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《高三英语二轮复习 第6模块 专题二 说明文型阅读简答精品课件 湘教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语二轮复习 第6模块 专题二 说明文型阅读简答精品课件 湘教版(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题二专题二 说明文型阅读简答说明文型阅读简答 专题二说明文型阅读简答专题二说明文型阅读简答 专题导读专题导读专题二专题二 专题导读专题导读 说明文也是阅读简答题常见的体裁之一。把握说明文的说明文也是阅读简答题常见的体裁之一。把握说明文的语篇特征对理解文意与答题极为有利。说明文的常见写作顺语篇特征对理解文意与答题极为有利。说明文的常见写作顺序有:时间顺序序有:时间顺序( (指先后顺序指先后顺序) ),空间顺序,空间顺序( (从局部到整体,从局部到整体,从上到下,从内到外从上到下,从内到外) ),逻辑顺序,逻辑顺序( (前因后果,先果后因,先前因后果,先果后因,先主后次主后次) ),认识顺序,认

2、识顺序( (由此及彼,由浅入深,由具体到抽象,由此及彼,由浅入深,由具体到抽象,由现象到本质由现象到本质) )。文章通常层次清晰,整体性强,易读易懂。文章通常层次清晰,整体性强,易读易懂。真题典例真题典例专题二专题二 真题典例真题典例 2008 2008湖南卷湖南卷 Every January, Breckenridge hosts the Every January, Breckenridge hosts the International Show Sculpture Championships. Fourteen International Show Sculpture Champion

3、ships. Fourteen teams travel from all over the world to Switzerland teams travel from all over the world to Switzerland to compete. Teams sculpt for sixtyto compete. Teams sculpt for sixty fivefive hours over hours over five days. Each team hopes that when the time is up, five days. Each team hopes

4、that when the time is up, its sculpture will be judged the best. its sculpture will be judged the best. As the championship begins, the fourteen teams As the championship begins, the fourteen teams are faced with huge blocks of snow that weigh twenty are faced with huge blocks of snow that weigh twe

5、nty tons each. The sculptors bring out their favorite tons each. The sculptors bring out their favorite tools that work best on the hard iced snow, but they tools that work best on the hard iced snow, but they are not allowed to employ tools that use electricity. are not allowed to employ tools that

6、 use electricity. 专题二专题二 真题典例真题典例 Most teams are inspired by what they have seen Most teams are inspired by what they have seen in daily life. For example, one team carved a teapot in daily life. For example, one team carved a teapot with tea pouring out. Another team sculpted a little with tea pour

7、ing out. Another team sculpted a little cat on its hind feet(cat on its hind feet(后脚后脚)reaching into a fish bowl )reaching into a fish bowl complete with water ripples(complete with water ripples(涟漪涟漪) and a crab() and a crab(螃蟹螃蟹) ) trying to attack the cat. In 2006, Team USA sculpted trying to att

8、ack the cat. In 2006, Team USA sculpted a golden dog looking at its image reflected in a a golden dog looking at its image reflected in a mirror. To create the effect that the little dog saw mirror. To create the effect that the little dog saw its reflection in the glass, the artists carved two its

9、reflection in the glass, the artists carved two dogs facing each other with their paws(dogs facing each other with their paws(脚爪脚爪)touching. )touching. As the final hours of the competition tick by, As the final hours of the competition tick by, exhausted team members add lastexhausted team members

10、add last minuteminute details. They details. They use small brooms to brush off snow caught in tinyuse small brooms to brush off snow caught in tiny专题二专题二 真题典例真题典例 holes. One team member counts down the last five holes. One team member counts down the last five minutes while others are busy cleaning

11、 up the tools. minutes while others are busy cleaning up the tools. If they leave any tools behind, they will be out. If they leave any tools behind, they will be out. When the whistle blows, everyone must step away from When the whistle blows, everyone must step away from the sculpture. The judges

12、then vote on creativity, the sculpture. The judges then vote on creativity, technical skills, and visual impact (technical skills, and visual impact (视觉效果视觉效果)of the )of the designs.designs. In 2006, Team USA took first place for their In 2006, Team USA took first place for their golden dog sculptur

13、e titled golden dog sculpture titled “DiscoveryDiscovery”. But the . But the competition is not just about medals and ribbons. competition is not just about medals and ribbons. “ItIts not about the prizes not about the prize,” said Rob Neylandsaid Rob Neyland, , Team USATeam USAs captain. s captain.

14、 “ItIts about touching the s about touching the audience.audience.” 专题二专题二 真题典例真题典例 Every year, as the championship ends, each team is Every year, as the championship ends, each team is already dreaming of the next masterpiece it will already dreaming of the next masterpiece it will design. design.

15、1 1What kind of tools are the sculptors NOT What kind of tools are the sculptors NOT permitted to use? (no more than 6 words)permitted to use? (no more than 6 words)_ 2 2What gives the sculptors ideas for their What gives the sculptors ideas for their creative work? (no more than 9 words)creative wo

16、rk? (no more than 9 words)_ 3 3Why did Team USA win the competition in 2006? Why did Team USA win the competition in 2006? (no more than 15 words)(no more than 15 words)_专题二专题二 真题典例真题典例 【解析【解析】 本篇为介绍国际冰雕锦标赛的说明文。主要介绍参赛队伍本篇为介绍国际冰雕锦标赛的说明文。主要介绍参赛队伍创作冰雕作品的方法与过程、冰雕作品的评奖细则以及参赛创作冰雕作品的方法与过程、冰雕作品的评奖细则以及参赛队伍对锦

17、标赛的体会等。队伍对锦标赛的体会等。 1 1The tools that use electricity. The tools that use electricity. 抓住问题关键抓住问题关键词词“tools, not permitted to usetools, not permitted to use”后不难在第二段找到后不难在第二段找到信息句信息句The sculptors bring out their favorite tools The sculptors bring out their favorite tools that work best on the hard ice

18、d snow, but they are that work best on the hard iced snow, but they are not allowed to employ tools that use electricity.not allowed to employ tools that use electricity.由由此可判断作答。此可判断作答。 2 2The things they have seen in daily life. The things they have seen in daily life. 问问题关键词题关键词“ideas for their c

19、reative workideas for their creative work”可在第三段可在第三段找到信息句找到信息句Most teams are inspired by what they have Most teams are inspired by what they have seen in daily life.seen in daily life.由此可判断作答。由此可判断作答。专题二专题二 真题典例真题典例 3 3Because its sculpture was judged the best for Because its sculpture was judged th

20、e best for creativity, technical skills and visual impact. creativity, technical skills and visual impact. 根根据第四段提到的评奖细则据第四段提到的评奖细则The judges then vote on The judges then vote on creativity, technical skills, and visual impact of creativity, technical skills, and visual impact of the designs.the des

21、igns.可推断作答。可推断作答。新题预测新题预测专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 ( (一一) ) The flag The flag,the most common symbol of a nation in the most common symbol of a nation in the modern worldthe modern world,is also one of the most ancient. is also one of the most ancient. With a clear symbolic meaning, the flag in the With a cle

22、ar symbolic meaning, the flag in the traditional form is still used today to mark traditional form is still used today to mark buildings, ships and other vehicles related to a buildings, ships and other vehicles related to a country.country. The national flag as we know it today is in no The nationa

23、l flag as we know it today is in no way a primitive artifact(way a primitive artifact(手工艺品手工艺品) )It is, ratherIt is, rather,the product of thousands of yearsthe product of thousands of years development. development. Historians believe that it had two major ancestors, Historians believe that it had

24、two major ancestors, of which the earlier served to show wind direction.of which the earlier served to show wind direction.专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 Early human beings used very fragile houses and Early human beings used very fragile houses and boats. Often strong winds would tear roofs from boats. Often stro

25、ng winds would tear roofs from houses or cause high waves that endangered travelers. houses or cause high waves that endangered travelers. PeoplePeoples food supplies were similarly vulnerable(s food supplies were similarly vulnerable(脆脆弱的弱的). Even after they had learned how to plant ). Even after t

26、hey had learned how to plant grains, they still needed help from nature to ensure grains, they still needed help from nature to ensure good harvests. Therefore they feared and depended on good harvests. Therefore they feared and depended on the power of the wind, which could bring warmth from the po

27、wer of the wind, which could bring warmth from one direction and cold from another.one direction and cold from another. Using a simple piece of cloth tied to the top of Using a simple piece of cloth tied to the top of a post to tell the direction of the wind was more a post to tell the direction of

28、the wind was more dependable than earlier methodsdependable than earlier methods,such as watching such as watching the rising of smoke from a fire. The connection ofthe rising of smoke from a fire. The connection of专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 the flag with heavenly power was therefore the flag with heavenly pow

29、er was therefore reasonable. Early human societies began to fix long reasonable. Early human societies began to fix long pieces of cloth to the tops of totems(pieces of cloth to the tops of totems(图腾图腾)before )before carrying them into battle. They believed that the carrying them into battle. They b

30、elieved that the power of the wind would be added to the good wishes power of the wind would be added to the good wishes of the gods and ancestors represented by the totems of the gods and ancestors represented by the totems themselves.themselves. These flags developed very slowly into modern These

31、flags developed very slowly into modern flags. The first known flag of a nation or a ruler flags. The first known flag of a nation or a ruler was unmarked. The king of China around 1000 BC was was unmarked. The king of China around 1000 BC was known to have a white flag carried ahead of him. known t

32、o have a white flag carried ahead of him. This practice might have been learned from Egyptians This practice might have been learned from Egyptians even further in the past, but it was from China thateven further in the past, but it was from China that专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 it spread over trade routes thro

33、ugh Indiait spread over trade routes through India,then then across Arab landsacross Arab lands,and finally to Europe, where it and finally to Europe, where it met up with the other ancestor of the national flag.met up with the other ancestor of the national flag. 1 1What does the flag mean to a nat

34、ion? (No more What does the flag mean to a nation? (No more than 9 words)than 9 words)_ 2 2How many ancestors were believed to have by How many ancestors were believed to have by historians? (No more than 1 word)historians? (No more than 1 word)_ 专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 3 3Why were the earliest flags connec

35、ted with Why were the earliest flags connected with heavenly power? (No more than 10 words)heavenly power? (No more than 10 words)_ 4 4WhatWhats the main idea of the passage? (No more s the main idea of the passage? (No more than 6 words)than 6 words)_专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 【解析【解析】 1 1It is the most common

36、 and ancient symbol. It is the most common and ancient symbol. 根根据第一段据第一段The flagThe flag,the most common symbol of a nation the most common symbol of a nation in the modern worldin the modern world,is also one of the most ancient.is also one of the most ancient.可判断作答。可判断作答。 2 2Two. Two. 根据第二段根据第二段H

37、istorians believe that it Historians believe that it had two major ancestors, of which the earlier served had two major ancestors, of which the earlier served to show wind direction.to show wind direction.可判断作答。可判断作答。 3 3Because they were believed to stand for Because they were believed to stand for

38、 natural forces. natural forces. 综合倒数第二段内容可判断作答。综合倒数第二段内容可判断作答。 4 4The development of the National Flag. The development of the National Flag. 综合全综合全文内容再结合最后一段第一句可判断作答。文内容再结合最后一段第一句可判断作答。专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 ( (二二) ) Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow

39、 strong and healthy. Low levels of vitamin D can lead to healthy. Low levels of vitamin D can lead to problems like rickets(problems like rickets(佝偻病佝偻病)and osteoporosis ()and osteoporosis (骨质骨质疏松疏松). Rickets is a deformity mainly found in ). Rickets is a deformity mainly found in children. Osteopor

40、osis is the thinning of bone, a children. Osteoporosis is the thinning of bone, a common problem as people, especially women, get common problem as people, especially women, get older.older. Studies have suggested that vitamin D may also Studies have suggested that vitamin D may also have other uses

41、. Studies have shown that low levels have other uses. Studies have shown that low levels of vitamin D may increase the risk of heart attacks of vitamin D may increase the risk of heart attacks and deaths from some cancers. Other studies have and deaths from some cancers. Other studies have shown tha

42、t people with rheumatic diseases(shown that people with rheumatic diseases(风湿病风湿病)often have low levels of vitamin D.)often have low levels of vitamin D. 专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 The easiest way to get vitamin D is from The easiest way to get vitamin D is from sunlight. The ultraviolet rays react with skin c

43、ells sunlight. The ultraviolet rays react with skin cells to produce the vitamin. But many people worry about to produce the vitamin. But many people worry about skin cancer and skin damage from the sun.skin cancer and skin damage from the sun. Darker skinned people produce less vitamin D Darker ski

44、nned people produce less vitamin D than lighter skinned people. Production also decreases than lighter skinned people. Production also decreases in older people and those living in northern areas in older people and those living in northern areas that get less sunlight.that get less sunlight. Not ma

45、ny foods naturally contain vitamin D Not many foods naturally contain vitamin DFoods with high levels include oily fish such as Foods with high levels include oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, and fish liver oils.salmon, tuna and mackerel, and fish liver oils. The researchers reported in

46、2007 that farmed The researchers reported in 2007 that farmed salmon had a lot less vitamin D than wild salmon.salmon had a lot less vitamin D than wild salmon.专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 Small Small amounts amounts of of vitamin vitamin D D are are found found in in beef beef liver, liver, cheese cheese and an

47、d egg egg yolks. yolks. And And some some people people take take dietary dietary supplements supplements containing containing the the vitamin. vitamin. But But most most of of the the vitamin vitamin D D in in the the American American diet diet comes comes from from foods like milk with the vitam

48、in added.foods like milk with the vitamin added. These These days, days, more more doctors doctors are are testing testing for for vitamin vitamin D D levels levels in in their their patients. patients. But But as as research research continues, continues, some some experts experts worry worry that

49、that if if people people take take too too much much vitamin vitamin D, D, it it might might act act as as a a poison. poison. Also, Also, skin skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun exposure.doctors warn people to be careful with sun exposure.专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 How much vitamin D does a healt

50、hy person need? How much vitamin D does a healthy person need? Nutrition experts advised the American government to Nutrition experts advised the American government to set the current recommendations in 1997.It set the set the current recommendations in 1997.It set the daily amount at two hundred i

51、nternational units from daily amount at two hundred international units from birth through age fifty. It set the level at four birth through age fifty. It set the level at four hundred international units through age seventy, and hundred international units through age seventy, and six hundred for a

52、ge seventysix hundred for age seventy oneone and over. and over. “But some But some groups say these amounts are not high enoughgroups say these amounts are not high enough” 1 1What will happen to the bone if a woman What will happen to the bone if a woman suffers from osteoporosis? (No more than 4

53、words) suffers from osteoporosis? (No more than 4 words) _专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 2 2How is vitamin D produced in our body? (No How is vitamin D produced in our body? (No more than 11 words) more than 11 words) _ 3 3List three groups who are likely to have less List three groups who are likely to have less

54、vitamin D? (No more than 11 words) vitamin D? (No more than 11 words) _ 4 4What conclusion can we draw about the daily What conclusion can we draw about the daily intake of vitamin D from the last paragraph? (No more intake of vitamin D from the last paragraph? (No more than 10 words) than 10 words)

55、 _专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 【解析】【解析】 1 1It will thin./It will become It will thin./It will become thinner. thinner. 根据第一段根据第一段Osteoporosis is the thinning of Osteoporosis is the thinning of bone, a common problem as people, especially women, bone, a common problem as people, especially women, get older.get ol

56、der.可判断作答。可判断作答。 2 2The sunlight ultraviolet rays react with skin The sunlight ultraviolet rays react with skin cells to produce it. cells to produce it. 根据第三段根据第三段The ultraviolet rays The ultraviolet rays react with skin cells to produce the vitamin.react with skin cells to produce the vitamin.可判断作

57、可判断作答。答。 3 3Older people, darker skinned people, and Older people, darker skinned people, and those living in northern areas. those living in northern areas. 根据第四段根据第四段Darker Darker skinned people produce less vitamin D than lighter skinned people produce less vitamin D than lighter skinned people.

58、Production also decreases in older skinned people. Production also decreases in older people and those living in northern areas that get people and those living in northern areas that get less sunlight.less sunlight.可判断作答。可判断作答。专题二专题二 新题预测新题预测 4 4People over 50 need more vitamin D when People over 5

59、0 need more vitamin D when getting older. getting older. 根据最后一段根据最后一段It set the daily amount It set the daily amount at two hundred international units from birth through at two hundred international units from birth through age fifty. It set the level at four hundred age fifty. It set the level at four hundred international units through age seventy, and six international units through age seventy, and six hundred for age seventyhundred for age seventy oneone and over. and over.可判断作答。可判断作答。



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