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1、 Unit 5Unit 5 It It must must belong to Carla. belong to Carla.Words & Expressions bark smell finger lift stone ant dishonest pretend use up attempt(狗等狗等) 吠声吠声; 叫声叫声气味气味; 嗅觉嗅觉手指手指举起举起; 抬起抬起; 提升提升石头石头; 石块石块蚂蚁蚂蚁不诚实的不诚实的假装假装; 佯若佯若用完用完; 耗尽耗尽; 用光用光试图试图; 企图企图 A proverbA proverb is a short popular is a sho

2、rt popular saying, usually of unknown and saying, usually of unknown and ancient origin, that expresses ancient origin, that expresses effectively some common truth or effectively some common truth or useful thought. It is a wise saying.useful thought. It is a wise saying.1 Fill in each blank with t

3、he correct word given.anxious strange worried careful favorite1. Mark Twain is Marys _ author.2.2. Be _ of the dog that does not bark. 3.3. Fred is afraid of flying. He feels _ before he gets on the plane. favoritecarefulanxious4. I havent seen my cat for two days. Im very _ about her.5. Theres a _

4、smell in the house. Do you know what it is?worriedstrange 1. One finger cannot lift a small stone.1. One finger cannot lift a small stone. We must unite to do things. We must unite to do things. 2. When an ant says “ocean”, hes 2. When an ant says “ocean”, hes talking about a small pool. talking abo

5、ut a small pool. Different people have different Different people have different views on things.views on things. 2 Read these proverbs from around the world. What do you think they might mean? Discuss with your classmates. 3. It is less of a problem to be poor 3. It is less of a problem to be poor

6、than to be dishonest.than to be dishonest. We should be honest even if we are We should be honest even if we are poor.poor. It is +adj.+to doIt is +adj.+to do结构,意为结构,意为结构,意为结构,意为“ “做做做做是是是是的的的的” ”。 It It 是形式主语,真是形式主语,真是形式主语,真是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。例如:正的主语是动词不定式。例如:正的主语是动词不定式。例如:正的主语是动词不定式。例如: It is good

7、to take a walk after It is good to take a walk after supper.supper.dishonest dis-前缀前缀,放在形容词、副词、名词、放在形容词、副词、名词、动词前,表示否定、相反或相对。动词前,表示否定、相反或相对。 例如:例如: agreement disagreement ability disability advantage disadvantage honest dishonest4. Be careful of the person who does 4. Be careful of the person who do

8、es not talk, and the dog that does not not talk, and the dog that does not bark. bark. People or animals who are silent People or animals who are silent might be thinking about hurting might be thinking about hurting others.others. 5. You cant wake a person who is 5. You cant wake a person who is pr

9、etending to be asleep. pretending to be asleep. If others dont need help, its If others dont need help, its useless to offer them some.useless to offer them some. 6. Tell me and Ill forget. Show me 6. Tell me and Ill forget. Show me and I may not remember. Let and I may not remember. Let me try, and

10、 Ill understand.me try, and Ill understand. The best way of learning is to The best way of learning is to practice doing something.practice doing something. 7. Dont let yesterday use up too much of 7. Dont let yesterday use up too much of today.today. Dont let past things worry you Dont let past thi

11、ngs worry you anymore. anymore. 8. He who would do great things should 8. He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone.not attempt them all alone. If you want to do something great, do If you want to do something great, do not be shy to ask for help.not be shy to ask for help. atte

12、mpt是动词是动词, 意为意为“企图,试图企图,试图”,其后常跟不定式。例如:,其后常跟不定式。例如: Dont attempt to do so much things in such a short time. all alone 独立;独自。例如:独立;独自。例如: She is sitting all alone in the hall.3 In each line, circle the word that doesnt belong.1. escape owner chase run 4. creature alien 2. exercise visitor3.2. picnic

13、lunch dinner alien 5. lost grass4. tree flower5.3. land apple ice cream chicken Just for Fun!1a Read the clues and complete the crossword.DOWN1._ stories make me laugh.2.2. Sports are some of the _ you can do after school.3.3. My friend played the violin at a _. 4.4. A game with a net and a white ba

14、ll.5.8. We all _ food to eat.funnyactivitiesconcertvolleyballneed9. I eat too many _ between meals.10. The opposite of silly.13. Nothing bothers her. Shes very _.15. The opposite of good.16. Young people should help _.17. The opposite of small.20. Its not out. Its _.snacksseriouscalmbadoldbiginACROS

15、S2. The present tense of asked.5. I like to listen to piano _.6. Red is my favorite _.7. Lets take our lunch to the park and have a _.9. I dont like to talk to new people. Im _.askmusiccolorpicnicshy11. Dont be late for your test. Be _.12. Bananas are one of kind of _.13. I would if I _, but I cant.

16、14. Im trying to study. Please turn off the TV and dont be _.earlyfruitcouldnoisy18. I see with my eyes and hear with my _.19. A polar bear is a kind of _.21. A popular pet in many countries.earsanimaldog2a Listen to the four conversations. Match the conversations with the correct pictures.12342cRol

17、e play. Practice the conversations above with your partners.A: What would you do if you saw a big bicycle accident?B: If I saw a bicycle accident I would (Page41)3 Write your answers to these questions. Then talk about them with your partner.A: How do you study for a test?B: By reading the textbook.

18、 How about you?A: I usually study by looking at old tests.4 Complete the sentences. Then talk about them with your partner.A: I used to think I wouldnt get taller.B: Youre very tall now.A: Yes, it makes me happy!5 Write a list of things teenagers should be allowed to do. Compare your list with your

19、partners and give reasons.A: We should be allowed to design our school uniforms.B: Why do you think so?A: We should decide what we like to wear.6 Fill in the blanks. Then interview two classmates about what they would do. A: What would you do if you found a wallet?B: Id open it and look for a phone

20、number.A: Really? Id give it to the police.(Page43)7 What do you think these pictures are? Write your ideas and discuss them with your partner. (Page43)A: It might be a man riding a horse.B: I agree. But it could also be a 8 Answer the questions and then ask your partner. Try to find out more information. (Page43)A: Have you ever been to another country?B: Yes, I have.A: I went to Vietnam last year.



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