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1、学习目标学习目标 1、能够掌握词汇:、能够掌握词汇: coffee,health,junk food。 2、能够听懂教材中的听力材料并正确完成听力任务。、能够听懂教材中的听力材料并正确完成听力任务。 3、能够熟练使用、能够熟练使用how often引导的特殊疑问句来询问引导的特殊疑问句来询问和谈论日常饮食及其他的活动,学会养成良好的生和谈论日常饮食及其他的活动,学会养成良好的生活习惯和饮食习惯。活习惯和饮食习惯。 译一译 1. once a week _ 一周一次一周一次 2. twice a week _ 一周两次一周两次 3. three times a week _ 一周三次一周三次 4

2、. three or four times a week 一周三次或四次一周三次或四次 _ 5. every day _ 每天每天 几乎不几乎不 6. hardly ever _ 从不从不 7. never _ 有时有时 8. sometimes _ Is it good or bad for Why are they heavy? our health . junk food milk fruit coffee vegetables healthy or unhealthy? hot dog cola chips hamburger 1a Match the words with the p

3、ictures. 1. _ junk food 3. _ fruit 5. _ sleep b f e 2. _ milk 4. _ vegetables 6. _ coffee a d c a b c d e f Pair-work: -How often do you eat fruit ? I eat fruit every day. -Do you like it? -Yes, I think it is good for my health. fruit milk junk food Pre-listening: How can we keep healthy ? 我们如何保持健康呢

4、?我们如何保持健康呢? 1、eat more healthy food and less junk food 2、exercise more 3、sleep 8 or 9 hours every night . How are my daily habits(我的(我的日常习惯日常习惯如何)如何)? Activities eat vegetables eat fruit drink milk exercise eat junk food drink coffee every three or once or day four times a twice a week month never ?

5、 ? ? ? ? My daily habits are _. good /ok /bad ? Tina Bill While-listening: 1c Listen to an interview about two peoples dailyhabits. Circle your answer to each question. Does Tina have good habits? Yes. No. I dont know. Does Bill have good habits? Yes. No. I dont know. 1d Listen again. Fill in the bl

6、anks in the survey. Questions : 1. How often do you exercise? 2. How often do you eat fruit? 3. How many hours do you sleep every night? 4. How often do you drink milk? 5. How often do you eat junk food? 6. How often do you drink coffee? 1d Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the survey. Activities

7、exercise eat fruit sleep drink milk How often Tina every day every day nine every day Bill hardly ever never nine never eat junk food drink coffee two or three three or four times a week times a week four times a day never Post-listening: I think Tina has good habits. Because she eats and fruit drin

8、ks every day. milk She eats 2 or 3 times a week junk food and never drinks .She exercisescoffee every day. She nine hours every sleeps night. I think she is very healthy. Make an interview(采访采访) 在组内选两个小记者,采访同组组员的生活习惯,并作汇报。在组内选两个小记者,采访同组组员的生活习惯,并作汇报。 activities name 同学同学A 同学同学B 同学同学C 同学同学D exercise e

9、at fruit sleep drink milk eat junk food drink coffee Do a survey Reporter: How often do you? S1:I every day/ Reporter: How often do you? S2:I Report: Report: You can report like this: has some good/bad habits. He/She . I think he/she is healthy/unhealthy. How to keep healthy? ?Eat healthy food. ?Exercise often. ?Have lots of sleep. ?Be happy. ?Help others. ? HOMEWORK Interview your friends about his / her lifestyle, then write it down.



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