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1、强调句与倒装句1. 强调句的构成It is (was) +被强调成分+that (who)+句型 被强调成分可以是原句里的主语, 宾语, 状语及状语从句,强调主语且主语为人时,用who或that,其它情况都用that They talked about this novel last night. It was they who talked about this novel last night. It was this novel that they talked about last night. It was last night that they talked about this

2、 novel. 2021/6/2012. Not until 的强调句型He didnt meet the girl he would like to marry until he came back from Africa that year.It was not until he came back from Africa that year that he met the girl he would like to marry.The mountain climber was rescued only with the help of the local guide.It was onl

3、y with the help of the local guide that the mountain climber was rescued.2021/6/202It was along the Mississippi River Mark Twain spent much of his childhood. A. how B. which C. that D. where Of course, it is not just when you leave you get a thank-you note. A. which B. whatC. whomD. that 2021/6/2033

4、. 强调句的疑问形式When was it you met him in the library? A. where B. that C. in which D. which4. 注意区别强调句型和类似结构的句型It was autumn his wife returned from America. A. when B. since C. before D. that2021/6/204It was in the mountain village, he stayed for a few days, a beggar was beaten to death. A. that; that B.

5、 which; which C. where; that D. where; which 5. 强调谓语动词借助于do (does ,did) “的确” He works hard. He does work hard. She went to see that film the other day. She did go to see that film the other day.2021/6/205倒装语序总结部分倒装1. so引起的倒装: 当前后两句主语不是同一个人或事,so 做“也”讲时,后面的句子要倒装。倒装公式so+助动词(情态动词,系动词)+主语 ,助动词(情态动词,系动词取决

6、于前句 They can leave now, so can we. 他们现在可以离开,我们也可以。 I went to a movie last night. So did my sister and brother. 我昨晚去看电影了。我妹妹和弟弟也去了。2021/6/2062. so 后面句子不倒装:当表示对对方的讲话有同感,so相当于“是的,不错” ,后面句子不倒装。 - John is very bright. 约翰很聪明。 -So he is. 是的,确实很聪明。 “They will have a good time.” “他们将玩得很痛快。 “So they will.” “不

7、错,会玩得很痛快的。2021/6/2073. 当前句为否定句,后句表示“也不”时,用nor(neither)+助动词(情态动词,系动词)+主语 ,助动词(情态动词,系动词)取决于前句 He didnt accept my invitation to dinner, nor did she.Mary wont go to Jeans birthday party, neither wont I.She isnt a student, nor am I. 2021/6/2084. only 置于句首时,主句需要倒装 One will realize the value of the health

8、only when one is ill. Only when one is ill will one realize the value of the health. He became careful only after the accident. Only after the accident did he become careful.2021/6/2095. Not onlybut also连接句子时, not only 可以置于句首表示强调,这时第一分句要采用倒装结构。Not only does he have a first-class brain but also he is

9、 a tremendously hard worker. Not only had the poor man been arrested but he had been sent to prison as well. but also 的句型保持陈述语序2021/6/2010 6. 否定意义的短语:in no case, in no way, on no account, at no time, by no means, under (in) no circumstances(决不)置于句首,句子倒装 Under no circumstances will he give up the pla

10、n. 2021/6/20117. 否定意义的词never(从不), seldom(很少), rarely(很少), little(几乎不) 置于句首,句型倒装Never has any country made so much progress in such a short time. Rarely did Tom stay at home those days. Little did he understand what I said, so I repeated again.2021/6/20128. 结构hardly (scarcely)when no soonerthan (刚就)

11、主句用过去完成时,且常倒装,从句用一般过去时 No sooner had I got into the shower than the phone rang. Hardly had the storm started when all the lights went out. Scarcely had I started to type my paper when the telephone rang.2021/6/20139. 让步状语从句的表语或状语提前到句首倒装时,用as 或者though均可。Small as(=though) he is, the little boy can lif

12、t the big stone.Child as(=though) he is, he can speak two languages. Bravely as(=though) they fought, they had no chance of winning. 2021/6/201410. 虚拟条件句中的倒装虚拟语气中条件状语从句省去if时,were, had, should 需放在主语前面Were it not for your help, I wouldnt have got what I have today. Had I left a little earlier, I would

13、 have caught the train.Should he act like that again, he would be punished.2021/6/2015Were he to come tomorrow, he would be able to see the opening ceremony.11. not until 倒装语序She didnt remember her appointment with the doctor until she had arrived home. Not until she had arrived home did she remembe

14、r her appointment with the doctor.2021/6/201612. so that, suchthat结果状语从句的倒装语序The attack was so sudden that the enemy had no time to escape. So sudden that the enemy had no time to escape. A. did the attack B. the attack did C. was the attack D. the attack was2021/6/201713. however 让步状语从句倒装,公式为howeve

15、r+ adj (adv)+主语+谓语However difficult the task is, he has confidence in it.No matter how hard he tried, he couldnt solve the problem.2021/6/201818. 情态动词may 用于祝福的句型, may置于句首倒装.May you succeed!May all the poor in the world enjoy a Happy New Year as we do!2021/6/2019 19. 全部倒装 状语here, there, down, up 置于句首时,句型要全部倒装Down went the boat!Here comes the bus!There stood a young man. 2021/6/2020部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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