九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Section B 1 (新版)人教新目标版

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《九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Section B 1 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Section B 1 (新版)人教新目标版(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、九年级英语上册人教版Unit7SectionB1Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes.Letsenjoyavideo.Lead-inSchool Regulations Haveyoueverheardofsomeunusualschoolrules?Whatdoyouthinkoftheseschoolrules?Inyouropinion,whatisregularschoolrules?Discuss objectivesTolearntouse should + be allowed totospeakanddiscussabo


3、dsgetupsolateReadthequestions.Howoftendoyoudothesethings?Write“A”foralways,“U”forusually,“S”forsometimesand“N”fornever.Do you ever1. get to class late?2. study with friends?3. finish a test early?4. worry about failing a test?1aTalkaboutyouranswersin1a.1bDo you ever get to class late?Yes, I sometime

4、s get to class late.Talkaboutyouranswersin1a.1bDo you ever worry that youll fail a test?No, never. And you?Listenandcirclethethingsin1athatPetertalksabout.Do you ever1. get to class late?2. study with friends?3. finish a test early?4. worry about failing a test?1cFillintheblanks.test n. & v. 测试;检验测试

5、;检验 _ the test 参加考试参加考试_ the test 考试不及格考试不及格_ the test _ 补考补考_ the test 考试通过考试通过takefailtakelaterpass1. Peter is going to _a. take the test2. He isnt allowed to _b. pass the test3. Peter wasnt allowed to _c. fail a math test4. He could _d. take the test later5. He should be allowed to _e. get to cla

6、ss late.Listenagain.Matchthesesentenceparts.c ce ea a b bd d1dReadthestatements.Thendiscussthemwithyourgroup.I dont agree. He should talk to the teacher after school.I think Peter should not be allowed to take the test later.Yes. I think his teacher will understand.1e1.Hegetsfirstprizeinthelistening

7、contest.2.Thepolicegotthethief.3.Illgetyousomethingtoeat.4.Canyougetthemachinerunning?5.CouldyougetmeHongKong,please.6.Wecanget18channelsonTV.7.Dontgetmewrong.8.Igothimtostayforthenight.9.Wemustgetthetenoclockplane.Let the word flyget1)Wheredidyougetthatskirt?2)Goandgetyourbreakfast.3)Igotalotfromth



10、tgetslittlecompassion.5.Itseasiertogetmoneythantokeepit.害人害己。害人害己。挣钱容易攒钱难。挣钱容易攒钱难。经常诉苦,没人同情。经常诉苦,没人同情。本课时重点回顾1. Do you ever get to class late?2. Peter should be allowed to take the text later.从从II栏中找出栏中找出I栏各句的答语。栏各句的答语。I()1.WhatsthematterwithTom?()2.Whatrulesarethereinyourfamily?()3.Doyouthinkshesho

11、uldstopwearingjeans?()4.Howdoyouoftenstudyformath?()5.Youwerentallowedtotakethetest,wereyou?IIA.MyparentsdontallowmetohangB.outwithothersonSundays.B.Hemissedtheearlybusthismorning.C.Thatsright.D.Weareallowedtostudyingroups.E.Yes.Theylookterrible.Answer:15BAEDCHomework1.Write rules for your English class.2.Preview the new words and expressions



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