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1、一、英语议论文的写作要点一、英语议论文的写作要点议论文是通过议论或说理来表达议论文是通过议论或说理来表达作者见解和主张作者见解和主张。作者对。作者对某一问题持有一种看法某一问题持有一种看法,为了使读者同意自己的看法为了使读者同意自己的看法,提出提出若干理由若干理由,企图企图说服他人说服他人 1. 论点要鲜明、确切论点要鲜明、确切。一篇议论文只能有。一篇议论文只能有一个中心论点一个中心论点论点一般在论点一般在开头提出开头提出,然后加以论证,然后加以论证2. 论据要充分、可靠论据要充分、可靠。一般是以。一般是以事实为论据事实为论据,也可以利用,也可以利用成语,格言,名人名言成语,格言,名人名言作为

2、论据作为论据3. 论证要严密、得法论证要严密、得法。归纳法(归纳法(induction)和演绎法)和演绎法(deduction) 归纳法的例子为基础,从几个例子和现象中,归纳出某归纳法的例子为基础,从几个例子和现象中,归纳出某种道理和看法。种道理和看法。演绎法以一个或多个看法为基础,从一般论断,演绎到不演绎法以一个或多个看法为基础,从一般论断,演绎到不同事例,再加以论述,最后再回到一般论断上来。同事例,再加以论述,最后再回到一般论断上来。 2021/5/211二、二、 议论文的写作步骤议论文的写作步骤:1. 引言引言(introduction)由于英语论文受时间,字数的由于英语论文受时间,字数

3、的限制。因此,在引言段中作者就必须限制。因此,在引言段中作者就必须简单解释要讨论简单解释要讨论的问题,并明白地亮出自己的观点的问题,并明白地亮出自己的观点,如提倡什么,支,如提倡什么,支援什么,反对什么。援什么,反对什么。2. 主体段(主体段(main body)。主体段是议论的过程,)。主体段是议论的过程,作者必作者必须有足够的证据须有足够的证据。(。(adequate proofs)来论证自己的观)来论证自己的观点。一般可提出点。一般可提出一个或两个一个或两个proofs, 并对此用并对此用一两句话分一两句话分别进行阐述。别进行阐述。 3. 结论(结论(conclusion) 结论段可以用

4、结论段可以用一两句话一两句话来结束来结束文章同时要文章同时要注意与引言段呼应注意与引言段呼应,但不,但不能照搬前面的原话能照搬前面的原话。2021/5/212 “一分为二一分为二”的观点如的观点如“轿车大量进入家庭后,对家庭、轿车大量进入家庭后,对家庭、环境、经济可能产生的影响环境、经济可能产生的影响” “两者选一两者选一”的观点如,的观点如,“乘火车还是乘飞机乘火车还是乘飞机” 在第在第种类型中命题涉及某种类型中命题涉及某一事物或现象的正反两个方面一事物或现象的正反两个方面:通过正反两个方面的对比,得出结论是:通过正反两个方面的对比,得出结论是利大于弊,还是利大于弊,还是弊大于利弊大于利论证

5、要围绕所要得出的结论来展开,若论证要围绕所要得出的结论来展开,若利大于利大于弊,则有利的一面要多阐述一点反之亦然弊,则有利的一面要多阐述一点反之亦然1. 议论文的类型议论文的类型2021/5/2132. “一分为二一分为二”观点的议论文模式观点的议论文模式Introduction 第第1段段:Nowadays more and more people/plays an important part in. like everything else,has/have both favorable and unfavorable aspects/both advantages and disadv

6、antages. Generally, the favorable aspects/advantages can be listed as follows.Main body第第2段:段:Firstly,. Secondly,In addition/Whats more第第3段段: Every coin has two sides. The negative aspects/disadvantages are also apparent/obvious. To begin with; To make matters worse; Worse of all2021/5/214Conclusion

7、第第4段段: Through above analysis /All things considered, we can see that the positive aspects/advantages outweigh the negative ones/disadvantages. Therefore电视机几乎已经进入每一个家庭,它在人们的生活中电视机几乎已经进入每一个家庭,它在人们的生活中起着重要的作用,但也有一些负面影响。请根据下列起着重要的作用,但也有一些负面影响。请根据下列提示用英语写一篇短文说明电视的用途。提示用英语写一篇短文说明电视的用途。1. 电视为我们提供了栩栩(电视为我们

8、提供了栩栩( vivid )如生的世界,通过电)如生的世界,通过电视我们可以观看比赛,可以观光、足不出户便知世事。视我们可以观看比赛,可以观光、足不出户便知世事。电视在日常生活中起着重要的教育作用,可提供多种教育电视在日常生活中起着重要的教育作用,可提供多种教育节目。节目。2. 电视也有诸多坏处,损害眼睛,看太多电视影响工作和电视也有诸多坏处,损害眼睛,看太多电视影响工作和休息,减少孩子的学习时间。休息,减少孩子的学习时间。2021/5/215Nowadays more and more people like to watch TV. So TV plays a very important

9、 part in our life. But watching TV has both advantages and disadvantages. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows. first of all, with colorful pictures, TV present a very vivid world to us. Traveling on television,we can watch exciting matches, see most of the places of interests without

10、going there ourselves. Besides, TV serves as way by which we are able to learn many things happening in the world. 2021/5/216Every coin has two sides. The disadvantages are also obvious. For example, watching too much TV can easily become short-sighted, especially for children and students. To make

11、matters worse, some young students are keen on (热衷于热衷于)watching TV so that they give up their studies and rest gradually. Through above analysis, I think watching TV is a way of studying, we should make a plan otherwise watching TV will destroy our life. 2021/5/2173.“两者选一两者选一”观点的议论文模式观点的议论文模式模式模式:A、

12、B两者优劣势分析两者优劣势分析,要么选要么选A,要么选要么选B.Introduction 第第1段段:Some people hold the opinion that (A) is superior to (B) in many ways. Others, however, argue that (B) is much better. Personally, I would prefer (A) because I think (A) has more advantages.在第在第种类型中,命题要求在种类型中,命题要求在A或或B两者之间作一比较或两者之间作一比较或选择选择,两个对象往往各有

13、优势,所以,两个对象往往各有优势,所以结论部分有两种情况:结论部分有两种情况:a. 要么支持要么支持A,要么支持,要么支持B; b. A、B优势均难的割舍优势均难的割舍,只好,只好依情况而定依情况而定在结论部分说在结论部分说清楚在什么条件选清楚在什么条件选A, 在什么条件选在什么条件选B2021/5/218Main body第第2段:段:There are many reasons why I prefer (A). The main reason is that Another reason is that(赞同赞同A的原因的原因)重点,篇幅稍长重点,篇幅稍长第第3段段: Of course

14、, choosing (B) also has advantages to some extent, (列出列出12个个B的优势的优势) 次重点次重点 篇幅相对短篇幅相对短 Conclusion第第4段段: But if all these factors are considered, (A) is much better than (B). from what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that (总总结观点结观点)2021/5/219模式模式: A、B优势相当优势相当,依情况而定依情况而定,有

15、条件地选择有条件地选择A或或B.Introduction 第第1段段:Which would you prefer if you are faced with the choice between (A) and (B)? Before you make the decision, you had better make a close comparison.Main body第第2段:段:It is true that(选择选择A的优势之一的优势之一). It is also true that(选择选择A的优势之二的优势之二). But (选择选择A的劣势的劣势).第第3段段: Thoug

16、h.(选择选择B的劣势的劣势), (选择选择B的优势之一的优势之一). Furthermore, (选择选择B的优势之二的优势之二).Conclusion第第4段段: Therefore, if you, you should choose (A), but if you, you should choose (B). (总结观点总结观点,提出建提出建议议)2021/5/2110Which is better? Cars or bikes?Some people hold the opinion that private cars are superior to bicycles in man

17、y ways. Others, however, argue that the bicycle is much better. Personally, I would prefer the use of cars because I think cars have more advantages.There are many reasons why I prefer cars. The main reason is that cars bring convenience and mobility to the owners. Whats more, a car is far more comf

18、ortable to travel in, especially in the changeable weather. Another reason is that, when more people buy cars, the automobile industry will develop more quickly. The growth of the automobile industry can motivate the rise of other related industries such as iron and steel production.2021/5/2111Of co

19、urse, bicycles can take you to anywhere you like in town and does not need a large parking place. Besides, it is not as expensive as a car and therefore every family can afford to buy.But if all these factors are considered, cars are much better than bicycles. From what has been discussed above, we

20、may finally draw the conclusion that people can live better with the use of cars.2021/5/2112Listening to the radio or reading the newspapers?Which would you prefer if you are faced with the choice between listening to the radio and reading the newspapers? Before you make the decision, you had better

21、 make a close comparison.It is true that listening to the radio is quick and convenient. It is also true that we can listen to the radio while are doing something else. So we can save a lot of time. But radio programs have their own time schedule. You cannot get the information you need every time y

22、ou turn on your radio.Though newspapers are not as quick as radio, reading from the newspaper can certainly bring us news more clearly and more exactly. Furthermore, 2021/5/2113while reading, we have time to think about what we are reading, to judge it, to analyze it, and then we will be more aware

23、of its cause and effect. We are living in an information age. We have to make full use of the information we can get if we are to achieve our goals. Therefore, if we want to get the latest news, we can listen to the radio, but if we want to get the exact words, wed better read the newspaper.2021/5/2

24、114But TV also have some bad things.Its necessary for us to know more about them.One the one handBut every coin has two sides.Tell you something about it.So TV has its disadvantages.What will our life be like without TV, it will be different for everyone to answer.As argument in para 1Open our eyes broaden/widen our horizon. 拓宽知识面拓宽知识面Education TV station education channel 教育频道教育频道2021/5/2115



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