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1、 Unit 7 Abilities Reading If there is a fire, what should we do?Fire! Help!Fire! Help!Call 119 for help.Run out of the fire as quickly as you can. Just rush!Pour water over the door.Go out of the fire with a blanket,better with a wet oneWords and expressionsbrave adj.save v.save from smoke n.next do

2、or adv.badly adv.hurt adj.could modal.protect v.rush v.wet adj.勇敢的勇敢的救助救助从从中救出中救出烟雾烟雾在隔壁在隔壁严重地严重地受伤的受伤的能,会能,会保护保护冲冲湿的湿的Words and expressionsblanket n.fireman n.put outburn v.in hospitalmoment n.nod v.careful adj.hurt v.reporter n.news n.毯子毯子消防员消防员扑灭扑灭烧烧住院住院时刻时刻点头点头仔细的,小心的仔细的,小心的伤害,疼伤害,疼记者记者新闻,消息新闻,消

3、息Words and expressionsnewspaper n.match n.rubbish n.Bin n.smoke n.by the waycarema n.no problemX-ray n.报纸报纸火柴火柴垃圾垃圾垃圾箱垃圾箱吸烟吸烟顺便问一下顺便问一下照相机照相机没问题没问题X X光光Listen and answer 1. Whos the brave young man? 2. Did the fire burn the young man? Lin Tao.Yes, it did. Scan the story, try to tell T/ F.1. Lin Tao

4、stayed at home with Mrs Sun on 10th May. 2. Mrs Sun was in her bedroom when the fire started. 3. Lin Tao put out the fire with a blanket. 4. Lin Tao was in hospital because the fire burned his legs. 5. Many people visited Lin Tao and gave him money alone kitchenarms, neck and face.flowers and presen

5、ts.1. When did the fire happen? 2. How old was Mrs Sun? 3. Why couldnt Mrs Sun run out by herself?4. How long was the young man in hospital? 5. What do you think about the young man? He was brave. It happened on 10th May.She was 79 years old. For two weeks.Because her left leg was badly hurt.Scan ag

6、ain, try to answer these questions.1. alone 独自独自 lonely 孤独孤独;偏僻偏僻Eg: I stay at home alone, and I feel quite lonely. There is a lonely village far way from the city.2. hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事听见某人正在做某事 hear sb do sth 经常听见某人做某事经常听见某人做某事Eg: I often hear her sing in her bedroom. I heard her singing a

7、 song when I walked past her window yesterday morning.3. the 79-year-old Mrs Sun79岁的岁的. a 300-word letter 一封一封300字的信字的信 a 3-month-old baby 一个一个3个月大的婴儿个月大的婴儿 a 5000-metre-long river 一条一条5000米长的河流米长的河流Eg: He is an 8-year-old boy. The boy is 3 years old. It is a 5000-metre-long river. The river is 5000

8、 metres long.4. be in hospital 生病住院生病住院 be in the hospital 在医院里(工作)在医院里(工作)5. be badly hurt 伤得很严重伤得很严重 Eg: He fell off the bike and was hurt.6. pourover把把 倒在倒在 Eg: The boy poured the milk over the desk.a.hear someone shouting Fire! Fire! b.run to Mrs Suns bathroomc.help her out of the fire d.rush in

9、to the kitchene.see a lot of smoke from next door f.be in hospital for two weeksg.be at home alone h.pour water over his clothesi.put a wet blanket over Mrs Sun Put them into the right order.129876345Try to guess the following words:1.not afraid:2.without any other people:3.3. run quickly:4.4. stop

10、sth. from burning:5.5. hurt someone with fire:6.6. at the moment:bravealonerushput outburnjust thenComplete the conversation.Reporter: Your are a brave young man, Lin Tao. How old are you?Lin Tao: I am twenty.Reporter: Can you tell us about the fire?Lin Tao: Sure. First, I heard someone calling for

11、help, and then I saw a lot of from next door.Reporter: How did you save your Mrs Sun?Lin Tao: I rushed into MRs Suns kitchen, put a over her and helped her out.Reporter: That sounds dangerous.Did you do anything to yourself Lin Tao: Yes, I did. I poured water over my clothes.Reporter: Were you at th

12、at moment?Lin Tao: Yes, a little.Reporter: How long did you stay in after the fire?Lin Tao: For two weeks.smokeneighbourwetprotectafraidhospitalUnderline the mistakes and correct them.Simon: Did you hear the news about Lin Tao? Yes. I read about it in the newspaper.Daniel:He saved an old lady from a

13、 fire.Simon: What did he do?Daniel: First, he found out that his neighbours bathroom was on fire. Then he poured water over his trousers and helped her out. Simon: How clever!Daniel: But the fire burnt his legs, neck and face. He was in hospital for two months.Simon: How brave he is! Is he getting b

14、etter now?Daniel: Yes. Many visitors gave him flowers and cards. Simon: Thats nice.Daniel: Im very happy that hes well now.Simon: Me too.1.Calm(1.Calm(镇定镇定) down when you meet fire.) down when you meet fire.4.Rush out and take a lift(4.Rush out and take a lift(电梯)电梯)to go down.to go down.5.We can po

15、ur water over the clothes 5.We can pour water over the clothes when we meet the hot fire. when we meet the hot fire.3.Close the door and open the window when 3.Close the door and open the window when there is lots of smoke outside.there is lots of smoke outside.2.Call 119 and 110 for help.2.Call 119

16、 and 110 for help.6.Dontjump out of the window but slip(6.Dontjump out of the window but slip(滑滑) down) down with a rope( with a rope(绳子绳子).).7.Cover your nose with towels( 7.Cover your nose with towels( 毛巾)毛巾) or or wet cloth when leaving. wet cloth when leaving.If there is a fire ,what should we d

17、o?How to be careful with fire 1. You can throw a cigarette end (烟烟蒂蒂) on the grass. 2. Do not leave the stove on. 3. Do not put anything hot into the rubbish bin.4. Do not play with matches.5. Keep your long hair away from the fire. 6. No smoking in the forest(森林森林). 7. Be careful with fireworks.Hav

18、e a talkWhat can we learn from Zhang Hua?When you find your classmate ill at schoolWhen you see someone hurt in the street When you see a little child lose his way 1. brave enough 2. be at home alone 3. hear sb doing sth 4. run outside 5. see a lot of smoke 6. the 79-year-old Mrs Sun 7. next door 8.

19、 be badly hurt9. run to Mrs Suns bathroom10. pour water over his clothes11. protect oneself12. rush into the kitchen13. put a wet blanket over Mrs Sun14. help sb out15. put out the fire16. be in hospital17. How brave you are!18. be afraid19. at that moment20. be careful with21. play with matches22.

20、put something hot into the rubbish bin23. keep your hair away from fire1.Cross the street at the zebra crossing.2.Its right to use too old electric(带电的带电的) machines.4. Its better not to smoke in bed.7.Go swimming alone in the river.5. Dont let children play with matches.6. Dont leave the stove(炉子炉子)

21、 on.3. Dont run on the stairs.8.Dont put anything hot into the rubbish bin(垃圾箱垃圾箱).TFTTTTTF Learn more about fire safety.Be careful with matches.Do not leave the stove on.Do not put anything hot into the rubbish bin.Keep long hair away from fire.Dont play with fire.Dont smoke on the bus./in bed, etc

22、.Translation:1.在在5月月10日,林涛独自一人呆在家里。日,林涛独自一人呆在家里。2.当我经过河边时,突然听到有人喊救命。当我经过河边时,突然听到有人喊救命。3.她的腿严重受伤,所以没法出来。她的腿严重受伤,所以没法出来。4.他把水倒在衣服上来保护自己。他把水倒在衣服上来保护自己。On 10 May, Lin Tao was at home alone.When I walked past the river, I heard someone shouting for Help.Her leg was badly hurt so she could not get out.He

23、poured water over his clothes to protect himself.5. 之后消防员来了并且把火扑灭了。之后消防员来了并且把火扑灭了。6. 在那时我非常害怕。在那时我非常害怕。7. 我们应该小心火。我们应该小心火。8. 林涛多么勇敢啊!林涛多么勇敢啊!Later firemen came and put out the fire.I was very afraid at that moment.We should be careful with fire.How brave Lin Tao is!ProverbTo help others is to help o

24、urselves! 帮助别人就是帮助自己帮助别人就是帮助自己!感受道德的力量感受道德的力量道德是一股力量;道德是一股力量;一股催人向上的力量;一股催人向上的力量;感受是一种方向;感受是一种方向;感受道德的力量;感受道德的力量;就是精准人生的方向就是精准人生的方向! !NBANBA球星穆托姆博每年都为非洲贫困儿童球星穆托姆博每年都为非洲贫困儿童修建学校和医院而集资筹款!修建学校和医院而集资筹款!股神沃伦股神沃伦巴菲特向比尔与梅琳达巴菲特向比尔与梅琳达盖茨慈善基金会捐献数额巨大。盖茨慈善基金会捐献数额巨大。李连杰李连杰 :“壹基金壹基金” 一片心!一片心!孙俪:为动物奉献爱心!孙俪:为动物奉献爱心!戈尔:卸任为环保操碎心!戈尔:卸任为环保操碎心!So, to be a human being, we must be strong, responsible, friendlily and brave.



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