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1、跨文化商务交流中的价值文化冲突芭比、宜家案例分析Cultural Value Conflicts in Intercultural Business Communication: Cases and Analyses of Barbie and IKEAClassification of Culture:Spirit Culture, System Culture, Conduct Culture (Spirit Culture mainly contains some deep cultural phenomenon such as values and way of thinking)Va

2、lue Culture limits inter-communicationgloblized international business and trademaximize the profits by effective inter-communicationPrefaceBarbieintheMiddleEastBarbieinJapanIKEAinGermanyIKEA in the USDirectoryProposalReview a large number of classic business casesFocus on those related to cross-cul

3、tural communicationSelect cases that happen in the same company to compare and explain the typical cultural value conflict in inter-cultural business communicationFind out cultural value conflict that includes several conflicts: collectivism or individualism, masculinity or femininity, low uncertain

4、ty avoidance and high uncertainty avoidanceProposal case statementconflictreasonsconclusionMETHODS:content analysispolicy and archival researchBarbie in the Middle East Case1.美丽性感、时尚华丽的芭比娃娃在中东地区受到指责,人们认为她带坏了孩子而将其强行取下货架。而芙拉娃娃的设计者赋予了它本土价值观却能大行其道。两个娃娃之间其实进行的是一场没有硝烟的文化大战,让我们看个究竟.BarbieDoll1959年MattelToa

5、ppealtocustomerswithdifferentculturalbackgroundindifferentcountries,changesaremade.Totally diverse culture values make Barbie in troubleInIranFullaDollMuslimValues123Case1.InSaudiArabiaCase1.InUSAfricanAmericansblackBarbieAsianAmericansHispanicAmericansInCentralandEasternEurope“FriendshipBarbie”refl

6、ectthemorebasiclifestyleofchildreninthisareaInIndiaforeheadspot,sariCase1.In Iran, the government condemned the forever young and childern-by-choice Barbie(and her long-time boyfriend Ken. No plans for marriage, ever.) as a threat to traditional culture. Barbie doesnt define herself in relation to c

7、hildren or families as Iranian women supposedly do.在伊朗,政府指责芭比是对传统文化的威胁因为她永远年轻、选择不要孩子、和固定男友阿肯从来没有婚姻打算。芭比不像伊朗的妇女那样,与孩子和家庭联系在一起。Then, the Iranian Ministry of Education marketed the twin dolls Sara and Dara as the natinal dolls. Unlike the Barbie Doll, Sara and her twin brother Dara are on a mission to

8、help others, and when they need rises, they consult their paretns for guidance. Thats the spirit behind the making of the modestly dressed twins.然后,伊朗教育部把双胞胎娃娃萨拉和达拉定为国家娃娃。与芭比不同,萨拉和她的双胞胎兄弟达拉以帮助别人为己任,如果需要,他们还会征求父母的意见。有着这样的精神,双胞胎的穿着也就不那么张扬。Meanwhile, Barbie dolls openly sell for $700 in Teheran stores.

9、 $700 is seven times the average monthly salary in Iran.同时,芭比在德黑兰的商店的售价是700美元,这是伊朗人平均月收入的几倍。Case1.In Saudi Arabia, Saudi religious police were raiding toy stores and gift shops to seize Barbie dolls. One reason for banning Barbie is a belief that Jews own the American company that makes them, Mattel

10、. Jews and Christians are not normally welcome in the kingdom. All potential visitors have to state their religion on their application forms and Christians are forbidden from holding services. 在沙特阿拉伯,警察突然搜查玩具礼品店并没收芭比娃娃。原因之一就是生产芭比的美国公司是犹太人开的。在沙特,犹太人和基督徒是不受欢迎的。所有旅客必须在申请表上说明他们的宗教信仰,基督徒是不准入境的。Also the

11、Saudis feared an American presence there would stir up more Islamic radicalism.而且,沙特人害怕美国人的样子会激起穆斯林激进主义。Case1.Case1.Fulla is the name of an 11 inch Barbie-like fashion doll marketed to children of Islamic and Middle-Eastern countries as an alternative to Barbie. The concept of her evolved around 199

12、9, and she hit stores in late 2003. Fulla was created by a UAE manufacturer from Dubai called NewBoy FZCO. Fulla is also sold in China, Brazil, North Africa, Egypt and Indonesia, while a few are sold in the United States. 芙拉是一个高11.5英寸的类似芭比的时尚娃娃。她替代芭比娃娃在伊斯兰和中东国家的儿童市场打开销路。设计芙拉娃娃的概念大约发展于1999年,并在2003年年底

13、推出市场。芙拉是由一家来自大马士革名为新男孩的叙利亚玩具制造公司生产的。除了美国市场外,芙拉还销往中国、巴西北非以及埃及。Fulla is a role-model to some Muslim people, displaying how many Muslim people would prefer their daughters to dress and behave.对一些穆斯林人来说,芙拉是一种典范,她体现出了许多穆斯林人更喜欢他们的女儿有怎样的穿着打扮和行为举止。nConflictsBarbieisnotwelcomeintheMiddleEastcountries.n1,Appe

14、arancen2,American Culturen3,Religion beliefCase1.Case1.ReasonsReligionCultural TypeFemale Speaking from the type of culture, Barbie is representative of the U.S. individualism. Individualism culture is dominant culture in the United States. Personal interests are paramount. Barbies lifestyle looks n

15、ormal in the American peoples eyes. Materialism and Individualism are against the collectivism in the Middle East. In Middle East countries, parents do not like the flamboyant Barbie, but like the dignified and modest Fulla dolls. Fulla doll not only has the image of the Middle East, but also is hon

16、est, caring and full of compassion. She respects parents, which is coordinate with the family tradition culture in the Middle East. Thus Fulla doll gets huge success.Case1.Religion is one important part of culture. Christianity in America. Religion in Arabian world has influence on peoples lifestyle

17、 from every tiny aspect. Islam is a code, which includes in all cases the values and way of action.Case1. Arabian women have to get married.Women dresses also reflect their roles in the Arab culture. The Koran - overshadowed chest.Case1. ConclusionAvoid Avoid ConflictsConflictsRealize the ConflictsS

18、tudy Case1. The American Girl in Japan Barbies Struggling Story over Two Decades Which is better, Japanese Style or American Style. Why it is still difficult after she changes her appearance?Case2.Mattel Inc has had great difficulty conquering the world second largest toy market, Japan, which is vit

19、al if Mattel is to achieve its goal of becoming more global. The Japanese market is notoriously diffcult to penetrate as Mattel has found during 20 years doing business in that country.Case

20、anesenorAmericanstyleandthuscompetedpoorlyagainstdollswhoseidentitywaswelldefined.FailedMattelintroduceditsAmericanBarbietoJapanandexperiencedsuccesswithlonghairstyleBarbieSucceededThecompanyjoinedforcesonceagainwithBandaitotacklethecomlpexJapanesedistributionsystem.SucceededCase 2.Mattelenteredthem


22、brown,andthedollultimatelytookonalookthatwasappealingtotheJapaneseschildrenssenseofaesthetics.TheTakaraBarbiewasborn.Case 2. Although sales improved, a licensing disagreement prompted Mattel to terminate the relationship with Takara and search for a new partner in Japan. Takara continued selling the

23、 doll as Jenny, which, ironically, became a new competitor to the new Japanese Barbie. In 1986, Mattel joined forces with Bandai, Japans largest toy company. Bandai produced Maba Barbie with wide brown eyes. Due to its similarities with Jenny doll, however, Maba Barbie was withdrawn from the market

24、before it achieved success. Maba was replaced by Bandai Baibies, which were again similar to Jenny, possessing the wide-eye look but wearing ball growns and unimaginative clothing. Once again, market success eluded Mattel. Indeed Mattel was committed to neither Japanese nor American style and thus c

25、ompeted poorly against dolls whose identity was well defined.Case 2. Mattel realized that its competitive advantage lay with its American culture. Though Mattel had attempted to adapt to the Japanese culture, Mattel discovered once again that girls prefer the well-know Barbie to the local versions.

26、In 1991, Mattel ended its relationship with Bandai and opened its own marketing and sales office in Tokyo. Mattel introduced its American Barbie to Japan and experienced success with long hair style Barbie which became one of the top-selling dolls in Japan. Althogh financial losses mounted until 199

27、3, in 1994 Barbie made a profit in Japan with sales almost doubling since its reintroduction.Case 2. In 1999, Mattel refocused its Japanese efforts. After almost 20 years of perseverance in Japan, it was imperative that Mattel improve its position. Therefore, the company joined forces once again wit

28、h Bandai to form a marketing, sales, and product development alliance in an effort to tackle the comlpex Japanese distribution system. At the end of 2001, CEO Robert Eckert reported that Mattels strategic partnership with Bandai had “eliminated chronic operating losses”in Japan.Case 2.ConflictsWhydi

29、dthesalesamountstillremainlowafterBarbiechangedherlookandadaptedtotheJapaneseaesthetices?WhydidMattelhadtoseekpartnershipwithlocalJapanesetoyspecialist?12Case 2.Case 2.After 20 years of perseverance in Japan, Mattelfinallyeliminatedchronicoperatinglosses.Whyitissodifficult?Atfirst,itwasbecauseBarbie

30、didntadapttotheJapanese senseofaesthetics. ButafterBarbiechangedherlook,thesalesstillremainedverylow.Indeed,MattelwascommittedtoneitherJapanesenorAmerican style and thus competed poorly againstdollswhoseidentitywaswelldefined.Whatsworse,due to the complex distribution system in Japan,Mattelhadtojoin

31、forcewithlocalcompanytotacklethesystem.Case 2.Reasons&ConclusionIt is the Japanese culture and informal preservation between suppliers and consumers that makes Japanese market notoriously difficult to penetrate.After Barbie changed her look and adapted to the Japanese aesthetics, Mattel found that g

32、irls prefer original American style. According to the comments on “Economist”, Japanese people are far from rational. They always place the interest of their country in front of their own. So what they really care about is who produced it instead of what the production is. Therefore, it is very diff

33、icult to promote a new production in Japan.But different from Middle East, Japan had to open up in the 19th century. Before the Second World War, Japan spared no effort in promoting industrialization, trying to keep pace with West Europe and America. During that period, something had changed in Japa

34、nese life-they gradually accepted western culture, as a result of which, Japanese girls prefer original style Barbie.Relationship and integrity play a crucial role in Japanese business. In order to penetrate the Japanese market, Mattel had to keep a good relationship with consumers and the agent(eg,

35、 Mattles partner). Therefore, it is necessary to have a local partner to tackle the complex distribution system. Through the cooperation, it will be much easier to win consumers acceptance.Case 2.IKEA in Germany Case 3.Although IKEA has been established in Germany for more than two decades, Swedish

36、management is still perceived by German IKEA members as peculiar. Germany is the largest national organization in the IKEA group, accounting for about 30 percent of the total group sales through more than 20 stores.After firmly attaining leadership within Sweden, where it holds more than 20 percent

37、of the over market, IKEA has succeeded over the last 25 years in doing what no furniture distributor has ever attempted: to become a global player in an industry formerly considered by nature to the local.Case 3.Case 3. The Germans are very disciplined and precise. A problem is that the Swedish noti

38、on of “taking on responsibilities for yourself”, the cornerstone of their work policy, is not perceived in the same way by Germans, who have a tendency to adhere very closely to precisely defined rules and instructions. When IKEA translated the corporate brochure the IKEA Way into German, a need was

39、 felt to sharpen and make more explicit the original Swedish text which presented Key IKEA concepts in sometimes vague terms in order to give freedom to people to adapt them and take personal responsibility for carrying them out. Once, Anders Moberg, IKEAs founders successor, suggested in a letter t

40、hat certain merchandising displays could be used in a variety of places. In Germany, department managers interpreted this as an order and systematically set up the displays in every part of their stores. ThecorereasonforthedifferencesinthemanagementphilosophiesinSwedenandGermanyisthattheiruncertaint




44、mentwhereasGermanswillhaveintensefeelingofthreatwhenfacinguncertainordersorrules.Andthiskindoffeelingwouldleadtoinefficiencyinwork.Andinordertoincreaseefficiency,Germanswouldtendtoadheretomorestrictmanagementstyle.Case 3.Case 3.ConlusionSoasaresult,IKEAneedtochangetheirmanagementphilosophyinGermany.

45、Andinthiscase,theyshouldstateclearrulesandregulationsinthecompanysothatthestaffcanfollowacertainwayofcompletingwork.Andthelowerlevelofstaffshouldberesponsibleforthehigherlevel,ratherthan“takeonresponsibilitiesononeself”.Andtheattitudeinworkshouldalsobemorerigorous.Case 3.IKEA in the US Case4.尽管宜家这样一


47、nconsumerspreferences.However,thisdoesnotmeaneverythinggoessmoothly.CorporatemanagementandHRDevelopmentaretheunresolvedissues.FromanAmericanperspective,Swedishmanagersdontshowemotionintheworkplace.Case4. Praise is given for looking calm in all situations. also, tend not to set themselves apart, and

48、self-promotion is frowned upon. They dont like drum beating or cheerleading in a culture where both are common ways of motivating workers. -AmericanCase4.The biggest conflicts here stem from the Americans who need to know whos in charge. People expect their managers to tell them what to do here. -Am

49、ericanIt takes longer to do things our way but we want to train people to know how to do things the right way.-American Case4.AlthoughIKEAhasrecentlyinitiatedanamericanstyleperformancereviewprocedure,whichrequiresdocumentingemployeesindividualperformancestrengthsandweaknesses,Swedishmanagersfeelunco


51、ringenvironment,thereissomelatentdiscontentwiththewaypayincreasesaredistributed,evenamonglong-termemployeeswhofeelthattheirindividualachievementsarenotalwaysrewarded.Conflicts and Reasons1, What role do managers at IKEA play? Is it consistent with the American employees expectation? Why?2, Did IKEA

52、management fully implement the American style performance review procedure? If not, why?3, What should IKEA do to secure and retain high-potential American managers?Case4.Theyarenotusedtojudgeanindividualbasedonhis/herpersonalperformanceonworkcuzitbringstoomuchstresstopeople.Theyarenotfansofxtheoryo



55、fectonmanagement.Case4.These are considered normal under the theory of Geert hofstedes uncertainty avoidance theory in a cultural aspect. Lets talk about this avoidance. In a survey among 53 countries, Sweden is ranked NO.50 while U.S is no.43,which means americans are more stressful when facing the

56、 uncertainty of future. To reduce the feeling of stress, americans are regulation-oriented while swedish people are just on the opposite side.In IKEA, the execution of workers motivating and operation reviews cannot meet the need of american employees. According to MR. Hofstedes research data, swede

57、n is ranked the last among 53 countries in this aspect while u.s.is ranked 15,which means that dear sweden is a classic feminine country. Swedish people do not take success of material seriously. They put life and fun in a higher position than working all year around. They prefer tighter working environment, higher welfare policies. They are not used to judge an individual based on his/her personal performance on work cuz it brings too much stress to people. Case4.



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