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1、【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件TheGreatWall【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件TerracottaArmy-China【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Alps【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Antarctica【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Eiffel Tower【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders

2、 of the world课件 外研版 课件【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件【最新】九年级英语上册 M1

3、 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件ThePyramidsofEgypt埃及金字塔埃及金字塔SevenWondersoftheWorld【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus土耳其的摩索拉斯王陵墓土耳其的摩索拉斯王陵墓【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 土耳其以弗所的亚底米神庙土耳其以弗所的亚底米神庙【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders

4、of the world课件 外研版 课件The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 巴比伦空中花园巴比伦空中花园【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件The Colossus of Rhodes 地中海的罗得岛太阳神铜像地中海的罗得岛太阳神铜像【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件The Statue of Zeus (Jupiter) at Olympia 希腊奥林匹亚的宙斯神像希腊奥林匹亚的宙斯神像【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件

5、 外研版 课件The Lighthouse of Alexandria 埃及的亚历山大灯塔埃及的亚历山大灯塔【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Module1 Wonders of the world【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Listen and write.Betty:Are you going to the school _?Lingling:Id like to, but Im not _

6、.Betty: All the pupils in our class are going.Lingling: Whats the _of the band?Betty: Theyre_ Wonderful World. The _ of their music are good. Its on _.Lingling: But Im going to my dance_on Friday.Betty: So why _you come after dance club? Then you can dance at the_.concertsurenamecalledreviewsFridayc

7、lubdontconcert【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Listen and write.Mr Jackson: And your homework today is about _ of the world. Can anyone _a wonderof the world?Tony: The _.Mr Jackson: Good. Where are the pyramids, Daming?Daming: Er, in Egypt, I think.Mr Jackson: _. The people in Egypt _ the

8、 pyramids about 4,500 years ago. Any more wonders of the world?Tony: How about the Great Barrier Reef?Mr Jackson: Excellent, yes. The Great Barrier Reef is in _. So for homework, Id like you to write a _about a wonder of the world. And if you want good _, you must write at least three _words. Ok?won

9、derssuggestpyramidsExcellentbuiltAustraliacomposition gradeshundred【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件 School MagazineTitle _column1.School ev/di.: school concert,_,_,2.Review: bands,_3.Homework help:_staffBetty : write the articleTony: _Lingling: do interviewsDaming : _Watch and answer【最新】

10、九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Betty:OK,comeinandsitdown!Daming:Whatshappening?Lingling:Werehavingameeting.Daming:Thatsnewstome!Imdoingmyhomework.Whatsitabout?Lingling:Theschoolmagazine.Daming:Whatschoolmagazine?Betty:Right,listenup,everyone.Didanyonewatchtelevisionyesterdayevening?Didyouse

11、etheinterviewwithBeckyWang?Lingling:ShesingswiththebandCrazyFeet.Shesmyfavouritesinger.Tony:Yes,Isawit.Shewenttoourschool!Betty:Well,shestartedaschoolmagazinecalledNew Standardwhenshewasapupilhere.Sowhydontwestartaschoolmagazine,too?Ivewrittendownsomeideas.Wellwriteadiaryofschoolevents,andtelleveryo


13、lp?Tony:Yes,someideasonhowtogetgoodgrades!Lingling:Whatsyourhomework,Daming?Daming:ImwritingacompositioncalledWhatisawonderoftheworld?ImreadingabouttheancientpyramidsinEgypt.Betty:HomeworkHelp.Ithinkthatsafantasticidea,Daming.【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件While Betty, Lingling and Tony

14、 are h a meeting, Daming comes in. The meeting is about s a school magazine, Becky Wang-a famous s started a school magazina c New standard, when she was a p at their school. They want to start one, too. Betty has w down some ideas, Theyll write a d of school e and tell everyone about the school con

15、certs, the dance club, and the school basketball m Theyll write the articles themselves, Tony said he would do some r about their favourite bands and movies . Lingling said she would do an i with Becky Wang. Daming suggested(建议)starting a program called: Homework Help: They want to give some advice

16、on how to get good g , Do you want to know how their magazine is? Youll see it in Module 2 and Module 3 Really brillinant.【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件 Unit 2 I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon.【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件CompletethetablewithfactsabouttheGrandCanyon

17、.GrandCanyonHowdeep/highisit?Howwideisit?Howlongisit?About20kilometreswide.Deeper/higherthanthethreetallestbuildingsintheworld.Over400kilometreslong.【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Para.1.1. How did the writer arrive ?2. What was the weather like when he arrived?3. Why couldnt he see any

18、thing? The greatest wonder of the natural worldWhen I arrived, it was early morning and it was raining. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a path. In the east, the sky was becoming light, but beside the path, it was still very dark. I knew it was there, but there was nothing

19、to see. 【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Para.21. What happened after a kilometre?2. How soon did the stranger say he would get there?3. Did he see anything? After about a kilometer, a stranger appeared in front of me. “Am I going the right way?” I asked. He knew where I was going. “Yes,”

20、 he replied, “youll get there in five minutes.” Finally, I came to some rocks, and stopped. I looked carefully over them, but it was still too dark to see anything.【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Para.31. What was the weather like then?2. What did he see?3. Where was he? Suddenly, the cl

21、ouds cleared and the rain stopped. The sun rose behind me and beyond the rocks. I saw that the ground fell away and down to a river,far below me. I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon, one of the wonders of the natural world.【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件I looked down to the Colorado R

22、iver about 2kilometres below me. If you put the three tallest buildings in the world at the bottom of the canyon, they still wont reach the top. Then I looked across to the other side of the canyon. How far is it? Its 20 kilometres, maybe more. Finally, I looked to my left and to my right, and on bo

23、th sides the canyon disappeared into the distance-over 400 kilometres long. The Grand Canyon is not just big. Its huge!【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Para.4I looked_ _ the Colorado River about 2 kilometres _me. If you _the _ tallest buildings in the world at the _of the canyon, they sti

24、ll wont_the top. Then I looked_ to the _side of the canyon. How _is it? Its 20_, maybe more. Finally, I looked_myleft and _my right, and on _sides the canyon_into the _-over 400 kilometres long.The Grand Canyon is not just big. Its_! down to belowputthreebottomreachacrossotherfarkilometrestotobothdi

25、sappeareddistancehuge【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件That morning on the edge of the canyon, I asked myself a question. Its not “How deep is it?” or “How wide is it?” or “How long is it?” but “Is the grand Canyon the greatest wonder anywhere in the natural world?” I know the answer. But

26、what do you think?【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Watch and retell【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Useful expressions【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件1IstheGrandCanyonthegreatestwonderanywhereinthenaturalworld?2Shesingswit

27、hthebandCrazyFeet.3Were havingameeting.4Shewenttoourschool!5Itwas raining .6Ive writtendownsomeideas.7Ill doaninterviewwithBeckyWang!Language practice【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件ExplainthedifferenceinmeaningbetweenSentencesa)andb).1a)Ioftenplaybasketball.b)Implayingbasketballnow.2a)S

28、hesgonetotheGreatWall.b)ShesbeentotheGreatWall.3a)TheyhadanEnglishclassyesterday.b)TheywerehavinganEnglishclassatnineoclockyesterdaymorning.【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件4a)Hesdoinganinterview.b)Hesdoneaninterview.5a)WeremakingaposterabouttheGreatWallnow.b)Wellmakeaposteraboutthepyrami

29、d.Match the three parts of the sentences .【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件动词时态【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件一般现在时一般现在时:表示目前经常性,习惯性,反复性的动:表示目前经常性,习惯性,反复性的动作。作。结构:主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词结构:主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词+s/es. +s/es. 反之反之则谓语动词用原形。例如:则谓语动词用原形。例如:I work / she worksI work / she works标准词:

30、标准词:sometimes, never, often, alwayssometimes, never, often, always,usually, on Sundayusually, on Sundays s,every day, in the ,every day, in the morningmorning等。等。例句:例句:My father My father worksworks every day.every day.DoesDoes your father your father workwork every day? every day? Yes,he does.Yes,h

31、e does.My father My father doesnt workdoesnt work ever yday ever yday. . 与与 on Sunday 时态上的区时态上的区别,是一个重点。别,是一个重点。【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件一般过去时一般过去时:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态. . 结构:结构: 1 1、am/is was are weream/is was are were 2 2、谓语动词用过去式、谓语动词用过去式, ,规则变化规则变化+ed +ed 标志词:标志词:ag

32、o, yesterday, the day before ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, yesterday, last week(year, night, month), in 2008, month), in 2008, just nowjust now, at the age of , at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a timetime等等。例

33、句例句 : :He He worked worked late late yesterday.yesterday.DidDid he he workwork late yesterday?No he didn late yesterday?No he didnt.t. He He didnt workdidnt work late late yesterdayyesterday【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件一般将来时一般将来时:1 1、表示某人打算、计划做某事。、表示某人打算、计划做某事。2 2、对将、对将来的预测。结构:来的预测。结构

34、:1 1、计划计划: 主主+be going to +V+be going to +V原原 2 2、预测预测: 主主+ will + V+ will + V原原 标志词:标志词:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow tomorrow, the day after tomorrow ,nextday(week,month,year),soon, in a few nextday(week,month,year),soon, in a few minutesminutes(in +in +一段时间一段时间), from now on , from now on ,in

35、in the futurethe future等等. . 例句:例句:I I will workwill work in a hospital in a hospital next monthnext month. . Will Will you you workwork in a hospital? in a hospital? No, I wont. No, I wont. I I wont workwont work in a hospital next month in a hospital next month.【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课

36、件 外研版 课件现在进行时现在进行时:表示正在发生或:表示正在发生或一段时间内一段时间内正在发生正在发生的动作。的动作。结构:结构:主主+ +be(am, is, are)+ be(am, is, are)+ V-ing V-ing 标准词:标准词:now, at this time, now, at this time, these daysthese days, , look, listen,at the moment, Its seven look, listen,at the moment, Its seven oclockoclock 等。等。 例句:例句:They They are

37、 workingare working nownow. . AreAre they they workingworking now? No, they arent. now? No, they arent. They They arent workingarent working now. now.【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件过去进行时过去进行时:表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生:表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的行为或动作。或进行的行为或动作。 结构:结构:was/were+V-ing 标志词:标志词:then,at th

38、is time yesterday,at that time,at that moment yesterday,at 7 oclock last night,以以when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语的时间状语 . 例句:例句:He was working then. Was he working then? No, he wasnt. He wasnt working then.My father was reading when I came in yesterday.【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件现

39、在完成时现在完成时:过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造:过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。的动作或状态。结构:结构: have/has + done (动词的过去分词)(动词的过去分词)标志词:标志词:already, yet, just, recently, lately, since+时间点时间点,for+时间段,时间段,ever,never等。等。例句:例句: I have worked for two years. Have you worked for two years? No,I h

40、avent. I havent worked for two years.【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件 【目标导航】【目标导航】 Listen!Someone_outside.A.singB.singsC.issingingD.aresinging(重庆)(重庆)1.【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件2.Wheresyourfather,Mike?He_inthekitchen.A.cooksB.cookedC.iscookingD.hascooked(北京)(北京)【最新】九年级

41、英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件3.Everyyearmanyforeigners_toChinatolearnChinese.A.havecomeB.comesC.cameD.come(陕西)(陕西)【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件4.Whatdoyoudo?Imanengineer.I_inacompanyinWuHan.Ilikemyjobverymuch.A.workB.hadworkedC.willworkD.worked(武汉)(武汉)【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of

42、 the world课件 外研版 课件5.ImsorrythatJohnisout.Pleaseaskhimtocallmeassoonashe_.A.returnedB.returnsC.willreturn(成都成都)【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件6.Excuseme.IsJoanin?Sorry,sheisnthereatthemoment.She_totherailwaystationhalfanhourago.(金华)(金华)A.goesB.wentC.hasgoneD.hasbeen【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonder

43、s of the world课件 外研版 课件7.Mr.Smith_atalkoncountrymusicnextMonday.(北京)(北京)A.giveB.gaveB.C.hasgivenD.willgive【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件8.Icalledyouthismorning,butnobodyanswered.Itheflowersinmygardenatthattime.A.wateredB.waswateringC.Water(汕头)(汕头)【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外

44、研版 课件9.Whydidntyoucomeandopenthedoorforme,dear?Oh,sorry,I_inthekitchen.Ididnthearyou.A.cookedB.wouldcookC.wascooking(茂名)(茂名)【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件10.I_myteachersincelastyear.Imisshimverymuch.A.didntseeB.sawB.C.haventseen (山西)(山西)【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件11.Wo

45、uldyouliketoseethefilmwithme?ImsorryI_ittwice.A.see B.willseeC.haveseenD.amseeing(北京北京)【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件12.WhendidyoubuythesenewCDs?I_themfortwodays.”A.hadB.haveboughtC.havehad(贵阳贵阳)【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件13.IwanttoreturnthebooktoJack,butIcantfindhim.H

46、e_thelibrary.Youcanfindhimthere.A.hasbeento B.hasgonetoC.hasleftD.wentto(南通)(南通)【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件14.TomdidntknowMrYu_atalkabouthowtolearnEnglishnextweekbecausehewasillathomethismorning.A.willgiveB.wouldgiveC.givesD.hadgiven(威海威海)【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件

47、15.WhenIgotoutside,thebus_.Ihadtowalktoschool.A.leftB.hasleftC.hadleftD.wasleaving(江西江西)【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Lets practise!【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件Complete the passage with the correct form of the words .Thesunwasgoing(go)downwhenwe(1)_(arrive)atthebottomof

48、thebuilding.I(2)_(be)afraidofheightssoI(3)_(be)alittlearrivedwaswas【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件nervousaswe(4)_(wait)forthelifttothetop.Thelift(5)_(climb)fasterandfasteruntilwe(6)_(reach)floorNo88.TheJinMaoBuildinginShanghai(7)_(be)420.5metreshigh,thetallestbuildinginChinaandthefourth

49、tallestbuildingintheworld(in2005).Itwasbuiltin1998andit(8)_(have)werewaitingclimbedreachedishas【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件afantasticviewofPudongDistrictandthecentreofShanghai.Butit(9)_(get)darkandwedecidedtogobackdownagain.It(10)_(be)highupthere,butIwasntafraidwhenI(11)_(stand)atthetop.I(12)_(hope)togotoShanghaiagainnextyear,andImsureI(13)_(want)togoupthebuildingagain.wasgettingwaswasstandinghopewillwant【最新】九年级英语上册 M1 Wonders of the world课件 外研版 课件



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