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1、人教新课标必修五人教新课标必修五Unit5FirstaidStep1.WordsRevision 1.1.叮咬,刺痛叮咬,刺痛 v. v. _2.2.流血流血 v. v. _3.3.扭伤的扭伤的 adj. adj. _4.4.皮肤皮肤 n. n. _5.5.层,层次层,层次 n. n. _6.6.毒药,毒害毒药,毒害n.&vtn.&vt. ._7.7.复杂的复杂的 adj. adj. _bite-bit-bittenbleed-bled-bledsprainedskinpoisoncomplexlayerWordsRevision 8.8.轻微地轻微地 adv. adv. _9.9.(生物)组

2、织(生物)组织 n. n. _10.10.肿胀的肿胀的 adj. adj. _11.11.屏障,障碍屏障,障碍 n. n. _12.12.液体液体 n. n. _13.13.功能功能 n. n. _14.14.等级等级 n. n. _15.15.噎住,窒息噎住,窒息 vtvt. . _mildlytissueswollenbarrierliquidfunctiondegreechokePhrasesRevision 1.1.急救急救 _2.2.生病生病 _3.3.在适当的地方在适当的地方_4.4.脱下、成名脱下、成名_5.5.阻止做某事阻止做某事_6.6.灼伤、烫伤灼伤、烫伤 _7.7.各种各

3、样的各种各样的 _8.8.挤出挤出 _firstaidfallillinplacetakeoffpreventfromdoinggetburnt/burnedavarietyofsqueezeoutNowadays there are a lot of unexpected accidents. What would you do in such situations?What is first aid?First aid is _ given to someone who suddenly _ or _ before a doctor can be found. a temporary fo

4、rm of help falls illgets injured Asnakehasbittenhimontheleg.1.Laythepersondownandkeephimstill.asnakebiteWhat should we do to help him?2.Dontwashthevenom(毒液)(毒液)offtheskin.Donttrytosuckoutthevenom.3.Applypressuretothebittenpartwithyourhandsassoonaspossible,withabandagefirmlyoverthebite.4.Dontmovethev

5、ictim.Callmedicalhelp.Totreata bleeding,youshouldputabandageonthewoundandapplypressuretoreducethebleeding.A.TrueB.FalseThebestwaytotreat a sprained ankleisto:A.Putsomeiceonhisankle.B.Putaheatingpad(垫子垫子)aroundhisankle.C.Keeponwalkingandjumping.sprainedankle(踝骨扭伤)(踝骨扭伤)Ifyougeta nosebleed,gentlyletyo

6、urheadbacktostopthebleeding.A.TrueB.False(Itmayleadthebloodintothethroatandeasilycausechoking.)Get him to sit down. Tilt the head forward slightly. Put cold water on the forehead.Totreata choke,youshouldmakehim/herspitbypattinghim/herontheback.A.TrueB.False(吐)(吐)(噎住)(噎住)Totreata broken arm,youshould

7、:A.movethebrokenboneinnotime. B.keepthearmstillusingaslingtosupportthebrokenarm Pre-readingWhathashappenedtothelittlegirl?What would we do?FastReading(2min)先看每段第一句话或者标题, What is fast reading?What is fast reading?每段第一句话,标题,关键词每段第一句话,标题,关键词 Number them from 1 to 5 排序排序 _ the three types of burns _ wha

8、t to do if someone gets burned _ the functions of the skin _ the symptoms of burns _ how we get burns35142CarefulReadingParagraph1(2 min)1.Whatarethefunctionsofyourskin?2.Howmanylayersofskindoyouhave?CarefulReading(2min)Paragraph11.What are the functions of your skin? _ 1.Act as a barrier against di

9、sease, poisons and the suns harmful rays. 2. Keep you warm or cool. 3. Prevent you from losing too much water.5.Give you sense of touch.4.It is where you feel cold, heat or pain.threelayersThethirdlayerThesecondlayerThetoplayer2.Howmanylayersofskindoyouhave?What are they?难难句句剖剖析析Itpreventsyourbodyfr

10、omlosingtoomuchwater.阻止阻止.做某事做某事preventsb.(from)doingstopsb.(from)doingkeepsb.fromdoing练习:练习:Forestscanpreventwaterandsoilfrom_(run)away.森林能防止水土流失森林能防止水土流失.runningCarefulReadingReadparagraphs2-3(2 min)1.Youcangetburntby.?2.Howmanytypesofburns?Whatarethey? 1.You can get burnt by .?1_2_3_4_5_6_hot liq

11、uidssteam FireRadiationthe sun electricity or chemicals2. How many types of burns ? What are they? 1. First degree burns 2. Second degree burns 3. Third degree burnsCarefulReadingReadparagraph4(2 min)First degree burnsAffect the top_of the skin.Dry, red and mildly_._ painful.Turn white when _.Second

12、 degree burnsAffect both the _ and_ layer. _, red and swollen.Extremely painful._, watery surfaceThird degree burnsAffect_ layers of the skin.Swollen; tissue canbe seen._ or _ pain._ and charred.TypesTypes & & characteristicscharacteristics of of burnsburns1. Types1. Types2. Characteristics2. Charac

13、teristicscarefulreading:FillingintheblanksTypesCharacteristicsFirstdegreeburnsAffectthetop_oftheskin.Dry,redandmildly_painfulTurnwhitewhen_.layer swollen MildlypressedTypesCharacteristicsSeconddegreeburnsaffectboththe_layeroftheskin._,redandswollenextremelypainful_waterysurfaceThirddegreeburnsaffect

14、_layersoftheskin.swollen;tissuecanbeseen._pain_andcharredtopandthesecondallthreeroughlittleornoblistersblackandwhiteTypes of burnsCharacteristicsExtremely Extremely painfulpainfulMildly swollenMildly swollenTissue underTissue under them often them often can be seen.can be seen.MatchTypeswithCharacte

15、ristics连线题:Firstdegreeburns Thirddegreeburns Seconddegreeburns Degree 难句剖析:难句剖析: mildly swollenHis ankle is mildly swollen. adv. + adj. 微微 肿肿swellswelled-swollen膨胀,肿胀膨胀,肿胀,充满充满, (使(使)上涨)上涨eg.他的脚踝有点微肿。他的脚踝有点微肿。CarefulReadingParagraph5(2 min)TrueorFalse?判断正误判断正误1.Putcoolwateronanyburnstocoolthem. 2.Do

16、ntrubtheburns.3.Itsbetterthatyouputsomeoilonburns.4.Nomatterwheretheburnsare,youshouldkeepthepersonlyingdown.someIt may get infected.Post readingHow will the girls mother deal with the burn? How will the little girls mother deal with the burn?1. _ clothing and jewellery near the burns.2. _ the burns

17、 immediately with cool water.3. _ cool, clean wet cloths on the burns.4. _ the burned area gently.5. _ the burned area with a dry clean bandage.6. _ the burned area _ than the heart if possible.7. _ the victim _the doctor or hospital if possible.Take offCool Place Dry Cover Keep higherGet to3232Homeworkn nRecite the new words and expressions of this unit.n nFind out the new phrases and difficult sentences in the text.



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