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3、opinganextraction(提取)methodforitstherapeutic(治疗的)use.交通方式交通方式在铁轨上运行在铁轨上运行在水上行驶在水上行驶在空中飞行在空中飞行上车上车下车下车起飞起飞长途旅行长途旅行means of transporttravel on railstravel on watertravel in the airget on/get intoget off/get out oftake offtravel a long distanceUseful expressions in Introduction在海岸上在海岸上第一次坐长途火车第一次坐长途火车正

4、好在正好在的中间的中间由大厨烹饪的食物由大厨烹饪的食物废弃的农场废弃的农场尝试做尝试做的简写的简写训练有素的骆驼训练有素的骆驼通过法律通过法律允许允许做做射射杀动物杀动物on the coasthave the first ride on a long-distance trainright in the middle offood cooked by expertsan abandoned farmtry doingbe short fortrained camelspass a lawallow to doshoot animalsUseful expressions in Reading

5、过期的过期的检票检票员员你介意你介意吗?吗?我很抱歉我很抱歉我在哪里转车去我在哪里转车去餐车餐车天天啦!啦!毫无疑问地;毫无疑问地;完全地;绝对地完全地;绝对地out of datea ticket inspectorWould you mind doing/if?I am sorry butWhere do I change to get to?a dining carGoodness!Definitely!Absolutely!Useful expressions in Function and Everyday Englishataspeedof30-kilometerjourneyhi

6、gh-speedtraintravelinavacuumonDecember31,2002attendtheopeningceremonyonthetrackworldrecord以以的速度的速度30公里的旅程公里的旅程高速列车高速列车在真空中行驶在真空中行驶在在2002年年12月月31日日出席开幕式出席开幕式在轨道上在轨道上世界纪录世界纪录Useful expressions in Cultural Corner1.Which of them travel in the air? in the air= in the sky 在空中在空中与与air有关的短语:有关的短语: by air on

7、 the air People can not travel by air until 1903 when the Wright brothers invented the plane.This programme comes on the air at the same time every day.坐飞机坐飞机播放(中);广播(中)播放(中);广播(中)IntroductionEvery possible means been tried. All means been tried. A. have B. has BA2. means: n. C a way or method方法,手段;

8、方法,手段; means of transport 交通工具交通工具The quickest means of travel is by air.单复同形的名词单复同形的名词 : deer, sheep, Chinese, Japanese, fishInmanyplacesinChina,bicycleisstillpoplarmeansoftransportation.A.a;theB./;aC.the;aD.the;the用这种方法用这种方法in this way with this method by this meansPlease tell me the _ by which yo

9、u got the ticket? A. mean B. way C. means D. waysCe.g. Thoughts are expressed by means of words. He is by no means stupid. Actually, he is smart. It is important and urgent, so please tell him by all means.3. Where do you think most of the people live? What do you think the central part the country

10、is like? 你认为女孩发生什么事了?你认为女孩发生什么事了? What do you think has happened to the girl? 你建议我们看哪部电影?你建议我们看哪部电影? Which movie do you suggest we should watch? e.g. What do you think _? A. has he done B. he has done “疑问词疑问词+ do you think + 陈述语序陈述语序”(think, guess, suppose, believe, suggest, hope, say)_ do you think

11、 will teach us Math next term? Mr. Bear, I think.A.Whom B. What C. Who D. Whose4. be short forGhan is short for Afghanistan. (Page 23)be short for“的缩写的缩写”WTO is short for World Trade Organization._ is short for Industrial and Commercial Bank of China._ is short for Construction Bank of China.be shor

12、t of “不足,短缺不足,短缺”The village is short of water. They need to go far to get the water.我们人员不足。我们人员不足。We are short of hand.ICBCCBC5. The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s.在表示年代,在年代的后面加在表示年代,在年代的后面加S或加或加S,如如 the 1980s=the 1980s在二十世纪五十年代在二十世纪五十年代In/during the 1950s/1950sin ones twenties /

13、 thirtiesnineties 在某人在某人岁时岁时 During / In the 1980s, great changes took place in China. Andy 30多岁就多岁就成了成了CEO。 Andy became a CEO in his thirties. It is not common in _ that people in _twenties are going to the university for further education. A. 1960s; their B. the 1960s; 不填 C. 1960s; 不填 D. the 1960s

14、; their6. (natural) scenery n. 自然风景自然风景 compare: sights: the places that are interesting to visit, especially in town. (城市里的城市里的) 人文景观人文景观 go sightseeing 去观光去观光 places of interest 历史名胜历史名胜 tourist attractions 景点景点 欣赏自然美景:欣赏自然美景: enjoy/ appreciate the beautiful natural scenery enjoy/ appreciate the b

15、eauty of natural sceneryFill in the banks using the proper words or phrases.1. The beautiful _ of Jiuzhaigou attracts tourists from all over the world.2. Chengdu has a lot of famous_, such as Wuhou Temple, Du Fu Thatched House.3. Chengdu has a lot of famous _, such as Wuhou Temple, Du Fu Thatched House and Emei Mountain. scenery places of interest/ sights/ tourist attractions tourist attractions



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