四川省中考英语 第三部分热点素材拓展 九年级 Units 910 TFboys课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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《四川省中考英语 第三部分热点素材拓展 九年级 Units 910 TFboys课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省中考英语 第三部分热点素材拓展 九年级 Units 910 TFboys课件 (新版)人教新目标版(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、九年级(全)九年级(全)Units 9-10 TFboys第三部分第三部分 热点素材拓展热点素材拓展阅读理解阅读理解(20152015原创)原创) OVERNIGHTTFboys, a boy band consisting of three middle school students, became the talk all over China. Founded last year, the oldest member of TFboys is only 14. But the number of their followers on Sina Weibohas reached 11 m

2、illion. Their music videos are also getting millions of views online. Some say that TFboys has become popular only because of their pretty faces. But take a serious look at the three boys, and you may find out what has helped them win over so many people.Wang Junkai, 14, from ChongqingWhat did you d

3、o when you were 8 years old? Wang had become trainee (练练习习生生) at TF. Entertainment at that age. He still went to school like other kids during weekdays. But his weekends were filled with training classes. He learned how to sing and dance. He had to do the splits (劈叉劈叉) again and again. Many boys cou

4、ldnt stand it and quit, but Wang didnt give up. Before he finally became a TFboy, the tough guy had been practicing for five years. Wang yuan, 13, Chongqing Fans like to call Wang “Er Yuan” because he is a funny guy whos always telling dry jokes. But when he starts to sing, youd be thrilled by his c

5、lear voice and high pitch (高高音音). The cheerful boy lives a simple life. He doesnt like to compare himself with others. His mobile phone costs only 300 yuan. He is a big fan of Pleasant Goat and Big Big wolf. He has watched every Pleasant Goat movie at the cinema. Yiyang Qianxi, 13, from Hunan Yiyang

6、 is the shortest of the three boys. But he definitely has the most splendid resume (履履历历). He is a top student. He is an excellent dancer. He takes part in TV shows. He has played different roles in many movies. He is even good at calligraphy (书书法法). When other teenagers show off their new clothes o

7、n Weibo, Yiyang displays his calligraphy work. How can he be good at so many things? “Id practice dancing while others were chatting.” he said. 【主旨大意主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。本文是一篇说明文。简短地介绍了当下爆红简短地介绍了当下爆红的青少年的青少年组合组合TFBOYS。TFBOYS组合由组合由王俊凯、王源、易烊千玺三个不王俊凯、王源、易烊千玺三个不满十五岁的男孩经过严格训练后满十五岁的男孩经过严格训练后组成。三个男孩多才多艺,各方组成。三个男孩

8、多才多艺,各方面成绩都很优秀面成绩都很优秀。1. In the article, what does the title “OVERNIGHT” mean?A. 通宵通宵 B. 一夜成名一夜成名 C. 突然突然 D. 昨晚昨晚【解解析析】词词义义猜猜测测题题。题题干干意意为为:在在这这则则短短文文中中,“OVERNIGHT”表表示示什什么么意意思思?“OVERNIGHT”字字面面意意思思是是“通通宵宵,一一整整夜夜”的的意意思思。但但从从全全文文的的理理解解来来看看可可以以知知道道TFboys的的成成员员多多才才多多艺艺,一一夜夜爆爆红红。所以应选所以应选B。2. How do you thi

9、nk of the members of TFboys?A. They have become popular because of their good looks. B. They dont go to school because they should take part in many training classes.C. They are hard-working and talented.D. They are getting on well with each other.【解解析析】细细节节理理解解题题。题题干干意意为为:你你是是怎怎样样认认为为TFboys的的?A项项:他

10、他们们变变得得出出名名因因为为他他们们的的靓靓丽丽外外表表;B项项:他他们们不不上上学学因因为为他他们们要要参参加加很很多多训训练练;错错误误,由由第第三三段段可可知知TFboys的的成成员员在在工工作作日日正正常常上上课课,只只有有在在周周末末才才进进行行训训练练。C项项:他他们们是是勤勤奋奋又又多多才才多多艺艺的的。综综合合分分析析正正确确。D项项:成成员员之之间间关关系系很很好好。并并未未提及。因此正确答案为提及。因此正确答案为C。3. From the article, we know that _ always makes people laugh. A. Yiyang Qianxi

11、 B. Wang Yuan C. Wang Junkai D. the TFboys【解解析析】细细节节理理解解题题。题题干干意意为为:从从文文章章中中我我们们知知道道 总总是是逗逗人人们们笑笑。我我们们从从介介绍绍Wang Yuan 那那部部分分内内容容可可知知,他他是是一一个个“funny guy whos always telling dry jokes (冷笑话冷笑话)”故答案选故答案选B。4. What does the underlined word “splendid” mean?A. abundant B. full C. great D. high【 解解 析析 】 词词 义

12、义 猜猜 测测 题题 。 题题 干干 意意 为为 : 划划 线线 单单 词词“splendid”是是什什么么意意思思?A项项:丰丰富富的的;B项项:满满的的;C项项:巨巨大大的的;D项项: 高高的的。splendid的的意意思思是是:丰富的。故答案选丰富的。故答案选A。5. The article mainly tells us that _. A. the TFboys always work hard B. the TFboys are tired of their hard training classes C. the TFboys have become popular not on

13、ly because of their good looks but also their hard work D. the TFboys always try their best to do everything 【解解析析】主主旨旨大大意意题题。题题干干意意为为:这这则则文文章章主主要要告告诉诉我我们们 。A项项:The TFboys总总是是很很努努力力。此此项项不不够够充充分分;B项项:The TFboys厌厌倦倦他他们们的的训训练练。并并未未提提及及;C项项:The TFboys的的成成功功不不仅仅仅仅是是因因为为他他们们靓靓丽丽的的外外表表还还因因为为他他们们的的勤勤奋奋;D项项:The TFboys总总是是竭竭尽尽全全力力去去做做任任何何事事。此此项项太太过过绝绝对对。我我们们从从从从全全文文理理解解来来看看,A,B,D均均只只包包括括了了一一部部分分,故故答答案案选选C。



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