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1、初中英语暑期培训http:/ What will we do in the training course?2. What will we do this afternoon? http:/ examples1.Its summer holiday now.2.The policeman stopped the car. http:/ 人总是存在于特定历史、地域、文化、人际交往等时空条件中。人在打上情境的烙印、为情境所影响的同时也改变和创造着情境。 http:/ fast BRICsroad rage pride and prejudice http:/ 学习基础:决定学习的好坏错误一犯再犯:

2、只订正了行为,并未订正思维 http:/ aims goals objectives (总体)目的学期(目标)单元/课时(目标) 提问, 回答, 理答(教师处理学生的回答)http:/ : 师:师:WhatWhats this?s this?生:生:Bird.Bird.师:师:What bird?What bird?生:生:ErEr parrot. parrot.师:师:What do you think of it?What do you think of it?生:生:Beautiful.Beautiful.师:师:Anything else?Anything else? 生:生:Very

3、 beautiful.Very beautiful. 师:师:Sit down.Sit down. 生:生:http:/ “它给孩子们回到自我,留下了空间。” http:/ Ellis:学习语言包括三项内容v背诵 learning by heartv习惯养成 forming habitsv运用规则 acquiring ruleshttp:/ 2考察单一的认知行为 3题干只能有一个中心(是记忆还是理解?) 4选项中相同的内容尽可能不放在选项中 5避免试题纯粹以个人知识为基础,避免猜 6思维过程不要过于复杂 7备选项在内容和语法上具有同质性 8选项与题干形成逻辑关系 9选项在意思上不要重叠 10避

4、免题干对选项的提示作用http:/ Did you see a girl in white pass by just now? No, sir. I _ a newspaper. A. read B. was reading C. would read D. am reading2. What language do people _ in Canada? English and French. A. tell B. say .C. speak D. talk3. Sir, can you please drive faster? I have to get to the station as

5、 soon as possible. My train _ in 20 minutes. A. started B. leaves C. going D. comehttp:/ The story happened _ winter morning. A. in a cold B. on a cold C. in a hot D. on a hot5. The story happened _ a cold winter morning. A. in B. on C. for D. at6. He _ a bus to school every day . A. take B. takes C

6、. by D. bys 7. Tom, _ your T-shirt right now! It looks so dirty. Sorry, Mum. I _ the whole afternoon. A. take off; had played football B. put on; was playing football C. take off; was playing football D. put on; am playing footballhttp:/ 考查内容考查内容1、听力技能2、口语技能3、阅读技能4、写作技能5、语言知识的运用能力http:/ 理解能力以及从口头语言材

7、料中获取信理解能力以及从口头语言材料中获取信 息的能力。语音识别和辨别能力是听力息的能力。语音识别和辨别能力是听力 技能的基础,但不应在脱离语境的情况技能的基础,但不应在脱离语境的情况 下单纯考查学生的辨音能力。下单纯考查学生的辨音能力。 http:/ 。 ( ) 1 . What sport does the man like best? ( ) 2. Which country is Linda from? http:/ HORSE-RIDING HOLIDAYSDailyprogramme 10.00 a.m.: help get horse ready check (1) _ 11.3

8、0 a.m.: ride begins 12.00 p.m.: stop near (2) _ or lake 4.00 p.m.: arrive back at Centre.Thingstotake - strong shoes or (3) _ - warm clothes - small bag to hold (4) _ http:/ 3判断正误。判断正误。4 4根据录音内容排列顺序。根据录音内容排列顺序。5 5根据录音内容匹配。根据录音内容匹配。 1. Tom Smith A a student from USA2. Mary Shaw B a salesgirl at a com

9、puter company3. Nick Hansen C a P.E. teacher at a high school4. Sue Parker D a doctor taking care of children5. Peter Roberts E a shop assistant http:/ 语音方面的问题:辅音发音太重,元音发音不准确, 不按意群停顿,语调生硬不自然, 语速过快,吞音严重,缺乏语感。 对策:加强对平时教学的管理,改变课堂教学结构, 抓听力教学,重视口语训练。初中起始年级 尤其要重视语音教学,做好中小学语音教学 衔接,打好扎实的语音基础和语音技能。 http:/ 2.

10、情景问答2分(中文背景介绍和要点, 根据提问回答两个问题,问两遍) 3.话题简述5分http:/ 布告栏布告栏Saturdays Dance PartyThere arent any tickets left. Anyone who ordered a ticket and hasnt given me the money should do so before tomorrow. Jean MartinWhatdoesthisnoticesay?A.Reserved tickets must be paid for today.B. You can order tickets by tomo

11、rrow.C. Tickets for the party can be collected after tomorrow.Saturdays Dance PartyThere arent any tickets left. Anyone who ordered a ticket and hasnt given me the money should do so before tomorrow. Jean Martinhttp:/ 2把文章中的句子还原。把文章中的句子还原。 I have been wondering if you would like to come and spend a

12、couple of weeks at my house this summer. We have a spare room in the house. 1 So there will be no problem in putting you up. The best time to come would be in August since the weather is usually good then and 2 . There is a large castle about twenty kilometers from the house. It is said that it has

13、a history of 500 years. 3 As you know, I live in a fairly small village and you might think that there would not be much to do, but, in fact, it is a very lively place, especially in the summer when there are always plenty of things going on. 4 One of the most enjoyable of the summer events is an in

14、ternational jazz festival which takes place in the middle of August and lasts for over a week. 5 It is always great fun to listen to the music. Please let me know if and when you can come so that I can begin making plans for your stay as soon as possible. http:/ If you are interested in that, we cou

15、ld easily go there.B we would be able to get out quite oftenC I dont think you will be very bored.D It is always used for guests.E It attracts people from all over the world every year. http:/ 语言知识的运用能力语语言言知知识识的的运运用用能能力力指指学学生生在在一一定定的的语语境境中中运运用用语语音音知知识识、语语法法知知识识、词词汇汇知知识识、语语用用知知识识的的能能力力。应应着着重重考考查查学学生生

16、综综合合运运用用语语言言知知识识的的能能力力,不不能能孤孤立立地地考考查查某某些些知知识识点点,更更不不能能机机械械地地考考查查对知识的记忆。对知识的记忆。http:/ think English is very _.A. interest B. interestingC. interests D. interestedhttp:/ 连贯性;连贯性;语言难度适当,题材是学生比较熟悉的内容;语言难度适当,题材是学生比较熟悉的内容;所选短文的长度要适当;所选短文的长度要适当;不宜在短文的首句和末句中挖空;不宜在短文的首句和末句中挖空;空白之间的间距要适当。空白之间的间距要适当。(不宜把语言知识以外

17、的其他知识作为 考查的重点) http:/ Xuzhou is _. A. so a beautiful city B. very a beautiful city C. such beautiful a city D. such a beautiful cityhttp:/ Jackie Chan is kind and helpful. He often joins _ (慈善) events.2. Do you know that the sun brings us _ (温暖)?3. A3s a young man, we have the duty to protect the _

18、(环境).4. Football is an excellent game for people to learn team _ (精神). 5. He will write to me as soon as he _(到达)Xuzhou.http:/ 写 作 技 能写写的的技技能能指指学学生生运运用用所所学学语语言言知知识识与与技技能能进进行行信信息息沟沟通通、再再现现生生活活经经历历、描描述述周周围围事事物物、发发表表意意见见和和观观点点的的能能力力。应应着着重重考考查查学学生生以以书书面面形形式式表表达达意意义义的的能能力力,不能孤立地考查词汇或语法的掌握情况。不能孤立地考查词汇或语法的

19、掌握情况。 http:/ http:/ 1所提供的信息要清楚、准确,要保证所提供的信息要清楚、准确,要保证 所有学生都能正确理解题意和写作所有学生都能正确理解题意和写作 要求。要求。2 2考查重点是学生表达思想、再现生活考查重点是学生表达思想、再现生活 经历、描述事物、发表观点的能力,经历、描述事物、发表观点的能力, 而不是纯粹的语法知识和词汇知识而不是纯粹的语法知识和词汇知识 的掌握情况。的掌握情况。http:/ 3给学生提供的模拟情景要真实可信,贴近学给学生提供的模拟情景要真实可信,贴近学 生的现实生活与社会实际;模拟的情景应符生的现实生活与社会实际;模拟的情景应符 合学生的年龄特点,应尽

20、量是学生曾经历过合学生的年龄特点,应尽量是学生曾经历过 或将会经历的事情;或将会经历的事情;4 4不应该考查学生写作之外的能力;写作的不应该考查学生写作之外的能力;写作的 难度应与试卷其他部分的难度相同和相近。难度应与试卷其他部分的难度相同和相近。http:/ 二十年前二十年前现在现在TwentyyearsagoSandyandKittywereinthesameclass. Later they went to different colleges. They had not seen each other since then. Last week they met on the stre

21、et! l好朋友,同桌l爱好相同,经常 一起l 烦恼l职业,家庭l变化(外貌、性格)l愿望http:/ 课程实施中的突出问题分析:课程实施中的突出问题分析: 课程实施过程中难度拔高现象严重:课程实施过程中难度拔高现象严重: 课程标准对教学基本要求的描述精度不够,课程标准对教学基本要求的描述精度不够, 表述课程基本要求的学习水平界定不科学、表述课程基本要求的学习水平界定不科学、 不清晰,缺乏操作性和规定性。不清晰,缺乏操作性和规定性。 课程实施和考试评价中,难度难以把握,导课程实施和考试评价中,难度难以把握,导 致整个教学过程的课程要求被不断拔高。致整个教学过程的课程要求被不断拔高。 http:/ 結結 語語一一個個和和尚尚向向大大師師請請益益:大大師師,請請開開示我禪道吧!示我禪道吧!大師說:請問你吃過早餐了嗎?大師說:請問你吃過早餐了嗎?和尚說:我吃過了呀。和尚說:我吃過了呀。大師說:那就快去洗碗筷吧!大師說:那就快去洗碗筷吧!http:/ you!http:/



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