八年级英语上册 Unit5 Birdwatchers vocabulary 课件 牛津译林版

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1、Unit 51 Is Zhalong a nature reserve? Is it right to hunt or fish there?2 Do you feel comfortable if you wear new leather shoes to walk a long way in Zhalong?3 Will you be welcome if you leave litter(rubbish) in Zhalong?4 There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world. Are they common?5 Is it pos

2、sible to see the birds in the future if we do not protect the wetlands?incorrectuncomfortableunwelcomeuncommonimpossibleopposites friendly happy comfortable safe healthy unfriendlyunhappyuncomfortableunsafeunhealthy“un-”necessary welcome common able unnecessaryunwelcomeuncommonunableUnit 5opposites

3、If someone shows good manners to others, he is a polite person. If someone does not show good manners to others, he is not polite.If someone does not show good manners to others, he is impolite.polite possible impoliteimpossible “im-”Unit 5That coat is only 100yuan. Its not expensive.That is inexpen

4、sive.expensive correct inexpensiveincorrect“in-”Unit 5I dont believe what he says, because he is not honest.I dont believe what he says, because he is _.dishonestdishonest“dis-”These desks are not regular. Please put these irregular desks in order.regular irregular“ir-”Unit 5necessaryimportantcomfor

5、tablehappywelcomecommonfriendlyableregularcorrectpossiblepolitehonestunnecessaryunimportantuncomfortableunhappyunwelcomeuncommonunfriendlyunableirregularincorrectimpossibleimpolitedishonestoppositesUnit 51.You will be_ to pass the exam if you 1.You will be_ to pass the exam if you dondont study hard

6、.t study hard.2.There are lots of _ kinds of birds in 2.There are lots of _ kinds of birds in ZhalongZhalong. .3.It is _ to keep quiet when you watch 3.It is _ to keep quiet when you watch the birds and insects.the birds and insects.4.He feels _ because he lost his wallet.4.He feels _ because he los

7、t his wallet.5.Tom is a _5.Tom is a _ student. None of us like her. student. None of us like her.6.It is _ to get to the city in such a 6.It is _ to get to the city in such a short time.short time.unableuncommonimportantunhappyimpossibleimportant, happy, able, honest, possible, commondishonestADVERB

8、S OF MANNER1.He is always very careful when he drives. He drives carefully.2.Many birds are comfortable when they live in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round. Many birds live comfortably in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round.3.It is easy for the birds to catch fish for food in the wetlands. The

9、 birds can easily catch fish for food in the wetlands.Form the adverbs from the adjectives.1.bad 2.bright 3.clear 4.close 5.correct 6. soft 7.nice 8. slow 1.gentle 2.possible1.easy 2.happy 3.heavy 4.noisy+ lygentlypossibly- e + yeasilyhappilyheavilynoisily- y + ily1.good2.true 3.hard4.fastwelltrulyh

10、ardfastBack You sing nicely.What did she say?I dont know. She spoke very softly.Unit 5Correct the mistake:1. He plays the piano terriblely.2.The little girl is crying sad.3.The sun is shining bright.4.The man on the radio talks noisyly.5.Plants grow healthy if they get enough water and sunshine.6.Th

11、e boy is eating strawberries cheerful.terriblysadlybrightlynoisilyhealthilycheerfully1. How (care) you are! You lost your bag again. 2.Lucy wrote more (care) than Tom. She did better in the test. 3. Its (correct) to hunt in Zhalong. 4 .We learned to tell people about them (correct). 1. 5. (luck), he

12、 was not badly hurt. 2.6. Jack was (luck) to lose the game.7. He put the box on the desk (gentle). 8. The bird sings (nice). carelesscarefullyincorrectcorrectlyLuckilyunluckygentlynicelyWhat do these structures mean ?dis- im- in- ir- un- Unit 5方式副词的使用方式副词的使用方式副词的构成(方式副词的构成( adj. adv. ) We can use ad

13、verbs of manner to give more information about the way things happen. ( 表示事情发生的方式,通常修饰行为动词。)表示事情发生的方式,通常修饰行为动词。)Most adjectives+ lyclearclearlyAdjectives ending in le- e + ygentlegentlyAdjectives ending in y -y + ilyeasyeasily特殊变化特殊变化good well规则变化规则变化truetrulyfastfasthardenoughstraightlatehighhardenoughstraighthighlate



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