unit2复习课件 (2)

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1、 8A Unit 2 Revision Phrases Revision1 1不得不更加刻苦学习不得不更加刻苦学习 2 2花时间花时间/ /金钱金钱3 3更少的广告更少的广告 4 4和某人讨论某事和某人讨论某事 5 5从家带书和杂志从家带书和杂志 6 6更多的了解学校更多的了解学校 7 7一个阅读周一个阅读周 8 8在这周快结束时在这周快结束时 9 9在八年级在八年级 1010一所男女混合学校一所男女混合学校 have to worker harderbring (in) books an dmagazines from homespend on/doing. fewer advertisem

2、entsdicuss sth with sba Reading Weeknear the end of the weeka mixed school learn more about the school in Year Eight/in the eighth grade11.11.打棒球打棒球/羽毛球羽毛球/下棋下棋 12.12.一起做运动一起做运动13.13.有更少的果汁有更少的果汁/ /西红柿西红柿 14.14.有最少的果汁有最少的果汁/ /西红柿西红柿 15.15.在在结束时结束时 16.16.最后最后 17.17.英国的学校生活英国的学校生活 18.18.美国的学校生活美国的学校生活

3、 play baseball/badminton/chessdo/play sports togetherhave less juice/ fewer tomatoes have the least juice/the fewest tomatoes at the end of in the end/at last/finally life in a British school/ British school life life in an American school/American school life19.19.一篇美国男孩写的文章一篇美国男孩写的文章20.20.在课堂上在课堂上

4、21.21.似乎很难似乎很难22.22.似乎要下雨似乎要下雨23.23.主动给我提出帮助主动给我提出帮助24.24.认真倾听我的烦恼认真倾听我的烦恼25.25.在赛跑中得第二在赛跑中得第二26.26.写得更快写得更快an article by a boy from the USAin class seem (to be) difficult seem to rain offer me help=offer help to melisten to my problems carefully write faster/more quicklycome third in the race 27.27

5、.跳得更远跳得更远28.28.进修深造进修深造29.29.至多至多/ /至少至少30.30.浏览这些问题浏览这些问题31.31.每门学科进行每门学科进行一次周测一次周测31.31.放两周假放两周假32.32.学生的数量是学生的数量是33.33.一所理想中的一所理想中的学校学校 34.34.有半个小时的有半个小时的回家作业回家作业 jump farther/further further study at most/at least look through the questions have a weekly test on each subject have two weeks off T

6、he number of students is an ideal school have half an hour of/for homework35.35.让某人一直做让某人一直做阻止某人做阻止某人做 继续继续/ /重复做重复做.36.36.在午餐时间听音乐在午餐时间听音乐37.37.有很多时间做课外有很多时间做课外活动活动38.38.穿校服穿校服39.39.系领带系领带40.40.进行去某地的学校进行去某地的学校郊游郊游 keep sb. doing sth. prevent/stop sb. (from) doing sth. keep sb. from doing sth. keep

7、 (on) doing sth. listen to music at lunchtime have much time for after-school activities /have much time to do after-school activities wear (school) uniforms wear ties go on a school trip to sp.Revision Sentences1.学校就像是看电视,但是广告更少些。学校就像是看电视,但是广告更少些。2.周末你有什么计划吗?周末你有什么计划吗?3.在我所有的学科中,我最喜欢法语。在我所有的学科中,我最喜

8、欢法语。4.对我而言,学习外语真的很有乐趣对我而言,学习外语真的很有乐趣。5.在阅读周快要结束的时候,我们在课堂上和同在阅读周快要结束的时候,我们在课堂上和同学谈论我们的书。学谈论我们的书。1.School is like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements.2.Do you have any plans for the weekend? 3.Among all my subjects, I like French best.4.To me, learning foreign languages is really/truly fun

9、. Its really fun for me to learn foreign languages.5.Near the end of the Reading Week, we discuss our books with classmates in class.6.John6.John学的科目比学的科目比NancyNancy少。少。7.7.他经常仔细听我的烦恼并且主动给我提出帮助。他经常仔细听我的烦恼并且主动给我提出帮助。8.8.在星期五的下午,我们放学比平时要早。在星期五的下午,我们放学比平时要早。9.9.她每次都很刻苦地练习打棒球。她每次都很刻苦地练习打棒球。10.10.我空闲时间比他

10、少。我空闲时间比他少。 6.John studies fewer subjects than Nancy.7.He often listens to my problems carefully and offers me help.8.On Friday afternoon, our school ends/finishes earlier than usual.9.She practises playing baseball hard every/ each time. 10.I have less free time than he/him. 11.11.在我们读有趣的书时,时间似乎过得更

11、快。在我们读有趣的书时,时间似乎过得更快。12.12.英国学生暑假里休息的星期比中国学生少。英国学生暑假里休息的星期比中国学生少。13.13.英国学生花在作业上的时间比中国学生少。英国学生花在作业上的时间比中国学生少。14.14.她是我们班跳得最高的。她是我们班跳得最高的。(3(3种)种)11.When we are reading interesting books, time seems to go faster/more quickly12.British students have fewer weeks off for the summer holiday/vacation than

12、 Chinese students.13.British students spend less time on/doing homework than Chinese students. 14.She jumps higher than the other students in our class. She jumps higher than any other student in our class. She jumps (the) highest in our class.15.我坚持用英语写我的日常生活。我坚持用英语写我的日常生活。16.物理是我最喜欢的学科之一。物理是我最喜欢的学

13、科之一。17.每天我最多仅仅有半个小时留给我的爱好。每天我最多仅仅有半个小时留给我的爱好。15.I keep (on) writing in English about my daily life.16.Physics is one of my favourite subjects.17.I have only half an hour for my hobbies at most every day.Revision Grammarwork out the ruleComparing two things:+ (countable, uncountable) nouns +thanmorel

14、ess+ (countable, uncountable) nouns + than more fewer可数可数 不可数不可数School life Nancy John SubjectsClubsFree time63 4 hours823 hours Please use Please use fewer thanfewer than to to compare. compare. lessless Daniel 12 4 1 hour注意:两个物体的比较,一定要先注意是注意:两个物体的比较,一定要先注意是可数还是不可数还是不可数可数,可数的用可数的用more和和fewer,前面可以加前

15、面可以加many/some修饰。修饰。不可数的用不可数的用more和和less, 前面用前面用much/some修饰。修饰。1. 一班学生比二班学生多一班学生比二班学生多/多一些多一些(多得多多得多)。Class 1 has more students than Class 2.Class 1 has some/many more students than Class 2.2. Mary的业余时间比我多的业余时间比我多/多一些多一些(多得多多得多)。Mary has more free time than I.Mary has some/much more free time than I.

16、Comparing more than two things: work out the rulethe mostthe fewest+(countable, uncountable) nounsthe mostthe least+(countable, uncountable) nounsSchool life Nancy John DanielSubjects 6 8 12Clubs 3 2 4Free time4 hours 3 hours 1 hoursNancy studies_ subjects. Daniel studies_.the fewest the mostDaniel

17、joins_ clubs. John joins_.the mostthe fewestDaniel hss_ free time. Nancy has_.the leastthe mostMake sentences with Make sentences with “the “the most/ fewest/most/ fewest/leastleast” ” AmySandySimon¥100 ¥50¥100 ¥100改改错错。1. Mr. Smith eats the fewest beef.2. Tom has least sheep of them.3. Mary has the

18、 more bread than her classmate.leastthe fewest 4. The students in China have little free time than those in the UK.5. Cindy has less friends in his new school than in his old school.lessfewerComparative and superlative adverbsWe can form comparative and superlative adverbs in the same way we form co

19、mparative and superlative adjectives.Millie came third in the race. She ran fast/quickly.Sandy came second in the race. She ran _ than Millie.Amy came first in the race. She ran _.fasterthe fastestmore quicklythe most quicklyAdverbComparativeSuperlativeMost short adverbs+ er+ esthardhighharderhigher

20、hardesthighestWe form comparative and superlative adverbs like this:AdverbComparativeSuperlativeLong adverbsmore +most +quicklycarefullymore quicklymore carefullymost quicklymost carefullyAdverbComparative SuperlativeIrregularadverbsreplace the wordreplace the wordwellbadlyfarbetterworsefurther/fath

21、erbestworstfurthest/farthestwell betterbest1. Sandy draws _ (good). She draws _ (good) than any other student in my class. She draws _ (good) of us all.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.2. David jumps _ (high). He jumps _ (high) than any other of my classmates. H

22、e jumps _ (high) in my class.3. Amy swims _ (fast). She swims _ (fast) than all my other classmates. She swims _ (fast) in my class.highhigherthe highestfastfasterthe fastest4. Millie writes _ (quick). She writes _ (quick) than the other students in my class. Millie writes _ (quick) of us all.quickl

23、ymore quicklythe most quicklyThe suffix -ly AdjectiveAdverb real bad usualreallybadlyusuallyMore examples: careful, easy, slow, quickThe suffix -ly NounAdjective friend day weekfriendlydailyweeklyMore examples: month, love, yearExercises1 What useful _(语言语言) they are!2 I hope to spend as much time a

24、s possible _ (play) baseball with him.3 Wang Hao practices 6 hours_ (play) table tennis every day.4 As a hard-working girl,she gets up_ (early) than others .5 This is a _ (read) Week.一、用所给单词的合适形式填空。一、用所给单词的合适形式填空。languagesplayingplayingearlierReading 6 In a _ (mix) school, boys and girls have lesson

25、s together. 7 Keep _ (work) hard, and youll pass the exam. 8 Simon has _(little) juice than me. 9 His grandfather is ill. He was even _ (ill) this morning.10 Both of them are my_(hero). 11Millie is in the_ (nine) Grade this term.12The number of the students in my school _ (be) about 2,000. mixedless

26、worseworking heroesNinthis13.一一Who writes homework _(fast) in your class? 一一Sandy does.14.l like writing about my _(日常的日常的)life in English.15.“Autumn” in _(英国的英国的)English is usually called “fall” in American English. 16.The college student can speak both English and_(法语法语).17.Who eats the _(最少最少) fo

27、od in your family?18We always have fun_(讨论讨论) the maths problem at school.fastest dailyBritishFrenchleastdiscussing19 He (win) the first prize again last Olympic Games.20 Our school usually _(结束结束)at 5 pm. last month.21 He is a true friend.He always_(主动提出主动提出) help to me when Im in need.22_ (take) a

28、 bus is much faster than walking.23 My mother asks us_(not watch) too much TV.wonended/finishedoffersTakingnot to watch1 一一How old is the baby boy? 一一He is an _ boy. A. 8 months old B. 10 month old C. 8-month-old D. 10-month-old2 What_ your school life_ ?A. does; like B. do; like C. is; like D. is;

29、likes3 The girl is very careless. She makes_ mistakes in the competition.A. the least B. the fewest C. the most D. few4 Millie has_ free time than Sandy because she has_ work to do.A.less; more B. fewer; more C. least; most D. fewest; most二、单选。二、单选。C CCA 5. This kind of fruit_ .A.taste sweetly B. lo

30、oks well C. sounds beautiful D. tastes delicious6. 一How much time do you spend _ homework every day? 一I only have half an hour_ homework.A. in, of B. on, to do C. to do, for D. doing, with7.Im sure you_drive a car next month.A.can be able to B. will be able to C. are able to D. could8. She drank _ t

31、han I.A.many oranges B. much orange C. more oranges D. less orangeDBBD 9. Her mother looked_ at that moment when she heard the bad news.A. happy B. happily C. unhappy D. unhappily10.The problem seems_ to work out.A. be easy B. to be easy C. easy D. B or C11. He is a very_boy in the class and nobody writes homework_ than him.A. careful, more careful B. carefully, more carefulC. careful, more carefully D. carefully, more carefully12. Will you visit the World Park with me? _. A. Yes. Ill be glad. B. OK. Ill be glad to. C. Of course. Im glad. D. All right. Im afraid to.CDCB



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