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1、大学英语 1College English 1蚜特镜庞匀社奶榴鳖轴胖躺猛汾悲滋课搅苗万椎铲罢倘食镍椎蓟然歹摈拈大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Unit 7 Science and TechnologyBy FENG Pengpeng廉荆氮净敞叹拈丽顽诸搔寞乏痛神薛探捏糕徽逊阴宁像页祷轴的沙舀景傻大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1OutlineoText A Conversation: The Company That WasntoText B Internet IssuesoExercisesnConvers

2、ationnReading ComprehensionnVocabulary and StructurenClozenTranslationnWriting馆瘸涸苔缕芭纲刹惑绞淘常冬埂训愤擒鼠孔蔷茅姓绥筏七舷写拟胖碑笺阜大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Text A Conversation: The Company That Wasnt oThe company that wasnt a company (in the traditional sense)咐献甄香唬众鸵救沾帘泪雅代筋潘伴幼搅召稠药鸽忽症岗藩护幸们漫傈讹大学英语1CollgeEngli

3、sh1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Text: An OverviewoAnn finds Smith Investment Company, a respected local firm, is looking for someone speaking Chinese for some translation work. She sends an e-mail to the contact person and gets the chance for an interview. 氨童贰铝篡豢忙荡准洒瑚蔑晤矣旦旷漳熄额训叼综拖鄙还矮痉篇唆棵跌福大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学

4、英语1CollgeEnglish1oReceptionist: May I help you?oAnn: Yes, my name is Ann, and I have a two oclock appointment with Ms. Andrea OBrien. oReceptionist: Please have a seat. Shell bewith you soon. 古开沪卑门先震彻稳后郴裴嗅炕撂驳生缆躇兜葛牲炉讹协卿士怔毅回淑廷大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAndrea: Ann? Good afternoon! Im Andre

5、a OBrien. Nice to meet you.oAnn: Nice to meet you, too. Sorry Im a little late Im not sure if I had the right address or not. I was expecting a large office buildingoAndrea: Well, we used to have our own building downtown. But now we created this virtual office environment.贾晓梨额氦史烧馆耪媒伊沤疤门烧仆篡术景捆珠萝抒技棉勃

6、荷谍蔽做龟枫大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAnn: Oh yeah! I heard about these types of companies, but exactly how does a virtual office work?oAndrea: Its pretty simple, really. About everything is done with a computer and a telephone. All we had to do was move the equipment in the old building to t

7、he homes of our employees and hook them up to our network. 貌矗岳郝等姜吁山冻轧盟羔眠阴匪胁晴段呛慨裤竹长超燕悉也福浊欧履封大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAnn: This is really interesting. But dont people ever need to come into the office?oAndrea: No, not really. They can do their job easily from home via the Internet. Whene

8、ver they do have a scheduled meeting, they always go to their clients office or home. 犬漠彤汪需汝昧撬晴毙书计怒漠彤恕藕国您裤睁公鞘跑要抒竭鳖勋融勺多大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAnn: But what about your own staff meeting?oAndrea: We rely on teleconferencing, holding open discussion on the phone. oAnn: Thats pretty amazi

9、ng. So, whats this office for?操苟耻折玖歧懦些闰卉命黍谷雌介裁握秉芳诺钉烬椿卉谎祖灰珐漳纵挠毁大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAndrea: Management decided that we still needed an office, although a small one. The network mainframe is here. And, besides, we still have people drop by with deliveries and mails, so a receptionist

10、 is needed as well.怀剥恶泳建率舍晰滴搭位扯菌表简塑捂迢患檬柔麓茬赂趣扭撂选撮却楔疤大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAnn: Wow! It seems strange, but I guess theres really no reason for your employees to come to work in an office. oAndrea: Not at all Now, what about this job interview I was supposed to be conducting here? Youv

11、e been doing all the interviewing!oAnn: Im sorry匡缩嘴笋总辅序钝秒腹睫讣遭闲驶扔塔讯仓洪距辫虹犯取蹋益靛善坠北蜂大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Language Study: Details oAnn finds Smith Investment Company, a respected local firm, is looking for someone speaking Chinese for some translation work. She sends an e-mail to the con

12、tact person and gets the chance for an interview. 鞭里摈器氖赞人碑脑愚曝束要冗掐滩镁藤韭糕岭纳淹幢攫涡挥短资著减疽大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oSmith Investment Companyninvestment company: a company whose main business is holding securities of other companies purely for investment purposes. The investment company invests

13、money on behalf of its shareholders who in turn share in the profits and losses. 投资公司ninvestment: the act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage 投资 e.g.Theres been a significant investment of time and energy in order to make the project a success. St

14、ocks are regarded as good long-term investments. 蹄都腿习匠搁扯撑浊诲沟赠陡若炕驹窿汰碱龙必订脚胯矩拄溶恍卸迪婿膝大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oa respected local firmnrespected: 受人尊敬的nlocal 当地的,本地的,本土的 e.g. a local newspaper/radio station Most of the local population depend on fishing for their income. nfirm: n. 公司 修僵柠嘲卓溯表

15、乳茵碾较枕檀绩所淡鞋哼布蛊碾庸哲漫让塞傀炭桃拷伞氓大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1othe contact person 联系人ncontact: n. 联系 v. 联系 e.g.For additional information, please contact your local sales office.如需了解更多信息,请联系我们在当地的销售办公室。 Many infectious diseases pass from one person to another by direct contact.许多传染病通过直接接触从一个人传给另一个人

16、。 nan interview n. 面试 ,采访,接见 ,访谈e.g.a telephone interview 电话采访/访谈a dry interview 一无所成的面试赣痒批讨全挥柔咬慰戮疾晚砾忠赠涡硷睬嫌吝圣净滩廷式凭暖廷肖馁妆蔬大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Language Study: Details oAnn finds Smith Investment Company, a respected local firm, is looking for someone speaking Chinese for some translat

17、ion work. She sends an e-mail to the contact person and gets the chance for an interview. o安发现当地一家享有盛誉的公司史密斯投资公司正在寻找一个说中文的人做一些翻译工作。她给联系人发了一封电子邮件,得到了面试的机会。娟歌伤淮屿屎阉吹根亿渴织搐辱梆释库征蛀康绷伶锰妨占骏讥忽笑守蜒筏大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oReceptionist: May I help you?oAnn: Yes, my name is Ann, and I have a two oc

18、lock appointment with Ms. Andrea OBrien. oReceptionist: Please have a seat. Shell be with you soon. 挡迎牟焊泡钎暗瘦压彦论盗溃出检狙镀染铅戌杯泥碌淤愧妥颂菩币滔沉昼大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oReceptionist: a person who works in a place such as a hotel, office or hospital, who welcomes and helps visitors and answers the

19、telephone 接待员oConversation:- May I help you? 口语中一句极为常用的句子(也说 What can I do for you? 或 May I help you? 等),广泛用于商店、饭店、旅馆、邮局、办事处等场所,作为对顾客的招呼语。其本义是:要我帮忙吗?我可以帮你吗?我能替你做点什么吗? 但具体含义要视场合而定。 骇于嚷碴俩丝赐哟迪募搽砚血害究殊疯榔技抓整蒂细恐尚矩堰送勾涎场莲大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1ExamplesoA:What can I do for you,madam?夫人,你要买点什么?B

20、:Im looking for a dress for my daughter. 我想想为女儿买件连衣裙。oA:Can I help yon,sir?先生,要吃点什么吗?B:Just a cup of tea and two eggs, please. 只要一杯茶和两只鸡蛋。oA:What can I do for you?你要邮寄什么?B:Id like to send this parcel to Beijing. 我要把这个包寄到北京去。窿得蚕语乃僵识宰蹄鲤支岩缠冬奈柱泞峨矗茂纫撑稼孝怀夏亲睹帝籍借剑大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1my nam

21、e is Ann, and I have a two oclock appointment with Ms. Andrea OBriennappointment: a formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at a particular time and place 预约 ohave an with sb.oId like to make an appointment with Doctor Evans, please. oShe had to cancel her dental appointment. nConversation revie

22、w: Introducing oneself:oMy name is闷戚铂箩腹股咨杆喘丫素禁翼晌吐序抚憎脖职太独惧酷鲤按闸紧藏戏谬竹大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Please have a seat. Shell be with you soon. oHave a seat: have a seat 等于 sit down, 都是“请坐”的意思。 Have a seat,please 比Please sit down更常用, Be seated也可以表示请坐的意思,但是它比Please sit down更礼貌。have a seat还可以说成 ta

23、ke a seat。oShell be with you soon. 她马上过来。撩个苹岿掇侵痢拳利搀节詹挞姨厘随毒育耐淡俩焙灵搂宗醒渊娘沥酚柳攀大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1TranslationoReceptionist: May I help you?oAnn: Yes, my name is Ann, and I have a two oclock appointment with Ms. Andrea OBrien. oReceptionist: Please have a seat. Shell be with you soon. o接

24、待员: 有什么需要我帮助的?o安: 我是安,与安德里亚欧布莱恩女士约了两点见面。o接待员: 请坐一下,她马上过来。竹垃篡生养粮妻晰烹描员楔夕铺毁萄咆甲玖置膀塔苫宏环宗玛烹崩渐帛识大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAndrea: Ann? Good afternoon! Im Andrea OBrien. Nice to meet you.oAnn: Nice to meet you, too. Sorry Im a little late Im not sure if I had the right address or not. I was exp

25、ecting a large office buildingoAndrea: Well, we used to have our own building downtown. But now we created this virtual office environment.各她奖浅勋亭庙列虚伐颧茶惭扭蚌获柑武腔联孰辛毕欢宇辜仲券银灶稍拂大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oconversation review: introducing oneself and greetingnGood afternoon! Im Andrea OBrien. Ni

26、ce to meet you.nNice to meet you, too.o Im not sure if I had the right address or not.nIf 引导宾语从句,表示“是否”。恤眩变找僵宽衡陶妇挡恕于眼逸举芦弱暖屎繁糟拄疙园嘎壤俐轨暗啡一舵大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1if/whether引导宾语从句oif或whether引导宾语从句时,作“是否”讲,常放在动词ask 、see 、say 、know和find out等后面。一般情况下,两者常可换用,在口语中多用if。o如: Nobody knows whether

27、(if) it will rain tomorrow. 没有人知道明天是否下雨oif或whether引导的宾语从句时,虽具有疑问意义,但从句语序应用陈述句语序。如: Did you know the way to the hospital?The old woman asked me . 宾语从句表达为:The old woman asked me if (whether) I knew the way to the hospital.老妇人问我是否知道去医院的路。 苫嘎吨愈贷畸猖浚提窿赚腾叔端宠价诺瑚仍拜罗甘毯巍邪滩驯托秦躺郎衣大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEn

28、glish1oif或whether引导的宾语从句应和主句的时态保持一致。即主句为一般现在时,从句用任一种时态;主句为一般过去时,从句则用过去时中的任一种时态。oif和whether的区别: n1 在动词不定式之前只能用whether 。如: I cant decide whether to stay.  我不能决定是否留下。n2 在whether or not 的固定搭配中。如: I want to know whether its good news or not . 我想知道是否是好消息。 n3 在介词后,只能用whether。如:His father is worried ab

29、out whether he lose his work . 他的父亲担心是否会失去工作。 n4 宾语从句放在句首表示强调时,只能用whether 。如: Whether they can finish the work on time is still a problem. 他们是否能准时完成这项工作还是个问题。 蛇里屯帘穗帕怨阅篆慎箔厦描健炎袱橡悉吟毫陀磨膳蔷丝粱嚣佳鹰君等姜大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oI was expecting a large office buildingnexpect: to look forward to the

30、 probable occurrence or appearance of 期待/期望某事的发生或出现 e.g.Im execting a phone call. 我在等一个电话。He expects rains on Sunday. 他预期周日会下雨。窍僻买纽壹芬慑桐钉佳爹桂呕鹅萍妇非庐蜒杨吓佬侮盈己些错州恒挪体淖大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1owe used to have our own building downtown.nused to do sth表示过去常常做某事,而现在往往不做了 e.g. I used to get up earl

31、y in the morning when i was still a hight school student. n比较:be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 e.g. I am used to living in the countryside now. 我已经习惯了乡村的生活。ndowntown: n./ adv. 市区,商业区 e.g. I am going downtown. 我去市区。5 minutes from downtown距离市区5分钟路程瞅降贺罐肺替佩宠傀眉矛改令迎宗揣宇留逻渝鞍于炊从辱箱勾代戍鲜态试大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1Col

32、lgeEnglish1oBut now we created this virtual office environment.nvirtual:adj. of or relating to a computer technique by which a person, wearing a headset or mask, has the experience of being in an environment created by the computer, and of interacting with and causing changes in it 虚拟的 e.g. virtual

33、world 虚拟世界 virtual reality 虚拟现实nenvironment: 环境 枯忆怀煎寸壕纲淮塘亩遗燕掏剐铀磅穆顾九谷搂认针挺手搪壬她胁绊朱艳大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1翻译oAndrea: Ann? Good afternoon! Im Andrea OBrien. Nice to meet you.oAnn: Nice to meet you, too. Sorry Im a little late Im not sure if I had the right address or not. I was expecting

34、a large office buildingoAndrea: Well, we used to have our own building downtown. But now we created this virtual office environment.o安德里亚: 是安吗?下午好,我是安德里亚欧布莱恩。很高兴见到你。o安: 我也很高兴见到你,很抱歉我迟到了我不确定地址是否正确,我原以为会是一个很大的写字楼。o安德里亚: 我们过去在市中心是有自己的写字楼的,不过现在我们启用了这个虚拟办公环境。兔序绢牙穿想卫枉捅丫瓦花矢刹咳凛耕沃烛损团貉甚竿哩察钟鸳叉帆忿蔗大学英语1CollgeEng

35、lish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAnn: Oh yeah! I heard about these types of companies, but exactly how does a virtual office work?oAndrea: Its pretty simple, really. About everything is done with a computer and a telephone. All we had to do was move the equipment in the old building to the homes of our empl

36、oyees and hook them up to our network. 森旗前拄摸评狸灵卑徒据酸扁姆守狮林已角踊挡近重始既病攒件麦昔抒隔大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oI heard about these types of companies, but exactly how does a virtual office work?nhear about 听说,了解 e.g. hear about my new job/ the new projectnexactly adv. 准确地,精确地 e.g. exactly true千真万确 Te

37、ll me exactly where Mary lives.请确切告诉我玛丽住在那里nHow does work? 询问某种事物或程序的运作枷语憎淋核繁笺退贝辗倪俄贵菜散扇质侍田磕浊吞炉绥稻宜吸具建牵隐赘大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oIts pretty simple, really. About everything is done with a computer and a telephone. npretty: adv. 相当,表示程度 e.g. This film is pretty good. 这个电影相当不错。nreally在此表示

38、强调 e.g. I am really depressed. 我实在很忧郁。nAbout everything is done with 被动语态复习需阁补未姓憨糟惊肪祭侗升猖帝孤凝镣赦侦唆戚傻袒哇臀言诉齿吹笑喘痔大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAll we had to do was move the equipment in the old building to the homes of our employees and hook them up to our network. nAll we had to do was 表示“我们能做的只

39、有”本句的主语是all+宾语从句,was后动词用原型,或动词不定式 e.g. All we have to do is believe in him. 我们能做的只有相信他。All we had to do was wait till it got dark. 我们能做的只有等待天黑。被伤厕镀热窝粕魂貉予披魂傀卿踪紊税飞杉僻绞蘸迂翅栅匈钩乍最波呈傈大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1nequipment n. 仪器,设备equipment management 设备管理lifesaving equipment 救生设备nhook . up: connec

40、t or link 连接The company sent a man to hook up the telephone. 公司派人去装电话。It will take three days to hook our computer system up to the universitys.需要三天把计算机系统与大学的计算机系统相连接。 柿信桂尔诸哩保与贼晰询沸公妈竿罪丙扔毋联语汕勿丙缀凡侍敌犊懂颗拖大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1TranslationoAnn: Oh yeah! I heard about these types of compani

41、es, but exactly how does a virtual office work?oAndrea: Its pretty simple, really. About everything is done with a computer and a telephone. All we had to do was move the equipment in the old building to the homes of our employees and hook them up to our network. o安: 哦,对啊,我以前听说过这种公司,但是虚拟办公究竟是怎么回事?o安

42、德里亚: 实际上很简单,大概所有的事情都通过电脑和电话完成。我们要做的就是把旧写字楼中的设备搬到员工的家中,并且接通网络。言钵缆俺逻猖年团蚕哮混钢蝎渴萍滔钞浅宵袍糊威刊琢畦初软发较辜肿莎大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAnn: This is really interesting. But dont people ever need to come into the office?oAndrea: No, not really. They can do their job easily from home via the Internet. Whe

43、never they do have a scheduled meeting, they always go to their clients office or home. 肿阅吩签寨示驳哆耽译疙踊罩医透枢阶表冠叮洱痔刁斋甲儿甜债疼儡始踞大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oConversation: nThis is really interesting. 对别人说的话对别人说的话表示兴趣,以使谈话继续进行。表示兴趣,以使谈话继续进行。oConversation:nBut dont people ever need to come into the

44、office? 难道人们不需要nNo, not really.摸治仿酪佯确胰掸辱桩充中属篡酚倔裙之蕴整盾瞅光换寐镑嫉情疤鸭轨骄大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oThey can do their job easily from home via the Internet.nvia: prep. By way of; by means of 通过; 凭借 e.g. He went to Taiwan via Hong Kong.He sent the letter via airmail.面蓉漫动眩咨泉畸秋殿氖瞧食此溶搪魂课测严蛤郴腑恩敷饲恃啸兜愿意糯

45、大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oWhenever they do have a scheduled meeting, they always go to their clients office or home.nwhenever: 无论何时 e.g.oYou seem to have a ready-made answer, whenever I ask you a question.每逢我问你问题, 你总好象有现成的答案。na scheduled meeting scheduled adj. something arranged for a c

46、ertain time 预定的 e.g. a scheduled dinner/visitnclient n. 客户架娥屉吁拜绒炯芬背虹战岁拙今巫刃襟重志钙诅馈赢蓑逼膏陵孩张遗陇瞪大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1TranslationoAnn: This is really interesting. But dont people ever need to come into the office?oAndrea: No, not really. They can do their job easily from home via the Inter

47、net. Whenever they do have a scheduled meeting, they always go to their clients office or home. o安: 真有意思。难道公司员工从来不需要来办公室吗?o安德里亚: 对,不需要。他们可以在家中通过网络方便地工作。无论什么时候,如果的确有预定的会议,他们总是去客户的办公室或家中。鲍嘉截奇醉萎俞语商心均苍腮守令怔数祖汛潘淹酥杯蹈模威哥博遍遗拯话大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAnn: But what about your own staff meeting?o

48、Andrea: We rely on teleconferencing, holding open discussion on the phone. oAnn: Thats pretty amazing. So, whats this office for?oAndrea: Management decided that we still needed an office, although a small one. The network mainframe is here. And, besides, we still have people drop by with deliveries

49、 and mails, so a receptionist is needed as well.侦脉泰笆彰捧合耐衅橙躇枉泽挺疆尿费啥实徘苯柴赴言蛊朴域除舱钻均措大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oBut what about your own staff meeting?nwhat about? 怎么样?在此用于询问某方面的情况。e.g.What about the weather in your home town? 你们家乡的气候如何? what about还可以用于提出建议、征询对方看法等。nstaff meeting 员工会议亦体呀匈疫筷音嚏背

50、轩泣志吝丢镐博坊坝芦塌躯硕媒幢逊席蛋阁膛疾典慨大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oWe rely on teleconferencing, holding open discussion on the phone. nrely on 依赖,依靠nteleconferencing 电话会议nhold discussion 进行讨论n本句中现在分词holding用作方式状语,其逻辑主语是句子主语we。冉秦颖圾尿沮绘熏琵糊睁郑箔学行旭怯杀萄贿竹晒匈躯撇莎缕羔秸喷蕉逮大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oThats pr

51、etty amazing. So, whats this office for?nThats pretty amazing.对别人的话作出回应以使谈话继续进行nWhat is for? 用于询问目的或用处 e.g. What is this building for? 这座大楼时干嘛用的?蚕辫催溃素抱衡杆膨嫩疫啦践邪籽煎娃附穷阳馅买警赁建竿滔灯筹帘逊碑大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oManagement decided that we still needed an office, although a small one. nmanagement

52、 n. 管理层nthat引导的宾语从句,从句为陈述句n比较if引导的宾语从句:从句为一般疑问句。I dont know that he will com tomorrow.我不知道他明天会来。I dont know if he will come tomorrow.我不知道他明天是否要来。航节闽渝佰迅酚邪谋婿金胺捻告具庇瓶千许度吠漏属氛盎蔬拉仙华赤水韭大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oThe network mainframe is here. And, besides, we still have people drop by with deliv

53、eries and mails, so a receptionist is needed as well.nnetwork n. 网络nmainframe n. a large, powerful computer, often serving several connected terminals. 计主机,大型机nbesides: in addition; also; moreover; furthermore 除之外;也;而且;还 Ann is good at playing piano. Besides, she is an excellent singer. 蔷蓑真解捌舔盔擒绒泰澳词

54、疟箱滔挺椽牧缚然整盛流甭乃菠拦酱贩介舟紫大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1ohave people drop bynhave sb. do sth. 让某人做某事,do为省略to的不定式ndrop by 顺便访问,顺便来访 e.g. Drop by whenever you have time. 什么时候有空随时来玩。o so a receptionist is needed as well.nas well 也,还 Why dont you come along as well? 为什么你不也一起来呢? He undertook other impo

55、rtant work as well. 他也从事其它的重要工作。 瘦渭婪良鄙顶酞百凳负玲神谓饵嘴骄篆疥剁栈遍褒醇茅告裳楞除磅奴乘疾大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAnn: But what about your own staff meeting?oAndrea: We rely on teleconferencing, holding open discussion on the phone. oAnn: Thats pretty amazing. So, whats this office for?oAndrea: Management dec

56、ided that we still needed an office, although a small one. The network mainframe is here. And, besides, we still have people drop by with deliveries and mails, so a receptionist is needed as well.o安: 那你们自己的员工会议怎么办?o安德里亚: 我们利用电话会议,在电话上进行公开讨论。o安: 太令人惊讶了。那这间办公室用来做什么呢?o安德里亚: 管理层决定我们仍然需要一间办公室,虽然面积很小。网络的主

57、机安装在这里。而且,还有送货或送邮件的人会来,因此还需要一位接待员。答仓头僚镍惯宿翁笑胃胳踊裁位疙分马庸棍烬挤拔氯悸胆迹苔纸针呐炉丰大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAnn: Wow! It seems strange, but I guess theres really no reason for your employees to come to work in an office. oAndrea: Not at all Now, what about this job interview I was supposed to be conduc

58、ting here? Youve been doing all the interviewing!oAnn: Im sorry瓦蛤蜗辊涕拯锨熊睬淡谋移抑际葵漠部坞甘寝亚鉴逮挠拄溅哎对享俺峨苗大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oWow! It seems strange, but I guess theres really no reason for your employees to come to work in an office.nwow: 感叹词,表示惊讶。ntheres no reason 没有理由 nfor somebody to do s

59、th. 动词不定式复合式,其中somebody是do的逻辑主语。e.g. Its no use for us to go on. 我们继续也没有用。 Its for you to decide on it. 由你做决定。闺蕴盛磊形猾银厚碴卵商矗洞啄僚忙灾丝长愈落乖围蓑暖蹬箭措属际埃肥大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oconversation:A: I guess theres really no reason for your employees to come to work in an office. B: Not at all前面的人所说的负面

60、信息theres really no reason,因此用Not at all这一否定的表达表示同意。暗方郭希有谗棺憨沫一憨网迈食褪帐烹庞遗蓉精庙詹譬傻贼鄂扶煤崖蛔惶大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1owhat about this job interview I was supposed to be conducting here? Youve been doing all the interviewing!n定语从句 this job interview I was supposed to be conducting here,其中intervie

61、w为从句中的宾语nbe supposed to: be expected or required to do sth. (by rules, custom,etc) 应该, 被期望 e.g. We are not supposed to play football on Sundays. Students are supposed to attend classes on time.勤可变腑墓援区坠街菩膜很熔操殴茧肖咕犀蝉诅旷驻荚褐颁瓣沼借星售歉大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1nconduct: v. act; directing or contro

62、lling执行,做 e.g. nYour children conduct themselves well.nMy aunt conducts her business very successfully.脂秸酸麓倪匿拭芍夹近棺韦斥证架姑脯阵惕易挫噶旱尹锤疮慧澳郊漫躺泽大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1nhave been doing 现在完成进行时n现在完成进行时表示某动作从过去某个时间开始,一直延续到现在,并且还有可能持续下去。如:We have been waiting for him for two hours. 我们等他等了两个小时。n现在完

63、成时强调动作的完成,而现在完成进行时强调动作的延续,因此,表示动作的完成,只能用现在完成时,而不能用现在完成进行时。如:He has changed his idea. 他改变了想法。n在表示动作的延续时,虽然既可用现在完成时,也可用现在完成进行时,但现在完成进行时强调动作的进行。因此在需要明确表示动作还要持续下去时,应用现在完成进行时。如:We have been studying here for two years. 我们在这儿已经学习了两年了。n有些延续性动词(如 keep, learn, live, stay, study, work等),用于现在完成时或现在完成进行时的区别不大。如

64、:I have lived here for many years.=I have been living here for many years. 我在这儿住了多年了。廉脑凌以舒沂咳悟瑶驭浓沧粗娜获疫涌原炭怕空恼驼左刨朵酿搅缠榴故红大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAnn: Wow! It seems strange, but I guess theres really no reason for your employees to come to work in an office. oAndrea: Not at all Now, what a

65、bout this job interview I was supposed to be conducting here? Youve been doing all the interviewing!oAnn: Im sorryo安: 哇!看上去很不同寻常,不过我看你们的员工也的确没有什么理由要到办公室工作了。o安德里亚: 完全没有必要那么我本来应该在这里进行的面试如何呢?你一直在面试我!o安: 不好意思掖纽密缎轮庶茄颜曝俞水顶自茶俞代尖嗽谤留吝葫纺卧丑晦胖村毕橱瞧乳大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1 Idiomatic Study: Making a

66、 Conversation Going落鼠鸭跑丁海哟屹行盛刻梨曲醚倚迹毙盟条天睫糜吉绎韧揣唾峻鉴惑希屋大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Idiomatic Study: Making a Conversation GoingoMaking comments:oNo! - to show surpriseoI dont believe it! - to show surpriseoWow! - to show admiration or surpriseoThats interesting/ incredible / amazing / unbeliev

67、able - to show great interest in the subject of conversation oHow awful / terrible - to show sympathy with someone elses bad news硕茁倘遇像绥烛廖崔优扛凰迪甸秋熬羽穴赐创频后咱笔捻袭磁菏找苟涵见大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAsking questionsoReally? - to show surpriseoAnd you? - when someone asks you how you are doingoDid y

68、ou? - can be used to encourage someone to tell his/her story.o5 WH questions where appropriateWHAT? WHERE? WHEN? WHY? and WHO? 颐椰傲聚赔斜灼叛裸宏豺废乔敦刽帐跃霸王腊怜壬譬卵租沃乙轧纺炮烽哭大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Unit 7 Science and TechnologyText B Internet Issues蚊恨魁握华锦鸿韵哲切绰悄溃久卷粥晰食徐础执昏贰腿楼收肤徘萧姑扰竿大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大

69、学英语1CollgeEnglish1Main ideaoParagraph 1: the wide application of the InternetoParagraph 2: there is a lack of censorship or control over what appears on the Internet.oParagraph 3: there are also problems about privacy and control of communication on the Internet. 颠到冲十淖碰差非机越登皿拦励歧孔钻纫疑煎恳辟聚禁损尺悯煎豆羽兼情大学英语

70、1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Detailed-reading: Paragraph 1oThe Internet is an amazing information sources. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as an investigative tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the late

71、st medical developments. Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends. 氟愿高篷刹咱爵撵允逛输穿敏聚盼垒蘸狼泰韦嫉奔走净通则抿赐翌途荐集大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oamazing: adj. 令人惊讶的 e.g. nan amazing discovery 令人惊讶的发现nIt is amazing that she should have said nothing

72、 about it. 她对那件事竟只字未提,真是奇怪 oSource: n. someone or something that supplies information 源泉,来源 e.g. nThe journalist refused to reveal her sources.nAlways acknowledge your sources at the end of an essay. The Internet is an amazing information source.位霜毛搭舜浪遂挫浓油圃掸而企剿推贼赔肮羡砖芳罗膝铁隙别堑第赵贫玫大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英

73、语1CollgeEnglish1ouse as 把当作使用oInvestigative: adj. intended to examine a situation in order to discover the truth 调查性的 e.g. nthe investigative committee 调查委员会nDo some investigative work about the Twin Towers .做一些关于世贸大楼的调查工作。Students, teachers, and researchers use it as an investigative tool.隆烹蝗瞎桓锰攫刃敌

74、杜市晶痪魄椒茬赛阉础渭堆贞粳壹浊昆博披赏名夷栅大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oLearn about: to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity e.g. n Ive learned a lot about computers since I started work here.ounfamiliar: adj. 不熟悉的nun-前缀表示否定,e.g. unhappiness, unfriendlyDoctors use it to learn more about unfamil

75、iar diseases and the latest medical developments.锋夷鞍慨腕汞谱瘫凉栗癣诵礼修撵岭泅勤合猴焙疾移困涂刨证赴甭织惧渗大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oLatest: being the newest or most recent or modern e.g. nHave you seen her latest movie?nthe latest fashions 辽妻转扎自颜诵桑骆圆伙言松砌奴每膳褪宴齿雷扰份掠跳疼咽哨洽衷拧荔大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Or

76、dinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends.oordinary: obill-paying: npay ones bill 付账单ouse的用法:nuse as (n.)nuse to do sth.nuse for doing sth. 骋跃未枫晒镶故睛郑焚礼贸同鸯显雌跺贿摊涡威子竖刊术茄徐路卞戚九元大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1translationoThe Internet is an am

77、azing information sources. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as an investigative tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the latest medical developments. Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, a

78、nd communicating with family and friends.o因特网是一个奇妙的信息来源。学生、教师和研究人员将它当作研究工具;记者利用它寻找新闻报道的信息;医生利用它更多地了解不为人知的疾病和最新的医学发展;普通人利用它购物、处理银行事务、付账、与亲朋好友保持联系。 赌畔垛届横胰峪烹歪掉重敲亥叁黔盗搀阑吏做崎含榨精逢葬工嫡习公怖脯大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oPeople all over the world use it to connect with individuals from other countries a

79、nd cultures. However, while there are many positive developments associated with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. 乓峻墓攫瞬疾教恋搜须柑长婉酶属佣骗瞧嗣区捆爪铁箍停琳派渊辆哼维缝大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAll over the world: 全世界,也可以说nAll around the worldnThroughout the world oconnect with与保持联系oi

80、ndividual: n. 个人 adj. 个人的,个体的 e.g.nindividual difference 个别差异nNo state organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion.任何国家机关、社会团体和个人不得强制公民信仰宗教或者不信仰宗教。 People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from other countries and

81、 cultures.哗沙樱木贼刊陇缄杀嫩吕态剐帜带督页污迹零墨奢辩绕姿必戎禁啃帜伯庚大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oHowever: adv. despite this 然而 e.g. nThere may, however, be other reason that we dont know about.nThis is one possible solution to the problem. However, there are others.oWhile: conj. Despite the fact that; but e.g.nWhil

82、e he was not poor, he had no ready cash. 他虽然不穷,却无现金。nWhile there are many difficulties, we are confident to carry out the plan. 尽管有许多困难,我们还是有信心执行这一计划。However, while there are many positive developments associated with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. 台缓衡沦晚戳甩澄又寇宰私异鬼拨擅赞喳铝导吧殃窿嚎廖

83、孟沃抄魁浪罗凄大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1opositive: adj. 积极的,正面的nplay a positive role 发挥积极的作用na positive character 正面人物oConcern: n. worry e.g. na top concern 至关重要的问题nMy concern is that youre not getting enough work done.nConcern for the two missing teenagers is growing.疯隶惮罢俩韧亡因碰空钱攘脐仆锗衙颖柔贫肪馒侧众劳丛栽

84、湖长订寐旁社大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1TranslationoPeople all over the world use it to connect with individuals from other countries and cultures. However, while there are many positive developments associated with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. o全世界的人都通过网络与其他国家与文化中的人们

85、进行联系。但是,虽然有许多积极的发展与因特网有关,也有一些恐惧和担忧。垢钦槐痪台侈缠窥开灸渭臭匙磐惋西痪棱梆氟嘿胁由值艘质犯做躲缅深启大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Paragraph 2oOne concern relates to a lack of censorship or control over what appears on the Internet. Anyone can put information on the Internet that can then be read by anyone else, at any time.

86、 This makes it very different from television or radio. 疾捐拟沼郧疮脉宗冉蔚揖胎酵啪舅既兵鱼泊獭巧年碉梅填蠢猜剥戮沥钝锻大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1orelate to 与有关 e.g.nChildren need to learn to relate to other children. 孩子们应该学会与其他孩子友好相处。oLack of sth: when something is not available or when there is not enough of it 缺少 e.

87、g. nHer only problem is lack of confidence.nWe wont be going on holiday this year lack of funds, Im afraid. One concern relates to a lack of censorship or control over what appears on the Internet.粹从被乔情壬嚣韵谆窃禁踞泽鸿梧尹亥巳铁干光突拓秆盔柴臂诞绞券表慎大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oCensorship: n. the practice of c

88、ensoring books, films 审查制度 e.g.nThe new censorship law will put the clock back (by) 50 years. 新的审查条例是开倒车, 要退回到50年前的水平.ncensorship of the press 新闻审查制度ncensor:n./v. 检查 e.g.The play was banned by the censor. 该剧本被查禁了。It is not constitutional to censor the press. 审查新闻是违反宪法的。暂舵合希嘲惠俯湛随筐叁蛰杂澈溅可差京撂呼担务轿辗眉录岭槛搜绣

89、姥耍大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Anyone can put information on the Internet that can then be read by anyone else, at any time.othat引导定语从句,修饰informationoanyone else 其他任何人oat any time 在任何时间悟桥婉拥孟素供际闰悉仟赘氖亏梢蜜芥程佑妮栏轩翠速纺从娃吝依壹曼曲大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1omake different from 使与不同nmake +宾语+宾

90、语补足语(可以是形容词、名词或省略to的不定式) e.g.Travelling abroad made him a totally different person. obe different from: 与不同 e.g.nAnn is totally different from her sister. This makes it very different from television or radio.哀何嘴僻经闪互鹅坞坦历余忌钦实飞黍眨麓攘啸焚报卷鼎胚嚎纽纷墩湖慨大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Paragraph 2oOne conce

91、rn relates to a lack of censorship or control over what appears on the Internet. Anyone can put information on the Internet that can then be read by anyone else, at any time. This makes it very different from television or radio. o一个担忧是关于网络上出现的内容缺少审查或控制。任何人都可以在因特网上发布信息,这些信息能够被其他任何人在任何时间阅读,这使得网络与电视或电

92、台截然不同。 殖松船皆纺谅位啥碴口艘妨俭阳饱愁剩曙岿胎听抿颖祸争猛汝律傲炊凰沫大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oWith television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of program, and with television there are restrictions on what kinds of programs can be broadcast and at what times of the

93、 day. With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable for their children to see. 慧替伸熏忱俞本庐蛆蜘欺蛤贫薛淹魏铝枪略滑疵炕雨库欲衫萌沁鲤菲祖悔大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1othere are editors to check there be句型中表示有人做某事是要用 to dooAccuracy: n. being exact or correct e.g.nI doubt the

94、accuracy of your statement. nSome translators sacrifice accuracy to vividness.oAppropriateness: n. the quality of being specially suitable e.g. oappropriateness of behavior With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of program欺糕统衰署妆锅祖循扼焉膝西眼倔稻酬

95、坦凄粥回瘦疗廖移起热苇寻枕茎穗大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1orestriction: n. 限制 e.g. nrelax restriction on immigration 放宽移民限制nThere is no restriction on gender. 男女不限。n对某方面的限制,用介词onnrestrict v. 限制oBroadcast: v. to send out a programme on television or radio 广播,播出 e.g. nWhen does this channel broadcast? and

96、with television there are restrictions on what kinds of programs can be broadcast and at what times of the day.肃此镐赴断歉苇让妹嘻冀踢爸榔童蕉泽骤积寒放尸醒裤普浸讳屡质凛柬愧大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oa published guide 印刷好的指南npublished为过去分词做定语oDetermine: v. to control or influence something directly, or to influence w

97、hat will happen 决定 e.g.nYour health is determined in part by what you eat. nPeople should be allowed to determine their own future.With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable for their children to see. 睹襟夫诚驰哮韶严枫巡欣粘勒像袍衙洲痔沸裴灭舆沼文蛆沦址奉喇论捕胀大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英

98、语1CollgeEnglish1oWith television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of program, and with television there are restrictions on what kinds of programs can be broadcast and at what times of the day. With the Internet, parents cannot check a published gui

99、de to determine what is suitable for their children to see. o电视和电台有编辑审查节目内容是否准确或合适,而且电视还有许多限制,比如什么节目能够在一天的什么时间播出。在因特网上,父母无法求助于印刷的指南来决定那些内容适合他们的子女观看。 锨铸赡尖动它粱后星嘿斗厘颅堡滨裙尤右情偷设另诺凯迂堰至荚岸判交屎大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oWhile software can be used to block access to certain websites, such as those di

100、splaying pornography, this can never be completely effective. 攀尝挎唬胜智胸范亡邓锄徽蠢牧狗勇疮华得彤混傍爵腿奔紊荡坟狄缨跟先大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1owhile 表示让步,尽管oblock:v. 阻碍,阻塞,拦网 e.g.nThe road was blocked by a huge rock. 道路被一块大石头堵住了nThe trees outside the window blocked off the sun. 窗外的树木挡住了阳光。oAccess: n. 通路,使用之权

101、e.g. nThe only access to the village is by boat. nThe system is designed to give users quick and easy access to the information.While software can be used to block access to certain websites, such as those displaying pornography囤嫁缉衬丁逗彰范仟贱锰辊轴众锣绽柏乡迁代改含谗申竭芦暑这咳疼滴韵大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1os

102、uch as 例如oPornography: books, magazines, films, etc. with no artistic value which describe or show sexual acts or naked people in a way that is intended to be sexually exciting but would be considered unpleasant or offensive by many people. 色情差郝巧恃桌酮釜绚卑红疙顺嫂景课绣妈捕驶各苞导筹眉七屈斧桓郸滔蚕迪大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1C

103、ollgeEnglish1oWhile software can be used to block access to certain websites, such as those displaying pornography, this can never be completely effective.o虽然能够利用软件阻隔进入某些网站,比如一些色情网站,但是这并不是完全有效的。 泞墒壁剧至瞎伺错千卿燥牧蚂弛倾已熊艇弗蝴碱膀饯歧瞩轧匀倾幕侄蔫泛大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Paragraph 3oThere are also concerns

104、 about privacy and control of communication on the Internet. For example, when you use e-mail communication or participate in chat groups, it is possible that your private messages may be read by others without your knowing. 煤力嗓扔雄括艳吧沽枢像扰堡器常猎舒睛切傣幻坊把荫河装葱螺师百冕码大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oTher

105、e are concerns about oprivacy : n. someones right to keep their personal matters and relationships secret 隐私 e.g. nThe new law is to protect peoples privacy.nEveryone has his own privacy. There are also concerns about privacy and control of communication on the Internet.夫廓畸焰规可丝垦躲视惫廉轰烙眯临耘钞抽平烁彰触掷市灵摈西粱

106、颜平哄大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1ofor example 例如oparticipate in: to take part in or become involved in an activity参加 e.g.nShe never participates in any of our discussions, does she?nMany students participate in sports.oChat group: a group of people who are chatting together on line 聊天组For ex

107、ample, when you use e-mail communication or participate in chat groups,缄募狗琅德殃建钡围尹策掐杀添铡团按怖胚瓷偿舌颤锹冠舷粱受敢师刨镰大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oit is possible that that引导主语从句,it为形式主语owithout your knowing:while you dont know about it yourselfnyour knowing是现在分词复合结构,know的逻辑主语是you it is possible that your

108、 private messages may be read by others without your knowing.人犀扳霜稚英濒暂坡瓶父珍派础驻韵刃糙肝皆遭泞哭瓤娶冒爆章摩亲轻戴大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1translationoThere are also concerns about privacy and control of communication on the Internet. For example, when you use e-mail communication or participate in chat gro

109、ups, it is possible that your private messages may be read by others without your knowing. o另外的担忧涉及网络上的隐私和信息操控。例如,如果你使用电子邮件或参加一些聊天组,很有可能在你不知情时你的个人信息被其他人阅读。呐酪薪俩阿佬枉紧须傈奇挛卿串予椎琴摹龚慕婆盯倘少歪侮画娟狰摘附犯大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oIf you buy things on-line or simply surf the Internet, it is possible to t

110、race all the websites that you visit. Someone may be looking over your shoulder “electronically”. Such information can be used to build up a profile of your interests and habits. 北袁揽淑华腊撬习承来俺仗瑰簿登澈孵忠男非薄貌统肺惦扳育桂顾俞毫润大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1If you buy things on-line or simply surf the Intern

111、et, it is possible to trace all the websites that you visit. Someone may be looking over your shoulder “electronically”.oon-line:adj. 在线的 e.g. non-line shopping/ bankingosurf: v.冲浪nsurf the Internet 上网oTrace: v. to find the origin of something 追踪,回溯 e.g. nThe phone company were unable to trace the c

112、all. nNo one has yet been able to trace the source of the rumor.碍轴酶守肌二嚏庭抛独榔看尸沪上垛口焚剐磅等矿懈滴田哆坊泌舞甭仲诛大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oLook over ones shoulder: keep an eye on sb secretly 监督某人 e.g.nWhen Joel returned, I could look over his shoulder as he surfed the Net. 椅醛飘校枪庚靶科朱诫轿莫底烟螺沼略笨圣宰碍出诚歉拒刊喊妹窒筑

113、宦气大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1obuild up: v. to create or develop something over a period of time 逐步建立,增强 e.g.nbuild up ones confidence 建立信心nbuild up a new generation 造就一代新人nEventually, these books will build up into a fine library. 最终,这些书集聚成为一间很好的藏书室。oprofile n. a short description of some

114、ones life, work, character, etc. 人物简介,概要 e.g.nMy boss asked me to write a profile for the new tennis champion. 我上司让我给这位新网球冠军写篇小传。nThe government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。Such information can be used to build up a profile of your interests and habits.歼磐搂枉予洗抠拜渍达弘患

115、边警橱晦钳乔脂霞犹合考置每扳轰视糠漓特腰大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oIf you buy things on-line or simply surf the Internet, it is possible to trace all the websites that you visit. Someone may be looking over your shoulder “electronically”. Such information can be used to build up a profile of your interests

116、and habits. o如果你进行在网络上购物或只是简单地在网上漫游,别人有可能追踪你所访问的所有网站。可能有人“通过电子手段”监控你。这些信息可能被用于建立一个关于你的兴趣爱好的资料库。 矛煞摆蓑许针抨予烃碎载礼忙颁它羌杉昂叔掘森邮误摆竭翠驭掺涕晰躯讹大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oOne purpose for such a profile is to provide information to companies who sell on-line advertising space. If they know your habits an

117、d interests, they can select particular advertisements to send to you when you are on-line. The advertisements are chosen to match your profile. 罐斗诬滁身甸帖迟鼻浚玉局宫契制会芝脯惕毅片倡栈风睡员钱帜毁败吵岸大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1One purpose for such a profile is to provide information to companies who sell on-lin

118、e advertising space.oone purpose for sth. is 某事的目的之一在于o动词不定式做表语:主语是以aim, duty, hope, idea, happiness, job, plan, problem, purpose, thing, wish等为中心的名词,或以what引导的名词性从句,不定式表语对主语起补充说明作用 e.g.nHis wish is to buy a luxurious car in the near future. n练习题:The most important thing is _ with them about the futu

119、re of the plant.A) negotiate B) to negotiate C) negotiating D) for negotiatingocompanies who sell on-line advertising space,定语从句,先行词在从句中做主语B攀羞吸踊七络喂声侦疙锚搭愁血蔚赡打窍乱奏痕撒舜娶支嘶壮腿浸区惦爬大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oParticular: adj. special, or this and not any other 特定的 e.g.nShe wanted a particular type

120、 of car. n “Why did you ask?” “No particular reason, just making conversation”If they know your habits and interests, they can select particular advertisements to send to you when you are on-line.暴甚水虑行乞貌凋割滇帕况蛋滴咋翘郴淤沏斤腔挛沈寨毅探蜀嗅替窝座妈大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1The advertisements are chosen to m

121、atch your profile. omatch your profile: 符合你的资料nmatch v. 使相配 e.gnThe curtains dont match the paint. 窗帘和油漆不相配。n(n.) The hat and shoes are a perfect match. 这顶帽子和鞋子完全相配。冤洗加夹眉撤吁汉哈煞胶戏虏语枕奄秀普冲丫来忻沃响眯弧镜垒挥同赏凄大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oOne purpose for such a profile is to provide information to comp

122、anies who sell on-line advertising space. If they know your habits and interests, they can select particular advertisements to send to you when you are on-line. The advertisements are chosen to match your profile. o此类资料库的一个目的在于为出售在线广告空间的公司提供信息。如果他们了解你的兴趣爱好,就会在你在线时选择某些广告发给你,所选择的这些广告都是符合你的资料库的。 挛啦姐废毒循

123、律悯开臼娘官祸涸奏束十院第麻茧姚炕夫诧驮船囤喉尤淋纳大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oOne potential danger is that the information could be used by others to your disadvantage. For example, an employer could use such information to decide that you are not a suitable applicant for a job.肾镁拇伍勺村装浮膛茂赚幸谆翱踏结蝗劳畜抉雏栽灼扫囚胎堵滦锄降啡操大学

124、英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oOne potential danger is that 表语从句oPotential: adj. possible when the necessary conditions exist 潜在的 e.g.nA number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the company. nMany potential customs are waiting for a fall in prices before buying. One potential dang

125、er is that the information could be used by others to your disadvantage.故林舞佛臂并负胖戍皖交镊嘱抉怒宿跃颊枝硷笋坝簧伙黎鸥硕蝴砸瑞苛减大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oto ones disadvantage: 对某人不利 e.g.nIt would be to your advantage to agree to his demands.o比较:to ones advantage对某人有利o练习题: Not studying will be to your _. A) pro

126、blem B) dangerC) harmD) disadvantageD涨傣贮勤弱滴糊捎扔陵巧粥崩墒挛侣偏求寄宜而呻酬锁缨葛匝佳辽役籍董大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1osuitable: adj. 合适的oapplicant: n. a person formally request something, especially a job, or a place at college or university 申请人 e.g. nHow many applicants did you have for this job?napply: v. 申

127、请 application n. 申请For example, an employer could use such information to decide that you are not a suitable applicant for a job.灵瞻跨阜漱绒媳枪射颇嘿陇熄留姆储蜗娇乙女尹扶愚坦屹字顷茵剪揪祭蜕大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oOne potential danger is that the information could be used by others to your disadvantage. For examp

128、le, an employer could use such information to decide that you are not a suitable applicant for a job.o这种做法的一个潜在危险是这一信息可能被其他人利用,并对你不利。例如,雇主能够利用这些信息决定你是不是适合某个职位的申请人。屹蛹压垃菲呕烙诞颈摈貉例认胞兜岩规苯紊霖否莱贺狸蔚汁混读扶世故蛀大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Unit 7oText B Internet IssuesComprehension Questions: Choose the be

129、st answer for the following questions. 啤编蔑亏褪推扯亭捕根恒故柒瘩为界蕴筛奇击绚筐抽胡奋孩埂舔呜挫桃遁大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish11. The main purpose of this passage is _.A. to persuade the readers to make effective use of the Internet B. to remind the readers of problems arising from the use of the InternetC. to descri

130、be the benefits the Internet has brought to our lifeD. to explain the difficulties of using the Internet for some peoplePara1:thewideapplicationoftheInternetPara2:thereisalackofcensorshiporcontroloverwhatappearsontheInternet.Para3:therearealsoproblemsaboutprivacyandcontrolofcommunicationontheInterne

131、t.除密韧美只吹寄眷涟尸芽孽舞名晌方溢惟很俱而产油婆咕菊谣虚觅绎紫送大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish12. Which of the following is not about the roles of the Internet?A. The Internet can create fears and worries. B. The Internet can help with scientific research.C. The Internet can provide the latest information.D. The Internet

132、can offer more means of communication. P1:Students,teachers,andresearchersuseitasaninvestigativetool.Journalistsuseittofindinformationforstories.Doctorsuseittolearnmoreaboutunfamiliardiseasesandthelatestmedicaldevelopments.Ordinarypeopleuseitforshopping,banking,bill-paying,andcommunicatingwithfamily

133、andfriends.Peopleallovertheworlduseittoconnectwithindividualsfromothercountriesandcultures.踌菊群彭宣嘱涸缀俯涂摧骂铸冗窝蛙官药怠晰显王臭镍茸甚夏臼疽溶蜀苯大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish13. There is a lack of censorship on the Internet because _.A. there is no institution interested in controlling what can appearB. parents a

134、lways want to decide by themselves what is good for their childrenC. no software has been developed to block the inappropriate information D. the Internet is open to everyone for producing and receiving information估诉缩洞缄胖哉艇冕脖语疡股唾拉击氖淑革广廊脾殃烹嫌饵向狼庙拦墩谐大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish14. The best unde

135、rstanding of “looking over your shoulder electronically” in paragraph 2 is _.A. keeping an eye on your use of the InternetB. looking at you with an electronic deviceC. leaning on your shoulder to look at someone elseD. reading what you write on the InternetP3:Ifyoubuythingson-lineorsimplysurftheInte

136、rnet,itispossibletotraceallthewebsitesthatyouvisit.Someonemaybelookingoveryourshoulder“electronically”.泌蔡印肄谅翁侯碧愈序捉弟惫号例膨饶诺抬雨诵攀代颠消敬往赴蒙凛吞固大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish15. We can infer from the last paragraph that _.A. People are interested in the finding out Internet users browsing history out

137、of curiosity. B. Those who trace what websites the Internet users visit are from the advertisement companies. C. People collect the Internet users information for commercial purposes. D. The employers always depend on the profile of the applicants interests and habits to make a decision. 恤洋混皖播肺相魔簇人攘

138、掂睹突晒倍害啥垂君冈滇五卷悦虐谊姨委跳乘缝大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1苞告奔逐岗功肥陨昨竞万疚覆蔓潘蚤韭熟能污泪址齐壕够寨橱伯清篷玄艰大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1I. Conversationo1. _ He teaches physics at a school.A. What does your father want to do?B. Who is your father?C. How is your father?D. What is your father? 烫损维悦垫谣袁涨辕凸溺耸灰鸽戴

139、猩坎弄橙努局袄玻固鞋者亥果胃品袁憾大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1o2. _ Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week. A. How long have your parents been in Paris?B. When did your parents arrive at Paris? C. Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday?D. When will your parents go to Paris? 杖叔秋夹融愈土扛荤

140、坐篆独兆金医父缄垒拘尹猩鞭都溉泳寨岛弘豪息耐删大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish13. Mike injured his leg playing football yesterday. Really? _.A. Who did that? B. Whats wrong with him?C. How did that happen?D. Why was he so careless?寇甥斟与尧对承掇决钟溅矗刨浚恬铝襄河筛庐怜滑淬髓董寿墨挚嫩亮抉尝大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish14. My birthday is

141、 tomorrow. _.A. Oh, I have no idea. B. Im glad you like it. C. Many happy returns of the day!D. You must be very happy. 骑蚊管矮令床晓枕咱易蛤厌矽埃协现澈坪掷挠丛夺族乓僳铃跋嗅拽燃叁唤大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish15 Are you getting a new flat this year? _. I cant afford to pay my bills, let alone a new flat. A.Without ques

142、tion B.Are you sure?C.Good idea! D.You must be joking 痹囱赁易尘罗睡塔肯讲甩曝卖惑投原跪仕胜常务舍悲纂口袁诗塞紫灿魁因大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1II. Reading Comprehension 坷里姆悸拷琉荔平邮默茧庐横庐滓赎伴会童疆辉吐髓奴昼声缅刨液祈伪匡大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oLaptop computers are popular all over the world. People use them on trains and

143、airplanes, in airports and hotels. These laptops connect people to their workplace. In the United States today, laptops also connect students to their class-rooms. 兽艳求歧绰验铂滦堵范糟缓糕淹茄精鄂耍贼浓孵熏雨沛效嗜桩赠局留豹敦大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oWestlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer program

144、 that allows students to do schoolwork anywhere they want. Within five years, each of the 1,500students at the college will receive a laptop. The laptops are part of a 10million computer program at Westlake, a 110-year-old college. The students with laptops will also have access to the Internet. 揍前辽

145、枪勋雹颖臼订恃寅耽卒柿螺暴头当纺寄缕球傣脖俘铁赁亭秦愤胃谐大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oIn addition, they will be able to use e-mail to “speak” with their teachers, their classmates, and their families. However, the most important part of the laptop program is that students will be able to use computers without going t

146、o computer labs. They can work with it at home in a fast-food restaurant or under the treespractically anywhere! 锄惠背弘霞碧竟渊讼低冤狮末秦份榷桥席热叠跳懂裙世霜止蠢湖即碟揉黔大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oBecause of the many changes in computer technology, laptop use in higher education such as colleges and universities

147、, is workable. As laptops become more powerful, they become more similar to desktop computers. In addition, the portable computers can connect students to not only the Internet, but also libraries and other resources. State higher-education officials are studying how laptops can help students. State

148、 officials also are testing laptop programs at other universities, too. 隧狱骆禄井锡孕赂婪冤事捶措仪槐兢饯码库淫赦愈腔踌汪排涡驴溯亦鹰撞大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAt Westlake College, more than 60 percent of the staff use computers. The lap-tops will allow all users to use computers in their lessons. As one Westlake te

149、acher said, “Here we are in the middle of Virginia and were giving students a window on the world. They can see everything and do everything.”毋鼠边义葵咙掳曙胎势升猴飘虫巡辟蒜敷沙唯办办蚕矣注逐抠脐令剪骗硬大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish11. The main purpose of the laptop program is to give each student a laptop to _.A. use f

150、or their schoolwork B. access the InternetC. work at home D. connect them to librariesP2:WestlakeCollegeinVirginiawillstartalaptopcomputerprogramthatallowsstudentstodoschoolworkanywheretheywant.燥婚祖芬贺匡资围恢雾复釜灯另郁捏皂佣俯瞥惺齐稿悬哺恰晶帚缺勺脚膳大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish12. Why is the word “speak” in the se

151、cond paragraph in quotation marks?A. They dont really talk. B. They use the computer language. C. Laptops have speakers. D. None of the above reasons is correct. P2:Inaddition,theywillbeabletousee-mailto“speak”withtheirteachers,theirclassmates,andtheirfamilies.承园埔也罢祖缮忧翘污恍鸟巡趣曼沂喜题休酪壳组膊潮坏尊散持爪寂皂亭大学英语1Co

152、llgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish13. Which of the following is true about Westlake College?A. All teachers use computers.B. 1,500students have laptops. C. It is an old college in America. D. Students there can do anything. P4:AtWestlakeCollege,morethan60percentofthestaffusecomputers.P2:Withinfiveyears,

153、eachofthe1,500studentsatthecollegewillreceivealaptop.P2:Thelaptopsarepartofa10millioncomputerprogramatWestlake,a110-year-oldcollege.陶兹滩蛆捕刽拟线词畏蛀虚朝惕剑蓉塌囱份漏丧哑洗奔惠惶参茬偷秸蔑龋大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish14. A window on the world in the last paragraph means that students can _. A. attend lectures on in

154、formation technologyB. travel around the worldC. get information from around the worldD. have free laptopsP4:AsoneWestlaketeachersaid,“HereweareinthemiddleofVirginiaandweregivingstudentsawindowontheworld.容钢枪绿总洒登罪辞冕童懦勇吸货入另席巴刷额媚耶壤固搂诀惶础烁眯锭大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish15. What can we infer from

155、the passage?A. The program is successful. B. The program is not workable. C. The program is too expensive. D. We dont know the result yet. 差镁深盂烫镊石藉蜕惋劣裂木猖纤泥嗜讥式糖秋觉烂喧他魔慰梢葵暇萧压大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1III. Vocabulary and Structure oThere are 10 incomplete sentences here. You are required to

156、complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.震悍鸦采涂黑兑疮莫碱账岳想摄呐赦砖终凑雌萤剿玻掘演朽啤较征陇陕岳大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish11. Stocks are regarded as a good long-term _. A. involvement B. installment C. investmentD. instrument酥权圃柄昨震此鸿陵因躯逮嗡炔揣斡二蜗篮患锐宿餐肯殊锐盲武

157、邻棘震痒大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish12. Many _ shops will be forced to close if the new supermarket is built. A. local B. broad C. generalD. public 灯双碎桨米哄惶曰铂徘瞒箔攻察直捐拌泥谢恤臼决微咙耍岔忌露皆臆逃附大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish13. Helen was unconscious and _ up to a life support machine.A. combinedB. ass

158、ociatedC. related D. hooked秆萄指藐驾并女径权带翟磷技礁辣讽恭斯圾笔殴泥可顺份避梁粪伯高苑经大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish14. I only found out about it _ my sister.A. onB. viaC. upD. to路瓮漏锗策框辫敷犬碴嫡奎英矾堂沤幽府实酮搪畦泳山掷查坟遵译剖雨轴大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish15. Theres a lot of public _ about dangerous toxins recently found in fo

159、od.A. concernB. conceptC. conductD. conflict胆诌纽概窥搽棕匙眶放艰到靠或山给吏伸近熙催康懦远塔并钦棵者旱瘟桐大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish16. It took her ten years to _ her publishing business.A. hold upB. keep upC. build upD. make up苇咯谆骨唇很况纬骏掇翰攫暮亦嗽搓曰缕蓄蛊屋踊绘祝缨袖丢颜显卿林讨大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish17. Students should be

160、 encouraged to use _ Internet as _ resource.A. /; a B. /; the C. the; the D. the; a肺酞聊恐需淤花盆活羡唐阮刘群挂植湛挫斌茄烁郧范恒纂鳞烯验郁试维交大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish18. _ I fully understand your point of view, I also have sympathies with Michaels. A. When B. Where C. While D. Whenever袖庶昼颓构胀贸纱肾呵沉筐每援袱握暂任萍透储坑的秽核责银诽

161、碱幂胸烦大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish19. One potential danger is _ the information could be used by others to your disadvantage. A. thatB. whatC. it D. which哪起钱世罚姬烛霜狈娱钓听庐跺些佬胁遍兴超现暑色奶蹬茸躺藏手克昨弄大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish110. We all thought _ pity that you were unable to attend our meeting.

162、A. thatB. which C. this D. it 入归养回惰终刽玖摄惹灭掀词垂曹刁敝革义沙储历卵疥弗泻棘辱醉逝癣乓大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1醛尼室闽城惶里遮纯并序器痔选撤惊敏铰综脆契扶询桨豫谎盅嚏刨统送扬大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oIV. ClozeoEach blank in the following passage is provided with four choices. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each

163、 blank.辈钟米仁概瘤诉踌掂常竹迭敦哑征砖猜逸缝世琉贾察豺镍玻眷映薄觉蔚幕大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oThe Internet continues to develop as a free world for the exchange of ideas. Freedom of information is embraced by netizens (网民)_1_. Nevertheless, the virtual world is _2_ perfect and should not be free from controls. As t

164、he Internet becomes _3_ part of social and economic life, its users need to recognize the dark side of cyberspace. 懒芽惺壤拌谦胖阅柠誉寅凸逻潜凌堑饯跺昼钵煎摆搁释待侩窖浪茸噎咽臃大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oThe call is growing for self-restraint on websites. But _4_ self-restraint is insufficient, government must take _

165、5_. The Ministry of Public Security will be sending virtual police to Chinas _6_ websites. By the end of June all major online forums will be monitored. _7_ is an important step, especially to protect minors from sexually explicit websites.纺闲辣篱禹谁斋册艾程筷禹蠕疵峪蛤验令篆缠瀑匝谢男虐翠旧移名余播愈大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1Coll

166、geEnglish1o To do these laws will be a major challenge since a safe Internet society involves both the creation of websites and their use. In the information age, it is extremely difficult for an individual nation to control online message, which, _8_ a large extent, is internationalized. Law enforc

167、ement agencies from around the world have worked together - the Virtual Global Task Force to _9_ down online purveyors of child pornography. Much more work must be done to make cyberspace a safe place for its users, _10_ children.穷话硕梭伯雨用卓岗唁邢们裕剑号已铁轧卓薪赂实浓沫衷滤赴氮襟恨舆冗大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1

168、oThe Internet continues to develop as a free world for the exchange of ideas. Freedom of information is embraced by netizens (网民)_1_. Nevertheless, the virtual world is _2_ perfect and should not be free from controls. As the Internet becomes _3_ part of social and economic life, its users need to r

169、ecognize the dark side of cyberspace. 1.A.everywhereB.anywhereC.somewhereD.nowhere2.A.apartfromB.farfromC.otherthanD.morethan3.A.increaseB.toincreaseC.increasingD.increasingly荒谗窿倔显褐押宇某测涨荚许诗嘲快取寨柏它坟兽灾沪吧点洒万惭窜礁宪大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oThe call is growing for self-restraint on websites. Bu

170、t _4_ self-restraint is insufficient, government must take _5_. The Ministry of Public Security will be sending virtual police to Chinas _6_ websites. By the end of June all major online forums will be monitored. _7_ is an important step, especially to protect minors from sexually explicit websites.

171、4.A.thatB.despiteC.ifD.although5.A.behaviorB.actionC.conductD.manner6.A.bigB.greatC.major D.primary7.A.What B.ThatC.ItD.As邓疹戒绪茅睦娃煞刨崔搬封骇承莽生悉奶商突啥秆榔登域冲诞人悍乒燃辽大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1o To do these laws will be a major challenge since a safe Internet society involves both the creation of web

172、sites and their use. In the information age, it is extremely difficult for an individual nation to control online message, which, _8_ a large extent, is internationalized. Law enforcement agencies from around the world have worked together - the Virtual Global Task Force to _9_ down online purveyors

173、 of child pornography. Much more work must be done to make cyberspace a safe place for its users, _10_ children.8. A.to B.inC.onD.at9.A.traceB.trend C.trackD.treat10.A.specialB.speciallyC.especialD.especially琳陪蛋颧翌半绵或蔗邵嘱修力概酝世祥柴胰恒梗揖搭肿轴践薯掠误哗侄镀大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1V. Translation:Put the

174、 following sentences into Chinese.1. However, while there are many positive developments associated with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. 但是,虽然有许多积极的发展与因特网有关,也有一些恐惧和担心。夺奏壬耙丽均参炮驰恋朵数家待当廷姨渡压仔岁蔫烈霉竭袄喧故阿困迹糠大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish12. One concern relates to a lack of ce

175、nsorship or control over what appears on the Internet.一个担忧是关于网络上出现的内容缺少审查或控制。读迟姜项甚拍个抨别赏肚铬广理姻篙篮签留辗硬琐鲤公蜜蓖旷茬党拒它宙大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish13. While software can be used to block access to certain websites, such as those displaying pornography, this can never be completely effective.虽然能够利用软件阻

176、隔进入某些网站,比如一些色情网站,但是这并不是完全有效的。缩左际警云驱探媚录蕉渝盒革址募坯跟感铱校或掐缉憋听肚涉饮赏掏毛邵大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish14. If you buy things on-line or simply surf the Internet, it is possible to trace all the websites that you visit. 如果你进行在网络上购物或只是简单地在网上漫游,别人有可能追踪你所访问的所有网站。疫伍除漠媒铡豆帆鞋乓淡煌掣移瓤虐郭递己弯茫钥像吓毁拭偏缅考损传虐大学英语1CollgeEng

177、lish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish15.One potential danger is that the information could be used by others to your disadvantage.这种做法的一个潜在危险是这一信息可能被其他人利用,并对你不利。侮隙涤嫌宽勃耕朔峦逮什乾疗海囚饶苗啤仓虹协昼财那仁枯籽淖愤襄鸿窒大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1VI. Writing oYou are required to write a composition on the topic “My View on the U

178、se of the Internet” with no less than 80 words based on the outline given below. o因特网的使用日益普及;o网络为我们带来许多好处;o网络的使用也存在一些问题。膏忍类遏嘎费革播玉喇铭均过星嫌氓吠拍夕傍谎凛峻韭擎亚届肮歼溉溢赤大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1SampleoThe Internet is widely used in various aspects of everyday life, ranging from work, financial activitie

179、s to entertainment.oThe Internet is a wonderful source of information. Moreover, it facilitates communication and makes it easy for people to keep in touch. 耶芥会侯盐引腻欠忍啸栓四禄超沿秤篱蔚受谗拢乞闸妥滁衅榨诅聋孩犬赘大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oHowever, evidence indicates that the Internet can be a harmful influence

180、 on people. For example, some children and youngsters are addicted to the Internet, at the expense of other healthier activities.oThe Internet is like a coin that has two sides. We must realize its harmful potentials while making use of it to achieve a better and more meaningful life.揽歧置屈栗沁娘了判瘪吾敲淆吴兢

181、祭苯论窿茹匡驻戮悔彭锚抄缅痛贮囚让大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1Additional informationoHistory of science and technology in China欠纱快坝永馒嗽油税对拼辊绣佣鞭葱观露栓瑰轩硅试北枷荷抬心板枯躁亩大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oThe history of science and technology in China is both long and rich with many contributions to science and t

182、echnology. In antiquity, independently of Greek philosophers and other civilizations, ancient Chinese philosophers made significant advances in science, technology, mathematics, and astronomy. 国抬侈羡帐挖姿购算杂苦习楔跟俗校窿匿邀尺剔煤汲酪矛沾狱以对孩溜章大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAmong the earliest inventions were t

183、he abacus, the shadow clock, and the first flying machines such as kites and Kongming lanterns.oThe four Great Inventions of ancient China: the compass, gunpowder, papermaking, and printing, were among the most important technological advances, only known in Europe by the end of the Middle Ages. 射俘盅

184、梨确彦芬掩蒜轮韶短迭萍抬贵汰融叭泣说擒惮聚剔芥韭庭棋妖汁闭大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oThese four discoveries had an enormous impact on the development of Chinese civilization and a far-ranging global impact. Gunpowder, for example, spread to the Arabs in the 13th century and thence to Europe.胞唉远歉次尤把饥腮铅臀穆孔奔秦罢罚杀唇涛博润镁饱理

185、竣劈岩螺世方室大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oThe Tang Dynasty (AD 618 - 906) in particular, was a time of great innovation. A good deal of exchange occurred between Western and Chinese discoveries up to the Qing Dynasty. 戮过盈越釜踪役莹毗雨羹按帆掏膳艰扩蜡肠陡鸳鲜撞暑巫喜吏纪迹详辽曙大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oOne que

186、stion that has been the subject of debate among historians has been why China did not develop a scientific revolution and why Chinese technology fell behind that of Europe. Many hypotheses have been proposed ranging from the cultural to the political and economic. 隙搁稿姿休噎分哈留苔谦居硒姚号形利社尊趣蔷鹃安诲想皆藤贯余缀淫干大学英

187、语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oMost scholars agreed that cultural factors prevented these Chinese achievements from developing into what could be called science. oIt was the religious and philosophical framework of the Chinese intellectuals which made them unable to believe in the ideas of laws

188、 of nature 信投胀罢秽没妥呢虱和埠雾铁医涌遁躇哲楼峡祥亥贷占肚涉舒驹肾狞蠕竖大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1oAs the Peoples Republic of China becomes better connected to the global economy, the government has placed more emphasis on science and technology. This has led to increases in funding, improved scientific structure, and more money for research. These factors have led to advancements in agriculture, medicine, genetics, and global change. 酿缝婶第靳嘶颁髓白滴巳致魄霸蓬苔淳藕袭驶唬梨报碰哥郑潜邯宇苟幼残大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1篙垛啡醉择膏岸嘉药诫意螟踩窥陨库瞩钠燥屉为翠肿齿蔫倦夯室斗砷保窒大学英语1CollgeEnglish1大学英语1CollgeEnglish1



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