、r Z line. I band + A band + I band The basal contractile apparatus of skeletal muscle cells.Location:Structure:Function:MyofibrilI bandA bandlineline band lineMyofibrillinelineThick Filamentline lineline H band I band(thin filament only)A band(thick filament only)thin & thick filamentsCross bridge M

35、olecule Myosin(bean-bud shape)Head(ATPase)RodTroponin肌钙(原)蛋白肌钙(原)蛋白Actin肌动蛋白肌动蛋白Tropomyosin原肌球蛋白原肌球蛋白Thin FilamentComposed mainly of the protein actin. Smaller amounts of tropomyosin and troponin are present. The pointcombined with myosina pair of spiral chains of molecule actinActin肌动蛋白肌动蛋白Single m

36、olecule actin Tropomyosin 原肌球蛋白原肌球蛋白a pair of spiral chains of multipeptideTroponin 肌钙(原)蛋白肌钙(原)蛋白(three subunites)Troponin 肌钙(原)蛋白肌钙(原)蛋白Composed of three spherical subunites, namely, TnT、TnI、TnC.TnTTnITnCcombined with Ca2+regulate mutual link between actin and myosinhelp troponin adhere to tropomy

37、osin The plasma membrane has tubular invaginations, called T-tubules, that run into the cytoplasm, branching and surrounding myofibrils. T-tubulesMyofibrilSarcoplasmT-tubulesA bandI bandThin & Thick FilamentsTerminal Cisterna Their function is to carry the action potential(动作电位动作电位) into the cell in

38、terior. They associate closely with the SER in the cell. Their location is at the interface between I band and A band in skeletal muscle cell. It forms a network between and around the myofibrils. At level of A band - I band interface, there are terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum that

39、flank a T-tubule. Usually two terminal cisternae /per T tubule: therefore this complex is called a triad(三连体). Two triads/per sarcomere. It can reserve calcium ions.T-tubules&L-tubulesMyofibrilSarcoplasmT-tubulesA bandI bandThin & Thick FilamentsL-tubulesTerminal CisternaN N冲动冲动 肌膜肌膜 横小管横小管 终池终池及及纵小

40、管纵小管,释放释放钙离子钙离子钙离子钙离子与与肌钙蛋白肌钙蛋白结合结合 细肌丝细肌丝构形改变,构形改变,暴露出暴露出肌动蛋白肌动蛋白的结合的结合位点位点粗、细肌丝粗、细肌丝接触接触 肌球蛋白肌球蛋白分子头分子头ATPATP酶酶被激活,分解被激活,分解ATPATP释放能量释放能量 粗肌丝粗肌丝拉着拉着细肌丝细肌丝向向M M线线方向滑动,方向滑动,肌节肌节缩短。缩短。收缩结束后,收缩结束后,钙离子钙离子被泵回被泵回肌浆网肌浆网,肌钙蛋肌钙蛋白白等恢复原状,肌纤维松弛。等恢复原状,肌纤维松弛。M线 肌球蛋白头肌动蛋白肌钙蛋白TC原肌球蛋白松弛时松弛时Z线Z Z线线收缩时:收缩时:肌节肌节Z Z线线Z

41、 Z线线Z Z线线H H带带 M M线线松弛时:松弛时:肌丝滑动,各带变化模式图肌丝滑动,各带变化模式图肌丝滑动模式图肌丝滑动模式图* Nerve Cells(Neurons): They are the basal structural and functional unite. They can receive stimulations, integrate informations and transmit nervous impulses. Some neurons has the endocrine function.* Neuroglia Cells(Neuroglia): The

42、y play an important role in the support , the nutrition, the protection and the insulation for neurons.NeuritesSomaAxonDendritesShape of Neurons (section)H.E stainH.E stain silver stainsilver stainThe soma includes the nucleus and the perikaryon. Nucleuslarge, round, clear, and having distinct nucle

43、olus PerikaryonContains rich organelles The special organelles areNeuron H.E high mag.Nissls bodiesNeurofibrilStructure of NeuronNissls bodies Nissls bodies (尼氏体尼氏体 )Definition:The basalphilic substances in the cytoplasm of neuron.Component:Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum, RER. &Free RibosomesFunction:s

44、ynthesize protein.Neuron H.E high mag.NeurofibrilsNeurofibrils(神经原纤维)(神经原纤维)Definition:They are the filaments, which can be demonstrated with silver stain, in cytoplasm.Component:They consists of aggregate of microtubules and neurofilaments. Function:They support the neurons as a cell skeleton and a

45、re also involved in the transportation of substances.Neuron silver stain, high mag.1、According to the number of their processesMultipolar NeuronBipolar NeuronPseudounipolar Neuron2 2、 According to the size of soma and the length of axon:Golgi type:Large soma and long axon Golgi type:Small soma and s

46、hort axonAxon3 3、 According to the functions: Sensory Neuron(or Afferent )Motor Neuron(or Efferent )Interneuron Model of nerve reflex circle4、According to releasing the sorts of neurotransmitters or neuromodulators: Cholinergic Neurons(胆碱能神经元)(胆碱能神经元) Aminergic Neurons(胺能神经元)(胺能神经元) Peptidergic Neur

47、ons(肽能神经元)(肽能神经元) In general, a neuron can only release a kind of neurotransmitters(神经递质)(神经递质) or neuromodulators(神经调质)(神经调质).Synapse(突触). Definition: It is a specialised cellular junction between a neuron and another one, or a neuron and an effecting cell, where the transmission of messages occurs

48、. Type of the Synapse * Axodendritic Synapses * Axospinous Synapses * Axosomatic Synapses * Axoaxonal Synapses * Dendrodendritic Synapses. Classification: Electrical Synapses Chemical Synapses. Definition: A nerve fiber is composed of an axon and a surrounding sheath formed by the neuroglial cell. 2

49、 . Classification: *Myelinated nerve fiber (有髓神经纤维)(有髓神经纤维) *Unmyelinated nerve fiber (无髓神经纤维)(无髓神经纤维)3 . Formation of the Myelin Sheath: Glial cell first fixes to the surface of the axon and the axon penetrates into a groove of glial cell cytoplasm. The edges of the groove then fuse together to for

50、m a mesaxon(轴突系膜轴突系膜). Therefor, the glial cell starts to rotate around the axon. During this process, the mesaxon elongates and forms a myelin lamella. Formation of the Myelin SheathNucleus of Glial cellAxonMyelin Sheath见动画见动画髓鞘形成示意(动画)髓鞘形成示意(动画)Unmyelinated Nerve FiberIn the Peripheral Nervous SystemRelationship of Schwann Cell and Unmyelinated Nerve FibersSchwann CellAxonsMode of nerve impulse conduction Saltatory conduction: Myelinated nerve fiberContinuous conduction:Unmyelinated nerve fiberRanviernodes



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