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1、U8 Life in the future Reading:Whatdoyouknowabout?根据首字母,填写单词I am looking for a place to live in. Can you r_ a good hotel?After her parents death, her life changed f_.You have to forget the past and start living in the p_.We should use the most modern t_ to make such products.The river is about 20 met

2、res w_.I have seen her many times r_ but we havent talked much with each other.Without proper treatment, she will c _ die.Mr White likes to r _ on the sofa with a newspaper.Nothing can s _ him. He is always complaining. Thereisac_aroundthecorner.Thecoffeethereisgood.ecommandoreverresentechnologyidee

3、centlyertainlyelaxatisfycafe读the Hotel Whale部分,回答问题(1)WhereistheHotelWhale?_(2)WhatdoestheHotelWhalelooklike?_(3) Whatdoesthehotelhave?_Itsunderthewater.Ithas50bedrooms,acafandashoppingcentre.Itsintheshapeofawhale.Characteristics ( 特点特点 ) Supporting detailsGreen_a.There is a glass outside and heat i

4、s held under the glass.b.The medicine in the bathroom is corrected to your doctors computer.c.Heat is used as energy for each house.d.Your smart fridge is connected to the supermarkets computer.Smart_ReadtheHotelWhale,choose Supporting detailsa,b,dcCharacteristics( 特点 )Supporting detailsA hydrogen c

5、ar The hydrogen in the car is _ with oxygen from air to make _ for the car.With an electronic map Computer- map You tell the computer _ to go. Then you _ back and _ as the car take you there.ReadTheCJ3,fillintheblanksElectricitymixedrelaxsitwhereA. Im helping protect the environment B. we were using

6、 more energy C. my children watched the fish outside their bedroom windowD. I was polluting the city 2 nd Reading choose A.B.C.D. into the blanksMrsPeng:“Whenwewerestayingatthehotelrecently,_.Theywereneverbored!”MrYu:“Whenwewerelivinginouroldhouse,_.IwouldcertainlyrecommendForeverGreenHousestomyfrie

7、nds.Theywillsatisfyeveryone.”MrHu:“WhileIwasdrivingmyoldcar,_.Now,withthenewtechnologyinmyCJ3, _”Im helping protect the environment I was polluting the city we were using more energy my children watched the fish outside their bedroom window3 rd reading Q & A1.WhycanMrsPengschildrenwatchfishswimoutsi

8、detheirbedroomwindow?2.WhydidMrWhitesay“Theywillsatisfyeveryone”?3.HowdoestheCJ3helpprotecttheenvironment?Because the hotel is under the water.Because the hotel is under the water.Because Forever Green Houses are green and smart.Because Forever Green Houses are green and smart.It uses hydrogen and o

9、xygen to make electricity and it It uses hydrogen and oxygen to make electricity and it doesnt cause pollution.doesnt cause pollution.Post reading Fill in the blanks TheHotelWhaleThisunderwaterhotelisinthes_ofwhale.Ithas50bedrooms,ac_andashoppingcenter.MrsPengstayedatthehotelwithherchildrenr_andthey


11、nbyacomputer.MrYuhelpsprotecttheenvironmentbydrivingtheCJ3becauseofthenewt_ixeselchnologylectronicDescribe the characteristics of the three products in your own words. The Hotel Whale Forever Green Houses The CJ3 B:Lifeinthefuture,thehotelwilllooklike_.Itwillbebuilt_.IcanenjoyLifeinthefuture,thecarw

12、illlooklike_.It_hydrogenwithoxygentomakeelectricity/itisusedsolar_.Itdoesntcause_.Itcanrunnotonlyonthelandbutalsoonthe_.Italsocan_inthesky.IcanenjoyComprehension Comprehension In 2050, hotels in our city will be be under under the the water/on water/on the the MoonMoon.Computers of the future will b

13、e be smaller smaller than than they they are are now/be able to think for themselvesnow/be able to think for themselves.Kitchens in the future will be be controlled controlled by by computers/be computers/be linked to the supermarkets computerslinked to the supermarkets computers.In 2050, people wil

14、l go on holiday by by helicopter/to helicopter/to the the MoonMoon.Cars of the future will run run on on hydrogen/not hydrogen/not pollute pollute the the airair.Homework 1.根据主根据主阅读篇章的插篇章的插图和和课堂上堂上总结的表格,复述三件的表格,复述三件产品的特点。品的特点。 2.完成完成英英语(八年(八年级 下册)下册)B 第第137至至138页Reading B,C的的练习。3.Reading in News paper 49th.4.Copy the new words.A & AItisunderthewater.Theyareboth“green”and“smart”.Becauseitisdrivenbyacomputer.1st readingCharacteristics( 特点 )Supporting detailsspecial1. The Hotel Whale is built _ the water.2. It is in the _ of whale.Readparagraph1,fillintheblanksundershape



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