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1、Units 1314Healthy eating Festivals 漫画欣赏漫画欣赏 画面描述画面描述 寓意理解寓意理解 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词的小短文?词的小短文? It is raining heavily. However, a gentle man is watering flowers, holding an umbrella in his hand! In our daily life, some people often take unnecessary action, which will lead to an undesirable r

2、esult in the long run. 1They at a restaurant three years after they left school and had a very good time.2He _ lives in San Francisco here.He moved to New York two years ago.3The woman was _ by the businessmans offers of marriage and stupidly gave him most of her money.4They have a high level of une

3、mploymentbut the same _ many other countries.got together no longer taken in goes for 5Perhaps I am old and cant all the changes.6They asked him to leave he was fired.7Taking plenty of exercise regularly helps us _.8There is no need to _come as you are.keep up with in other words stay fit dress up .

4、词组翻译词组翻译1胸部疼痛胸部疼痛_2吃药吃药_3减肥减肥_4把把切碎切碎_5也;还;而且也;还;而且_6七天的节日七天的节日_7请某人吃午饭请某人吃午饭_8捉弄某人捉弄某人_have a pain in the chest take the medicine lose weightcut.into pieces as well as a sevenday festival treat sb.to lunch play tricks on sb. .完成句子完成句子1If we want to (跟上快节奏跟上快节奏) of modern life,we had better learn to

5、 make the right choices about what and how we eat.(pace)2Preparing a delicious snack _ (不一定不一定) too difficult.(have)3We must (尽力尽力) to make our community better and more beautiful.(much)4Kwanzaa begins the day after Christmas Day and (在元旦结束在元旦结束)(end)keep up with the high pace does not have to be do

6、 as much as we can ends on New Years Day.短文填空短文填空 The world is getting bigger,or at _ fatter.Recent studies show that an increasing of us are leading an unhealthy life.We are becoming couch potatoespeople who too much time in front of the TV and eat too much junk food.Now,there is _ a new species of

7、 inactive people, the “mouse potato”A mouse potato is who sits in front of his or her computer all day and eats junk food instead of .meals.Why are we becoming potatoes and what can we do to it?least number spend also namely someone regular avoid 复复 现现 辨辨 析析 记记 忆忆1The public opinion was that the tim

8、e was not _ for the election. Aripe Breasonable Cready Dpractical 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: .Aripe raip adj.熟的;成熟的熟的;成熟的2Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of _. Aenergy Bsource Cpower Dmaterial 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: .3Many people complain of the rapid _ of modern l

9、ife. Arate Bspeed Cgrowth Dpace 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: .Aenergy endi n精力;能量精力;能量Dpace peis n步;速度;步调步;速度;步调4Mr.Jones has 2,000 dollars in the bank.If he draws 1,600 dollars,the _ will be 400. Atotal Bbalance Csum Dcredit 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: . .5Use your _,and I am sure you will find a way out. Athoughts

10、 Bhearts Cminds Dbrains 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: .Bbalance blns vt.&vi.&n.平衡;平衡;余额余额Dbrain brein n脑;头脑脑;头脑6.We listened to the news with a(n) _ of surprise and horror. Amixture Blink Cunion Dorganization 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: .7The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n) _ of courage and po

11、wer. Aexample Bsign Csignal Dsymbol 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: .Amixture mikst n混合;混合物混合;混合物Dsymbol simbl n象征;符号;记号象征;符号;记号8In dealing with public relations,we should make every effort to prevent the _ in personality. Aconflict Bcontrast Cconnection Dcontact 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: . .9After some heated _,a de

12、cision was finally taken. Aconference Bconversation Cargument Dcollision 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: . .Aconflict knflikt n斗争;斗争;战斗;冲突战斗;冲突Cargument jumnt n争论;争论;辩论辩论10It is estimated that public _ is in favour of economic reform. Aidea Bview Cthought Dopinion 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: .11English was his _ in the

13、 college and he teaches English now. Amayor Bminor Cmajor Dminer 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: . .Dopinion pinjn n意见;看法意见;看法Cmajor meid adj.重大的;主要重大的;主要的的n主修课程;专业课主修课程;专业课12A grand party was held in _ of the old couples fiftieth wedding anniversary. Acongratulation Bcelebration Cadmiration Drespect 正确选项正确选项_;

14、意思是:;意思是: . .13I saw Bob play the piano at Johns party and on that _ he was simply brilliant. Ascene Bcircumstance Coccasion Dsituation 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: . .Bcelebration selibrein n庆祝;庆典庆祝;庆典Coccasion kein n场合;时机;场合;时机;机会机会14The car _ speed as it went down the hill. Aobtained Bacquired Cgained Dad

15、ded 正确选项正确选项_; .15She has always been honest with me,and I _ her for that. Aregard Brespect Crespond Drestore 正确选项正确选项_;意思是:;意思是: .Cgain ein vt.增加;获得增加;获得Brespect rispekt vt.尊敬;尊重尊敬;尊重意思是:意思是:核核 心心 词词 汇汇 梳梳 理理1diet n. 日常饮食;食物日常饮食;食物 It is important to have a balanced,healthy diet. 均衡、健康的日常饮食很重要。均衡、健

16、康的日常饮食很重要。 朗文当代朗文当代 Children today are brought up on a diet of television cartoons and soap operas. 如今的孩子是伴随电视上的动画片和肥皂剧长大的。如今的孩子是伴随电视上的动画片和肥皂剧长大的。 牛津高阶牛津高阶 搭配搭配 be on a diet在节食在节食 go on a diet节食节食 I mustnt have chocolateIm on a diet.我不吃巧克力,我正在节食。我不吃巧克力,我正在节食。I cant fasten my jeansIll have to go on a

17、 diet.我的牛仔裤都系不上了,我得节食了。我的牛仔裤都系不上了,我得节食了。麦克米伦麦克米伦辨析辨析 diet和和food都可作都可作“食物食物”解。但解。但diet指的是习惯吃的食指的是习惯吃的食物或规定的食物,特指维持健康的定量或定质的食物,如病人物或规定的食物,特指维持健康的定量或定质的食物,如病人的疗养饮食等。的疗养饮食等。food是一般用法,凡能吃喝的具有营养的东西是一般用法,凡能吃喝的具有营养的东西都称都称food。 A proper diet and exercise are both important to health.适当的饮食和锻炼对健康很重要。适当的饮食和锻炼对健

18、康很重要。The sick man must not go without food,but he must have a diet without sugar.这个病人不可不吃东西,但要吃不含糖的食物。这个病人不可不吃东西,但要吃不含糖的食物。提示提示 diet是可数名词,常与不定冠词是可数名词,常与不定冠词a连用;连用;food是不可数名词,是不可数名词,但在表示食品的种类时,可以用复数但在表示食品的种类时,可以用复数。 The doctor put him on a diet after operation.手术之后,医生规定了他的饮食。手术之后,医生规定了他的饮食。Too many s

19、weet foods will make you fat.太多的甜食会使你发胖。太多的甜食会使你发胖。【应用应用1】 She had stomach trouble and had to follow _.Astrict food Ba strict food Cstrict diet Da strict dietD2.fit adj. 健康的;适合的健康的;适合的 识记识记 keep/stay/remain fit保持健康保持健康 feel fit感觉健康良好感觉健康良好 keep sb.fit使某人保持健康使某人保持健康 v. 适合;适合于;吻合适合;适合于;吻合 The jacket f

20、itted me pretty well but the trousers were too small. 我穿这件上衣很合身,但裤子太小了。我穿这件上衣很合身,但裤子太小了。朗文当代朗文当代 The key doesnt fit the lock.这把钥匙打不开这把锁。这把钥匙打不开这把锁。牛津高阶牛津高阶 辨析辨析 一般指衣服、鞋子等的大小、尺寸合体,而一般指衣服、鞋子等的大小、尺寸合体,而suitsuit则指衣则指衣 服、鞋子等的样式、花色、设计等适合某人。服、鞋子等的样式、花色、设计等适合某人。 I like the suit,but the jacket doesnt fit me.

21、我喜欢这套衣服,但上衣不合身。我喜欢这套衣服,但上衣不合身。 麦克米伦麦克米伦The color blue suits you very well.蓝颜色非常适合你。蓝颜色非常适合你。韦氏高阶韦氏高阶识记识记:fit in(与与)合得来;适应合得来;适应At first I felt awkward,but I soon learned to fit in.开头我感到不自在,但很快就学会适应了。开头我感到不自在,但很快就学会适应了。 朗文当代朗文当代Hes never done this type of work before;Im not sure how hell fit in with

22、the other people.他过去从未干过这种工作,很难说他是否会与其他人配合得好。他过去从未干过这种工作,很难说他是否会与其他人配合得好。 牛津高阶牛津高阶【应用应用2】 Mother,I dont think this blouse _ me well.Its a bit too tight. Afits Bsuits Cmatches DadaptsA3honour n. 尊敬;荣誉;荣幸;带来荣誉的人或事尊敬;荣誉;荣幸;带来荣誉的人或事 For the French team,winning tomorrows game is a matter of national hono

23、ur. 对法国队来说,在明天的比赛中获胜事关国家荣誉。对法国队来说,在明天的比赛中获胜事关国家荣誉。朗文当代朗文当代 搭配搭配 do sb.the honour of doing sth.做某事使某人感到特别荣幸做某事使某人感到特别荣幸 have the honour of doing sth.很荣幸能够做某事很荣幸能够做某事 Will you do me the honour of accompanying me to the ball? 你肯赏光陪我去参加舞会吗?你肯赏光陪我去参加舞会吗? 麦克米伦麦克米伦 I had the honour of presenting the awards

24、 at the ceremony. 能在这个典礼上颁奖我感到十分荣幸。能在这个典礼上颁奖我感到十分荣幸。 麦克米伦麦克米伦识记:识记:in honour of为纪念为纪念;为了向;为了向表示敬意表示敬意In honour of the occasion,Mozart was to write a short piece of music.莫扎特要为这一盛会作一首短曲。莫扎特要为这一盛会作一首短曲。 麦克米伦麦克米伦提示提示:honour作作“带来荣誉的人或事带来荣誉的人或事”解时是可数名词解时是可数名词。Its a great honour to be here with you tonigh

25、t.今晚能跟你一起站今晚能跟你一起站在这里我深感荣幸。在这里我深感荣幸。 麦克米伦麦克米伦vt. 尊敬,给以荣誉尊敬,给以荣誉Will you honour me with your presence tonight?今晚可否请您光临?今晚可否请您光临? 韦氏高阶韦氏高阶句型句型:be/feel honoured to do sth.做某事感受到荣幸做某事感受到荣幸I felt deeply honoured to be playing against the former Wimbledon Champion.能与温布尔登网球赛的前冠军球手比赛,我深感荣幸。能与温布尔登网球赛的前冠军球手比赛

26、,我深感荣幸。朗文当代朗文当代4purpose n. 目的;意图;用途目的;意图;用途 For what purpose did you go to Africa? 你去非洲的目的何在呢?你去非洲的目的何在呢? 搭配搭配:serve a purpose起到某个作用;帮助达到某个目的起到某个作用;帮助达到某个目的 No useful purpose will be served by reopening the murder enquiry. 对这次谋杀重新进行调查没什么用处。对这次谋杀重新进行调查没什么用处。 朗文当代朗文当代 Our holiday had served its purpos

27、es;we both felt thoroughly relaxed. 我们的假期已起到了它应有的作用,我们两人都感到十分轻松。我们的假期已起到了它应有的作用,我们两人都感到十分轻松。 朗文当代朗文当代识记识记 on purpose故意地故意地for/with the purpose of doing sth.为了做某事为了做某事 He did it on purpose,knowing it would annoy her.他明知会激怒她,却故意那么做。他明知会激怒她,却故意那么做。 牛津高阶牛津高阶He went there for the purpose of making busine

28、ss contacts.他去那里为的是进行生意上的联系。他去那里为的是进行生意上的联系。麦克米伦麦克米伦5similar adj. 相似的;类似的相似的;类似的 My wife and I have similar tastes in music. 我妻子与我有相似的音乐爱好。我妻子与我有相似的音乐爱好。 搭配搭配:be similar to.与与相似相似 My opinions on the matter are similar to Kays. 我对这件事的见解和凯差不多。我对这件事的见解和凯差不多。 朗文当代朗文当代 My teaching style is similar to tha

29、t of most other teachers. 我的教学风格和多数教师相似。我的教学风格和多数教师相似。 牛津高阶牛津高阶链接链接 alike同样的,相同的同样的,相同的the same同样的;同一的同样的;同一的 【应用应用3】 Does Jones have brown hair?Yes,in fact its quite similar in shape _ yours.Aas Bwith Cto DlikeC6gift n. 礼物;天赋礼物;天赋 She is a girl of many gifts.她是个多才多艺的女孩。她是个多才多艺的女孩。 搭配搭配:have a gift

30、for有有天赋;有天赋;有天才天才 She has a great gift for music.她极有音乐天赋。她极有音乐天赋。牛津高阶牛津高阶 Dee has a gift for making everyone feel at ease. 迪有一种能让大家放松的天赋。迪有一种能让大家放松的天赋。 朗文当代朗文当代 【应用应用4】 Mrs.Taylor has _ 8yearold daughter who has _ gift for paintingshe has won two national prizes. Aa;a Ban;the Can;a Dthe;aC7fool n. 愚

31、人;白痴愚人;白痴 What a fool she has been to think that he would stay. 她竟然那么傻,以为他会留下来。她竟然那么傻,以为他会留下来。朗文当代朗文当代 提示提示:fool与与enough连用时,前面一般不加冠词连用时,前面一般不加冠词。 He told me he was an actor and I was fool enough to believe him. 他告诉我他是演员,而我真傻,竟相信了他的话。他告诉我他是演员,而我真傻,竟相信了他的话。牛津高阶牛津高阶 搭配搭配 make a fool of愚弄愚弄 make a fool

32、of oneself闹笑话;出丑闹笑话;出丑 句型句型 fool sb.out of sth.骗取某人的东西骗取某人的东西fool sb.into doing sth.骗某人去做某事骗某人去做某事 She was fooled out of all her savings.她的储蓄被骗走了。她的储蓄被骗走了。Dont be fooled into thinking theyre going to change anything.别上当受骗,以为他们打算作出任何改变。别上当受骗,以为他们打算作出任何改变。牛津高阶牛津高阶链接链接 cheat欺骗,欺诈欺骗,欺诈trick欺骗欺骗,deceive欺

33、骗;蒙蔽欺骗;蒙蔽 重重 点点 短短 语语 例例 释释1keep up with 跟上;不落后于跟上;不落后于 We try to keep up with whats happening. 我们努力跟踪事态的发展情况。我们努力跟踪事态的发展情况。麦克米伦麦克米伦 She easily kept up with the rest of the runners. 她轻松地跟上了其他赛跑者。她轻松地跟上了其他赛跑者。韦氏高阶韦氏高阶 拓展拓展:keep up保持;继续;持续保持;继续;持续 The good news keeps up our spirits.好消息使我们情绪高涨。好消息使我们情绪

34、高涨。 Will the weather keep up?这样的天气会持续吗?这样的天气会持续吗?链接链接 keep.away使不靠近使不靠近keep back后退;后退;阻止;抑制;扣留阻止;抑制;扣留( (钱钱) )keep from避免避免keep off不靠近;使离开;不提及;不吃不靠近;使离开;不提及;不吃( (喝喝) )keep on继续继续keep out使不入内,使留在外面使不入内,使留在外面keep to不离开;遵守不离开;遵守keep.to oneself不把不把告诉别人;将告诉别人;将供自己一人使用供自己一人使用 【应用应用5】 You will find as you

35、read this book that you just cant keep some of these stories to _.You will want to share them with a friend. Aitself Byourself Chimself DthemselvesB2.go for 适用于;应用于适用于;应用于 We expect you boys to behave yourselves,and the same goes for the girls. 我们希望你们这些男孩子能守规矩,女孩子也一样。我们希望你们这些男孩子能守规矩,女孩子也一样。麦克米伦麦克米伦

36、I think this report is badly written,and that goes for all the other work done in this office. 我认为这份报告写得很差,办公室的其他工作也一样。我认为这份报告写得很差,办公室的其他工作也一样。链接链接 go in for爱好,喜欢;参加爱好,喜欢;参加( (竞赛、考试竞赛、考试) )go against违背;不利于违背;不利于go after追求追求,go by( (时间时间) )流逝;流逝;( (机会机会) )失去失去go out熄灭熄灭, ,go over仔细检查;复习仔细检查;复习go thro

37、ugh通过;经历;仔细查看;用完通过;经历;仔细查看;用完【应用应用6】 I dont _ rock n roll.Its much too noisy for my taste.Ago after Bgo away with Cgo into Dgo in for D3get together 聚会;聚集聚会;聚集 He got together with some friends to plan a party for her. 他和几个朋友聚在一起计划为她举办一个聚会。他和几个朋友聚在一起计划为她举办一个聚会。 麦克米伦麦克米伦 We got together at the church

38、.我们聚集在教堂里。我们聚集在教堂里。韦氏高阶韦氏高阶 链接链接 come together和好;集合和好;集合 go together一起去;相配,相称一起去;相配,相称 put together装配;组合;拼凑;综合装配;组合;拼凑;综合 【应用应用7】 Were going to _ with some friends for a picnic.Would you like to join us? Aget in Bget over Cget along Dget togetherD4dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰盛装;打扮;装饰 Jonah had obviously made a

39、n effort to dress up for the occasion. 乔纳为参加这次活动显然精心打扮了一番。乔纳为参加这次活动显然精心打扮了一番。麦克米伦麦克米伦 He dressed himself up as a pirate. 他把自己装扮成海盗。他把自己装扮成海盗。韦氏高阶韦氏高阶 拓展拓展 dress sb./oneself up意为意为“把某人把某人(自己自己)打扮起来;给某人打扮起来;给某人 (自己自己)穿上衣服穿上衣服”,有时可用其被动语态。,有时可用其被动语态。 I dressed the children up for the party. 我把孩子们打扮起来去参加

40、宴会。我把孩子们打扮起来去参加宴会。5take in 把把拿进来或带进来;收容;留宿;理解;体拿进来或带进来;收容;留宿;理解;体 会;了解;包含;包括;欺骗;蒙骗会;了解;包含;包括;欺骗;蒙骗 The book takes in the period between 1891 and Lenins death. 该书描写的是该书描写的是1891年至列宁逝世为止那段时间。年至列宁逝世为止那段时间。 麦克米伦麦克米伦 We decided to take in lodgers.我们决定接纳房客。我们决定接纳房客。麦克米伦麦克米伦 Do you think he took in everythi

41、ng we said? 你认为我们所说的他都理解了吗?你认为我们所说的他都理解了吗? 韦氏高阶韦氏高阶 She took us in with that scheme. 她用那种诡计欺骗了我们。她用那种诡计欺骗了我们。 韦氏高阶韦氏高阶疑疑 难难 语语 句句 细细 解解1Our eating habits have changed,as has our way of life,and the fuel we need for our bodies is also different.正如我们的生正如我们的生 活发生了变化一样,我们的饮食习惯也已发生了变化,而且活发生了变化一样,我们的饮食习惯也

42、已发生了变化,而且 我们需要的养分也不同了。我们需要的养分也不同了。 【要点指南要点指南】 此处此处as has our way of life意为意为“我们的生活也我们的生活也发发 生了变化生了变化”,相当于,相当于our way of life has changed too,这时常,这时常用用 倒装语序。倒装语序。John is very healthy,as are his sisters.约翰身体健康,他的姊妹也一样。约翰身体健康,他的姊妹也一样。He is a doctor,as was his wife before she had children.他是医生,他的妻子生儿育女之

43、前也当过医生。他是医生,他的妻子生儿育女之前也当过医生。提提 示还可引导定语从句,修饰整个句子,且定语从句的位置比较灵示还可引导定语从句,修饰整个句子,且定语从句的位置比较灵活,可放在句首、句中或句末。活,可放在句首、句中或句末。 As all his friends agree,he was unusually warmhearted,loving and generous.正如他所有的朋友都认为的那样,他非常热心、可亲、慷慨。正如他所有的朋友都认为的那样,他非常热心、可亲、慷慨。I am,as you can imagine,short of money.正如你想像的那样,我很缺钱。正如你

44、想像的那样,我很缺钱。He was a teacher,as was clear from his manner.正如根据他的举止所断定的,他是一位老师。正如根据他的举止所断定的,他是一位老师。句型:句型:(Just) as.,(so).正如正如一样,一样,也也Just as one gesture can have many different meanings,so many different gestures can have the same meaning.正如一个手势可能正如一个手势可能有几个不同的意思一样,很多不同的手势可能有同样的意思。有几个不同的意思一样,很多不同的手势可能

45、有同样的意思。As the Americans like baseball,so the British like soccer.就如美就如美国人喜欢棒球一样,英国人喜欢足球。国人喜欢棒球一样,英国人喜欢足球。【应用应用8】 _ the sun and the moon can cause tides on the earth,the star may have caused the tides on the surface of the sun. AEven if BJust as CWhile DIn caseB2Many people today make choices about t

46、heir eating habits based on what they believe.很多人是依据他们自己的想法很多人是依据他们自己的想法 来选择饮食习惯的。来选择饮食习惯的。 【要点指南要点指南】 此处此处based on是过去分词短语,在句中作方是过去分词短语,在句中作方 式状语,相当于式状语,相当于according to或或depending on。 We also make choices based on how the products are grown or made. 我们也依据产品被种植或制造的方式做出选择。我们也依据产品被种植或制造的方式做出选择。 He desc

47、ribed the murderer based on his memory. 他凭记忆描述了那个杀人犯。他凭记忆描述了那个杀人犯。拓展拓展 base作动词意为作动词意为“以以为基础;建于为基础;建于之上之上”,常,常构成短语构成短语base.on/upon.或或be based on/upon。 You should base your conclusion upon careful research.你应该以审慎的研究为基础下结论。你应该以审慎的研究为基础下结论。This story is based on facts.这个故事是有事实根据的。这个故事是有事实根据的。Teaching is

48、 an art based on a science.教学是以科学为基础的一门艺术。教学是以科学为基础的一门艺术。3Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they areall we have to do is clean and peel them.大部大部 分水果是天然甜润的,可以直接食用,我们只需对它们进分水果是天然甜润的,可以直接食用,我们只需对它们进 行清洗或去皮。行清洗或去皮。 【要点指南要点指南】 (1)just the way they are是是just in the way in w

49、hich they are的省略。的省略。way常与介词常与介词in连用,有时连用,有时in可省可省 略;略;way后接定语从句时,常用后接定语从句时,常用in which或或that引导,且引引导,且引 导词可省略。导词可省略。 They didnt do it (in) the way (that) we do now. 他们以前做这事不用我们现在的方式。他们以前做这事不用我们现在的方式。I dont like the way (that/in which) you laugh at her.我不喜欢你那样嘲笑她。我不喜欢你那样嘲笑她。People liked the way he wro

50、te and so he went on writing.人们喜欢他的写作方式,于是他继续写了下去。人们喜欢他的写作方式,于是他继续写了下去。(2)clean前省略了前省略了to。当主语是当主语是all sb.does或或what sb.does或或everything sb.does等一类的短语等一类的短语作作主语时,作表语用的不定式常省略主语时,作表语用的不定式常省略toto。All we can do is wait with patience.我们所能做的就是耐心地等待。我们所能做的就是耐心地等待。What she did after the game was go up to her

51、 trainer and thank her for all her help.比赛完后她所做的就是走到教练那里向她表示感谢,感谢她给予的帮助。比赛完后她所做的就是走到教练那里向她表示感谢,感谢她给予的帮助。4People would get together to celebrate their harvest.人们常常聚人们常常聚 在一起来庆祝他们的丰收。在一起来庆祝他们的丰收。 【要点指南要点指南】 would可作情态动词,意为可作情态动词,意为“过去常常做过去常常做”, 表示过去的习惯动作,相当于表示过去的习惯动作,相当于used to。 He would sit for hours

52、daydreaming. 他过去常常坐上几个小时做白日梦。他过去常常坐上几个小时做白日梦。 When I was a child I would get up early.我小时候经常起很早。我小时候经常起很早。 提示提示:如表示过去经常发生的几个动作时,第一句话中常用如表示过去经常发生的几个动作时,第一句话中常用 used to,后面的句子中用,后面的句子中用would。We used to swim every day when we were children.We would run down to the lake and jump in.我们小时候每天都去游泳,我们常常跑到湖边一头

53、扎进水里。我们小时候每天都去游泳,我们常常跑到湖边一头扎进水里。We used to ride the train down to Lychburg with Mama to visit Dad.She would take him newly washed clothes and flowers from our garden,and we would take pictures we had made in the school.我们和妈妈以前常常坐火车去里斯堡去看望爸爸,她常常给他带去我们和妈妈以前常常坐火车去里斯堡去看望爸爸,她常常给他带去新洗过的衣服和刚从我家花园里摘的鲜花,而我们常

54、常给他带去我新洗过的衣服和刚从我家花园里摘的鲜花,而我们常常给他带去我们在学校作的画。们在学校作的画。高高 考考 真真 实实 案案 例例 简简 明明 分分 析析 I travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day,_ do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin.Aas Bwhich Cwhen Dthough(2009年高考天津卷年高考天津卷)【解题方法指导【解题方法指导】本题考查状语从句的引导词。题意是本题考查状语从句的引导词。题意是“像住在像住在天津市区的很多生意人一样,

55、我每天乘坐轻轨去滨海新区。天津市区的很多生意人一样,我每天乘坐轻轨去滨海新区。”从从语境看,这里要用语境看,这里要用as引导方式状语从句,表示引导方式状语从句,表示“正如,就像正如,就像”。由于从句的主语较长,为了保持平衡而使用了倒装语序,正常的由于从句的主语较长,为了保持平衡而使用了倒装语序,正常的语序是:语序是:as many businessmen.do。故答案为。故答案为A。教材原文对照教材原文对照 Our eating habits have changed,as has our way of life,and the fuel we need for our bodies is a

56、lso different. They use computers to keep the traffic _ smoothly.Abeing run Brun Cto run Drunning(2009年高考全国卷年高考全国卷)【解题方法指导【解题方法指导】 本题考查非谓语动词。题意是本题考查非谓语动词。题意是“他们使用电脑他们使用电脑系统,以便使交通保持畅通。系统,以便使交通保持畅通。”keep.doing.keep.doing.是固定用法,意是固定用法,意为为“使使做做”,且,且traffictraffic与与runrun是主动关系,所以要用现在是主动关系,所以要用现在分词分词runni

57、ngrunning。故答案为。故答案为D D。教材原文对照教材原文对照 Other nutrients,such as fibre and minerals,help keep our bodyfunctioning well. Many people have come to realize that they should go on _ balanced diet and make _ room in their day for exercise.Aa;/ Bthe;a Cthe;the D/;a(2007年高考江西卷年高考江西卷)【解题方法指导【解题方法指导】本题考查冠词的用法。题意是

58、本题考查冠词的用法。题意是“很多人逐渐地很多人逐渐地认识到,他们应该饮食均衡,并且每天腾出时间去锻炼。认识到,他们应该饮食均衡,并且每天腾出时间去锻炼。”diet是可数名词,是可数名词,a balanced diet意为意为“均衡的饮食均衡的饮食”;make room for是固定短语,意为是固定短语,意为“为为腾出空间或留出余地腾出空间或留出余地”。故答案为。故答案为A。 教材原文对照教材原文对照 It is probably better,however,if we spend our time and money in buying good food and keeping a bal

59、anced diet. Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally_.Afriendly Bvarious Ccommon Dchangeable(高考福建卷高考福建卷)【解题方法指导【解题方法指导】 本题考查形容词的意义。本题考查形容词的意义。friendly“友好的;有友好的;有用的;无害的用的;无害的”;various“各种各样的各种各样的”;common“常见的;普通常见的;普通的的”;changeable“可以改变的;易变的可以改变的;易变的”。题意是。题意是“绿

60、色产品越绿色产品越来越受到人们的欢迎,因为它们是环保的。来越受到人们的欢迎,因为它们是环保的。”environmentally friendly是一固定说法,意为是一固定说法,意为“对环境无害的;环保的对环境无害的;环保的”。故答案。故答案为为A。 教材原文对照教材原文对照 Environmentally friendly food,or “ecofood”,is produced by companies who have tried to use green and clean ways to grow it. One of the best ways for people to keep

61、 fit is to _ healthy eating habits.Agrow Bdevelop Cincrease Draise(高考湖北卷高考湖北卷)【解题方法指导【解题方法指导】本题考查动词的词义辨析。本题考查动词的词义辨析。grow“生长;种植生长;种植”;develop“发展;开发;养成发展;开发;养成”;increase“增加增加”;raise“增加;增加;提升;抬高;饲养提升;抬高;饲养”。根据题意。根据题意“人们保持健康的最佳方法之一就人们保持健康的最佳方法之一就是养成健康的饮食习惯。是养成健康的饮食习惯。”可知答案为可知答案为B。教材原文对照教材原文对照(此题与教材中的句子

62、惊人的相似!此题与教材中的句子惊人的相似!)The best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits. Dont be _ by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.Ataken off Btaken out Ctaken away Dtaken in(2007年高考辽宁卷年高考辽宁卷)【解题方法指导【解题方法指导】本题考查短语动词的意义辨析。题意是本题考查短语动词的意义辨析。题意是“不要不要被承诺能

63、使你快速减肥的产品所欺骗。被承诺能使你快速减肥的产品所欺骗。”take off“起飞;腾飞;起飞;腾飞;脱掉;摘掉脱掉;摘掉”;take out“拿出;带出去拿出;带出去”;take away“消除;带消除;带走走”;take in“欺骗;吸收;包含欺骗;吸收;包含”。根据题意可知答案为。根据题意可知答案为D。 教材原文对照教材原文对照 If a person is taken in,he or she is called “April fool!” 教教 材材 经经 典典 语语 句句 全全 新新 设设 计计1Traditional diets often have _ fat and too

64、 many calories for the 21stcentury persons. Atoo much Btoo many Cmuch too Dmany too2We also make choices about our eating habits _ on how the products are grown or made. Ato be based Bbased Cbasing Dbeing basedAB3Organic vegetables are those _ without chemicals that can be harmful to human beings or

65、 the environment. Agrow Bto grow Cgrown Dhaving grown4If we eat healthy food in the right _,we do not have to buy any supplements. Anumbers Bamounts Csums Ddeals5The week _ Christmas Day,many AfricanAmerican families get together to greet the new year. Afollowed Bto follow Cfollowing DfollowsCBC6On

66、the last day of Kwanzaa,family and friends gather to enjoy a large meal and to _ the new year. Aadmire Bcongratulate Cdeclare Dcelebrate7Earth Day,a celebration of life and our planet,is a reminder _ we need to care about the world we live in. Awhich Bof which Cwhat Dthat8Others become vegans and wi

67、ll not eat any animal products at all,not _ yoghurt or eggs. Aeven Bstill Cyet DonlyDDA9The best trick on April Fools Day is _ that makes everyone laugh,_ the “fool” Aone;included Bone;including Cthe one;included Dthe one;including10Some nutrients help _ our body and make it stronger.Protein,for exa

68、mple,is good for our muscles. Araise Bbuild Cform Dcreate11Because we have so much _,many companies and stores offer advice about what we should eat. Ato choose Bto be chosen Cto choose from Dto be chosen fromBBC12Kwanzaa is a _ festival celebrating the culture and history of African Americans. Asev

69、endays Bsevendays Csevenday Dseven days13There are many recipes for simple and healthy snacks that _ great and keep us going. Ataste Bare tasted Care tasting Dwill be tasted14_ we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive. AEach time BAt each time CAt times DFor each timeCAA



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