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1、 Module 4 Music Module 4 Music 基础落实基础落实.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆1.Two atoms of hydrogen 1.Two atoms of hydrogen ( (结合结合) with ) with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.water.2.He spent his spare time 2.He spent his spare time (创作)(创作) poetry.poetry.3.Her son

2、was filled with 3.Her son was filled with (雄心)(雄心)to to become a great inventor.become a great binecombinecomposingcomposingambitionambitionmodule4music语言知识点4.Private schools have some different ways to4.Private schools have some different ways to (管理)(管理)the behavior of students.the behavior of stu

3、dents.5.She 5.She (使放松)(使放松)her mind by listening to her mind by listening to Channel Tunnel has enormous 6.The Channel Tunnel has enormous (象征的)(象征的)significance for a united Europe.significance for a united Europe.7.We must take care to preserve our national7.We must take care to

4、 preserve our national (遗产)(遗产). .8.The award is 8.The award is (颁发)(颁发)to one of the to one of the most excellent directors from all over the most excellent directors from all over the语言知识点9

5、.He felt greatly 9.He felt greatly ( (沮丧的沮丧的) at the ) at the news that he has been turned down by the news that he has been turned down by the pany.10.We have a growing population and 10.We have a growing population and ( (因此因此) we need more food.) we need more food.depresseddepressedthereforethere

6、foremodule4music语言知识点.重点短语再现重点短语再现 composed composed 由由构成构成 of of由由组成组成be made be made ofof由由组成组成 true true 与与情况相同情况相同 true true (梦想的)实现(梦想的)实现be true to be true to 逼真逼真3.share feelings and ideas 3.share feelings and ideas 与与分享感分享感 受与想法受与想法share share joys and sorrowsjoys and sorro

7、ws分享快乐分享快乐与痛苦与痛苦4.4. contact with contact with与与进行来往,和进行来往,和取得取得联系联系 contact with contact with和和失去联系失去联系ofofconsistconsistupupfor/offor/ofcomecomelifelifewithwithininmakemakeloselosemodule4music语言知识点 as只要只要long time long time 好久不见好久不见 long long口再见口再见long sth.long sth.渴望某物渴望某物6.all 6

8、.all a suddena sudden突然间突然间7.7. .seriously.seriously重视重视/ /认真对待认真对待ImIm ! ! 口我是当真的!口我是当真的!You You be be serious!serious!你不是当真的吧!你不是当真的吧!8.give life8.give life .赋与赋与生命生命 of life of life生生活方式活方式a matter of a matter of and deathand death生死攸关的生死攸关的问题问题9.draw 9.draw 利用;动用利用;动用draw draw 起草;草拟起草;草拟

9、 musicmusic伴着音乐跳舞伴着音乐跳舞longlongno seeno seesosoforforofoftaketakeseriousseriouscantcanttotowaywaylifelifeon/uponon/uponupuptotomodule4music语言知识点.典型句式运用典型句式运用1.The same is true of my second instrument,1.The same is true of my second instrument, the guzheng. the guzheng.对于我的第二种乐器对于我的第二种乐器古筝,情

10、况也是如此。古筝,情况也是如此。 be true of be true of 对对也是如此也是如此/ /一样一样 音乐沉闷,表演也是如此。音乐沉闷,表演也是如此。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造the acting.the acting.The music is dull and the same is true ofThe music is dull and the same is true ofmodule4music语言知识点2.In 1996,I moved to Canada with my husband and 2.In 1996,I moved to Canada with

11、my husband and I have been living there since then.I have been living there since then.19961996年,我和丈夫搬到了加拿大,从那时起,我就年,我和丈夫搬到了加拿大,从那时起,我就一直住在那里。一直住在那里。 时态:现在完成进行时时态:现在完成进行时 从退休起,我就一直做这项工作。从退休起,我就一直做这项工作。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造I have been doing this work since I retired.I have been doing this work since I re

12、tired.module4music语言知识点3.I push my way through the crowd and find a 3.I push my way through the crowd and find a quartet of musicians playing a violin suitequartet of musicians playing a violin suite of classical music. of classical music.我挤进人群,发现一支四人乐队正在演奏古典音我挤进人群,发现一支四人乐队正在演奏古典音 乐小提琴组曲。乐小提琴组曲。 fin

13、d+O.+Oc. find+O.+Oc.的复合结构的复合结构 我发现昨天晚上上演的戏剧很有趣。我发现昨天晚上上演的戏剧很有趣。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造interesting.interesting.I found the play put on last night reallyI found the play put on last night reallymodule4music语言知识点4.Drawing upon more than 1,500 years of 4.Drawing upon more than 1,500 years of Chinese music, Tw

14、elve Girls Band mixes this Chinese music, Twelve Girls Band mixes this rich tradition with classical, folk and rich tradition with classical, folk and contemporary sounds.contemporary sounds.凭借着具有凭借着具有1 5001 500多年历史的中国音乐,多年历史的中国音乐,“女子十女子十 二乐坊二乐坊”将这浓厚的传统与古典、民族和现代声音将这浓厚的传统与古典、民族和现代声音 巧妙地结合了起来。巧妙地结合了起来

15、。 v v.-ing.-ing短语在句中作状语短语在句中作状语 知道下一步该做什么,他继续进行工作。知道下一步该做什么,他继续进行工作。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造Knowing what to do next, he went on withKnowing what to do next, he went on withhis job.his job.module4music语言知识点 导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词bine bine v v.(.(使)结合使)结合;(;(使)联合使)联合The pipa sounds and the pausesThe pipa sounds an

16、d the pauses combine combine to to make a poetry of sound.make a poetry of sound.琵琶的声音和乐曲中的停顿结合在一起,给声音赋琵琶的声音和乐曲中的停顿结合在一起,给声音赋予了诗的意境。予了诗的意境。 (回归课本(回归课本P P4545)观察思考观察思考The hotel combines comfort with convenience.The hotel combines comfort with convenience. Several factors had combined to harm our Seve

17、ral factors had combined to harm our friendship.friendship. module4music语言知识点归纳拓展归纳拓展combine.with/bine.with/and.将将与与结合在一起结合在一起 combine to do bine to do sth.联合起来做某事;合起来促成某事联合起来做某事;合起来促成某事combined combined adj.adj.共同的;联合的共同的;联合的combination combination n.n.联合;结合联合;结合 module4music语言知识点活学活用活学活用How do you

18、 like the new software package?How do you like the new software package?Very good.It Very good.It power with maximum power with maximum flexibility. flexibility.A.combinesA.combinesB.connectsB.connectsC.linksC.linksD.associatesD.associates解析解析 combine A with Bcombine A with B把把A A和和B B结合起来。结合起来。Amod

19、ule4music语言知识点2.ambition 2.ambition n n. .野心;雄心;企图;志气;抱负野心;雄心;企图;志气;抱负What is her What is her ambition ambition regarding Chinese regarding Chinese music?music?对于中国音乐她的理想是什么?(回归课本对于中国音乐她的理想是什么?(回归课本P P4545)观察思考观察思考Your problem is that you have no ambition.Your problem is that you have no ambition. M

20、others are often highly ambitious for Mothers are often highly ambitious for their children.their children. Research is being done with the aim of Research is being done with the aim of monitoring customerstrends.monitoring customerstrends.module4music语言知识点做这个研究的目的是为监测客户的动向。做这个研究的目的是为监测客户的动向。He aims

21、 to lose 4 kg before the summer He aims to lose 4 kg before the summer holidays.holidays. 归纳拓展归纳拓展ambitious ambitious adj.adj.志向远大的;渴望的志向远大的;渴望的be full of ambitionbe full of ambition野心勃勃野心勃勃achieve ones ambitionachieve ones ambition实现某人的夙愿实现某人的夙愿module4music语言知识点活学活用活学活用Madame Elants son was Madame

22、Elants son was of being a soldier of being a soldier though he was so weak and thin.though he was so weak and thin.A.worriedA.worriedB.anxiousB.anxiousC.eagerC.eagerD.ambitiousD.ambitious解析解析 be ambitious of. be ambitious of.指指“渴望渴望”,为固定,为固定搭配,符合句意,故选搭配,符合句意,故选D D项。项。 Dmodule4music语言知识点3.honour 3.ho

23、nour vtvt. .尊敬;给以荣誉;尊敬;给以荣誉;n n. .荣誉;尊敬;敬意荣誉;尊敬;敬意The group The group honourshonours its musical heritage and shows a its musical heritage and shows a genuine love for all styles of music.genuine love for all styles of music.这支乐队尊崇自己的民族音乐遗产并且展现出对各种音乐这支乐队尊崇自己的民族音乐遗产并且展现出对各种音乐风格的真实热爱风格的真实热爱 (回归课本(回归课本

24、P P5353)观察思考观察思考Earlier this year I had the honour of meeting theEarlier this year I had the honour of meeting the President and Mrs.Obama. President and Mrs.Obama. I felt deeply honoured to be playing against the I felt deeply honoured to be playing against the former Wimbledon Champion.former Wimb

25、ledon Champion. module4music语言知识点归纳拓展归纳拓展be honoured forbe honoured for因因而受到尊敬或获得荣誉而受到尊敬或获得荣誉be honoured asbe honoured as被尊为被尊为be honoured withbe honoured with被授予被授予feel honoured to do/of doing.feel honoured to do/of doing.为做为做而感到荣幸而感到荣幸have the honour to do/of doing.have the honour to do/of doing.有

26、幸做有幸做do honourdo honour给某人带来荣誉给某人带来荣誉in honour ofin honour of为了纪念为了纪念module4music语言知识点活学活用活学活用I feel highly I feel highly what you said about me. what you said about me.A.honoured forA.honoured forB.honour forB.honour forC.honoured byC.honoured byD.honour byD.honour by解析解析 句意为:你说的关于我的那些话

27、使我感到很受句意为:你说的关于我的那些话使我感到很受尊敬。尊敬。Amodule4music语言知识点重点短语与句型重点短语与句型4.give life to.4.give life to.赋予赋予生命(生命力,活生命(生命力,活力)力)They They give life togive life to the whole painting and the whole painting and they allow people to come into the they allow people to come into the picture,like a dialogue.picture

28、,like a dialogue.它们给整幅作品带来生机,也使得观众融入图画,它们给整幅作品带来生机,也使得观众融入图画,就像与图画进行对话。(回归课本就像与图画进行对话。(回归课本P P4545)module4music语言知识点观察思考观察思考In the story the artist brings the statue to In the story the artist brings the statue to life/gives life to the life to the statue. In the battle,many soldie

29、rs gave their lives In the battle,many soldiers gave their lives to (defend) their (defend) their motherland. module4music语言知识点归纳拓展归纳拓展give ones life to (do).give ones life to (do).为为( (做做)而献出生命而献出生命lead a happy/full lifelead a happy/full life过着幸福过着幸福/ /充实的生活充实的生活save ones lifesave one

30、s life救某人的命救某人的命risk ones liferisk ones life冒着生命危险冒着生命危险start a new lifestart a new life开始新的生活开始新的生活lose ones lifelose ones life丧失生命丧失生命bring sth. to lifebring sth. to life赋予某物以生命;使某物更生动有趣赋予某物以生命;使某物更生动有趣come to lifecome to life变得活跃;开始动起来变得活跃;开始动起来module4music语言知识点活学活用活学活用The artist Xu Beihong The a

31、rtist Xu Beihong to horses in his to horses in his arts.arts.A.spent lifeA.spent lifeB.led a lifeB.led a lifeC.started lifeC.started lifeD.gave lifeD.gave life解析解析 句意为:画家徐悲鸿在他的艺术中赋予马以生句意为:画家徐悲鸿在他的艺术中赋予马以生命。命。Dmodule4music语言知识点5.make contact with.5.make contact with.与与进行交往;和进行交往;和联系联系Since I moved to

32、 Canada,I have had Since I moved to Canada,I have had opportunities to opportunities to make contact withmake contact with other other musical traditions and play with master musical traditions and play with master musicians.musicians.自从移居加拿大,我有机会接触到了其他音乐传统自从移居加拿大,我有机会接触到了其他音乐传统并跟一些音乐大师同台演出。(回归课本并跟一

33、些音乐大师同台演出。(回归课本P P4545)module4music语言知识点观察思考观察思考I finally made contact with her in Paris.I finally made contact with her in Paris. My teacher put me in contact with an expert in My teacher put me in contact with an expert in this field.this field. module4music语言知识点归纳拓展归纳拓展be out of contact o

34、ut of contact with.和和失去联系失去联系have contact with.have contact with.与与有交往有交往be/get/stay contact contact with.与与有有/ /保持联系保持联系make/lose contact with.make/lose contact with.与与取得取得/ /失去联系失去联系 module4music语言知识点活学活用活学活用We can learn much by being brought into We can learn much by being brough

35、t into with opposing opinions.with opposing B.contrast B.contrastC.contractionC.contractionD.contractD.contract解析解析 句意为:我们可以通过接触相反的观点句意为:我们可以通过接触相反的观点了解更多。了解更多。contactcontact联系;联系;contrastcontrast对比,对照;对比,对照;contractioncontraction缩小;缩小;contractcontract合同。合同。Amodule4music语

36、言知识点6.draw upon/on6.draw upon/on利用;凭借;依赖利用;凭借;依赖Drawing uponDrawing upon more than 1,500 years of Chinese more than 1,500 years of Chinese music,Twelve Girls Band mixes this rich music,Twelve Girls Band mixes this rich tradition with classical,folk and contemporarytradition with classical,folk and c

37、ontemporary sounds. sounds.吸取中国吸取中国1 5001 500多年的音乐文化,多年的音乐文化,“女子十二乐坊女子十二乐坊” 将这浓厚的传统与古典、民族与现代声音巧妙融合。将这浓厚的传统与古典、民族与现代声音巧妙融合。 (回归课本(回归课本P P5353)module4music语言知识点观察思考观察思考As an actor,you have to draw on your experience to As an actor,you have to draw on your experience to create believable characters.cre

38、ate believable characters.作为演员,你必须利用自己的经验去塑造可信的角色。作为演员,你必须利用自己的经验去塑造可信的角色。I had to draw on my savings to pay for the I had to draw on my savings to pay for the repairs.repairs.我得动用存款来支付修理费。我得动用存款来支付修理费。Winter is drawing on/near.Winter is drawing on/near.冬天快到了。冬天快到了。module4music语言知识点归纳拓展归纳拓展draw ondr

39、aw on可用作不及物动词,表示时间的临近。可用作不及物动词,表示时间的临近。draw a conclusion from.draw a conclusion from.从从中得出结论中得出结论draw sb.s attention to sth.draw sb.s attention to sth.有意使某人注意某物有意使某人注意某物draw sb.s eyedraw sb.s eye吸引某人的目光吸引某人的目光draw backdraw back移开;退后移开;退后draw in/out (draw in/out (指白天的时间指白天的时间) )渐短渐短/ /长长 module4music

40、语言知识点活学活用活学活用He He his childhood memories for the his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories.material of most of his stories.A.turns onA.turns onC.draws onC.draws onD.tries onD.tries on解析解析 句意为:他把童年的记忆作为他很多故事的材句意为:他把童年的记忆作为他很多故事的材料。料。Cmodule4music语言知识点7.She gr

41、aduated from the Shanghai Conservatory 7.She graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music,where she also studied the guzheng of Music,where she also studied the guzheng in 1993.她毕业于上海音乐学院,她毕业于上海音乐学院,19931993年她还在那年她还在那里学习了弹奏古筝。里学习了弹奏古筝。句式分析句式分析句中的句中的“where she also studied the guzheng in

42、 “where she also studied the guzheng in 1993”1993”是是wherewhere引导的一个非限制性定语从句。引导的一个非限制性定语从句。This is the house where Chairman Mao was born.This is the house where Chairman Mao was born. She went to a musical school, where she studied She went to a musical school, where she studied the pipa and the guzh

43、eng.the pipa and the guzheng. module4music语言知识点活学活用活学活用Those successful deaf dancers think that Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity dancing is an activity sight matters sight matters more than hearing.more than hearing.A.when B.whose C.which D.whereA.when B.whose C.which

44、D.where解析解析 句意为:那些成功的耳聋舞蹈家认为舞蹈是一句意为:那些成功的耳聋舞蹈家认为舞蹈是一项视觉比听觉更为重要的活动。先行词项视觉比听觉更为重要的活动。先行词 activity activity 后后跟定语从句,且在从句中跟定语从句,且在从句中 where where 作地点状语,意为作地点状语,意为“在那儿;在那种情况或场合下在那儿;在那种情况或场合下”。Dmodule4music语言知识点8.Its the same with classical Chinese 8.Its the same with classical Chinese中国古典音乐也

45、是一样。中国古典音乐也是一样。句式分析句式分析句中的句中的Its the same with.=So it is with.Its the same with.=So it is with.该句型既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句。该句型既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句。Its the same with your travels on the road Its the same with your travels on the road to success.你们在迈向成功的路上,也有着相同的经历。你们在迈向成功的路上,也有着相同的经历。He is very clever b

46、ut he doesnt work hard,so He is very clever but he doesnt work hard,so it is with his is with his sister.module4music语言知识点他很聪明,但不努力,他姐姐也是这样。他很聪明,但不努力,他姐姐也是这样。This is the same pen as I lost last week.This is the same pen as I lost last week.这和我上周丢失的那支钢笔一样。这和我上周丢失的那支钢笔一样。( (但不是同一支但不是同一支) )Th

47、is is the same pen that I lost last week.This is the same pen that I lost last week.这就是我上周丢失的那支钢笔。这就是我上周丢失的那支钢笔。( (是同一支是同一支) )module4music语言知识点归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)“(1)“也如此也如此”表达法:表达法:在肯定句中,用在肯定句中,用so+be (have/so+be (have/助动词助动词/ /情态动词情态动词)+)+另一主另一主语,表示前面所说的情况亦适合于另一人或物。语,表示前面所说的情况亦适合于另一人或物。She can ride a hors

48、e,so can I.She can ride a horse,so can I.她会骑马她会骑马, ,我也会骑。我也会骑。He is a worker,and so am I.He is a worker,and so am I.他是一位工人他是一位工人, ,我也是。我也是。If he goes there,so will I.If he goes there,so will I.假如他要去那里假如他要去那里, ,我也去。我也去。在否定句中,用在否定句中,用neither/nor+be(have/neither/nor+be(have/助动词助动词/ /情态动词情态动词)+)+另一主语,表示

49、另一主语,表示“也不也不”。If you wont go,neither will I.If you wont go,neither will I.如果你不去,我也不去。如果你不去,我也不去。module4music语言知识点(2)the用来表示前后两者的相同或相用来表示前后两者的相同或相似,后面的似,后面的asas是关系代词,引导一个定语从句是关系代词,引导一个定语从句( (常用常用省略结构省略结构),),此时此时asas不能换成不能换成thatthat或或whichwhich。(3)the same.that.(3)the same.that

50、.用来表示前后为同一事物,用来表示前后为同一事物,thatthat是关系代词,引导一个定语从句。是关系代词,引导一个定语从句。(4)the same to(4)the same to常用于别人祝贺你时回答对方的用语常用于别人祝贺你时回答对方的用语( (只限于双方都有共同的情景只限于双方都有共同的情景) ),也可表示,也可表示“无关紧要无关紧要”之意。之意。module4music语言知识点活学活用活学活用Dr.Johnson doesnt like jazz andDr.Johnson doesnt like jazz and . .A.neither is his wifeA.neither

51、 is his is his is his his wife his wife isD.neither does his wifeD.neither does his wife解析解析 当前一主语的情况也适合于第二个主语时,在当前一主语的情况也适合于第二个主语时,在否定句中用否定句中用neither/nor+be/have/neither/nor+be/have/助动词助动词/ /情态动词情态动词+ +另一主语,表示另一主语,表示“也不也不”。 Dmodule4music语言知识点 考题回扣考题回扣【例例1 1】There w

52、ere some chairs left over There were some chairs left over everyone had sat down.(everyone had sat down.(四川高考四川高考) )A.whenA.when B.until B.untilC.thatC.that D.where D.where解析解析 句意为:当大家都坐下时,还有些椅子句意为:当大家都坐下时,还有些椅子 剩余。剩余。whenwhen引导时间状语从句;引导时间状语从句;untiluntil也引导时也引导时 间状语从句,表示间状语从句,表示“直到直到”;wherewhere引导引导

53、 地点状语从句;地点状语从句;thatthat引导结果状语从句,用于引导结果状语从句,用于 so.that. so.that.中。中。 课文原文课文原文 WhenWhen I was a child,she took me to I was a child,she took me to performances. performances.Amodule4music语言知识点【例例2 2】Excuse me,Marcia,a reporter from Excuse me,Marcia,a reporter from Vanity Vanity FairFair all day.Could y

54、ou speak to her now? all day.Could you speak to her now? ( (辽宁高考辽宁高考) )A.phonesA.phones B.has phoned B.has phonedC.has been phoningC.has been phoning D.phoned D.phoned解析解析 句意为:对不起,玛西娅,一位来自句意为:对不起,玛西娅,一位来自Vanity Vanity FairFair的记者一整天都在打电话,你现在能和她通话吗的记者一整天都在打电话,你现在能和她通话吗?表示过去开始的动作一直持续进行到现在用现?表示过去开始的动作一

55、直持续进行到现在用现 在完成进行时。题干中在完成进行时。题干中all dayall day表示一段时间表示一段时间。课文原文课文原文In 1996,I moved to Canada with my husband and In 1996,I moved to Canada with my husband and I I have been livinghave been living there since then. there since then. Cmodule4music语言知识点【例例3 3】Shall we have our picnic tomorrow?Shall we h

56、ave our picnic tomorrow? it doesnt rain. (it doesnt rain. (山东高考山东高考) )A.Until B.While C.Once D.IfA.Until B.While C.Once D.If解析解析 句意为:句意为:“明天我们去野餐吗?明天我们去野餐吗?”“”“只要只要不下雨(就去)。不下雨(就去)。” 课文原文课文原文IfIf your technique is not good enough,it is your technique is not good enough,it is impossible to play classi

57、cal Chinese pipa impossible to play classical Chinese pipa语言知识点【例例4 4】A typhoon swept across this area with A typhoon swept across this area with heavy rains and winds heavy rains and winds strong as 113 strong as 113 miles per hour. (miles per hour. (上海高考上海高考) )A.tooA.tooB

58、.veryB.veryC.soC.soD.asD.as解析解析 由于题干中出现了由于题干中出现了asas,且为肯定句,所以该,且为肯定句,所以该空格处用空格处用asas,构成,构成结构。结构。 课文原文课文原文 However,some people think that the Grammys However,some people think that the Grammys are not are not asas important important asas they used to be. they used to be.Dmodule4music语言知识

59、点【例例5 5】Children need friends Children need friends their own their own age to play with. (age to play with. (辽宁高考辽宁高考) )A.ofA.of B.for 解析解析 句意为:孩子们需要与同龄的孩子一起玩耍。句意为:孩子们需要与同龄的孩子一起玩耍。表示表示“同龄的同龄的”用用(be) of ones own age(be) of ones own age。这是。这是“be of+“be of+抽象名词抽象名词”结构的延伸用法。结构的延

60、伸用法。 课文原文课文原文 American critics noticed the mixture American critics noticed the mixture ofof pieces by Mozard and Beethoven. pieces by Mozard and Beethoven.Amodule4music语言知识点 自主检测自主检测.品句填词品句填词1.She made a 1.She made a ( (自愿的)自愿的)decision to decision to leave the job.leave the job.2.It was a great 2.

61、It was a great (轻松)(轻松)to find that my to find that my family were all were all safe.3.He was 3.He was (沮丧的)(沮丧的)because he had not because he had not passed his math examination.passed his math examination.4.One of his 4.One of his (雄心)(雄心)is to become is to become the President of the

62、Motor General. the President of the Motor General.voluntaryvoluntaryreliefreliefdepresseddepressedambitionsambitionsmodule4music语言知识点5.Kindness is one of his 5.Kindness is one of his (性格)(性格),so he always gives others a hand.,so he always gives others a hand.6.Only when theories are 6.Only when theo

63、ries are (结合)(结合) with practice can we know how they work.with practice can we know how they work.7.Yao Ming is fond of 7.Yao Ming is fond of (古典的)(古典的) Chinese music.Chinese music.8.There is a 8.There is a (空的)(空的) place over there place over there where he can park. where he can park.9.You seem mu

64、ch more 9.You seem much more (自在的)(自在的)since since you changed your changed your job.10.There is a 10.There is a (一系列)(一系列)of truck of truck accidents occurring on the freeway.accidents occurring on the freeway.characteristicscharacteristicscombinedcombinedclassicalclassicalvacantvacantrelax

65、edrelaxedseriesseriesmodule4music语言知识点.短语运用短语运用1.I finally her in Paris.1.I finally her in Paris.2.The new teaching method 2.The new teaching method education education pleasure. pleasure.3.The music is dull and uninspiring,and the 3.The music is dull and uninspiring,and the same the acting.same the

66、 true of,give life to,make contact with,all be true of,give life to,make contact with,all of a sudden,in addition to,dance to,draw of a sudden,in addition to,dance to,draw on,combine.with,push.through,to ones on,combine.with,push.through,to ones reliefreliefmade contact withmade contact wi

67、thcombinescombinesis true ofis true ofwithwithmodule4music语言知识点4.Those words really 4.Those words really to this to this article.article.5. ,someone grabbed me around 5. ,someone grabbed me around the neck.the neck.6.The government is 6.The government is the changes the changes before the election.b

68、efore the election.7. 7. English,he has to study a English,he has to study a second foreign language.second foreign language.8.“8.“ ,all the children arrived home ,all the children arrived home safely,”said the teachers. safely,”said the teachers. have given lifehave given lifeAll of a suddenAll of

69、a suddenpushingpushingthroughthroughIn addition toIn addition toTo our reliefTo our reliefmodule4music语言知识点9.Writers often 9.Writers often their imagination and their imagination and experience for the plot of their books.experience for the plot of their books.10.In the street,many young people 10.I

70、n the street,many young people the music now. the music now.draw ondraw onare dancingare dancingtotomodule4music语言知识点.翻译句子翻译句子1.1.我上大学时和他共住一个房间。(我上大学时和他共住一个房间。(shareshare) 2.2.经理决定将新技术引进工厂。(经理决定将新技术引进工厂。(introduceintroduce) 3.3.母亲希望我和好孩子交往。母亲希望我和好孩子交往。(make contact with)(make contact with) When I wa

71、s at college,I shared a room withWhen I was at college,I shared a room withhim.him.The manager decided to introduce newThe manager decided to introduce newtechnology into the into the factory.Mother expected me to make contact withMother expected me to make contact withkind childr

72、en.kind children.module4music语言知识点4.4.因这次考试不及格,他很沮丧。(因这次考试不及格,他很沮丧。(depressdepress) 5.The street music gives life to every 5.The street music gives life to every listener,which can relieve their life listener,which can relieve their life irritation.irritation. He is very depressed because he failed

73、(in)He is very depressed because he failed (in)the examination.the examination.街头音乐赋予了每位倾听者以生命,让人们减轻生街头音乐赋予了每位倾听者以生命,让人们减轻生活的烦恼。活的烦恼。 module4music语言知识点.单项填空单项填空1.I played table tennis for half an 1.I played table tennis for half an hour,which made me hour,which made me . .A.relaxA.relax B.relaxing B

74、.relaxingC.relaxationC.relaxation D.relaxed D.relaxed解析解析 修饰人或表示修饰人或表示“人怎么样人怎么样”时用时用v v.-ed.-ed形形式的形容词。式的形容词。Dmodule4music语言知识点2.They 2.They on the program for almost one on the program for almost one week before I joined them,and now we week before I joined them,and now we on on been wo

75、rking;are still workingA.had been working;are still workingB.had worked;were still workingB.had worked;were still workingC.have been working;have workedC.have been working;have workedD.have worked;are still workingD.have worked;are still working解析解析 由由“for almost one week”“for almost one week”可以推知第一

76、空可以推知第一空 应该用完成进行时,又因动作发生在应该用完成进行时,又因动作发生在“I joined “I joined them” them”之前,故要用过去完成进行时之前,故要用过去完成进行时;“and now”;“and now” 提示下面叙述的是现在的情况,故用现在进行时。提示下面叙述的是现在的情况,故用现在进行时。Amodule4music语言知识点3.A club is a place to make frequent 3.A club is a place to make frequent with friends. with friends.A.contrastA.contra

77、stB.contactB.contactC.contractC.contractD.contentD.content解析解析 contrastcontrast指指“差异差异”;contractcontract指指“合合 同同”;contentcontent指指“内容内容”;make contact withmake contact with 为固定搭配,指为固定搭配,指“与与交流交流/ /接触接触”,符合句,符合句 意,故选意,故选B B项。项。Bmodule4music语言知识点4.Nowhere in nature is aluminium4.Nowhere in nature is al

78、uminium(铝)(铝) found found free,owing to its always free,owing to its always with other with other elements,most commonly with oxygen.elements,most commonly with oxygen.A.combinedA.combined B.having combined B.having combinedC.combineC.combine D.being combined D.being combined解析解析 由句意可知,此处应为短语由句意可知,此

79、处应为短语be combined be combined withwith结构作介词结构作介词toto的宾语,故选的宾语,故选D D项。项。Dmodule4music语言知识点5. It was such a 5. It was such a to hear that her son to hear that her son was found safe and sound in the forest.was found safe and sound in the forest.A.easeA.ease B.assistance B.assistanceC.comfortC.comfort D

80、.relief D.relief解析解析 reliefrelief(痛苦等的)减轻;(痛苦等的)减轻;easeease安逸,安心;安逸,安心;assistanceassistance协助;协助;comfortcomfort舒适。舒适。Dmodule4music语言知识点6.In preparing scientific reports of laboratory6.In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments,a student should experiments,a student should his findings

81、 his findings in logical order and clear logical order and clear language.A.furnishA.furnish B.propose B.proposeC.raiseC.raise D.present D.present解析解析 此处此处presentpresent用作动词,意为呈现。用作动词,意为呈现。furnishfurnish装装备;布置;备;布置;proposepropose建议;推荐;建议;推荐;raiseraise举起。举起。Dmodule4music语言知识点7.When he ope

82、ned the tin,it 7.When he opened the tin,it a bad smell. a bad smell.A.gave awayA.gave awayB.gave inB.gave inC.gave upC.gave upD.gave offD.gave off解析解析 give offgive off发出(气味,烟等);发出(气味,烟等);give awaygive away分分发;赠送;发;赠送;give ingive in屈服;让步;屈服;让步;give upgive up投降;放投降;放弃。句意为:我们打开罐子时,它发出一股难闻的弃。句意为:我们打开罐子时

83、,它发出一股难闻的气味。气味。Dmodule4music语言知识点8.He 8.He his childhood memories for the his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories.material of most of his stories.A.turns onA.turns onC.draws onC.draws onD.tries onD.tries on解析解析 句意为:他从童年的记忆中获取大多数小说句意为:他从童年的记忆中获取大多数小说的写作素材。的写

84、作素材。draw ondraw on意为意为“利用或依靠(财力、利用或依靠(财力、智慧等),从智慧等),从中获得中获得”,是固定搭配,符合题,是固定搭配,符合题意。意。turn onturn on打开;打开;work onwork on从事;从事;try ontry on试穿。试穿。 Cmodule4music语言知识点9. By the time he finishes the part-time 9. By the time he finishes the part-time job,he job,he much work experience. much work experience.

85、A.will gainA.will gain B.will have gained B.will have gainedC.has gainedC.has gained D.had gained D.had gained解析解析 根据时间状语从句根据时间状语从句By the time.By the time.中的时中的时态和句意可知主句中应用将来完成时态。态和句意可知主句中应用将来完成时态。Bmodule4music语言知识点10.French author Le Clezjo,a brilliant 10.French author Le Clezjo,a brilliant novelis

86、t,novelist, as a child of all as a child of all continents,won the Nobel Prize in continents,won the Nobel Prize in literature in October,2008.literature in October,2008.A.honoredA.honoredB.honoringB.honoringC.being honoredC.being honoredD.having honoredD.having honored解析解析 考查过去分词短语作后置定语。考查过去分词短语作后置

87、定语。be be honored as.honored as.被尊称为被尊称为。Amodule4music语言知识点11.The statement completely laid bare their 11.The statement completely laid bare their for world conquest.for world conquest.A.enterpriseA.enterpriseB.ambitionB.ambitionC.aspirationC.aspirationD.admirationD.admiration解析解析 ambitionambition指对成

88、功、财富或权力等的强烈指对成功、财富或权力等的强烈愿望,既可用于褒义也可用于贬义,此处指贬义,愿望,既可用于褒义也可用于贬义,此处指贬义,即野心;即野心;lay sth. barelay sth. bare暴露,显示。暴露,显示。Bmodule4music语言知识点12.I appreciate 12.I appreciate the opportunity to the opportunity to interview for that job yesterday.interview for that job yesterday.A.being givenA.being givenB.hav

89、ing givenB.having have been have been have have given解析解析 appreciate+appreciate+v.v.-ing-ing形式;又由句意知应用形式;又由句意知应用被动,故选被动,故选A A项。项。Amodule4music语言知识点13.He finds it difficult to 13.He finds it difficult to himself to himself to the wet climate here because he has

90、 lived the wet climate here because he has lived in the north for nearly 10 the north for nearly 10 years.A.changeA.changeB.adaptB.adaptC.behaveC.behaveD.regulateD.regulate解析解析 adapt oneself to.adapt oneself to.使适应使适应。句意为:。句意为:他发现很难使自己适应这里潮湿的气候,因为他他发现很难使自己适应这里潮湿的气候,因为他在北方生活了近在北方生活了近1010年的时间

91、。年的时间。Bmodule4music语言知识点14.What a large crowd!14.What a large crowd!Yes.They Yes.They in the cold wind for in the cold wind for hours,because Premier Wen is soon to hours,because Premier Wen is soon to give his speech. give his speech.A.will be waitingA.will be waitingB.were waitingB.were waitingC.a

92、re waitingC.are waitingD.have been waitingD.have been waiting解析解析 由时间状语由时间状语for hoursfor hours知应用完成进行时态。知应用完成进行时态。Dmodule4music语言知识点15.John,which clothes do you think are 15.John,which clothes do you think are better for me to take? better for me to take?Oh,dear!Oh,dear! We have no time for that! We have no time for that!A.Come on!A.Come on! B.Its ridiculous. B.Its ridiculous.C.Im stuck.C.Im stuck. D.Dont mention it! D.Dont mention it!解析解析 由答语中的由答语中的“We have no time for “We have no time for that”that”知应用知应用come on“come on“赶紧,快点儿赶紧,快点儿”。A返回module4music语言知识点



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