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1、EnglishGrammarSentence提提纲纲一、句子概论一、句子概论二、基本句型二、基本句型三、基本句型的转换三、基本句型的转换四、基本句型的扩大四、基本句型的扩大一、句子概论一、句子概论1、句子的特征 句子是一组词按照语法规律构成的语言单位,具有相对独立而完整的意义。 It is hot today. Tom runs very fast. Can you speak English? Give me some advice, please. Peter asked me to leave at once.2、句子成分 一个句子的各个组成部分,叫做句子成分,有主要成分主语、谓语、宾语

2、、表语、补语,次要成分定语和状语。除此之外还有同位语、插入语、呼语和感叹语。Look, a beautiful blue European bird that is sitting on top of the tree is singing happily in front of my house, with so many other birds listening carefully around her.请分析一下它的句子成分!此句能简化吗?试译一下试译一下1、你是谁?2、这是谁的书?3、他跑得多快!4、天很热。5、咱们一起去看比赛,好吗?6、老师要求我们不要在街上踢球。7、我给他买了生

3、日礼物。8、这台电脑产于台湾。主主语语 主语是句子所叙述的主体,说明句子讲的人或事。可以做主语的有:1、名词 Shanghai is in the east of China.2、代词 I bought a new book.3、数词 Three and three makes six.4、不定式 To see is to believe.5、动名词 Smoking is harmful to health.6、名词化的形容词 The old should be taken good care of.7、从句 What he said is not true.8、形式主语 It is a go

4、od habit to get up early.谓谓语语 谓语用来说明主语的动作或状态,由动词承当,一般放在主语之后。谓语动词有实意/行为动词和系动词,实意/行为动词又分为及物动词和不及物动词。Mary is lovely.The new term will begin soon.I love my motherland.Dad bought me a bike last Sunday.Bill kept us laughing all through supper.宾宾语语 宾语用来表明动作的对象或结果,是动作的承受者。在动词之后的叫动词宾语,在介词之后的叫介词宾语。可以做宾语的有:1、名

5、词 Henry lost his parents in his childhood.2、代词 Everyone likes her.3、数词 I want four.4、名词化的形容词 We should help the poor.5、不定式 Id like to have some coffee.6、动名词 Harry enjoys skiing.7、宾语从句 I think that you are right. 另外宾语还有双宾语和复合宾语。 双双宾宾语语 有些及物动词可以有两个宾语,即直接宾语直接宾语和间接宾语间接宾语。直接宾语往往指事物,而间接宾语常常指人。间接宾语通常在前。Pas

6、s me the book, please.Fetch me some water.为了强调直接宾语,上面的句子可以转换成:Pass the book to me, please.Fetch some water for me.1)能用to转换 的动词有bring, give, lend,hand,send,offer,pass,promise,show,teach,pay, tell,write;2)能用for转换 的动词有call,cook, fetch,choose,find,get,do,order,buy,make,draw,sing,save,spare.复复合合宾宾语语 有些及物

7、动词除了接宾语外,还接补足语,即宾语补足语,用来说明宾语的动作、状态或特征。宾语宾语+补语补语合称为复合宾语复合宾语。宾补可以有下列形式:1、名词 They named him John.2、形容词 I consider you bright.3、介词短语 Barry found himself in trouble.4、分词 I saw them playing football.5、不定式 I saw them play football.成分P5表表语语 表语是对主语的补充说明,即表达主语的特征,通常在系动词之后,有下列形式:1、名词 I am a teacher.2、代词 Thats

8、all.3、形容词 Kate is honest.4、副词 A new film is on tonight.5、介词词组 our classroom is on the third floor.6、不定式 We are to go hiking tomorrow.7、动名词 My job is teaching you English.8、表语从句 This is what they saw last night. 定定语语 定语的作用是修饰和限定名词或代词,可以做定语的有:1、形容词 Issac Newton is a famous scientist.2、名词 This is my ca

9、r factory.3、动名词 He is in the sleeping car.4、分词 Look at the sleeping baby.5、不定式 I have no pen to write with.6、介词短语 I finally thought a solution to the problem.7、副词 I used to live in the room above.8、从句 He who laughs last laughs best.状状语语 状语修饰动词、形容词、副词或句子,说明地点、时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步、比较、程度、方式或伴随情况,可以充当状语的有:

10、1、副词 Jill writes beautifully.2、介词短语 The Smiths live in Russia.3、分词短语 Not knowing what to do, I decided to give up.4、不定式 His mother often comes to see him.5、名词 Please come this way.6、状语从句 He was late because his bike broke down.二、基本句型二、基本句型 基本句型又叫核心句型,是英语千变万化的句子的雏形。正是基本句型又叫核心句型,是英语千变万化的句子的雏形。正是这有限的这有

11、限的五大五大基本句型及其转换形式生成了无限的实用的句子。基本句型及其转换形式生成了无限的实用的句子。Pattern1:主主-系系-表表Pattern2:主主-谓谓Pattern3:主主-谓谓-宾宾Pattern4:主主-谓谓-宾宾1-宾宾2Pattern5:主主-谓谓-宾宾-补补Pattern 1:主-系-表 系动词有纯系动词(be)和半系动词(become,get,turn,grow,go;feel,smell,taste,sound,look;seem,appear;stay,keep,remain;prove,turnout),其后接表语,即主语的补语。系表结构是句子的谓语。 It is

12、 hot today.注1:在汉语中,名词和形容词可独立充当谓语,但英语不可以在汉语中,名词和形容词可独立充当谓语,但英语不可以。 Days are getting longer and longer. The desk feels hard. He seemed pleased with his result.Stay calm.注2:半系动词的功能一半是系动词,一半是行为动词。半系动词的功能一半是系动词,一半是行为动词。 The desk feels hard.变成一般疑问句和否定句,体会一下其行为动词的特性。Pattern 2:主-谓 谓语是不及物动词不及物动词,它可有自己的状语。Man

13、 alone can smile.You must not talk in an exam.A fire broke out last night.He went to Kunming for a visit.He will go to study medicine in the States.He ran out of the room, climbed downstairs and looked around.注意:状语的位置,英汉有区别吗?Pattern 3:主-谓-宾 谓语是及物动词及物动词,这类动词接一个宾语,因此叫单宾动词单宾动词。及物动词后面一定接宾语。Jack can driv

14、e a car.You may have heard the news.I will take him home.The train leaves Beijing at seven.Death looked him in the face.She dressed herself in white.We live a happy life.Cathy heard from her father again.Pattern 4:主-谓-宾1-宾2 谓语是及物动词,但是接双宾语。I have sent him some money. She told me the news about Paul.W

15、e must give her something to eat.Dick called her a taxi.He made his brother a kite. Pattern 5:主-谓-宾-补 宾语和补语统称为复合宾语,谓语为及物动词,也叫复宾动词。We call him Mr. Know-all.They found the dog dangerous.I think myself in danger.He made himself heard easily.I saw him lying on the ground.Mike heard someone go upstairs.I

16、 consider it a great honour to speak here. 三、基本句型的转换三、基本句型的转换 上面所讲的五大基本句型都是陈述句、肯定句和主动句,它们可以变为疑问句、否定句和被动句。1、陈述句变为疑问句、陈述句变为疑问句 It is hot today. The desk feels hard. Jacob often tells a lie. I will take him home. Dick called her a taxi. He made himself heard easily. 2、肯定句变为否定句、肯定句变为否定句 It is not hot to

17、day. The desk does not feel hard. Jacob doesnt often tell a lie. I will not take him home. Dick didnt call her a taxi. He didnt make himself heard easily.3、主动句变为被动句、主动句变为被动句 Jacob often tells a lie. A lie is often told by Jacob. I will take him home.He will be taken home by me. Dick called her a tax

18、i.She was called a taxi by Dick. A taxi was called for her by Dick. He made her work day and night.She was made to work day and night.四、基本句型的扩大四、基本句型的扩大1、增加修饰语增加修饰语,即适当添加名词或代词的定语定语,动词、形容词、 副词及句子的状语状语,如:The children played. All the lovely children of Mr. Rogers from England played merrily at the seas

19、ide from morning till night. 还可以用句子来做修饰语,如: Though Mrs. Rogers was away in France, all the cute children played happily with their father Roy because there was so much fun on the seaside of England.2、深化句子结构深化句子结构,如用并列连词将两个简单句连接起来,变成并并列句列句,如:He got up very early. We got up even earlier.He got up very

20、 early, butwe got up even earlier. 还可以利用从句来承当句子成分,使简单句变为复合句,即主主从复合句从复合句。如: Though he got up early, we got up even earlier. We master English. It is important. It is important thatwemasterEnglish.练习一、练习一、(一)简单句翻译(一)简单句翻译1我们在学习怎样用电脑。我们在学习怎样用电脑。Were learning how to use the computer.2他和他的朋友经常查字典。他和他的朋友经

21、常查字典。He and his friend always look up in the dictionary. 3请给我一杯水请给我一杯水,好吗?好吗? Please give me a cup of water, will you?4老师让我回答了这个问题。老师让我回答了这个问题。The teacher asked me to answer the question. 5我们的国家变得越来越强大。我们的国家变得越来越强大。Our country is getting stronger and stronger. 6村庄里有许多绿树和湖泊。村庄里有许多绿树和湖泊。There are many

22、 green trees and lakes in the village.7我们不应该歧视弱者。我们不应该歧视弱者。We should not look down upon the weak.(二二)并列句翻译并列句翻译1. 我我 喜喜 欢欢 读读 书书 , 他他 喜喜 欢欢 玩玩 玩玩 具具 。(while)I like reading while he likes playing with toys. 2.孩孩子子们们非非常常高高兴兴,或或者者至至少少看看起起来来很很高兴。(高兴。(or)The children are very happy or at least they look

23、happy. 3.中中国国是是发发展展中中国国家家,而而美美国国是是发发达达国国家。(家。(but/while)China is a developing country, while the United States is a developed one.4.这里常下雨,有时有暴风雨。这里常下雨,有时有暴风雨。(and)It often rains here, and storms sometimes. 5他他不不但但受受到到我我们们的的鼓鼓励励而而且且受受到到老老师的表扬。(师的表扬。(notonlybutalso)He was not only encouraged by us but

24、 also praised by the teacher. 6我我们们周周围围的的东东西西不不是是固固体体、液液体体就就是气体。是气体。(eitheror)Everything around us is either solid, liquid or gas. 7一个人既应该有勇气也应有耐心。一个人既应该有勇气也应有耐心。(bothand)A man should have both courage and patience.( (三三) ) 复合句翻译复合句翻译1我相信你一定能成功。我相信你一定能成功。Im sure youll succeed.2北京再也不是北京再也不是20年前的样子了。年

25、前的样子了。Beijing is no longer what was 20 years ago. 3这个城市是我出生的地方。这个城市是我出生的地方。This is the city where I was born. / The city is the one which I was born in.4他和以前不一样了。他和以前不一样了。He is not what he used to be. 5为了明天赶上早班车,我要早起。为了明天赶上早班车,我要早起。 I have to get up earlier so that I can catch up the early bus. 6. 虽

26、然他年轻,但是经验很丰富。虽然他年轻,但是经验很丰富。 Although he is young, he is very experienced. / He is young but he is very experienced. 7如果有困难,请来找我。如果有困难,请来找我。Please turn to me if you are in trouble.8.老师所讲的都记在笔记本上了。老师所讲的都记在笔记本上了。What the teacher said was all taken down on the notebook. 9众所周知,中国是人口大国。众所周知,中国是人口大国。It is

27、well-known that China is a country with a large population.10据据报报道道,他他是是来来自自新新西西兰兰的的一一位位学者。学者。 It is reported that he is a scholar from New Zealand.11他他与与我我道道别别时时留留下下了了他他的的姓姓名名和和地址。地址。 He left his name and address when he said good-bye to me.12李秘书被解雇是因为他懒惰。李秘书被解雇是因为他懒惰。 Secretary Li was dismissed be

28、cause he was lazy.13司机没等警察来到,就逃逸了。司机没等警察来到,就逃逸了。 The driver had run away before the police arrived.14他读过信后就把信扔掉。他读过信后就把信扔掉。He threw away the letter after he read it.15自开店以来,我们赚了大钱。自开店以来,我们赚了大钱。We have made a lot of money since we opened this shop.16如如果果我我知知道道它它在在哪哪,它它就就不不会会丢了。丢了。If I knew where it w

29、as, it wont be lost。17一一直直向向前前走走直直到到一一所所新新的的蓝蓝色色大楼。大楼。Go straight on until you come to a new blue building.18他不照别人告诉他的去做。他不照别人告诉他的去做。He wont do as hes told.19按按照照她她的的要要求求,她她被被埋埋葬葬在在花花园里。园里。She was buried at the garden, as she had asked.20我们一到达那里就给你打电话。我们一到达那里就给你打电话。Well ring you as soon as we get th

30、ere.练习二、改正错句练习二、改正错句(一一)修修改改下下面面的的句句子子,去去掉掉多多余余的词。的词。1.Do you know who firstinventedthetelephone? Do you know who invented the telephone? 2.Inmyopinion,IthinkJapanisfaraheadofSpaininscience.In my opinion, Japan is far ahead of Spain in science. 5.Listentomespeakingcarefully.Listen to me carefully. 6

31、. Every day Tom and I walk toschoolonfoottogether.Every day Tom and I walk to school together. 9. That famous football team fromBrazilwhichwonthematch. That famous football team from Brazil won the match.10. Henry is still too young not tohandlethisimportantjobalone. Henry is still too young to hand

32、le this important job alone. 12.Thereisamistakeinyourwrongsentence. There is a mistake in your sentence. 15. Though she has six children,butshelivesbyhimself.Though she has six children, she lives by himself.16. You will find his house easilywithoutdifficulty.You will find his house easily .(二)改正下面句

33、子中的词语错误:(二)改正下面句子中的词语错误:1.Dontbediscouraged;goahead,andmakeothertry.Dont be discouraged; go ahead, and make another try.3.Thereisnotmoremuchtimebeforeourvacation.There is not much more time before our vacation.10. That package is too heavy to becarried.That package is too heavy to carry. 19.Thisisth

34、edatewhenIwillneverforget.This is the date (that) I will never forget. 20.Youcanstaytheplacewhereyouare.You can stay in the place where you are. 练习三、练习三、(一)(一)改正句子中非谓语动词形式的错误改正句子中非谓语动词形式的错误1.Getuplateisabadhabit.Getting up late is a bad habit.2.Behard-workingisoneofthekeystosuccess.Being hard-workin

35、g is one of the keys to success. 3. My hobby is reading and goshopping.My hobby is reading and shopping.5. A good housewifes love can makeevery member in the family feelshappy.A good housewifes love can make every member in the family feel happy.6.Becomeagoodteacherismydream.Becoming a good teacher

36、is my dream.(二)改正句子在结构上的错误(二)改正句子在结构上的错误1.Ilikebytrain.I like traveling by train.2.Iverymuchlikethere.I like there very much.19. In his spare time, he does housecleaning, reading newspapers, watchingtelevision,andcookingforhisgrandson.In his spare time, he does house cleaning, reads newspapers, watc

37、hes television, and cooks for his grandson.23.Lateisabadhabit. Being late is a bad habit.练习四、英汉互译练习四、英汉互译(一)(一)1。月亮晚间照耀。月亮晚间照耀。The moon shines by night.2。几乎每天都会发生车祸。几乎每天都会发生车祸。Cars accidents occur nearly every day.3。昨日上午他在家里。昨日上午他在家里。He stayed at home yesterday morning.4.他们第一次见面是在这个邮局。他们第一次见面是在这个邮局。

38、They met the first time at the post office.It was at the post office that they met the first time.5.这个会议是在两个小时之前就开始了这个会议是在两个小时之前就开始了吗?吗?Did the meeting begin two hours ago?6. Linda failed in the examination again this time. 琳达琳达这次考试不及格。这次考试不及格。7. The music club meets once a month.这个音乐俱乐部每月活动一次。这个音乐俱

39、乐部每月活动一次。8. Mr Li and his wife both teach in the primary school.李先生和夫人都在这所小学教书。李先生和夫人都在这所小学教书。9. Mary lives with her parents.玛丽和父母住在一起。玛丽和父母住在一起。10. My son drives very well.我我儿子驾车技术很好。儿子驾车技术很好。(二)主语二)主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语1.这本书有许多图片。这本书有许多图片。 This book contains many pictures.2.我替老人提包。我替老人提包。 I carried the bag

40、 for the old man.3.我们厂制作木桌。我们厂制作木桌。 We made wooden tables in our factory.4.上月我卖了我们的汽车。上月我卖了我们的汽车。 I sold our car last month.5. 他带给我一个文件。他带给我一个文件。He brought me a file.6. 他们接受了邀请。他们接受了邀请。They accepted the invitation.7.我自己能照料这个商店。我自己能照料这个商店。I can manage the shopping myself.8.我的父亲给了我一些忠告。我的父亲给了我一些忠告。My

41、father gave me some advice.(三)主语三)主语+谓语谓语+todo+1。布朗一家计划搬家。布朗一家计划搬家。The Browns planned to move house.2。他们继续支持我们。他们继续支持我们。They continued to support us.3。他帮助这位老太太过马路。他帮助这位老太太过马路。He helped the old woman to cross the road.4。你应该拒绝做这件事。你应该拒绝做这件事。You should refuse to do it.5。我有个约会去见一个朋友。我有个约会去见一个朋友。I have a

42、n appointment to see a friend.6.Tellhimnottobelateagain.告诉他不要再迟到了。告诉他不要再迟到了。7.Hedecidestogoabroad.他决定出国。他决定出国。8.Shestoppedtohavealook.她停下来看看。她停下来看看。9.Ihavemadeupmymindtowriteabook.我下决心要写一本书。我下决心要写一本书。10.Perhapsyouwillhavealittletroubletodealwiththeproblem.处理这个问题你也许会遇到一点麻烦。处理这个问题你也许会遇到一点麻烦。11.Youshou




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