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1、初高中英语学习的区别与衔接北京市英语特级教师赵书梅1高中英语学习不是新起点,而是初中英语学习的继续和深入,因此对初中英语知识的掌握是高中英语学习的基础,但两者又有区别。2一、初高中英语学习的区别一、初高中英语学习的区别1词汇量增加,高级词汇增加(help, assist; need, require)2语法项目方面:有一些语法项目在初中阶段是浅尝辙止,高中要继续和深入学习,如:定语从句,宾语从句,动词不定式;有一些是全新的项目,如:分词。这些项目是重点知识,是高考的必考项目,其中有些又是难点。3阅读篇目长了(词数,长难句),阅读后的题目难度大了,对思维能力要求高了。3二、如何应对高中的英语学习

2、二、如何应对高中的英语学习1如何解决词汇问题(1)单纯记忆单词的中文意思和拼写不能有效地解决词汇问题。一些单词的意思单一,但数量有限,举例说明:apple,但英文中一词多意的单词非常多,单词的意思是通过不同的语境得以体现的,换句话说,句子变了,词的意思就不一样了,如果在学习中只是单纯地记忆单词的意思,当这个单词在文章中出现的时候我们还是没有办法知道他的确切意思,因此对单词的记忆离不开句子和上下文。请看下面的例句:4put on:Mum asked Tom to put on his heavy coat before going out, for it was a very cold day.

3、Mary has put on weight since I last saw her.The students in our class will put on the new play at the new year party.因此,建议同学们在学习单词时不应当仅仅记住中文意思,应当记住这个单词使用的语境。 5some some There are some students at the door. They want to talk to the new teacher.There must be some reason for her coming late. 6(2)高中要学习3

4、500左右的单词,对基础不同的同 学要把单词分类,常用单词要会应用,书面表达中要会,使用频率低的单词知道意思就行了。结构复杂、意思复杂、望文生歧义的单词要会运用。如:turn on, turn off; put on, put offget along with sb./ sth., go through7(3) 要记忆那些望文不知何意的单词要记忆那些望文不知何意的单词,如如:upset, available82.如何解决语法问题如何解决语法问题语法不是靠记忆规则能解决的,要常运用,当然也不排除做一定量的练习。学习语法的根本目的不是为了了解规则,而是为了运用语言,表达思想。如同学游泳一样,老师


6、始于此。英文中表达事情发生的时间主要通过动词的变化体现,英文中语态的变化也是通过动词的变化,因此动词是英文的灵魂。 对于自己练习中的错误首先要分类,之后总结并记录下来。11各种时态综合复习各种时态综合复习在初中的三年中我们共学习了下面几个时态:现在进行时,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,过去进行时,现在完成时。要搞清楚英语当中的时态和语态问题我们先来看一看中英文在表达上面的根本区别。当我们用中文表达时间概念时,在句子中一般使用表示时间的词或短语就可以了。例如:12我昨天早起了。他每天早起。他们明天要早起。我进去的时候他正起床呢。他已经起床了。他说他明天要早起。13而在英文中要想表达各种不同

7、的时态重要的不仅仅是时间状语的变化,而是要在动词上面下工夫。英文时间的概念主要通过动词的变化得以体现。即使句子中没有时间状语只通过动词我们也能够判断出该句表达的动作发生的时间。如:14She is going to do her homework (tonight). We are doing our homework (now). Tom went to the movie (last week).Sam always does sports (on Sundays). He was having lunch (when I went to see him(yesterday). He ha

8、s cleaned the room. He said he would come to see me (soon).15通过对比,我们对英文动词时态的意义就有了认识。所以大家在写英文句子时,只要脑子中对动词的变化时刻牢记在心,就会在运用中少犯错误。16下面让我们来总结、对比学习过的几种时态中容易被忽视的几种用法、意义及易混易错点。一、现在进行时提到现在进行时,你脑子中首先出现的含义是什么?171表示现在正在进行的动作。例如表示现在正在进行的动作。例如:She isnt dancing now. She is sitting at her desk now.Im talking to you

9、now. Youre listening to me.现在进行时还有其他的意思吗?2某人已经开始做某事,但尚未完成,说某人已经开始做某事,但尚未完成,说话时动作可能正在发生着,但不是必须的。话时动作可能正在发生着,但不是必须的。18例如:例如:(At the party, Tom and Jane are talking.)Tom: Im reading Harry Potter VII at the moment. Ill lend it to you when Ive finished it.More examples: Wang Lin wants to study in the US

10、so hes learning English.193 表示现阶段正在进行而说话时不一定在进行表示现阶段正在进行而说话时不一定在进行的动作。的动作。例如:The workers are building a new sports centre this month. -Is Susan working this week? -No, shes on holiday. 20 4 表示安排将要进行的动作表示安排将要进行的动作,请看下面的个人计划,用英文如何表达?请看下面的个人计划,用英文如何表达?进行时表示将来的这种用法到高中还会再强化。进行时表示将来的这种用法到高中还会再强化。21Exercis

11、e: Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs.1.I want to lose some weight, so this week I _-(eat) lunch. 2. I think Paul and Ann have had a quarrel. They _(speak) to each other. 3. Ken is ill but he_ (get) better slowly. 4. The world _(change). Things never stay the same. am not eatingare

12、 not speakingis gettingis changing22S: Brian! How nice to see you! What _ (you/do) these days?B: I _ (train) to be a supermarket manager.S: Really? Whats it like? _ (you /enjoy) it?B: Its all right. What about you?S: Well, actually _ (not/work) at the moment. I _ (try) to find a job but its not easy

13、. But Im very busy. I am_( decorate) my flat.B: _ (do) it alone?S: No, some friends of mine _. (help)are you doingam trainingAre you enjoyingI am not workingam tryingdecoratingAre you doingare helping me23假如你是假如你是Mary,你的朋友要和你小聚,根据你后几天的安排跟他约定时间。,你的朋友要和你小聚,根据你后几天的安排跟他约定时间。24T: Can you come on Monday e

14、vening?M: Sorry but I _(go to the cinema).T: How about having lunch together on Tuesday?M: No, not Tuesday. I_ (see a doctor).T: And Wednesday evening?M: Im afraid not. I_ (study for an exam).T: Well, are you free on Thursday then?M: Im terribly sorry I_ (concert). Lets meet on Friday evening. Will

15、that be OK with you?T: All right. Im going to the cinema with Aliceam seeing the doctor at 11:00am studying for an examam going to the concert25二、一般将来时两种将来时的区别一般将来时有两种结构。先让我们来看第一种shall和will。(1)它表示一种不以人的意志为转移的将来时,没有计划打算之意.第一种将来时主要用于表达单纯的将来时,没有人为的意志。例如:It will be his birthday tomorrow.Tom will be sixt

16、een in a weeks time.26(2)表示在说话时决定做的事情。)表示在说话时决定做的事情。 Oh, Ive left the door open. Ill go and shut it. -What would you like to drink? -I will have an orange juice, please. -Did you phone Tom? - Oh, I forgot. Ill phone her now.(3)预测未来发生的事情)预测未来发生的事情 -Do you think Ann will pass the exam? -Yes, shell pas

17、s easily. When will you know your exam results?27(4)此外)此外,还有表示情态的意思还有表示情态的意思. A可以表示一种倾向或习惯性动作。可以表示一种倾向或习惯性动作。 Plants will die without water. Whenever he is free, he will come to see us. B.某人主动提出做某事,在此处有一种情态的含义。某人主动提出做某事,在此处有一种情态的含义。 That bag looks heavy. Ill help you with it. C.请求某人做某事请求某人做某事 Will y

18、ou please be quiet? Im trying to listen to the talk show on the radio. Will you shut the door, please?28 2be going to(1)已决定做某事)已决定做某事,试图做某事试图做某事 -There is a film on TV tonight. Are you going to watch it? -No, Im tired. Im going to have an early start tomorrow. -Have you made the coffee yet? -No, Im

19、going to make it. -The windows are dirty. -Yes, I know. Im going to clean them later.29(2)某种迹象表明近期要发生的事情。)某种迹象表明近期要发生的事情。 The man cant see where he is walking. There is a hole in front of him. He is going to fall into the hole. Look at those black clouds. Its going to rain. (现在乌云密布) I feel terrible.

20、 Im going to be sick. (我现在感觉不好)30比较比较:Mike phoned while you were out.-Ok. Ill phone him back.-Mike phone while you were out.-Yes, I know. Im going to phone him back.31Exercise:在下列情境中你会说什么?1.You feel very tired and its quite late. You decide to go to bed. You say: I think I _. (go to bed)2. Its a bit

21、 cold in this room -Is it? I _(turn on the heating)3. Do you want me to do the washing-up? -No, its all right. I _.(do)4. You friend has won some money. You ask: What_? (do with)will go to bedwill turn on the heating then. will do itare you going to do with it325. Youve decided to do your homework t

22、his evening. Are you going out this evening? -No, _. (do my homework)6. Its 8:30. Jack is leaving his house. He has to be at school at 8:45 but they journey takes 30 minutes. He _.(be late)7. Emma is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long way away

23、. She _.(run out of the petrol)Im going to do my homework. is going to be lateis going to run out of petrol. 338. The phone rings and you answer. Somebody wants to speak to Jim.-Hello, can I speak to Jim, please?-Just a minute. I_. (go and get)9. Its a nice day and youve decided to sit in the garden

24、. Before going outside, you tell your friend: The weather is too nice l _(sit) will go and get himam going to sit in the garden.3410. John has to go to the airport to catch a plane tomorrow.John: Ann, I need somebody to take me to the airport tomorrow morning. Ann: Thats no problem. I _. (take) you

25、there. When is the flight?John: 10:50.Ann: OK. We _at about 9:00.(leave)Later that day, Joe offers to take John to the airport.Joe: John, do you want me to take you to the airport? John: No, thanks. _. (take)will takewill leaveAnn is taking me there 35Fill in the blanks.1.Why dont you try on this ja

26、cket? It _(look) nice on you. 2. I wonder where I _ (be) 20 years from now.3. Why are you turning off the TV?-I _ (watch) the news. 4. Ive got a headache. -Have you? Wait there and I _ (get) an aspirin for you.5. The ceiling in this room doesnt look very safe, doesnt it?-No, it look as if it _ (fall

27、) down.will lookwill beam going to watchwill get is going to fall36请判断下面哪个是正确的请判断下面哪个是正确的:1.I cant meet you tomorrow. Im playing / Ill play tennis.2. I need some money. -OK. Im lending / Ill lend you some. How much do you need?3. Im having / Ill have a party next week. I hope you can come.4. Remembe

28、r to buy a newspaper when you go out. -OK. I dont forget. / I wont forget.5. I asked Jane what happened, but she doesnt tell/ wont tell me. 6. I dont want to go out alone. Do you come / Will you come with me?7. Its a secret between us. I promise I dont tell / I wont tell anybody. 378. Dont be afraid of the dog. It wont hurt/ It isnt hurting you.Mike phoned while you were out.-Ok. Ill phone him back./ Im going to phone him back.-Mike phone while you were out.-Yes, I know. Ill phone him back./ Im going to phone him back.38



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