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1、工程部简介工程部简介Introduction of Engineering Department凯宾斯基大酒店凯宾斯基大酒店KempinskiKempinski工程部职责工程部职责 Responsibility of Engineering Department 负责酒店的能源控制负责酒店的能源控制负责酒店的能源控制负责酒店的能源控制 Responsibility for the hotel power control Responsibility for the hotel power control 负责酒店的设备管理负责酒店的设备管理负责酒店的设备管理负责酒店的设备管理 Responsi

2、bility for the hotel equipment managementResponsibility for the hotel equipment management 负责酒店的设备运行和维修负责酒店的设备运行和维修负责酒店的设备运行和维修负责酒店的设备运行和维修Responsibility for the hotel equipment operation Responsibility for the hotel equipment operation and maintenanceand maintenance工程部的重要性工程部的重要性The Importance of E

3、ngineering Department 提高服务质量提高服务质量提高服务质量提高服务质量 improve service quality 影响销售价格影响销售价格影响销售价格影响销售价格 affect the sales pricesaffect the sales prices 保证酒店安全保证酒店安全保证酒店安全保证酒店安全 ensure the hotel securityensure the hotel security 提高酒店利润提高酒店利润提高酒店利润提高酒店利润 increase hotel profitsincrease hotel profits 影响酒店声誉影响酒店声

4、誉影响酒店声誉影响酒店声誉 affect hotel reputationaffect hotel reputation工程部的任务工程部的任务Task of Engineering Department 工程部负责管理好酒店的设备设施,使之正常运转,工程部负责管理好酒店的设备设施,使之正常运转,为酒店营业提供基础保障为酒店营业提供基础保障Responsible for the management of hotel equipment, Responsible for the management of hotel equipment, ensure its operation to pro

5、vide a basis guarantee for ensure its operation to provide a basis guarantee for hotel businesshotel business 对酒店的设备设施进行维修保养对酒店的设备设施进行维修保养Maintenance and repair of hotel equipment and Maintenance and repair of hotel equipment and facilitiesfacilities 对酒店的设备设施进行更新改造,延长设备使用寿命对酒店的设备设施进行更新改造,延长设备使用寿命Equ

6、ipment renewal and modernization to extent the Equipment renewal and modernization to extent the usage life of equipmentusage life of equipment 工程部的管理Management of Engineering Department基础管理 Basic management设备管理 Equipment management能源管理 Power management工程部组织结构Engineering Department Organization Char

7、t工程总监强电工程师弱电工程师水暖工程师空调工程师 工程仓管员工程副总监秘书强电领班强电工弱电领班弱电工水暖工领班万能工领班水暖工万能工空调工领班锅炉工领班空调工锅炉工酒店的硬件服务系统Hotel hardware Service System供电系统供电系统供电系统供电系统 Power supply systemPower supply system弱电系统弱电系统弱电系统弱电系统 Weak current systemWeak current system给排水系统给排水系统给排水系统给排水系统 Water supply and drainage systemWater supply an

8、d drainage system供热系统供热系统供热系统供热系统 Heating systemHeating system制冷系统制冷系统制冷系统制冷系统 Refrigerating systemRefrigerating system保安监控系统保安监控系统保安监控系统保安监控系统 CCTV systemCCTV system消防安全系统消防安全系统消防安全系统消防安全系统 Fire protection system Fire protection system供电系统供电系统Power Supply System一一、高压供电系统、高压供电系统 High voltage supply

9、systemHigh voltage supply system高压配电高压配电High-voltage distributionHigh-voltage distribution高压电源进线来自供电部门不同地区的变电站,采用高压电源进线来自供电部门不同地区的变电站,采用10KV10KV高压电,高压电,两路高压进线,一常用一备用方案。正常运行时,用一条供电线两路高压进线,一常用一备用方案。正常运行时,用一条供电线路供酒店全部负荷使用,一旦线路故障,联络柜自动切换到备用路供酒店全部负荷使用,一旦线路故障,联络柜自动切换到备用线路上,当常用线路故障排除时,自动回复到常用线路供电线路上,当常用线路故

10、障排除时,自动回复到常用线路供电The input line of high voltage is from different transformer stations The input line of high voltage is from different transformer stations of electricity supply divisions. Adopt 10KV high voltage, two-way of electricity supply divisions. Adopt 10KV high voltage, two-way input lines

11、and one common scheme and one alternative input lines and one common scheme and one alternative scheme. Use one power supply circuit supply the whole scheme. Use one power supply circuit supply the whole electrical load. Once occurs the line malfunction, the tie cabinet electrical load. Once occurs

12、the line malfunction, the tie cabinet will switch to the spare circuit automatically and it will switch to will switch to the spare circuit automatically and it will switch to the common circuit when the troubles shooting. the common circuit when the troubles shooting. 为保证酒店已正常营业,供电系统配备柴油发电机组为保证酒店已正

13、常营业,供电系统配备柴油发电机组与供电系统连锁,当市管网停电时,发电机组在与供电系统连锁,当市管网停电时,发电机组在1515秒秒内自行启动发电确保酒店正常运行内自行启动发电确保酒店正常运行In order to ensure the hotel normal operation, In order to ensure the hotel normal operation, the power supply system will equip with diesel the power supply system will equip with diesel generator set. Whe

14、n the municipal network generator set. When the municipal network power cut off, generator set will power cut off, generator set will automatically start supply power in 15 seconds automatically start supply power in 15 seconds to ensure the hotel normal operation.to ensure the hotel normal operatio

15、n.低压配电系统低压配电系统 Low-voltage Distribution system1 1、酒店采用九、酒店采用九台干式变压器,通过低压配电柜向酒店台干式变压器,通过低压配电柜向酒店台干式变压器,通过低压配电柜向酒店台干式变压器,通过低压配电柜向酒店提供照明电和动力电提供照明电和动力电提供照明电和动力电提供照明电和动力电Adopt 9 dry type transformersAdopt 9 dry type transformers, through low voltage , through low voltage switch box to supply electricity.

16、switch box to supply electricity.2 2、电器负荷分类、电器负荷分类Electrical appliance load classificationElectrical appliance load classification照明类:酒店各类照明光源,如:白炽灯、节能灯、照明类:酒店各类照明光源,如:白炽灯、节能灯、照射灯、泛光灯、霓虹灯等占酒店用地室的照射灯、泛光灯、霓虹灯等占酒店用地室的20-30%20-30%Illumination: all kinds of lighting source: Incandescent Illumination: all

17、 kinds of lighting source: Incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp, illuminate lamp, omni, neon lamp, fluorescent lamp, illuminate lamp, omni, neon lights occupy 20-30%.lights occupy 20-30%.制冷空调类:该类负荷用电包括制冷机组、各类风机、制冷空调类:该类负荷用电包括制冷机组、各类风机、空调机及锅炉房内各种水泵,用电负荷一般占酒店用空调机及锅炉房内各种水泵,用电负荷一般占酒店用电设备客室的电设备客室的40-50%40

18、-50%Refrigeration air-condition: it contains the refrigerating Refrigeration air-condition: it contains the refrigerating unit, all kinds of fans, air-condition and pumps in the unit, all kinds of fans, air-condition and pumps in the boiler room, which occupy 40-50%boiler room, which occupy 40-50%动力

19、类:该类负荷室占酒店用电设备客室的动力类:该类负荷室占酒店用电设备客室的20-25%20-25%Power: it occupies 20-25%Power: it occupies 20-25%弱电系统Weak Current System1、楼宇自控系统 Building automation system2、闭路电视监控系统 CCTV system3、防盗报警系统 Security alarm system4、门禁系统 Door lock system5、车库出入管理系统 Car Park management system6、巡更系统 Patrol system7、公共广播系统 Bro

20、adcast system 8、客房能源系统 Guest room energy system9、卫星有限电视系统 CATV Control system 10, 会议系统 Conference system11,程控电话交换系统 Program-controlled switching system12、信息发布系统 Information issuance system13、无线对讲系统 Walki Talkie system14、能源监控系统 Energy monitoring system给排水系统Water supply and drainage system1、给水系统 Water

21、 supply system酒店给水可分生活给水和热水供应两种 The hotel water supply system can divide into fresh water supply and hot water supply生活给水:市政水网水在酒店水处理设间 经石英砂、活性炭,、树脂软化,精密过滤四道工序处理,达到饮用标准进入不锈钢储水箱。经水泵输送到14、28、54层水箱,供酒店各层生活水用需要。Fresh water supply: water from municipal administration will go through four water treatment

22、process as quartz sand, activated carbon, softening resin and precision filter to achieve drink standard. Then enters into stainless steel water storage tank, delivers to L14, L28, L54 water storage tank by water pumps and feeds the fresh water demand of whole building.生活热水:酒店的生活热水,热源由2台3吨蒸汽锅炉提供,通过板

23、式换热器采用汽水换热,热水通过14、28、54层热水箱,24小时循环向客户提供生活热水Hot water: it is produced by 2 sets 3 ton steam boiler, plate heat exchanger. The hot water goes through the L14, L28 and L54 hot water storage tank and feeds the hot water demand of guest all day 2、排水系统 Drainage system生活废水waste water雨水rain污水sewage供热系统 Heat

24、ing system酒店设有6台锅炉 Equipped with 6 boiler两台3吨蒸汽锅炉,负责酒店生活热水及洗衣房蒸汽使用Two sets 3 tank steam boilers are responsible for the fresh water and laundry steam demand四台真空热水炉,负责酒店冬季空调盘管供热需要Four sets vacuum water heaters are responsible for the air-condition heat supply demand in winter制冷系统Refrigerating system酒

25、店配备四台制冷机组(美国约克)Equipped with four refrigerating units(American York)其中3离心式制冷机组制冷量6300KW3 centrifugal refrigerating units capacity are 6300KW一台螺杆式冷水机组制冷量1224KW,冷冻水进水温度12,出水温度7.冷冻水经泵输送到客房盘管,达到客房制冷需要,使客房夏季温度保持在20-22,冬季20-24The other one screw chiller capacity is 1224KW,the water inlet temperature is 12

26、 and water outlet temperature is 7. The chilled water go through water pump to the guest room coil to make the temperature keep in 20-22 in summer and 20-24 in winter.消防安全系统 Fire protection system1、消防系统 Fire protection system火灾探测 fire detection酒店客房及公区配备离子烟感探测器和温感探测器,一旦发生火灾将启动自动喷淋装置灭火Guest room and p

27、ublic area are equipped with lon smoke sensor detector and heat detector. Once occurs a fire, it will start the automatic fir sprinkler.酒店配备先进的火灾自动监控系统,可使保安部值班人员及时了解火灾部位组织人力抢救,并启动灭火设备灭火,保证客人安全Equipped with advanced fire automatic control system, ensures security guards know the fire position in time

28、 and organize people to rescue and start fire extinguishing equipment to guarantee guest safety.安全的消防设施 fire fighting equipment1.防火墙:设置防火区:隔离火源,耐火等级4Fire wall: set fire prevention district to isolate fire, the fire resistance rating is 42、防火门:耐火1.2小时 fire door: fire resistant duration is 1.2 hours.3

29、、防火卷帘:隔断火源 fire resisting shutter: isolate fire4、防排烟设备:在火灾发生时,防止烟气侵入作为疏散道路的走廊,楼梯间和消防电梯前室及井道。Smoke exhaust equipment: Once occurs a fire, prevent smoke enter into the fire evacuation access: corridor, stair case, fire elevator front room and well.保安监控系统 CCTV System由摄像头、分配器、视频显示器、视频录像等部分组成,对酒店客房等公共区域监

30、视、录像,为入住客人提供安全服务It is made up of camera, distributor, WVR and so on. Provide security service to guest by monitoring and video recording the public area of guest room节能措施节能措施 Energy Saving Methods1. 酒店在不同时间启酒店在不同时间启/关闭照明开关或调整照明的亮度。关闭照明开关或调整照明的亮度。Turn on/turn off the lighting switch or adjust the lig

31、hting brightness in different time.2. 各办公室、工作间及餐厅等在下班后要及时关闭电各办公室、工作间及餐厅等在下班后要及时关闭电源开关。源开关。Turn off the power switch of offices, workshops, restaurants and other rooms after work.3. 节约用水。节约用水。Save water 安全用电安全用电 Electric Safety一、禁止在一、禁止在多头插线板上插多个大功率设备。多头插线板上插多个大功率设备。Prohibit insertion of several high

32、-power equipment on one multipoint patch board.二、禁止在二、禁止在潮湿地面使用接线板。潮湿地面使用接线板。Prohibit usage of patch board on damp floor三、禁止在三、禁止在插头受潮及手湿情况下插电源接线板。插头受潮及手湿情况下插电源接线板。Prohibit plug insertion into patch board when it was damped or your hands are damped四、禁止使用四、禁止使用破损插线板。破损插线板。Prohibit usage of breakage patch board结诉语结诉语由于时间有限暂把酒店工程部,运行系统由于时间有限暂把酒店工程部,运行系统做一简单的介绍。做一简单的介绍。Because of time constraint, I just briefly summarize the Engineering Department operation system.谢谢 谢!谢!祝大家工作愉快!祝大家工作愉快!Thank you!



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