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1、Unit 1Festivals around the worldReading高一人教新课标版必修三高一人教新课标版必修三Spring FestivalLunar January 1Guessing Compition:Guess what festival It is according to the picture you see as quickly as you can.Lantern Festival, lunar January 15DragonBoat Festival, lunar May 5 Mid-autumn Day, lunar August 15Easter arou

2、nd March 22-April 25Easter, the principal festival of the Christian church year, celebrates the Resurrection(复活) of _on the _day after his Crucifixion( 死于十字架上). For Christians, Easter is a day of religious services and the gathering of family. JesusChristthirdSpeckled eggsHalloween October 31Hallowe

3、en is from _, which is celebrated on _. People would dance at the fancy ball and wear _ _in order to _away spirits looking for bodies to possess. HalloweenAmericaOctober31ghost costumes ( clothes), false faces and witches hats, frightenHalloween Parade( 游行游行)Thanksgiving Daythe fourth Thursday of No

4、vemberChristmas DayDecember 25New wordsstarve: 饥饿origin: 起源ancestor:祖先Obon: 盂兰盆节(日本)grave:坟墓; 墓地incense:熏香in memory of: 纪念feast:节日; 盛宴skull: 头骨dressup: 打扮; 盛装play a trick on: 搞恶作剧award: 奖品rooster: 公鸡energetic:充满活力的carnival: 狂欢节parade:游行FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONSReadingWhat festivals are mentioned in

5、 each paragraph?P1.Ancient festivalscelebrate the end of the cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn; celebrate when hunters catch animals.P 2. Festivals of the DeadJapan -ObonMexico-Day of the DeadAmerica-HalloweenP 3. Festivals to Honour PeopleDragon Boat FestivalColumbus Day(India)

6、October 2Obon (盂兰盆盂兰盆) in JapanColumbus DayP 4. Harvest FestivalsHarvest and Thanksgiving FestivalMid-Autumn festivalP 5. Spring FestivalsSpring festivalCarnivalEaster Cheery Blossom FestivalHarvest Festivals1. The ancient people needn tworry abouttheir food.2. Halloween used to be a festivalintende

7、dto honor thedead.FTCareful Reading: True or False3.Qu Yuan wasa great poetwho peoplehonor alot in China.4. Mid-autumnFestivalis held tocelebratetheendof autumn.5.Eastercelebratesthebirth of Jesus.TFF1.When did people celebrate in Ancient Times? Answer these questions.a. the end of the cold weather;

8、b. planting in spring and harvest in autumn;c. when hunters could catch animals.2. What kind of things are done tocelebrate the Obon Festival?People should go to clean the graves, light incense, lamps and play music.3. Why does Indian have a nationalfestival on October 2?To honor Ganhdi who helped g

9、ain Indian s independence from Britain.4. How do Europeans celebrateThanksgiving festivals?Decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruits; people get together to have meals.5. Name three things people do atSpring Festival.eat dumplings, fish, meat; give children lucky money; dragon dances;

10、 visit family membersObonThe Day of the DeadHalloweenFestivalsgravesincensemusicbonesgiftsdressupFestivals of the Dead: Fill in the blanks.Festivals to Honour PeopleMatch the person with the festival.1. Qu Yuan 2. Christopher Columbus 3. Mohandas Gandhia. the Dragon Boat Festivalb. an Indian nationa

11、l festival on Oct. 2c. Columbus DayacbHarvest FestivalsChoose the best answer.Many activities can be held in harvest festivals EXCEPT that people _.A. get together to have mealsB. decorate houses to admire the moonC. win awards for their farm produceD. enjoy mooncakesBSpring FestivalCarnivalsFestiva

12、lsSpring Festivals: Fill in the blanks.luckydragon dancesParadescolourfulclothing1. Skim the reading passage and then fill in the following chart.ComprehendingObon JapanDayof theDeadHalloweenMexicoSomeWesterncountriesfestivaltohonourGandhiIndiaDragonBoatFestivalColumbus DayChinaUSAHarvest / Thanksgi

13、vingfestivals ;Europeanandothercountries ; mid-autumnfestivalsChinaandJapanCherry BlossomFestivalJapanSpring FestivalEasterandrelatedholidaysChinasomeWesterncountries1.What are festivalsof the deadusually for?Festivalsof thedeadarefor honouringor satisfyingdeadancestorsor others,whosomepeoplebelieve

14、might returnto help or harm living people.2. Answer the following questions.2.Whatmakesautumnfestivals happyevents?Autumn festivalsarehappy eventsbecause peoplearethankful that foodisreadyfor winter andthe hard farmwork is finished.3.What dopeopleusuallydo at springfestivals?At spring festivals,peop

15、leusuallyhavedances,carnivals andother activitiesto celebratethe endof winter and thecomingof spring.4.Whatisoneimportantreason tohavefestivalsand celebrations?It is important to havefestivalsandcelebrationssowecanenjoylife/ beproud of our customs/forget our workfor a little while.5.Comparethefestiv

16、als ofthedeadinMexico,JapanandChina.What thingsaresimilar?What thingsaredifferent?The Chinese,Japanese and Mexicanfestivals of the deadall havecustomstohonour thedead.The ChineseandJapanesegoto cleantheir ancestors graves,and theMexicansoffer food,flowersand gifts to the dead.However,therearesomedif

17、ference. TheMexicanseatspecialfoodthat lookslikebones, something theChinese andJapanese donotdo.3. Name three things that most festivals have in common. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while. 1.Which festivals do you think the most important? Giv

18、e your reasons.2. Now foreign festivals seem to become more and more popular among young people, while some chinese traditional festivals seem less important than before. Should we keep our traditional festivals alive? why? how? Should we celebrate foreign festivals as well?Discussion1. Festivals an

19、d celebrations of all kindshave been held everywhere.of all kinds 各种各样的all kinds of各种各样的thesamekind of相同种类的different kinds of不同种类的this/that kind of这(那)种akind of某种That kindofquestion is very difficult to answer. = Questions of thatkindare difficult to answer.那类问题是很难解答的。We sell allkinds ofshoes.= We s

20、ell shoes ofall kinds.我们卖各式各样的鞋。You can see differentkindsof animals in the zoo. = You can see animals ofdifferentkinds in the zoo.你在动物园可以看见不同种类的动物。 Booksof this kind _(sell)well inthe bookstore. This kind of books_(sell)wellin thebookstore.句中谓语动词的单复数由“books”确定。句中的谓语动词由“kind”确定。sellsellsPractice2. A

21、t that time people wouldstarveif food was difficult to find, especially during the clod winter months .在那个时代, 如果食物难以找到, 特别是在寒冷的冬月, 人们就会挨饿。starve v. 1) 挨饿; 饿死Millions of people starved to death during the war. 战争中数百万人挨饿至死。2) (使某人)得不到某事物而受苦或渴望获得某事物; 缺乏The homeless children were starvedfor love .这些无家可归

22、的孩子渴望得到爱。3) to feel very hungry 感觉很饿, 仅用于进行时态When will dinner be ready? I m starving.晚饭什么时候做好?我快饿死了。starvation n. U 饿死starvation wages 不够维持基本生活的工资3. orsatisfythe ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm.或使祖先得到满足, 因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助, 也可能带来危害。1) satisfy vt.满足,使满意;satisfy sb.satisfie

23、d a.感到满意的;be satisfied withsatisfying a.令人愉快的satisfaction n. 满意;to one s satisfactionsatisfactorily ad. 满意地satisfactory a. 令人满意的The teacher was satisfiedwith his satisfying/satisfactoryanswer.2) harm n. damage, injury 损害; 伤害do harm to sb(习俗) = harm sb 伤害某人come to harm身体上、精神上或道义上受到损害, 通常用于否定式I ll go

24、with her to make sure she comesto noharm. 我要和她一同去以免她受到伤害。do more harm than good 弊大于利If we solve the problem in this way, it may domoreharm than good. 如果我们以这种方式处理问题, 那可能是弊大于利。harm v. 损害或伤害某人/某事物This event didn t harm his reputation. 这个事件没有损害他的名誉。区别: hurt, injure, harm, damage, woundhurt 普通用语, 既可指肉体上的

25、伤害, 也可精神上, 感情上的伤害。The girl hurt herself badly in the accident.那位女孩在那次事故中伤得很重。injure比hurt正式, hurt多指伤痛, 而injure则指损害健康, 成就, 容貌等, 强调功能的损失。He injured his hand while playing basketball.他在打篮球时手受了伤。damage 主要指对于物的损害, 强调对于价值、用途、外观等所造成的损失, 这种损失或因自然灾害所致, 或因人为造成。如:Several cars were damagedin the accident.好几辆汽车在事

26、故中损坏了。wound指枪伤, 刀伤, 刺伤等皮肉之伤, 是出血的, 严重的伤, 特指战场上受伤, 它可以指肉体上的伤害, 也可指人们精神上的创伤。如:The bullet woundedhis left leg. 子弹打伤了他的左腿。4. in memory of纪念 如:They set up a monument in memory of the soldiers who died in World War II.The museum was built in memory of the famous scientist.in praise of in honor of in celeb

27、ration of in search of 歌颂为纪念为庆祝为寻找5. this will leadthe ancestors back to earth. leadto 领往; 使得出(结论)lead to 通向; 引起, 导致请把客人领到会客室去。Please leadthe guests to the reception-room.你是如何得出这个结论的?What ledyou to this conclusion?条条道路通罗马。All roads leadto Rome. 食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。Eating too much sugar can leadto health p

28、roblems.6. Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people.万圣节也源自人们古老的信念, 认为亡者的灵魂会返回人间。1) origin n. 起源; 由来, 可用做可数名词或不可数名词, 通常用作复数形式The tradition has its origins in the Middle Ages. 这个传统发源于中世纪。He told me it was a word of unknown origin.他告诉我这是个词源不详的词。2) beli

29、ef n. 信任; 信心; 信仰。belief 通常用作不可数名词, 当作可数名词时, 词义略不同于用作不可数名词时。religiousbeliefs宗教信仰Several members hold very strong political beliefs. 有些成员有着强烈的政治理念。7. It is now a children s festival, when they can dress upand go to their neighbours homes to ask for sweets.万圣节如今成了孩子们的节目, 这天他们可以乔装打扮上邻居家要糖吃。dress 作及物动词时,

30、 不接clothes 之类的表示衣服的名词, 而是接表示人的名词或代词, 意思是“给穿衣服”。当表示自己穿衣服时, 则用反身代词。 如: Wake up children and dressthem. 唤醒孩子, 给他们穿上衣服。dress 的过去分词常用来构成get dressed 与be dressed 短语, 前者表示动态, 后者表示静态, 穿何种衣服, 则用介词in. 如: Hurry up and getdressed . 快点穿上衣服。The girl wasdressed inred.这个女孩穿着一身红衣服。dressup “穿上最好的衣服”, 常指“打扮,化装”You shou

31、ld dressup when you take part in the party.dress n.1) C 连衣裙, (上下连身的)女装She makes all the dresses for her daughter. 她女儿的连衣裙都是她做的。2) U clothes, esp. outer garments, for either men or women 衣服(男女均可)casual dress便服She is _ in red today and looks very beautiful.A. wearing B. having onC. dressing D. dressed

32、D8. play a trick on 捉弄The naughty boy loves playing tricks on others.trick 玩笑、 恶作剧、 诡计do/perform a trick 玩把戏9. gain v. 1)获得,得到她在这个国家住了十年后才取得公民身份Only after ten years in the country did she gainher citizenship.不劳则无获. No pains, no gains.2) (钟,表) 走快这只表每天快5分钟.This clock gainsfive minutes every day.3) (经努

33、力) 到达; 达到我们终于到达了山顶In the end we gainedthe top of the mountain.10. gather搜集,集合,聚集 可作及物动词, 不及物动词, 名词。如: 经理召集了全体选手.The manager gathered all the players .gather , collect 的用法区别二者都含有“收集; 聚集”的意思。1) gather是常用词, 指收集, 聚集, 集合在一起。The clouds are gathering. 云在聚集。2) collect 指有计划, 有选择地收集。He collectsstamps.11. awar

34、dn. 奖, 奖品v. 判给, 授予award sb. sth. 奖赏某人某物辨析: award 和rewardaward后接双宾语award sb. a metal 授予某人奖章reward奖赏, 给报酬, 不能接双宾语;reward sb. for sth. 因 奖赏某人;reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人She rewardedherself with a cup of coffee after a whole morning s hard work. 一上午的刻苦学习后, 她冲一杯咖啡来奖赏自己。12. admire v. 意为“赞赏;钦佩;羡慕;赞美;夸奖”表示

35、“在某方面钦佩某人”用“admire sb. for sth. ”We all admire himfor his courage and bravery.我们都钦佩他的勇气和胆识。13.look forward to (doing) sth.意为期待着(做)某事, 其中的to是介词, 而不是动词不定式符号。Children are looking forwardto Spring Festival.He s looking forward to hearing from his pen pal.他期待着笔友来信。14. day and night意为“日夜; 昼夜; 整天”,在句中常用作时间

36、状语, 也可表达为night and day.He worked dayandnight in order to pay off the debt .为了还清债务, 他日日夜夜地工作。Her mother is ill. She has to take care of her day andnight in the hospital.他妈妈病了, 她必须整天在医院里照顾她。15. clothing 衣服an article of clothing 一件衣服a wolf in sheep s clothing 披着羊皮的狼辨析: cloth, clothes, clothing1)cloth指做

37、衣服等用的材料, 如布料, 毛料, 丝绸等, 不可数。“一块布料”是 a piece of cloth注意: cloth 指具体用途的布时, 可与冠词连用。atablecloth一块桌布adishcloth一块擦碗布2) clothes指具体的衣服, 包括上衣, 裤子等, 不能与不定冠词或数词连用, 但可与物主代词, 指示代词, 少数不定代词连用。作主语时, 谓语用复数形式。He wears fine clothes . 他穿着很讲究。他穿着很讲究。3) clothing 是衣服, 服装的总称, 是集合名词。作主语时候, 谓语东用单数形式。如果要表示“一件衣服”时, 可以说an article

38、 of clothing 或a piece of clothing, 但不能用 a suit of clothing那家商店卖童装。The shop sells childrens clothing.16. as thoughas though 和as if没有什么区别。as if用得普遍些, 却可引导方式状语从句和表语从句, 其从句谓语常用虚拟语气。1) 引导方式状语从句She acted asthoughnothing had happened 她装得好像什么事也没发生过似的。当从句主语和主句主语一致, 从句谓语中又含有动词to be时, 可以把主语和to be一起省去。He looked

39、 about asthough(he was) in search of something. 他四处张望, 好像寻找什么。2) 引导表语从句It looks asif it s going to rain看样子天要下雨了。as though 和as if从句用虚拟语气, 还是用陈述语气, 完全根据具体情况而定。如果从句表示的意思与事实完全相反, 或者纯粹是一种假设, 通常用虚拟语气。The child talks asif she were an adult. 那孩子说话的样子好像她是个大人。17.havefun(withsb) (与某人)玩得开心e.g.Wehadfun with each

40、other on that day.fun为不可数名词, 没有复数, 也不能加a.makefunof 取笑adj. funny 有趣的18. custom n. 风俗、习俗So many countries, so many customs .Social customs are different from country to country.It is the custom (for sb) to do sth做是一种习俗/惯例It is the custom for the Japanese to take off their shoes when they get into a hall.It is the custom for an Arab to stand close to his friend when talking.customhabit“风俗习惯”社会或团体许多人长期形成的习惯一个人的习惯习性Go over the text after classand try to write a summary ofthe text (about 100 words) andretell the text according to thesummary.Homework



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