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1、The The SpeedSpeedof Trustof Trust信任信任The One Thing That Changes EverythingThe One Thing That Changes Everything改變一切改變一切MorningMorning莫逆莫逆Contents Contents 內容內容?The One Thing That Changes Everything?The First Wave Self Trust?The Second Wave Relationship Trust?The Third, Fourth, and Fifth Waves Stake

2、holder Trust?Inspiring Trust?Suggested Actions?改變一切的一件事改變一切的一件事第一波第一波:自我信任自我信任第二波第二波:人己間信任人己間信任第三、四、五波第三、四、五波:關關係人間的信任係人間的信任? 激發信任激發信任? 建議行動方案建議行動方案The One Thing That Changes Everything改變一切的一件事改變一切的一件事?Which is trustNothing is as fast as the speed of trustTrust increases speed and reduces costStrate

3、gy x execution x trust = resultsTrust is a function of both character and competenceTrust can be created, destroyed and restoredTrust can be effectively taught and learned, and it can become a leverageable, strategic advantageNot trusting people is a greater riskEstablishing trust with the one estab

4、lishes trust with the many?就是信任就是信任凡事信任最急凡事信任最急信任讓事情做得更快,成本更低信任讓事情做得更快,成本更低策略策略x執行執行 x 信任信任 = 成果成果信任是特質和能力的函數信任是特質和能力的函數信任可以建立信任可以建立,摧毀和重建摧毀和重建信任可以有效地傳授信任可以有效地傳授, 學習並且學習並且帶來槓桿效應的策略效益帶來槓桿效應的策略效益不相信人比相信人更危險不相信人比相信人更危險和一個人建立信任關係,同時可和一個人建立信任關係,同時可以延伸到許多人以延伸到許多人?You can do something about this!你能改變信任你能改變

5、信任“ 5 Waves of Trust 5 Waves of Trust”?The First Wave: Self TrustThe First Wave: Self Trust?The Second Wave: Relationship The Second Wave: Relationship TrustTrust?The Third Wave: Organizational The Third Wave: Organizational TrustTrust?The Fourth Wave: Market TrustThe Fourth Wave: Market Trust?The F

6、ifth Wave: Societal Trust The Fifth Wave: Societal Trust 信任五波信任五波? 第一波第一波:自我信任自我信任? 第二波第二波:人己關係信任人己關係信任? 第三波第三波:組織信任組織信任? 第四波第四波:市場信任市場信任? 第五波第五波:社會信任社會信任You can do something about this!你能改變信任你能改變信任“ 5 Waves of Trust 5 Waves of Trust ”?The First Wave: Self TrustThe First Wave: Self Trust?The Second

7、Wave: Relationship Trust?The Third Wave: Organizational Trust?The Fourth Wave: Market Trust?The Fifth Wave: Societal Trust信任五波信任五波? 第一波第一波:自我信任自我信任? 第二波第二波:人己關係信人己關係信任任? 第三波第三波:組織信任組織信任? 第四波第四波:市場信任市場信任? 第五波第五波:社會信任社會信任The First Wave: Self TrustThe First Wave: Self Trust第一波第一波:自我信任(一)自我信任(一)The 4 Co

8、res of CredibilityThe 4 Cores of Credibility1. Integrity: are you congruent?Make and keep commitments to yourselfStand for somethingBe open 2. Intent: Whats your agenda?Examine and refine your motivesDeclare your intentChoose abundance信用的四核心信用的四核心1. 正直正直:前後一致,表裡如一前後一致,表裡如一?承諾並信守承諾並信守堅持立場堅持立場心胸開擴心胸開擴

9、2. 意向意向:到底要甚麼?到底要甚麼?檢討調整動機檢討調整動機明示意向明示意向大家都豐收大家都豐收The First Wave: Self TrustThe First Wave: Self Trust第一波第一波:自我信任自我信任(二)二)The 4 Cores of CredibilityThe 4 Cores of Credibility3. Capabilities: Are you relevant?Run with your strengths (and with your purpose)Keep yourself relevantKnow where youre going信

10、用的四核心信用的四核心3. 能力能力:相關要項夠嗎?相關要項夠嗎?全力以赴(鎖定目標全力以赴(鎖定目標)不斷充實相關要項不斷充實相關要項知所行止知所行止4. 結果結果:你的記錄?你的記錄?對結果負責對結果負責要有贏的期望要有贏的期望收尾有力收尾有力4. Results: Whats your tract recordTake responsibility for resultsExpect to winFinishing strongYou can do something about this!你能改變信任你能改變信任信任五波信任五波“ 5 Waves of Trust 5 Waves of

11、 Trust”? 第一波:自我信任信任?The First Wave: Self TrustThe First Wave: Self Trust?The Second Wave: Relationship TrustThe Second Wave: Relationship Trust? 第二波第二波:人己關係信任人己關係信任?The Third Wave: Organizational TrustThe Third Wave: Organizational Trust? 第三波:組織信任信任?The Fourth Wave: Market TrustThe Fourth Wave: Mark

12、et Trust? 第四波:市場信任信任?The Fifth Wave: Societal TrustThe Fifth Wave: Societal Trust? 第五波:社會信任信任The Second Wave: Relationship TrustThe Second Wave: Relationship Trust第二波第二波:人己關係信任(一)人己關係信任(一)The 13 BehaviorsThe 13 Behaviors1. Talk straightBe honest. Tell the truth. Let people Be honest. Tell the truth.

13、 Let people know where you stand. Use simple know where you stand. Use simple language. Call things what they are. language. Call things what they are. Demonstrates integrity. Dont manipulate Demonstrates integrity. Dont manipulate people or distort facts. Dont spin the people or distort facts. Dont

14、 spin the truth. Dont leave false impression.truth. Dont leave false impression.2. Demonstrate respectGenuinely care for others. Show you Genuinely care for others. Show you care. Respect the dignity of every person care. Respect the dignity of every person and every role. Treat everyone with and ev

15、ery role. Treat everyone with respect, expecially those who cant do respect, expecially those who cant do anything for you. Show kindness in the anything for you. Show kindness in the little things. Dont fake caring. Dont little things. Dont fake caring. Dont attempt to be attempt to be “efficientef

16、ficient” with people. with people.13 項行為項行為1. 直言直言誠實。講真話。讓它人瞭解你的誠實。講真話。讓它人瞭解你的立場。用平實語言。確實陳述。立場。用平實語言。確實陳述。展現正直。不操縱人或扭曲事實。展現正直。不操縱人或扭曲事實。不淹蓋真相。避免留下錯誤印象。不淹蓋真相。避免留下錯誤印象。2. 展現遵重展現遵重真心關心他人。展現你的愛心。真心關心他人。展現你的愛心。遵重每個人的自尊和他們擔任的遵重每個人的自尊和他們擔任的角色。敬重每一個人甚至對自己角色。敬重每一個人甚至對自己毫無幫助的人。小事上表現慈悲毫無幫助的人。小事上表現慈悲心。不做虛偽愛心。不要

17、對人一心。不做虛偽愛心。不要對人一昧講求效率。昧講求效率。The Second Wave: Relationship TrustThe Second Wave: Relationship Trust第二波第二波:人己關係信任(二)人己關係信任(二)The 13 BehaviorsThe 13 Behaviors3. Create transparencyTell the truth in a way people can verify. Get real and genuine. Be open and authentic. Err on the side of disclosure. Ope

18、rate on the premise of “What you see is what you get.” Dont have hidden agenda. Dont hide information.4. Right wrongsMake things right when youre wrong. Apologize quickly. Make restitution where possible. Practice “service recoveries.” Demonstrate personal humility. Dont cover things up. Dont let pr

19、ide get in the way of doing the right thing.13 項行為項行為3. 透明透明交待足以令人求證的真相。發掘交待足以令人求證的真相。發掘真相和純真。坦誠有根據。不隱真相和純真。坦誠有根據。不隱瞞過錯。堅持你看到的就是你即瞞過錯。堅持你看到的就是你即將得到的。不要有隱藏意圖。不將得到的。不要有隱藏意圖。不掩蓋資訊。掩蓋資訊。4. 導正錯誤導正錯誤知過必改。立即致歉。盡力補償。知過必改。立即致歉。盡力補償。弭補缺失。謙虛。不演掩飾。不弭補缺失。謙虛。不演掩飾。不讓驕傲阻擋該做的事。讓驕傲阻擋該做的事。The Second Wave: Relationship

20、 TrustThe Second Wave: Relationship Trust第二波第二波:人己關係信任(三)人己關係信任(三)The 13 BehaviorsThe 13 Behaviors5. Show loyalty5. Show loyaltyGive credit freely. Acknowledge the contributions of others. Speak about people as if they were present. Represent others who arent there to speak for themselves. Dont bad-

21、mouth others behind their backs. Dont disclose others private information.6. Deliver results6. Deliver resultsEstablish a track record of results. Get the right things done. Make things happen. Accomplish what youre hired to do. Be on time and within budget. Dont over-promise and under-deliver. Dont

22、 make excuse for not delivering. .13 項行為項行為5. 展現忠誠展現忠誠慷慨定歸功他人。認同它人努力慷慨定歸功他人。認同它人努力和貢獻。人前人後言行一致。代和貢獻。人前人後言行一致。代表不在場其他人為他們發言。不表不在場其他人為他們發言。不在他人背後攻訐。不洩漏他人私在他人背後攻訐。不洩漏他人私事。事。6. 提出成果提出成果建構個人成果記錄。做正確的事。建構個人成果記錄。做正確的事。完成任務。達成受他人僱用或委完成任務。達成受他人僱用或委託應完成使命。如期在預算內完託應完成使命。如期在預算內完成任務。不過份承諾,完成不足。成任務。不過份承諾,完成不足。不為沒

23、做到找藉口。不為沒做到找藉口。The Second Wave: Relationship TrustThe Second Wave: Relationship Trust第二波第二波:人己關係信任(四)人己關係信任(四)The 13 BehaviorsThe 13 Behaviors7. Get betterContinuously improve. Increase your capabilities. Be a constant learner. Develop feedback systems both formal and informal. Act on the feedback y

24、ou receive. Thank people for feedback. Dont consider yourself above feedback. Dont assume todays knowledge and skills will be sufficient for tomorrows challenges.8. Confront realityAddress the tough stuff directly. Acknowledge the unsaid. Lead out courageously in conversation. Remove the “sword from

25、 their hands.” Dont skirt the real issues. Dont bury your head in the sand.13 項行為項行為7. 更好更好持續改進。提升自我能力。不持續改進。提升自我能力。不斷學習。建置正式和非正式回斷學習。建置正式和非正式回饋機制饋機制 。回應回饋。感謝提供。回應回饋。感謝提供回饋的人。不要認為自己比回回饋的人。不要認為自己比回饋優越。不要自滿於今日所擁饋優越。不要自滿於今日所擁有知識和技能足以應付未來挑有知識和技能足以應付未來挑戰。戰。8. 面對現實面對現實不迴避艱難。瞭解弦外之音。不迴避艱難。瞭解弦外之音。談話溝通有充份勇氣。緩

26、和箭談話溝通有充份勇氣。緩和箭拔弩張情勢。不要在核心重要拔弩張情勢。不要在核心重要議題外繞圈子。沒有埋首沙中,議題外繞圈子。沒有埋首沙中,駝鳥心態。駝鳥心態。The Second Wave: Relationship TrustThe Second Wave: Relationship Trust第二波第二波:人己關係信任(五)人己關係信任(五)The 13 BehaviorsThe 13 Behaviors9. Clarify expectationsDisclose and reveal expectations. Discuss them. Validate them. Renegoti

27、ate them if needed and possible. Dont violate expectations. Dont assume that expectations are clear or shared.13 項行為項行為9. 明確交代期望明確交代期望明白說明或交代期望。充分討論。明白說明或交代期望。充分討論。坦誠有根據。不隱瞞過錯。堅持坦誠有根據。不隱瞞過錯。堅持你看到的就是你即將得到的。不你看到的就是你即將得到的。不要有隱藏意圖。不掩蓋資訊。要有隱藏意圖。不掩蓋資訊。10. Practice accountability10. Practice accountability

28、Hold yourself accountable. Hold others Hold yourself accountable. Hold others accountable. Take responsibility for results. accountable. Take responsibility for results. Be clear on how youll communicate how Be clear on how youll communicate how youre doing youre doing and how others are doing. and

29、how others are doing. Dont avoid or shirk responsibility. Dont Dont avoid or shirk responsibility. Dont blame others or point fingers when things blame others or point fingers when things go wrong.go wrong.10. 唯持個人可靠度唯持個人可靠度對他人負責。幫助他人承擔責任。對他人負責。幫助他人承擔責任。為成果負責。清楚交代自己和他為成果負責。清楚交代自己和他人應做的事情。不逃避或推諉責人應做的

30、事情。不逃避或推諉責任。不歸咎或責備他人。任。不歸咎或責備他人。The Second Wave: Relationship TrustThe Second Wave: Relationship Trust第二波第二波:人己關係信任(六)人己關係信任(六)The 13 BehaviorsThe 13 Behaviors11. Listen first11. Listen firstListen before you speak. Understand. Listen before you speak. Understand. Diagnose. List with your ears Diagn

31、ose. List with your ears and your and your eyes and heart. Find out what the most eyes and heart. Find out what the most important behaviors are to the people important behaviors are to the people youre working with. Dont assume you youre working with. Dont assume you know what matters most to other

32、s. Dont know what matters most to others. Dont presume you have all the answers presume you have all the answers or all or all the questions.the questions.12. Keep commitments12. Keep commitmentsSay what youre going to do, then do what Say what youre going to do, then do what you say youre going to

33、do. Make you say youre going to do. Make commitments carefully and keep them. commitments carefully and keep them. Make keeping commitments the symbol of Make keeping commitments the symbol of your honor. Dont break confidences. Dont your honor. Dont break confidences. Dont attempt to attempt to “PR

34、PR” your way out of a your way out of a commitment youve broken. commitment youve broken. 13 項行為項行為11. 先聽先聽先聽再說。充分瞭解。診斷分析。先聽再說。充分瞭解。診斷分析。用耳朵、眼睛用心聽。找出和你用耳朵、眼睛用心聽。找出和你一同工作的人最重要行為。不要一同工作的人最重要行為。不要認為自己比別人知道得多。不要認為自己比別人知道得多。不要自認以為知道所有答案或所有問自認以為知道所有答案或所有問題。題。12. 謹守承諾謹守承諾說你要做的事,做你說要做的事。說你要做的事,做你說要做的事。謹慎許諾謹

35、守承諾。守信是你的謹慎許諾謹守承諾。守信是你的名譽。不要中止自信。沒兌現的名譽。不要中止自信。沒兌現的承諾,不要以公關手腕掩飾。承諾,不要以公關手腕掩飾。The Second Wave: Relationship TrustThe Second Wave: Relationship Trust第二波第二波:人己關係信任(七)人己關係信任(七)The 13 BehaviorsThe 13 Behaviors13.Extend trust13.Extend trustDemonstrate a propensity to trust. Extend Demonstrate a propensity

36、 to trust. Extend trust abundantly to those who have earned trust abundantly to those who have earned your trust. Extend conditionally to those who your trust. Extend conditionally to those who are earning your trust. Learn how to are earning your trust. Learn how to appropriately extend trust to ot

37、hers based appropriately extend trust to others based on the situation, risk, and credibility on the situation, risk, and credibility (character and competence ) of the people (character and competence ) of the people involved. But have a propensity to trust. involved. But have a propensity to trust

38、. Dont withhold trust because there is risk Dont withhold trust because there is risk involvedinvolved.13 項行為項行為13. 延展信任延展信任展現信任的習性。對值得信任的展現信任的習性。對值得信任的人更加信任,對正在贏取你信任人更加信任,對正在贏取你信任的人有條件給予信任。適時適人的人有條件給予信任。適時適人適情況適對像特質和能力給予信適情況適對像特質和能力給予信任。有信任人的習性。不要因風任。有信任人的習性。不要因風險而保留對人的信任。險而保留對人的信任。You can do somet

39、hing about this!你能改變信任你能改變信任“ 5 Waves of Trust 5 Waves of Trust ”信任五波信任五波?The First Wave: Self TrustThe First Wave: Self Trust? 第一波第一波:自我信任自我信任The Second Wave: Relationship TrustThe Second Wave: Relationship Trust? 第二波第二波:人己關係信任人己關係信任The Third Wave: Organizational TrustThe Third Wave: Organizational

40、 Trust? 第三波第三波:組織信任組織信任The Fourth Wave: Market TrustThe Fourth Wave: Market Trust?The Fifth Wave: Societal TrustThe Fifth Wave: Societal Trust? 第四波第四波:市場信任市場信任? 第五波第五波:社會信任社會信任The Third Wave: Organizational Trust-AlignmentThe Third Wave: Organizational Trust-Alignment第三波第三波:組織信任組織信任-和諧有序和諧有序(一一)The

41、7 Low-trust organizational taxes1.Redundancy2.Bureaucracy3.Politics4.Disengagement5.Turnover6.Churn7.Fraud七個低信任組織現象七個低信任組織現象1.冗員充斥冗員充斥2.官僚作風官僚作風3.汎政治化汎政治化4.鬆散無力鬆散無力5.員工流動員工流動6.動盪不安動盪不安7.舞弊營私舞弊營私The Third Wave: Organizational Trust-AlignmentThe Third Wave: Organizational Trust-Alignment第三波第三波:組織信任組織信

42、任-和諧有序和諧有序(二二)The 7 High-trust organizational dividends1.Increased value2.Accelerated growth3.Enhanced innovation4.Improved collaboration5.Strong partnering6.Better execution7.Heightened loyalty七個高信任組織現象七個高信任組織現象1.不斷增值不斷增值2.加速成掌加速成掌3.強化創新強化創新4.增進合作增進合作5.堅強團結堅強團結6.卓越執行卓越執行7.高度忠誠高度忠誠Families are organ

43、izations, tooFamilies are organizations, too家庭也是一種組織You can do something about this!你能改變信任你能改變信任信任五波信任五波? 第一波第一波:自我信任自我信任?The First Wave: Self TrustThe First Wave: Self Trust?The Second Wave: Relationship TrustThe Second Wave: Relationship Trust? 第二波第二波:人己關係信任人己關係信任?The Third Wave: Organizational Tr

44、ustThe Third Wave: Organizational Trust? 第三波第三波:組織信任組織信任?The Fourth Wave: Market TrustThe Fourth Wave: Market Trust? 第四波第四波:市場信任市場信任?The Fifth Wave: Societal TrustThe Fifth Wave: Societal Trust? 第五波第五波:社會信任社會信任“ 5 Waves of Trust 5 Waves of Trust ”The Fourth Wave: Market Trust-Reputation The Fourth W

45、ave: Market Trust-Reputation 第四波第四波:市場信任市場信任-信譽信譽? Talk straight? Create transparency? Listen first? 有話直說有話直說? 高度透明高度透明? 傾聽客戶傾聽客戶You can do something about this!你能改變信任你能改變信任“ 5 Waves of Trust 5 Waves of Trust ”?The First Wave: Self TrustThe First Wave: Self Trust?The Second Wave: Relationship TrustT

46、he Second Wave: Relationship Trust?The Third Wave: Organizational TrustThe Third Wave: Organizational Trust?The Fourth Wave: Market TrustThe Fourth Wave: Market Trust?The Fifth Wave: Societal TrustThe Fifth Wave: Societal Trust信任五波信任五波? 第一波第一波:自我信任自我信任? 第二波第二波:人己關係信任人己關係信任? 第三波第三波:組織信任組織信任? 第四波第四波:市

47、場信任市場信任? 第五波第五波:社會信任社會信任The Fifth Wave: Societal Trust-ContributionThe Fifth Wave: Societal Trust-Contribution第五波第五波:社會信任社會信任-貢獻貢獻? Create value and give backCreate value and give back? 創造價值,回饋社會Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2005Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2005蓋茲基金會? Business WorldBusine

48、ss WorldIntentional VirtueIntentional VirtueAdam Smiths Adam Smiths “ The Theory of Moral The Theory of Moral Sentiments Sentiments “? 企業世界意向性的美德意向性的美德亞當史密斯亞當史密斯”道德觀道德觀”Conscious CapitalismConscious CapitalismBusiness ethicsBusiness ethics良知的資本家良知的資本家企業論理企業論理? Global citizenshipGlobal citizenship? 世

49、界公民世界公民Inspiring trust-Inspiring trust-extending extending “ Smart Trust Smart Trust “激發信任激發信任-延續有智彗的信任延續有智彗的信任? Analyzing opportunity, risk and Analyzing opportunity, risk and ? 分析機會,風險和credibility (character and credibility (character and 相關人的可信度(特competence) of those involvedcompetence) of those

50、involved質和能力)? Managing riskManaging risk? 管理風險? Restoring trust when it has Restoring trust when it has ? 信任摧毀後的全面been lost on all levelsbeen lost on all levels五波重建Suggested Actions建議行動方案建議行動方案1.1.Assessing how credit are you Assessing how credit are you (p.50-53) (p.50-53) by yourself and your by

51、yourself and your stakeholders.stakeholders.Identifying your strengths and Identifying your strengths and weakness.weakness.Develop an action planDevelop an action planEngage a mentor/coach and Engage a mentor/coach and implementimplementEvaluate feedbacks and do it againEvaluate feedbacks and do it again1.結合你週遭的關係人結合你週遭的關係人,評估評估你現在的可靠度你現在的可靠度 和和16項人項人際行為際行為確認你的優、劣處確認你的優、劣處2.訂定行動方案延請導師/教練,實施行動方案5. 檢討回饋,再出發



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