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1、Unit 1 Festivals around the World1 1. Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of year. 节日节日就是就是庆祝重要时刻的活动。庆祝重要时刻的活动。mean to do 意欲意欲,打算打算,想要做某事想要做某事 I regret saying that to you. But I didnt mean to hurt you.I had meant to call you, but my cell phone was out of battery.mean sb./sth. to do 意欲意欲

2、,打算打算,想要某人想要某人/某物做某事某物做某事 I thought you meant me to go with you.China means Change Project to explore the moon.mean doing意味着做意味着做Missing the bus means waiting for another one be meant to do2Change Project is meant to explore the moon.Christmas is meant to bring people together.a.(主语)被人

3、期望做(主语)被人期望做=be intended toIn China, high school students are meant to work hard and go to college.b. 指由命运,能力等所指由命运,能力等所“注定注定”“就该就该”或由父母决定或由父母决定 He believes that he is meant to be a great man. Books are meant to be read.c. 意义和用法上相当于意义和用法上相当于have to, ought to和和be supposed to. 意为意为“应该,必须应该,必须” You are

4、 meant to study hard when you are young. 你年轻的时候应该努力学习你年轻的时候应该努力学习. You are meant to hand in your homework on time. 你必须按时上交作业你必须按时上交作业.sb./sth. be meant to do3-You should have thanked her before you left.-I meant _, but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing s

5、oB4celebration n.2. celebrate vt.他们举行盛大晚会来庆祝结婚十周年。他们举行盛大晚会来庆祝结婚十周年。They held a grand party to celebrate their ten years wedding celebration of =for the celebration of 为了庆祝,为了祝贺为了庆祝,为了祝贺人们经常穿上漂亮的衣服庆祝春节。人们经常穿上漂亮的衣服庆祝春节。People usually put on their best clothes for the celebration of the

6、Spring Festival.词语辨析:词语辨析:celebrate, congratulatecelebrate后常接日期后常接日期,事情或场合事情或场合 Christmas / ones birthday / a victorycongratulate后常接人后常接人表示为某事而祝贺某人表示为某事而祝贺某人 congratulate sb. on/upon sth. e.g.:I congratulate you on your marriage. 有时还表示私自庆幸的意思。有时还表示私自庆幸的意思。e.g.:I congratulated myself on my escape fro

7、m being punished. I offered my congratulations on his success.53. Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere. of all kinds=all kinds of 各种各样的各种各样的 【归纳归纳】the same kind of 相同种类的相同种类的different kinds of 不同种类的不同种类的this/that kind of 这(那)种这(那)种a kind of 某种某种 Books of this kind _ (sel

8、l) well in the bookstore. This kind of books _ (sell) well in the bookstore. 句中谓语动词的单复数由句中谓语动词的单复数由“books”确定。确定。 句中的谓语动词由句中的谓语动词由“kind”确定。确定。sellsells64Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the cold weather,planting in spring and harvest in autumn.would 用在此处表示过去的习惯、习性、倾向等,意思是“过去常常”,常与oft

9、en,frequently,sometimes, for hours等连用。我年轻的时候,夏天去游泳,冬天去滑冰。When I was young,I would go swimming in summer and go skating in winter.7sb/sth + be + adj. + to do不定式所表示的动作用形容词所表达意义作出评价,不定式所表示的动作用形容词所表达意义作出评价,不定式与其前面的主语在逻辑上含动宾关系,常用主动形式表示被动含义。不定式与其前面的主语在逻辑上含动宾关系,常用主动形式表示被动含义。如果不定式为不及物动词,其后应加上相应的介词。类似的形容词有:如

10、果不定式为不及物动词,其后应加上相应的介词。类似的形容词有:light, heavy, difficult, hard, easy, interesting, dangerous等。等。5. They would starve if food was difficult to find,The book was interesting to read.Some people are hard to satisfy.The house is comfortable to live in.The man is pleasant to work with. e.g.1) English _in a

11、short time. 英语难以在短时间内学好。(learn) 2) The problem _ 这个问题很难算出来。(work) 3) My boss_ 我的上司很容易相处。 (get)is difficult to learn wellis really hard to work easy to get along with.8 6., or satisfy the ancestors, satisfy: v.满足;使满意 satisfy sb./ sth. _ be satisfied with sb./ sth. _ be satisfied to do sth. _e.

12、g. 1) The colours of the picture quite_. 这幅画的色彩很悦目。 2) She _anything but the best. 她事事都要最好的方才罢休。 3) We _get a timely answer. 得到及时的回答,我们感到满意。 使使满意(满足)满意(满足)对对感到满意感到满意对做对做感到满意感到满意satisfy the eyeis not satisfied withwere satisfied to satisfying satisfactory令人满意的令人满意的n. satisfaction97 in memory of their

13、 ancestors. = to the memory of e.g. They set up a monument _他们建起一座纪念碑,用以纪念抗日战争中牺牲的战士们。 in memory of thesoldiers who died in the Anti-Japanese honour ofin need of in favor of in face of in place ofin charge ofin search ofin case ofhave a good/bad memory for善于善于/不善于记不善于记bring back good memories

14、引起对美好往事的回忆引起对美好往事的回忆108 because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. lead sb. to + n. _ lead sb to do sth. _lead to + n./v-ing _1) This street_. 你沿这条街走就可以到达车站。2) What _it? 什么使你相信它?3)_. 条条大路通罗马(殊途同归)4)_. 勤奋就能成功,而懒惰导致失败。 带领某人通往带领某人通往/到到使使做做引领,通向;导致,招致引领,通向;导致,招致leads you to the

15、stationled you to believeAll roads lead to RomeHard work leads to success,while laziness leads to failure11look forward to belong topay attention to turn toget down to 开始认真干 stick toobject to 反对 point torefer to 谈到,涉及,查阅 agree tocome to 共计,苏醒 reply tosee to 处理,料理 add tobe used tobe accustomed todevo

16、tetocompareto介词 to129. dress的句式结构:The boy is old enough _(自己穿衣服). They got up late this morning. The mother _(给小孩穿衣服)in a hurry. (dress )The young lady is often dressed in white.1) dress sb /oneself2) be dressed in +衣服或表示色彩的词to dress himself.dressed her baby那位年轻的女士经常穿着白色的衣服。3) dress (oneself) upThey

17、 _Victorian clothes. 他们化装成维多利亚时代的人。The children tried to_. 孩子们极力地打扮成怪物。 were dressed up indress up as monsters13 1 in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.A.Dressed B. To dressC. Dressing D. Having dressed1410. gain/ earn两者都可表示两者都可表示“获得获得”,其区别如下:,其区别如下:1.gain 主要是指通过努力或奋斗而获得某种有益的东

18、西主要是指通过努力或奋斗而获得某种有益的东西。如。如gain experience/ wealth/ knowledge/ happiness/ independence/ a prize/ a victorygain a battle 打胜仗打胜仗 gain full marks 获得满分获得满分gain 有时可指体重、速度、钟表等有时可指体重、速度、钟表等“增加增加”或或“加快加快”。如:。如:Hes gained five pounds recently. 最近他重了最近他重了 5 磅。磅。My watch gains two minutes a day. 我的表每天快我的表每天快 2

19、分钟。分钟。2. earn 主要指通过工作赚钱或与钱有关的东西主要指通过工作赚钱或与钱有关的东西。如:。如:Do you know how much he earns a month? She earns her living by singing in a nightclub. 注:注:gain 通常不能用来表示通过工作赚钱。如:通常不能用来表示通过工作赚钱。如:他每周赚他每周赚 30 美元。美元。误:误:He gains 30 dollars a week.正:正:He earns 30 dollars a week.另外,另外,earn 有时也指获得自己应得到的东西。如:有时也指获得自己

20、应得到的东西。如:He got what he had earned. 他得到了他应该得到的。他得到了他应该得到的。His honesty earned him great respect. 他因诚实而博得人们的尊敬。他因诚实而博得人们的尊敬。1511 because their food is gathered for the winter, gather: _等,是_用语。 collect: _,是_而收集。 e.g. 1) A group of people _to see what had happened.一群人聚拢起来看发生了什么事。2) He likes to _all kind

21、s of stamps. 他喜欢收集各种邮票。 采集,收集,收(庄稼)采集,收集,收(庄稼)普通普通收集,收藏收集,收藏为某一目的为某一目的gatheredcollect1612.award vt.& n.awardvt.颁奖,授奖,给予award sb sth = award sth to sbn. 奖品,奖,奖状(与prize近义)rewardvt. 报答,酬谢reward sb. for sth. 因报答某人reward sb. with sth. 用酬谢某人n. 酬金,回报(奖金或一些非金钱的)评审委员们把她的画评为头奖。The judges awarded the first pri

22、ze to her for her picture.The judges awarded her the first prize for her picture.优胜者被授予一面金牌。The winner was awarded a gold medal.A gold medal was awarded to the winner.我怎样才能报答你对我的帮助呢?How can I reward your help?How can I reward you for your help?17Such noble deeds of the doctors and nurses cant be onl

23、y _ with money.Arewarded BawardedCpraised DvaluedMartin Luther King Jr. was _the Nobel Peace Prize of 1964 for advocating nonviolence policy in the movement for civil rights.AawardedBofferedCrewarded DreceivedScientists found that young babies learn to do things because certain act leads to_.Areward

24、s BprizesCawards DResults1813. admire vt. 赞美,钦佩,羡慕赞美,钦佩,羡慕(1) admire sb. for sth. 因某事而钦佩某人(2) n. admiration adj. admirable 可钦佩的,极佳的 admiring 令人羡慕的have/express admiration for sb/sth. (表示)羡慕/钦佩某人/物in admiration of 对表示钦佩我对你的钦佩及尊敬无法用语言形容。I admire and respect you more than I can say.我钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感。I admire

25、him for his fine sense of humor.I admire his fine sense of humor.I have admiration for his fine sense of humor. The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching.这所学校教学优秀,远近称誉。19We _ the old scientist _ his contribution _ the country.Aadmire;for;to Badmire;to;forCadmire;on;for Dadmire;for;atI

26、_in business. 我佩服他事业有成。admire him for his success2014 looks as though it is covered with pink snow. It looks as though Tom is not coming today. 看来汤姆今天不会来了。 as though引导方式状语从句或表语从句多用虚拟语气。如果表示与现在事实相反,谓语用_时态,be动词用_;若与过去事实相反,谓语则用_。 He treated Mary_. 他对待玛丽好像亲生女儿一样。 She looks_. 她看上去像是已经知道了全部秘密。 as though +

27、 to + V. e.g. He opened his mouth as though_. 他张开嘴好像要说话。 一般过去一般过去were过去完成时过去完成时as though she were his daughteras if she had known all the secretsto say something211The old photos buried at the bottom of the suitcase _ me of those happy old days we had spent together.ArepeatedBremindedCinformed Dreme

28、mbered B2Even though Jack has failed many times in his experiment,he holds a belief _ he will succeed one day if he carries on with it.Awhat Bwhich Cwhether DthatD3Does coffee really work when you have to work late into night?Yes. As far as Im concerned,I feel very _after a coffee.Aenergetic Bnormal

29、 Cadequate DsensitiveA224Sir,you are not allowed to enter the building if you dont get our managers _.Apermission Bconnection Cinstruction DintroductionA5What was she doing when you came in?She was _ the view from the window.Arespecting Badmiring Cgathering DhuntingB6The student had no other choice

30、but _ his teacher _ the mistake he had made.Ato apologize to;for Bto apologize;forCapologizing for;to Dto apologize for;forA238It is a common _ to have a cake with candles to celebrate a holiday or birthday.Alaw Brule Ctip Dcustom7I dont think Kate has ever quite forgiven me _ getting her name wrong

31、 that time.Afrom Bfor Cof DoverBD9The letter he had been looking forward to _ at last this morning.Acome Bcomes Ccoming DcameD2410In most western countries on April Fools Day,people often play _ trick on each other;children especially have great _ fun.Aa;a Bthe;the C不填;不填;a Da;不填;不填D11Has Mr. Lee ar

32、rived?No. But its already 9 oclock. He should _ at any time.Abring up Bturn up Clook up Dpick upB12He is a man you can rely on because he always _.Abreaks his words Bkeeps his wordsCbreaks his word Dkeeps his wordD2513If you want to catch the first bus,youd better _ for the bus station immediately.A

33、set up Bset about Cset down Dset offD14The villagers collected money to set up a monument _ those who died in the great earthquake.Ain charge of Bin place ofCin need of Din memory ofD15I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good _.Ato be breathed Bto breatheCbreathing Dbeing b

34、reathedB2616The American student studying in Beijing University speaks Chinese very fluently _ he were a native Chinese.Aever since Beven thoughCas though Dso thatC17When I talked about the thing,I felt Jane watching me uncomfortably,looking _ she wished to speak.Aas if Beven though Cso that Din cas

35、eA18_the Internet is of great help,I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.AIf BWhile CBecause DAsB2719. We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, _, in fact, there were 40.Awhile BWhether Cwhat DwhichA28Fill in the blanks with proper words:1.The girl _ herself up as a

36、white witch at the ball.dressed3. They held a grand party to _their ten years wedding anniversary.celebrate2. The tradition has its _ in the Middle Ages.4. Its an _ to hear you speak so highly of me.honor5. Thousands of people will _ if food doesnt reach the city.starveorigins6. Their experiments we

37、re based on the _ that they could make gold from other metals.belief7. He was _ the Nobel Prize for his work in medical research. awarded 8. Come and _ your eyes on this beautiful view. feast299.The proud man said he would rather_ than beg for food. 10.Nothing can_ him. Hes always asking for more. 1

38、1.We are always dreaming of the _ of the famous star to our city. 12.America got its _ in 1776.13.The whole family will _ (聚集) for a big meal on the Eve of the New Year. 14.Different countries have different _ (风俗习惯). 15.A successful person should be strong-willed and_ (精力充沛). 16.He did the job so w

39、ell that everyone in his office _ (钦佩) him. 17.The Spring Festival is an important _ (社会) festival in China.starvesatisfy arrivalindependencegathercustomsenergeticadmiredsocial30Useful phrases节日和庆典节日和庆典自古以来自古以来有很多由来有很多由来纪念死者纪念死者使祖先得到满足使祖先得到满足损害、伤害、危害损害、伤害、危害扫墓扫墓烧香烧香festivals and celebrationssince an

40、cient timeshave many originshonour the deadsatisfy the ancestorsdo harm (to)clean graveslight incense31纪念,追念纪念,追念把祖先引回到世上把祖先引回到世上在这个重要的节日里在这个重要的节日里以颅骨的形状以颅骨的形状给给提供提供古老的信念古老的信念亡者的灵魂亡者的灵魂盛盛装打扮装打扮捉弄某人捉弄某人in memory oflead the ancestors back to earthon this important feast dayin the shape of skullsoffer

41、sth. to sb.old beliefsthe spirits of dead peopledress upplay a trick on sb.32全国性节日全国性节日赢得独立赢得独立农活农活用用来装饰来装饰因因而获奖而获奖赏月赏月盼望、期待、期望盼望、期待、期望压岁钱压岁钱a national festivalgain its independencethe agricultural workdecorate withwin awards foradmire the moonlook forward tolucky money33日夜、昼夜、整天日夜、昼夜、整天各种艳丽的节日盛装各种艳丽的节日盛装庆祝耶稣复活庆祝耶稣复活由由覆盖覆盖好像好像玩得开心玩得开心为为而自豪而自豪day and nightcolourful clothing of all kindscelebrate the return of Jesusbe covered withas thoughhave fun withbe proud of 34



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