高中英语 Unit 3 The world online 精品课件 译林版选修7

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1、Unit 3 The world online9/15/2024基础落实基础落实.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆1.value 1.value n. n. adjadj. n n. . 评估评估; ;估价估价2.present 2.present vtvt. . n n. .陈述;表达;呈现陈述;表达;呈现3.acquire 3.acquire vtvt. . n n. .4.analysis 4.analysis n n. . n n.(.(plpl.).) v v. n n. .分析家分析家; ;化验员化验员价值价值valuablevaluablevaluationvaluation提出;呈现;

2、赠送提出;呈现;赠送presentationpresentation取得,获得;学到取得,获得;学到acquisitionacquisition分析分析analysesanalysesanalyseanalyseanalystanalyst9/15/20245.frequent 5.frequent adjadj. . advadv. n n. .6.popularity 6.popularity n n. . adjadj. .7.addicted 7.addicted adjadj. . v v. n.n.8.divide 8.divide vtvt. . n n. .频繁的频繁的freq

3、uentlyfrequentlyfrequencyfrequency人气,受欢迎程度人气,受欢迎程度popularpopular上瘾的上瘾的addictaddictaddictionaddiction分割分割; ;分开分开divisiondivision9/15/2024.重点词语再现重点词语再现1.1.对对有积极有积极/ /负面影响负面影响 2.2.参加辩论参加辩论3.3.信息来源信息来源4.4.从从中获取知识中获取知识5.5.比比有优势有优势6.6.一般情况下一般情况下7.7.筋疲力尽筋疲力尽 8.8.限制对网络的使用限制对网络的使用 have positive/have positive

4、/negative effects on.negative effects on.take part in a debatetake part in a debatesource of informationsource of informationacquire knowledge from.acquire knowledge from.have advantages over.have advantages over.as a general ruleas a general rulebe worn out/be tired out/bebe worn out/be tired out/b

5、eexhaustedexhaustedlimit the use of thelimit the use of theInternetInternet9/15/20249.9.根据天气预报根据天气预报 10.10.对玩电脑游戏上瘾对玩电脑游戏上瘾/ /入迷入迷 11.11.考虑某事考虑某事 12.12.建立在共同兴趣的基础上建立在共同兴趣的基础上 13.13.下载某东西到某人电脑上下载某东西到某人电脑上 according to the weatheraccording to the weatherforecastforecastbe/become addictedbe/become addi

6、ctedto playing computer gamesto playing computer gamestake sth.intotake sth.intoconsideration/consider (doing) sth.consideration/consider (doing) sth.be based onbe based oncommon/shared interestscommon/shared interestsdownload sth.ontodownload sth.ontoones computerones computer9/15/2024.典型句式运用典型句式运用

7、1.1.你对网上研究了解得越多你对网上研究了解得越多, ,你找到所需要寻找的你找到所需要寻找的 东西的速度越快东西的速度越快, ,你得到的信息就越好。你得到的信息就越好。 y yo ou u k kn no ow w a ab bo ou ut t I In nt te er rn ne et t r re es se ea ar rc ch h, , y yo ou ul ll l f fi in nd d w wh ha at t y yo ou u a ar re e l l o o o o k k i i n n g g f f o o r r , , a a n n d d y y

8、o o u u r r information will be. information will be.The moreThe morethe fasterthe fasterthe betterthe better9/15/20242.2.遵循这些窍门儿的话遵循这些窍门儿的话, ,你在网上搞研究所花的时你在网上搞研究所花的时 间就越值得。间就越值得。 these few tips, these few tips, your time spent your time spent doing research on the Internet will be doing research on

9、the Internet will be much more rewarding. much more rewarding.3.3.他们声称因特网是无用的他们声称因特网是无用的, ,而且使用因特网是浪而且使用因特网是浪 费时间。费时间。 They claim that the Internet is useless They claim that the Internet is useless and that using the Internet and that using the Internet . .FollowFollowandandis a waste ofis a waste

10、of time time9/15/2024.综合语篇填空综合语篇填空1 1. .W Wi it th ho ou ut t t th he e I In nt te er rn ne et t, ,t th he es se e p pe eo op pl le e w wo ou ul ld d have have chances of meeting people. chances of meeting people.2 2. . . . .I I f fe ee el l i it t r re em ma ai in ns s i im mp po or rt ta an nt t f

11、 fo or r u us s t to o l li im mi it t o ou ur r u us se e o of f t th he e I In nt te er rn ne et t, , o or r t to o l le ea ar rn n h ho ow w t to o h ha an nd dl le e t th he e p pr ro ob bl le em ms s i it t has caused. has caused.3 3. .S Sh ho ou ul ld d y yo ou u e ev ve er r f fi in nd d i in

12、 nf fo or rm ma at ti io on n y yo ou u w wa an nt t t to o s sa av ve e o on n y yo ou ur r o ow wn n c co om mp pu ut te er r, ,y yo ou u c ca an n it. it.4.What news 4.What news do people trust the most? do people trust the most?5 5. . t th ha an n t ta ab bl le e t te en nn ni is s, ,w wh ha at

13、t s sp po or rt t d do o people not like to play? people not like to play?fewerfewereithereitherdownloaddownloadsourcesourceOtherOther9/15/2024导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.value 1.value n n. .价值价值; ;vtvt. .估价估价; ;评价评价; ;重视重视挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)你的房子值多少钱你的房子值多少钱? ? What is What is of your house? of your house? (2) (

14、2)你的帮助很有价值。你的帮助很有价值。 Your help has been Your help has been . . (3) (3)我非常珍惜我们的友谊。我非常珍惜我们的友谊。 I I very much. very much.the valuethe valueof great valueof great value(=very valuable)(=very valuable)value our friendshipvalue our friendship9/15/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳be of little/some/no valuebe of little/some/no

15、value具有很少价值具有很少价值/ /有些有些价值价值/ /没有价值没有价值value.atvalue.at给给估价估价valuable valuable adj.adj.有价值的有价值的, ,值钱的值钱的Your advice is very valuable.Your advice is very valuable.你的建议很有价值。你的建议很有价值。9/15/2024易混辨异易混辨异value,price,costvalue,price,cost(1)value(1)value指内在的价值指内在的价值, ,重要性。重要性。the value of American dollarsthe

16、 value of American dollars美元的内在价值美元的内在价值(2)price(2)price指商品的价值指商品的价值( (价格价格) )。at a high priceat a high price以高价以高价(3)cost(3)cost指制作成本;代价。指制作成本;代价。at all costsat all costs不惜一切代价不惜一切代价9/15/2024即学活练即学活练(4)You will find this map of great (4)You will find this map of great in in helping you to get round

17、 London. helping you to get round London. A.price A.priceB.costB.cost C.value C.valueD.usefulnessD.usefulness(5)(5)这本书很有价值。这本书很有价值。 CThe book is of great value./The book isThe book is of great value./The book isvery valuable.very valuable.9/15/20242.advance 2.advance v v.& .& n n. .前进前进; ;促进促进, ,增进增

18、进; ;推动推动; ;进展进展; ; 提高提高挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)盟军正在向敌军营地挺进。盟军正在向敌军营地挺进。 The Allied troops were The Allied troops were the camp of the enemy. the camp of the enemy. (2) (2)你必须预先付书的钱。你必须预先付书的钱。 You must pay for the book You must pay for the book . . (3) (3)我们应该学习先进国家来促进教育发展。我们应该学习先进国家来促进教育发展。 We should learn

19、from We should learn from to to the development the development of education. of education.advancingadvancingon/towardson/towardsin advancein advancethe advancedthe advancedcountriescountriesadvanceadvance9/15/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳in advancein advance预先预先in advance ofin advance of胜过;在前面胜过;在前面He is far in adv

20、ance of his class.He is far in advance of his class.他在班上遥他在班上遥遥领先。遥领先。advance towards/onadvance towards/on向向前进前进( (推进推进) )advanced advanced adjadj. .高级的高级的, ,先进的先进的advanced educationadvanced education高等教育高等教育advanced mathematicsadvanced mathematics高等数学高等数学advanced studiesadvanced studies高深的研究高深的研究ad

21、vanced ideasadvanced ideas先进的思想先进的思想an advanced workeran advanced worker先进工作者先进工作者9/15/2024即学活练即学活练(4)(4)会议提前四天召开。会议提前四天召开。 (5)(5)时间飞快地流逝时间飞快地流逝, ,但工作一点进展也没有。但工作一点进展也没有。 The meeting was held four days in advance.The meeting was held four days in advance.Time passed quickly but the work didntTime pas

22、sed quickly but the work didntadvance at all.advance at all.9/15/20243.occur 3.occur vivi. .发生发生;(;(与与toto连用连用) )想起想起; ;想到想到挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)事故发生在五点钟。事故发生在五点钟。 The accident The accident at five oclock. at five oclock. (2) (2)如果发生什么事情的话如果发生什么事情的话, ,告诉我。告诉我。 If anything If anything ,let me know.,let me

23、 know. (3) (3)我想到一个主意。我想到一个主意。 An idea An idea me. me. (4) (4)我从未想过要接受他的帮助。我从未想过要接受他的帮助。 that I would that I would accept his help. accept his help.occurredoccurredshould occurshould occuroccurred tooccurred toIt never occurred to meIt never occurred to me9/15/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳It occurs to sb.that.=It oc

24、curs to sb.to It occurs to sb.that.=It occurs to sb.to do sth.do sth.某人突然想到某人突然想到occur to sb.occur to sb.浮现在某人的脑海中浮现在某人的脑海中; ;被某人想到被某人想到即学活练即学活练(5)(5)我突然想去看看我突然想去看看2020年未见过的老同学。年未见过的老同学。 (6)(6)今早醒来时今早醒来时, ,我突然想到一个很棒的点子。我突然想到一个很棒的点子。 It occurred to me that I would go to seeIt occurred to me that I wo

25、uld go to seemy old classmates who/whom/that I hadntmy old classmates who/whom/that I hadntseen for twenty years.seen for twenty years.An excellent idea occurred to me when IAn excellent idea occurred to me when Iwoke up this morning.woke up this morning.9/15/20244.course 4.course n n. .课程课程; ;过程过程;

26、 ;进程进程; ;一道菜一道菜; ;航线航线, ,航向航向挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)参加短期班参加短期班 (2) (2)一门法语课程一门法语课程 (3) (3)一顿五道菜的饭一顿五道菜的饭 (4) (4)那船被吹离航线。那船被吹离航线。 take a shorttake a shortterm courseterm coursea course in French=aa course in French=aFrench courseFrench coursea dinner of fivea dinner of fivecourses=a fivecourses=a fivecourse

27、 dinnercourse dinnerThe ship was blown off course.The ship was blown off course.9/15/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳of courseof course当然当然in/during the course ofin/during the course of在在的过程中的过程中, ,在在期间期间即学活练即学活练(5)(5)在讨论期间,学生们充分地表达了他们的观点。在讨论期间,学生们充分地表达了他们的观点。 (6)(6)由于暴风雨,飞机改变了航线。由于暴风雨,飞机改变了航线。In the course of discussi

28、on,the studentsIn the course of discussion,the studentsexpressed themselves freely.expressed themselves freely.The plane changed its course because of The plane changed its course because of the storm.the storm.9/15/20245.judge 5.judge vt.vt.& &vivi. .审理审理; ;鉴定鉴定; ;判决判决; ;断定断定; ;认为认为; ;n n. .法法 官官;

29、;审判员审判员; ;裁判员裁判员挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)谁将审理下一个案子谁将审理下一个案子? ? Who will Who will the next case? the next case? (2) (2)不要以貌取人。不要以貌取人。 Dont Dont a man a man his looks. his looks. (3) (3)我们认为缺乏耐心是不明智的。我们认为缺乏耐心是不明智的。 We We it it to be impatient. to be impatient.judgejudgebybyjudgejudgeunwiseunwisejudgejudge9/15/

30、2024帮你归纳帮你归纳judge+wh-clausejudge+wh-clausejudge+that-clausejudge+that-clausejudge.to be.judge.to be.judging by.judging by.从从来判断来判断judging from.judging from.根据根据可以看出可以看出认为认为/ /断定断定9/15/2024即学活练即学活练(4)(4) his appearance,he is a teacher. his appearance,he is a teacher. A.Judging from A.Judging fromB.Ju

31、dged fromB.Judged from C.Judge by C.Judge byD.To be judged byD.To be judged by(5)(5)她不能断定他是否在讲真话。她不能断定他是否在讲真话。 AShe couldnt judge whether he wasShe couldnt judge whether he wastelling the truth.telling the truth.9/15/20246.advantage 6.advantage n n. .优势优势, ,有利条件有利条件; ;利益利益挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)这所学校有许多的有利条

32、件。这所学校有许多的有利条件。 This school has This school has . . (2) (2)这个足球队与对手相比占优势。这个足球队与对手相比占优势。 The football team The football team its opponents. its opponents. (3) (3)不学习将对你不利。不学习将对你不利。 Not studying will be Not studying will be . .many advantagesmany advantageshas advantages over has advantages over to yo

33、urto yourdisadvantagedisadvantage9/15/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳disadvantage disadvantage n.n.( (反义词反义词) )不利条件不利条件; ;损害损害; ;损失损失have/gain the advantage overhave/gain the advantage over与与相比有优势,相比有优势,胜过胜过to ones advantage/disadvantage=to the to ones advantage/disadvantage=to the advantage/disadvantage of sb.advanta

34、ge/disadvantage of sb.对某人有利对某人有利/ /不利不利take advantage of sb./sth.take advantage of sb./sth.利用利用put sb.at a disadvantageput sb.at a disadvantage使某人处于不利地位使某人处于不利地位have the advantage ofhave the advantage of具有具有的有利条件的有利条件9/15/2024即学活练即学活练(4)Havent you learned of the advantage (4)Havent you learned of th

35、e advantage you should you should others weak points in others weak points in order to win the match? order to win the match? A.make on A.make onB.make ofB.make of C.have to C.have toD.take ofD.take ofD9/15/20247.alarm 7.alarm n n. .C C警报警报; ;警报器警报器; ;U U惊慌惊慌; ;vtvt. .恐吓恐吓, , 警告警告挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)请把闹

36、钟定在请把闹钟定在6 6点上。点上。 Please Please for six oclock. for six oclock. (2) (2)这一消息使他们惊恐不安。这一消息使他们惊恐不安。 They got They got at the news. at the news.set the alarmset the alarmalarmedalarmed9/15/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳give/raise/sound the alarmgive/raise/sound the alarm发警报发警报in alarmin alarm惊慌地惊慌地alarmed alarmed adjadj.

37、 .担心的,害怕的担心的,害怕的( (不用于名词前不用于名词前) )alarming alarming adjadj. .令人惊慌的令人惊慌的即学活练即学活练(3)(3)雨林正以惊人的速度消失。雨林正以惊人的速度消失。 The rainforests are disappearing at anThe rainforests are disappearing at analarming rate.alarming rate.9/15/20248.present 8.present vtvt. .介绍介绍, ,引见引见; ;赠送赠送; ;提出提出; ;呈现呈现; ;n n. . C C赠品赠品;

38、 ;礼物礼物; ;U U现在现在; ;adjadj. .现在的现在的; ;出出 席的席的挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)他送给怀特先生一本书。他送给怀特先生一本书。 He He a book a book Mr.White. Mr.White. =He =He Mr.White Mr.White a book. a book. (2) (2)有有200200人出席会议。人出席会议。 There were 200 people There were 200 people . . presented presented totopresentedpresentedwithwithpresent a

39、t thepresent at themeetingmeeting9/15/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳sb.present sth.to sb.else=sb.present sb.else sb.present sth.to sb.else=sb.present sb.else with sth.with sth.送某人某物送某人某物at present=at the present time=presentlyat present=at the present time=presently目前目前, ,现在现在for the presentfor the present眼前眼前, ,暂时暂时

40、up to/until presentup to/until present直到现在直到现在be present atbe present at出席出席presentation presentation n.n.介绍介绍; ;陈述陈述; ;赠送赠送; ;表达表达9/15/2024温馨提示温馨提示( (1 1) )p pr re es se en nt t表表示示“赠赠给给, ,给给予予”时时, ,不不能能接接双双宾宾语语, ,只只能能用用s sb b. .p pr re es se en nt t s st th h. .t to o s sb b. .e el ls se e= =s sb

41、b. .p pr re es se en nt t sb.else with sth.sb.else with sth.送某人某物。送某人某物。( (2 2) )作作定定语语时时, ,前前置置定定语语表表示示“现现在在的的, ,目目前前的的”, ,后后置置定定语语表表示示“出出席席的的, ,到到场场的的”, ,t th he e p pr re es se en nt t g go ov ve er rn nm me en nt t l le ea ad de er rs s现现 政政 府府 的的 领领 导导 人人; ;t th he e government leaders presentg

42、overnment leaders present在场的政府领导人。在场的政府领导人。9/15/2024即学活练即学活练(3)(3)我目前很忙。我目前很忙。 (4)(4)我暂时想不起来。我暂时想不起来。 I cant remember it for the present.I cant remember it for the present.Im busy at present.Im busy at present.9/15/20249.troublesome 9.troublesome adjadj. .麻烦的麻烦的; ;讨厌的讨厌的; ;棘手的棘手的挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)他是一个

43、让人讨厌的男孩他是一个让人讨厌的男孩, ,总是惹麻烦。总是惹麻烦。 He is a He is a boy who always boy who always . . (2) (2)我可以麻烦你关上窗户吗我可以麻烦你关上窗户吗? ? May I May I you you the window? the window?troublesometroublesomemakes troublemakes troubletroubletroubleto closeto close9/15/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳trouble trouble n.n.烦恼烦恼; ;麻烦麻烦; ;动乱动乱; ;纠纷纠纷

44、; ;疾病疾病; ;故障故障, ,问题问题; ;vtvt. .使烦恼使烦恼; ;费神费神trouble sb.with sth.trouble sb.with sth.因为某事而麻烦某人因为某事而麻烦某人ask/look for troubleask/look for trouble自找麻烦自找麻烦be in troublebe in trouble处于困境中处于困境中get into troubleget into trouble陷入困境陷入困境make troublemake trouble惹事惹事put a person to troubleput a person to trouble

45、给某人增添麻烦给某人增添麻烦take the trouble to do sth.take the trouble to do sth.不辞劳苦地去做某事不辞劳苦地去做某事trouble oneself to do sth.trouble oneself to do sth.费神做某事费神做某事trouble oneself about sth.trouble oneself about sth.某人为某人为烦恼烦恼9/15/2024即学活练即学活练用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空(3)That student sometimes troubles the (3)That student so

46、metimes troubles the teacher teacher hard questions. hard questions.(4)He is a great trouble (4)He is a great trouble his parents. his parents.(5)She is (5)She is great trouble,so she needs great trouble,so she needs your advice. your advice.(6)The boy put his parents (6)The boy put his parents trou

47、ble. trouble.withwithtotoinintoto9/15/2024重点短语与句型重点短语与句型10.be accustomed to10.be accustomed to习惯于习惯于挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)我习惯于早起。我习惯于早起。 Im accustomed to Im accustomed to . . (2) (2)他习惯了奢华的生活。他习惯了奢华的生活。 He He of luxury. of luxury.getting up earlygetting up earlywas accustomed to a lifewas accustomed to a

48、life9/15/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳(1)accustom (1)accustom vtvt. .使习惯使习惯accustom oneself to.accustom oneself to.使某人自己习惯于使某人自己习惯于He had to accustom himself to such weather.He had to accustom himself to such weather.他必须使自己适应这样的气候。他必须使自己适应这样的气候。(2)“(2)“习惯于习惯于( (做做) )某事某事”亦可表达为亦可表达为get/grow/become accustomed to sth./

49、doing get/grow/become accustomed to sth./doing sth.sth.或或be/get used to sth./doing sth.be/get used to sth./doing sth.。9/15/2024即学活练即学活练(3)(3) getting up early,he woke up early getting up early,he woke up early every day. every day. A.Accustomed to A.Accustomed to B.Accustoming to B.Accustoming to C.

50、Being used to C.Being used to D.Using to D.Using toA9/15/202411.turn to11.turn to求助于求助于; ;指向指向; ;转向转向; ;变成变成; ;翻到翻到 页页挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)如果你有困难如果你有困难, ,尽管来找我好了。尽管来找我好了。 Dont hesitate to Dont hesitate to if you if you are in trouble. are in trouble. (2) (2)孩子向母亲寻求安慰。孩子向母亲寻求安慰。 The child The child his mo

51、ther his mother comfort. comfort. turn to meturn to meturned toturned toforfor9/15/2024 (3) (3)冰变成了水。冰变成了水。 The ice The ice water. water. (4) (4)现在让我们谈谈语言方面的问题。现在让我们谈谈语言方面的问题。 Now lets Now lets the linguistic the linguistic points. points.帮你归纳帮你归纳 turn to sb.for help turn to sb.for help向某人求助向某人求助 tu

52、rn down turn down降低降低, ,压低压低( (力量、声音等力量、声音等););拒绝拒绝, ,不不 接受接受 Please turn the television down a bit. Please turn the television down a bit. 请把电视机音量关小点。请把电视机音量关小点。turned toturned toturn toturn to9/15/2024turn down ones offerturn down ones offer拒绝某人的请求拒绝某人的请求turn inturn in上缴上缴turn onturn on打开打开( (煤气、自

53、来水、电灯等煤气、自来水、电灯等) )turn outturn out生产生产, ,出产出产; ;结果是结果是( (常与常与to,thatto,that连用连用) )We are to turn out 100,000 586 computers We are to turn out 100,000 586 computers next year to meet the market requirements.next year to meet the market requirements.我们计划明年生产十万台我们计划明年生产十万台586586计算机以满足市场计算机以满足市场需要。需要。T

54、hings turned out to be exactly as the Things turned out to be exactly as the professor had foreseen.professor had foreseen.事情正如教授所预见的那样。事情正如教授所预见的那样。turn over(turn over(使使) )翻过来翻过来;(;(使使) )翻倒翻倒turn upturn up露面露面; ;把声音开大把声音开大9/15/2024即学活练即学活练(5)When you come across a new word while (5)When you come a

55、cross a new word while reading;dont always reading;dont always . . A.look it up in the dictionary A.look it up in the dictionary B.turn it to the dictionary B.turn it to the dictionary C.refer to it in the dictionary C.refer to it in the dictionary D.look up the dictionary D.look up the dictionary A

56、9/15/2024品味构词品味构词1.1.利用合成法利用合成法, ,品句选词品句选词 Yesterday afternoon Miss Liu went Yesterday afternoon Miss Liu went after school;suddenly she fell down on after school;suddenly she fell down on the the .Quickly a strange man came over .Quickly a strange man came over to help her but she refused because s

57、he to help her but she refused because she didnt know his didnt know his . . A.back A.back B.ground B.ground C.backgroundC.backgroundABC9/15/2024串联扩展串联扩展词词词词合成词合成词backback( (n n. .后后面面, ,后部后部) ) ( (adjadj. .后面的后面的) )groundground地面地面backgroundbackground背景背景; ;经历经历stagestage阶段阶段; ;舞舞台台 在后台在后台; ;私下私下ya

58、rdyard庭院庭院backyardbackyardchatchat聊天聊天backchatbackchatnumbernumber数字数字 过期的报纸过期的报纸( (或杂志或杂志) )roomroom房间房间back roomback room后室后室, ,密室密室woodswoods树林树林 边远落后地区边远落后地区datedate记上日期记上日期backdatebackdatebackstagebackstage后院后院顶嘴顶嘴back numberback numberbackwoodsbackwoods倒填日期倒填日期9/15/2024back(back(n n. .后面后面, ,后

59、部后部) ) ( (adjadj. . 后面后面的的) )bitebite咬咬backbitingbackbiting背后中伤背后中伤-ward-ward向向的的backwardbackward-wards-wards向向的的backwardsbackwards向后向后, ,倒着倒着向后的向后的, ,后进的后进的9/15/20242.2.利用合成法利用合成法, ,品句填词品句填词 We have a lot of things to do,but packing We have a lot of things to do,but packing is at the is at the of t

60、he list,especially of the list,especially packing the packing the ,which we can surf ,which we can surf the Internet on.(top) the Internet on.(top)toptoppalmtoppalmtop9/15/2024词词词词合成词合成词toptop顶部顶部, ,顶顶端端brassbrass黄铜黄铜top brasstop brassclassclass等级等级top-classtop-classcoatcoat大衣大衣 外涂层外涂层; ;大衣大衣dogdog狗

61、狗top dogtop dogsecretsecret秘密秘密 绝密的绝密的soilsoil土壤土壤topsoiltopsoiltabletable桌子桌子top tabletop tablelevellevel水平水平 最优秀的最优秀的最高负责人最高负责人最高负责人最高负责人topcoattopcoat优胜者优胜者top secrettop secret表土层表土层主桌主桌top-leveltop-level串联扩展串联扩展9/15/2024考题回扣考题回扣【例例1 1】L La ad di ie es s a an nd d g ge en nt tl le em me en n, ,p

62、pl le ea as se e r re em ma ai in n u un nt ti il l t th he e p pl la an ne e h ha as s c co om me e t to o a a complete stop. ( complete stop. (四川高考四川高考) ) A.seated A.seatedB.seatingB.seating C.to seat C.to seatD.seatD.seat 解解析析 s se ea at t为为及及物物动动词词, b be e s se ea at te ed d表表示示坐坐着着 的的状状态态。句句意意为

63、为:女女士士们们,先先生生们们,请请坐坐好好直直 到到飞飞机机完完全全停停下下。句句中中 r re em m a ai in n为为系系动动词词,后后接接 seated seated作表语。作表语。 A9/15/2024 课文原文课文原文 . . . .I I f fe ee el l i it t r re em ma ai in ns s i im mp po or rt ta an nt t f fo or r u us s e e i i t t h h e e r r t t o o l l i i m m i i t t o o u u r r u u s s e e o o f

64、f t t h h e e Internet,.(P Internet,.(P3535) )9/15/2024【例例2 2】Many Chinese universities provide Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students scholarships for students financial financial aid. ( aid. (天津高考天津高考) ) A.in favour of A.in favour ofB.in honour ofB.in honour of C.in face of C.

65、in face of D.in need ofD.in need of 解析解析 句意为:许多中国大学向那些需要经济句意为:许多中国大学向那些需要经济 帮助的学生提供奖学金。帮助的学生提供奖学金。in favour ofin favour of支持;支持; in honour of in honour of为了纪念;为了纪念;in face ofin face of面对;面对;in in need of need of需要。需要。 课文原文课文原文 When people are When people are in need ofin need of information,.(P info

66、rmation,.(P3434) )D9/15/2024【例例3 3】A As s n no ob bo od dy y h he er re e k kn no ow ws s w wh ha at t i is s w wr ro on ng g w wi it th h t th he e m ma ac ch hi in ne e, ,w we e m mu us st t s se en nd d f fo or r a an n engineer to engineer to the problem. ( the problem. (湖北高考湖北高考) ) A.handle A.h

67、andleB.raiseB.raise C.face C.faceD.presentD.present 解解析析 句句意意为为:因因为为这这儿儿没没有有人人知知道道机机器器出出了了 什什么么故故障障,所所以以我我们们必必须须去去请请一一位位工工程程师师来来解解 决决这这个个问问题题。 h ha an nd dl le e处处 理理 , ,解解 决决 ; r ra ai is se e抬抬 高高 ; 饲饲养养;养养育育;提提出出 ( (问问 题题 等等 ) );f fa ac ce e面面 对对 , 面面 临;临;presentpresent呈现;介绍;赠送。呈现;介绍;赠送。A9/15/202

68、4课文原文课文原文T Th he es se e a ar re e a al ll l n ne eg ga at ti iv ve e e ef ff fe ec ct ts s t th he e I In nt te er rn ne et t h ha as s o on n o ou ur r l li iv ve es s, ,a an nd d I I f fe ee el l i it t r re em ma ai in ns s i im mp po or rt ta an nt t f fo or r u us s e ei it th he er r t to o l

69、 li im mi it t o ou ur r u us se e o of f t th he e I In nt te er rn ne et t, ,o or r t to o l le ea ar rn n h ho ow w t to o h ha an nd dl le e t th he e problems it has caused.(Pproblems it has caused.(P3535) ) 9/15/2024【例例4 4】They are quiet,arent they?They are quiet,arent they? Yes.They are accus

70、tomed Yes.They are accustomed at meals. at meals. ( (江苏高考江苏高考) ) A.to talk A.to talkB.to not talkB.to not talk C.to talking C.to talkingD.to not talkingD.to not talking 解析解析 be accustomed to be accustomed to 习惯于,习惯于,toto为介词,为介词, 后接名词或动名词。由句意可知,表示否定意后接名词或动名词。由句意可知,表示否定意 义,故选义,故选D D项。项。D9/15/2024课文原文课

71、文原文T Th he ey y w we er re e a al ls so o q qu ui it te e e ex xp pl li ic ci it t a ab bo ou ut t h ho ow w h he ea av vy y I In nt te er rn ne et t u us se er rs s b be ec co om me e a ac cc cu us st to om me ed d t to o s sp pe en nd di in ng g m mo or re e t ti im me e w wi it th h t th he ei ir

72、 r o on nl li in ne e f fr ri ie en nd ds s t th ha an n w wi it th h t th he ei ir r r re ea al l f fr ri ie en nd ds s f fr ro om m school and work.(Pschool and work.(P3737) )9/15/2024【例例5 5】Hi,Mark.How was the musical Hi,Mark.How was the musical evening? evening? Excellent! Alex and Andy performe

73、d Excellent! Alex and Andy performed and they won the first prize.( and they won the first prize.(安徽高考安徽高考) ) A.skillfully A.skillfullyB.commonlyB.commonly C.willingly C.willingly D.nervouslyD.nervously 解解 析析 句句 意意 为为 : 喂喂, ,马马克克!音音乐乐晚晚会会如如 何何 ? 太太棒棒了了!亚亚历历克克斯斯和和安安迪迪表表演演得得很很娴娴 熟熟, ,他们得了第一名。他们得了第一名。

74、课文原文课文原文 I admire the boy I debated against I admire the boy I debated against because he was very because he was very skillfulskillful (skilful). (skilful). (P (P4141) )A9/15/2024写作技能写作技能怎样写好文章的结尾怎样写好文章的结尾 文章开头很重要,同样,文章结尾也很重要,文章开头很重要,同样,文章结尾也很重要,好结尾会使读者对文章留下深刻印象,可以增强文好结尾会使读者对文章留下深刻印象,可以增强文章的说服力,让人深

75、思,回味无穷。确切地说,结章的说服力,让人深思,回味无穷。确切地说,结尾就是用来概括全文内容,进一步强调或肯定文章尾就是用来概括全文内容,进一步强调或肯定文章中心思想,与主题句相互呼应,使读者对文章的主中心思想,与主题句相互呼应,使读者对文章的主题有深刻的印象或思考。写好英语文章的结尾最常题有深刻的印象或思考。写好英语文章的结尾最常用的方法有:用的方法有: 1. 1.重复中心思想,达到再次肯定和强调的重复中心思想,达到再次肯定和强调的效果。效果。9/15/2024 2. 2.得出结论,即在文章最后,用几句话概括全得出结论,即在文章最后,用几句话概括全文内容,并进一步肯定文章的中心思想或作者的观

76、文内容,并进一步肯定文章的中心思想或作者的观点。点。 3. 3.使用格言,谚语或习语总结全文,既言简意使用格言,谚语或习语总结全文,既言简意赅又有更强的说服力。赅又有更强的说服力。 4. 4.用反问结尾,虽然形式是问句,但意义却是用反问结尾,虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,具有明显的强调作用,引发读者思考。肯定的,具有明显的强调作用,引发读者思考。 9/15/2024即时练习即时练习下面给出的是三篇文章的结尾,请指出它们属于哪下面给出的是三篇文章的结尾,请指出它们属于哪一种一种1.If you have something to do,try to do it 1.If you have s

77、omething to do,try to do it yourself,for that is the safest way to yourself,for that is the safest way to permanent success.Remember the famous permanent success.Remember the famous saying “God helps those who help saying “God helps those who help themselves”. themselves”.2.With all these benefits,i

78、t is no wonder 2.With all these benefits,it is no wonder that sports have become more popular with that sports have become more popular with people than ever. people than ever.3.So,what can we benefit from wealth if we 3.So,what can we benefit from wealth if we dont have health? dont have health? 使用

79、格言,谚语或习语总结全文使用格言,谚语或习语总结全文重复中心思想重复中心思想以反问结尾以反问结尾9/15/2024自主检测自主检测.品句填词品句填词1.The books in the library are1.The books in the library are according to subject. according to subject.2.According to the weather 2.According to the weather ,it will ,it will be fine tomorrow. be fine tomorrow.3.I think what

80、he said just now at the 3.I think what he said just now at the meeting isnt meeting isnt to our plan. to our plan.4.Mr.Smith is a 4.Mr.Smith is a visitor to our visitor to our school library.That is to say,he goes school library.That is to say,he goes there quite often. there quite often.classifiedc

81、lassifiedforecastforecastrelevantrelevantfrequentfrequent9/15/20245.I really 5.I really it that you can lend it that you can lend a helping hand in time. a helping hand in time.6.He could not provide a copy of the report 6.He could not provide a copy of the report but outlined its but outlined its (

82、 (内容内容).).7.It can be difficult to 7.It can be difficult to ( (评估评估) the ) the effectiveness of different treatments. effectiveness of different treatments.8.The recent airplane crash 8.The recent airplane crash ( (证实证实) ) my belief that stronger safety my belief that stronger safety regulations are

83、 needed. regulations are needed.appreciateappreciatecontentscontentsevaluateevaluateconfirmsconfirms9/15/20249.Tom was involved in a 9.Tom was involved in a ( (麻烦的麻烦的) ) case and the police are looking into it. case and the police are looking into it.10.Her careful description enabled us to 10.Her c

84、areful description enabled us to form an form an ( (精确的精确的) picture of what ) picture of what had happened. had happened.troublesometroublesomeaccurateaccurate9/15/2024.短语识境短语识境in need of;turn to;be/get accustomed to;in need of;turn to;be/get accustomed to;worn out;be popular with;be divided into;wo

85、rn out;be popular with;be divided into;take.into consideration;as a general rule;take.into consideration;as a general rule;search for;attach.to.search for;attach.to.1.The army is 1.The army is great great food at food at present.present.2.The child 2.The child his mother for help his mother for help

86、 with his homework.with his homework.3.Usually,a novel 3.Usually,a novel chapters. chapters.4.We have to 4.We have to all the facts all the facts . .ininneed ofneed ofturned toturned tois divided intois divided intotaketakeintointoconsiderationconsideration9/15/20245.The man in charge of the luggage

87、5.The man in charge of the luggage a label a label each piece. each piece.6.Theyve 6.Theyve going to bed going to bed early and getting up early.early and getting up early.7.Can I sit down? Im 7.Can I sit down? Im . .8.Skiing 8.Skiing very very young people. young people.9.9. ,vegetable oils are ,ve

88、getable oils are better for you than animal fats.better for you than animal fats.10.Firefighters 10.Firefighters the building the buildingsurvivors.survivors.attachedattachedtotogot accustomed togot accustomed toworn outworn outpopular withpopular withisisAs a general ruleAs a general rulesearchedse

89、archedforfor9/15/2024.单项填空单项填空1.The boy has 1.The boy has a fine knowledge of a fine knowledge of geography by careful study. geography by careful study. A.required A.requiredB.inquiredB.inquired C.acquired C.acquiredD.addressedD.addressed 解析解析 acquire knowledgeacquire knowledge获取知识。获取知识。2.When I wa

90、s young,I was always 2.When I was young,I was always to my to my elder brother wherever he went. elder brother wherever he went. A.attached A.attachedB.attackedB.attacked C.attended C.attendedD.surroundedD.surrounded 解析解析 attach to sb.attach to sb.和某人在一起和某人在一起, ,缠着某人。缠着某人。CA9/15/20243.I didnt speak

91、any French,but a nice man 3.I didnt speak any French,but a nice man came to my came to my and told me where to go. and told me where to go. A.way A.wayB.aidB.aid C.aim C.aimD.directionD.direction 解析解析 come to ones aidcome to ones aid帮助某人。帮助某人。4.As is known to all,Chinese arts have won 4.As is known

92、to all,Chinese arts have won the the of a lot of people outside China. of a lot of people outside China. A.enjoyment A.enjoymentB.appreciationB.appreciation C.entertainment C.entertainmentD.successD.success 解析解析 win the appreciation of.win the appreciation of.赢得赢得 的赞叹。的赞叹。BB9/15/20245.5. to climbing

93、 the steep mountains,he to climbing the steep mountains,he had no difficulty reaching the top. had no difficulty reaching the top. A.Accustomed A.Accustomed B.To be accustomed B.To be accustomed C.Having been accustomed C.Having been accustomed D.Accustoming D.Accustoming 解析解析 本题为过去分词短语作状语。本题为过去分词短语

94、作状语。A9/15/20246.An idea 6.An idea to me that I might turn to to me that I might turn to my English teacher for help. my English teacher for help. A.happened A.happenedB.passedB.passed C.occurred C.occurredD.openedD.opened 解析解析 occur to sb.occur to sb.想起,想到。想起,想到。 C9/15/20247.I consider 7.I consider

95、the party until Saturday the party until Saturday evening,and it is considered evening,and it is considered practical. practical. A.putting off;being A.putting off;being B.putting off;to be B.putting off;to be C.to put off;being C.to put off;being D.to put off;to be D.to put off;to be 解解 析析 本本 题题 考考

96、 查查 c co on n s si id d e er r的的 两两 个个 结结 构构 : c co on n s si id d e er r d d o oi in n g g s st th h . . 考考虑虑做做某某事事; c co on ns si id de er r sb./sth.to be. sb./sth.to be.认为某人认为某人/ /某物是某物是。B9/15/20248 8. . a an nd d o ou ut t o of f b br re ea at th h, ,w we e r re ea ac ch he ed d t th he e t to o

97、p p o of f t th he e m mo ou un nt ta ai in n a an nd d s st to op pp pe ed d t th he e beautiful scenery. beautiful scenery. A.Tiring;to admire A.Tiring;to admire B.Being tired;admiring B.Being tired;admiring C.Tired;to admire C.Tired;to admire D.Tired;admiring D.Tired;admiring 解析解析 第一空为形容词作状语,其逻辑主

98、语是第一空为形容词作状语,其逻辑主语是 we we,故用,故用tiredtired;stop to do sth.stop to do sth.停下来去做停下来去做 某事。某事。C9/15/20249.The theory he sticks to 9.The theory he sticks to to be of no to be of no use to our studies. use to our studies. A.proves A.provesB.is provedB.is proved C.proving C.provingD.to be provedD.to be prov

99、ed 解析解析 proveprove在本句中作谓语,且在本句中作谓语,且proveprove无被动无被动 语态。语态。10.You should take 10.You should take of the opportunity of the opportunity and try to make a good impression on your and try to make a good impression on your new boss. new boss. A.care A.careB.placeB.place C.charge C.chargeD.advantageD.adv

100、antage 解析解析 take advantage oftake advantage of利用。利用。AD9/15/202411.Please stand 11.Please stand for a moment while I for a moment while I am taking your photograph. am taking your photograph. A.calm A.calmB.stillB.still C.silent C.silentD.quietD.quiet 解析解析 calmcalm平静的,镇定的;平静的,镇定的;stillstill静止的,不静止的,不

101、 动的;动的;silentsilent不出声的;不出声的;quietquiet安静的。句意为:安静的。句意为: 我给你拍照的时候,请站着别动。我给你拍照的时候,请站着别动。B9/15/202412.It is known that tigers 12.It is known that tigers meat-eating meat-eating animals feed on meat. animals feed on meat. A.belonged to A.belonged toB.belonging toB.belonging to C.are belonged to C.are be

102、longed toD.belong toD.belong to 解析解析 belonging tobelonging to作定语。作定语。belong tobelong to无被动无被动 语态。语态。B9/15/20241 13 3. .A An ny y i in nf fo or rm ma at ti io on n i in n t th hi is s r re ep po or rt t i is s b ba as se ed d d da at te e o ob bt ta ai in ne ed d s so ou ur rc ce es s considered to b

103、e reliable. considered to be reliable. A.at;by A.at;byB.on;withB.on;with C.at;for C.at;forD.on;fromD.on;from 解析解析 be based onbe based on根据根据;obtain.from.;obtain.from. 从从中获取中获取。D9/15/20241 14 4. .H Ho ow w i is s i it t t th ha at t h he e t to o g ge et t t th he e ticket? ticket? Oh,a friend of his

104、 helped him. Oh,a friend of his helped him. A.managed A.managedB.attemptedB.attempted C.succeeded C.succeededD.intendedD.intended 解解 析析 m m a an na ag ge e t to o d do o s st th h. . 设设法法做做到到某某事事; a at tt te em m p p t t t to o d d o o s st th h . . 试试图图做做某某事事; i in nt te en nd d t to o d d o o s st

105、 th h . . 打打算算做做某某事事。从从下下句句可可断断定定,他他已已得得 到了票,故选到了票,故选A A。A9/15/202415.Did all of the boys go to the cinema?15.Did all of the boys go to the cinema? No.They No.They went to the Internet bar went to the Internet bar instead. instead. A.almost A.almostB.nearlyB.nearly C.never C.neverD.mostlyD.mostly 解析

106、解析 mostlymostly大多数,大部分。大多数,大部分。D9/15/2024.翻译句子翻译句子1.1.在你决定减肥之前在你决定减肥之前, ,应考虑到你的健康状况。应考虑到你的健康状况。 (consideration) (consideration) 2.2.他没有征求我的意见他没有征求我的意见, ,独自一人去了北京度假。独自一人去了北京度假。 (consult) (consult) Y Yo ou u s sh ho ou ul ld d t ta ak ke e y yo ou ur r h he ea al lt th h i in nt to o consideration bef

107、ore you decide to loseconsideration before you decide to loseweight.weight.He went to Beijing for his holidays aloneHe went to Beijing for his holidays alonewithout consulting me.without consulting me.9/15/20243.3.我不确信是否能胜任这份工作我不确信是否能胜任这份工作, ,但我还是申请了。但我还是申请了。 (qualification) (qualification) 4.4.他创办了

108、一所学校来帮助那些沉溺于电脑游戏他创办了一所学校来帮助那些沉溺于电脑游戏 的孩子们。的孩子们。(addicted) (addicted) I was not sure if I had the qualificationI was not sure if I had the qualificationfor the job,but I applied for it anyway.for the job,but I applied for it anyway.He set up a school to help the childrenHe set up a school to help the

109、 childrenaddicted to playing computer games.addicted to playing computer games.9/15/20245.5.你练习得越多你练习得越多, ,取得的进步就越大。取得的进步就越大。(the (the more.,the more.) more.,the more.) 6.6.从他脸上的表情来看从他脸上的表情来看, ,他一定很沮丧。他一定很沮丧。(judge)(judge) The more you practice,the greaterThe more you practice,the greaterprogress you will make.progress you will make.Judging from the expression on hisJudging from the expression on hisface,he must be depressed.face,he must be depressed.返回9/15/2024



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