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1、Unit 8It must belong to Carla. Section A(1a2d) . 单词拼写单词拼写1. 卡车卡车; 货车货车(n. )_ 2. 野餐野餐(n. )_ 3. 兔兔; 野兔野兔(n. )_ 4. 出席出席; 参加参加(v. )_答案答案: 1. truck2. picnic3. rabbit4. attend 5. 粉粉红色的色的 (adj. )_ 6. who (pron. ) _(所有格所有格)谁的的7. value (n. )_(adj. )贵重的重的; 宝宝贵的的答案答案: 5. pink 6. whose7. valuable. 短短语连线1. belon

2、g to A. 捡起起; 拾起拾起2. at picnic B. 我的其他朋友我的其他朋友3. the rest of my friends C. 在野餐中在野餐中4. pick up D. 属于属于. 句型填词句型填词1. 这是谁的书这是谁的书? 它一定是玛丽的。它一定是玛丽的。_ book is this? It_ _ Marys. 2. 昨天我参加了音乐会昨天我参加了音乐会, 因此它可能还在音乐大厅里。因此它可能还在音乐大厅里。I_ a concert yesterday so it_ still _ in the music hall. 3. 它不可能被偷。它不可能被偷。It_ _ _

3、 . 答案答案: 1. Whose; must be2. attended; might; be3. cant be stolen4. 所以它可能所以它可能还在公园在公园吗? So_ it still_ at the park? 5. 我我认为一定有人一定有人捡到了它。到了它。I think somebody_ _ _ it up. 6. 现在我要在我要给他他们打打电话查明是否有人明是否有人捡到了它。到了它。Ill call them now_ _ _ _ has it. 答案答案: 4. could; be5. must have picked6. to check if anybody1.

4、 Your book may/might/could be on the bed, but Im not sure. The book must be Li Leis because his name is on it. _答答案案: may/might/could表表示示不不太太肯肯定定的的推推测测; must表表示示肯肯定定的的推测。推测。2. The man under the tree cant be Mr. Green. He went to Beijing yesterday. No one told him the news, so he cant know it. _答案答案:

5、 表示否定的推测。表示否定的推测。1. attend v. 出席出席; 参加参加【语境境领悟悟】*I attended a concert yesterday so it might still be in the music hall. 昨天我参加了一昨天我参加了一场音音乐会会, 所以它或所以它或许还在音在音乐大大厅里。里。*She joined the Young Pioneers. 她加入了少先队。她加入了少先队。*Will you join us in the discussion? 你会参加我们的讨论吗你会参加我们的讨论吗? *Well take part in social pra

6、ctice during the summer vacation. 暑假期间我们将参加社会实践。暑假期间我们将参加社会实践。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】三个三个“参加参加”的不同的不同attend指参加会指参加会议、婚礼、葬礼、典礼、婚礼、葬礼、典礼; 去上去上课, 上学上学, 听听报告等。句子的主告等。句子的主语只是去听只是去听, 去看去看, 自己不自己不一定起一定起积极作用极作用join指加入某个党派、指加入某个党派、团体体组织等等, 成成为其成其成员之一之一, 意意为“参参军、入、入团、入党、入党”等等和某人一起做某事和某人一起做某事, 其其结构构为: join sb. in (doing) s

7、th. , 根据上下文根据上下文, in (doing) sth. 也可以省去也可以省去take part in指参加会指参加会议或群众性活或群众性活动等等, 着重着重说明句子主明句子主语参加参加该项活活动并在活并在活动中中发挥作用作用【温温馨馨提提示示】take part in是是惯用用词组, part前前一一般般不不用用冠冠词, 但但part前前有有形形容容词修修饰时, 要要用用不不定定冠冠词。例例如如: take an active part in积极参加。极参加。【学以致用学以致用】Mr. John invited many of his friends to_ his wedding

8、. A. take part inB. joinC. join inD. attend2. belong to属于属于【语境境领悟悟】*It must belong to Carla. 它一定属于卡拉。它一定属于卡拉。*The dictionary belongs to him. =The dictionary is his. 那本那本词典是他的。典是他的。【自主自主归纳】belong to意意为“属属于于”, to是是介介词, 后后接接名名词或或人人称称代代词的的宾格形式表示格形式表示“某物属于某人某物属于某人”。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】 belong to sb. 和和be sb. s两两者者

9、的的意意思思是是相相同同的的, 意意为“属属于于某某人人(是是某某人人的的)”, 但但用用法法不同。不同。(1)belong to sb. 意意为“属属于于某某人人”, 是是个个动词词组, to是是介介词, 后后接接名名词或人称代或人称代词的的宾格形式。格形式。(2)be sb. s意意为“是是某某人人的的”, be是是个个连系系动词, 其其后后应接接名名词的所有格形式或名的所有格形式或名词性物主代性物主代词形式。形式。【学以致用学以致用】Lucy cant find her sports bag. The one on the chair must belong to_. A. herB.

10、hersC. sheD. hisThe notebook must be my friends. (改改为同同义句句)The notebook must_ _ my friend. 答案答案: belong to【备选要点要点】1. anybody pron. 任何人任何人【语境境领悟悟】*Ill call them now to check if anybody has it. 我我现在就在就给他他们打打电话看看是否有人看看是否有人捡到它。到它。*Did you meet anybody interesting? 你遇到了有趣的人你遇到了有趣的人吗? *Is there anybody in

11、 the classroom? 教室里有人教室里有人吗? 【自主自主归纳】(1)anybody为不不定定代代词, 相相当当于于anyone。常常用用于于_ (肯肯定定/否否定定)句句和和疑疑问句句; 用用于于肯肯定定句句时, 意意为“任任何何人人; 随随便便哪哪个个人人”。(2)当当有有形形容容词修修饰时, 形形容容词要要放放在在它它的的_ (前前面面/后后面面)。(3)anybody作主作主语时, 谓语动词用用_ (单/复复)数形式。数形式。答案答案: 否定否定; 后面后面; 单单【学以致用学以致用】“I dont think I am different from_else. I am j

12、ust the son of a farmer, ”Mo Yan said. A. anybodyB. nobodyC. somebodyD. everybody2. Whose book is this? 这是是谁的的书? 【句型剖析句型剖析】(1)whose是是who的的所所有有格格形形式式, 意意为“谁的的”, 而而whos是是who is的的缩略形式略形式, 意意为“谁是是”。(2)whose在在句句中中可可作作表表语、定定语。例例如如: Whose is that computer? 那那是是谁的的电脑? (作作表表语)Whose sweaters are these? 这些是些是谁

13、的毛衣的毛衣? (作定作定语)(3)whose用来对物主代词及名词所有格进行提问。用来对物主代词及名词所有格进行提问。提提问问形形容容词词性性物物主主代代词词。例例如如: These are my bananas. (对对画画线部分提问线部分提问)Whose bananas are these? 提提问问名名词词性性物物主主代代词词。例例如如: That bedroom is mine. (对对画画线线部分提问部分提问)Whose is that bedroom? 提提问问名名词词所所有有格格。例例如如: Toms mother is a good teacher. (对对画线部分提问画线部分

14、提问)Whose mother is a good teacher? 【学以致用学以致用】Excuse me. _pen is this? Sorry, I dont know. Go and ask Lily. A. Who B. Whose C. Whos D. WhomToms brother works in a big company. (对画画线部分提部分提问)_ _ works in a big company? 答案答案: Whose brother. 用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. The dictionary is_ (value), but he lost

15、it. 2. Your bike cant_ (steal). You must forget where you put it. 3. Ill call him up_ (make) sure of it. 4. J. K. Rowling is a great_ (write). Her novels are popular among people, especially young people. 5. He_ (attend) an important meeting last week. 答案答案: 1. valuable2. be stolen3. to make4. write

16、r5. attended. 单项选择单项选择1. _sweater is this? I dont know. Please go and ask Lily. A. Who B. WhoseC. Which D. Whom2. The boy_be Jim, but Im not sure. A. cant B. might C. have to D. must3. Whenever he sees waste things, he always_and puts them in the dustbin(垃圾箱垃圾箱). A. picks them up B. picks up themC. takes them up D. takes up them4. “The CD must be Toms”means“the CD must_Tom”. A. take to B. live toC. belong to D. get to5. Can you tell me_theres a bookstore near here? A. that B. what C. if D. which



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