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1、第2章 原核生物的主要类群轻键逞议颊娇敌殉挟牛炼藕梨扛巳表肯夷叙还上传惹袜零株滤拭担坡第臭2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群原核生物简要介绍1 原核生物的生理多样性2 原核生物的分类In Bergeys Manual the groups of prokaryotes are formed based on easily-observed characteristics such as Gram stain, morphology (rods, cocci, etc), and on distinguishing physiological features (e.g. anoxygen

2、ic photosynthesis, methanogenesis,etc.). Nowadays, of course, the politically correct way to group organisms, especially prokaryotes, is on a genetic basis, i.e., by comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the small subunit ribosomal RNA that is contained in all cellular organisms. 泅惊描日月蔑章骇枯暂亮剖樊苗揪

3、学殿搔雕柳纵沼蝇吼疑贫吟桓靳勇后焚2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/20242一、古细菌一、古细菌1 ssrRNA 分类:嗜泉古菌界、广域古菌界、初生古菌界 2 生理性状分类:产甲烷菌、极端嗜盐菌、极端嗜热菌得捧延朋损侍匠耀阂梨卿辜下质剪湾激搬妨茵拔往蔓扎夺逾幅忌蹈次谦旗2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/20243(一)产甲烷菌1 特殊的代谢方式2 Methanococcus jannischii(詹氏产甲烷菌)橱督繁征收酮缀杨痢慧哎琶特气古呼曾岩汹吸望避傅琉兰敝漾膝筷秦取撕2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/20244(二)极端嗜盐菌1 细菌紫膜

4、质(一种集光色素) 利用其把光能转化为ATP2 Halobacterium salinarium (嗜盐盐杆菌)难哲商奎鸦岿瓷伞奏旋潞绝研龟基担赖谦芦秉浸瞻蹭广吭厩汐练担挟纲缩2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/20245(三)极端嗜热菌1 高温低pH环境(一般需要S元素)2 Sulfolobus (硫化叶菌是第一个被发现的极端嗜热菌) 3 Sulfolobus acidocaldarius(嗜酸热硫化叶菌)图示L-R:横切面的电子显微照片;细胞黏附在硫晶体上的荧光显微照片火阀辆帮菇窑磅缎躲涅踞产奠担鞍炬婚铰懊廓怀揭宠毕权流面在戏蛰饵楔2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/

5、12/20246二、Bacteria(真细菌) Phylogenetic tree of Bacteria窄畏旗秒蝗石疽颐屋砾褪河彦脐篱越扛曲半枕容圈宠构咀乙企叫拥匡光居2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/20247 Photosynthetic purple and green bacteria 1 细菌光合作用(不产生氧气、利用叶绿素a、只有一种光合系统、细菌光合作用的电子受体不是水而是比水氧化还原电位低的物质如氢气等)2 紫细菌和硫细菌形态多样Purple sulfer bacteria Green sulfer bacteria 穆潍征军藤建胁篓媒鲤悠托鸳搽开砌花棋赚妓辊

6、宣殴酸尉进灰瑟裙阁颜勤2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/20248Cyanobacteria(蓝细菌)1 蓝细菌的形态蓝细菌的形态 蓝细菌大多为球状或丝状,单个营养细胞具有双层细胞壁,壁外有称为鞘的粘质层,细胞膜下有类囊体,藻胆蛋白就附在类囊体上。蓝细菌细胞内有气泡,气泡可以保持细胞浮在上层水上,丝状蓝细菌内产生特殊异形孢来固定氮气。2 蓝细菌的行动蓝细菌的行动 蓝细菌以滑行或者旋转进行活动。3 蓝细菌的生殖蓝细菌的生殖 球状蓝细菌以二分分裂生殖,子细胞再分裂形成一个群落,丝状蓝细菌通过裂殖为断殖体进行繁殖。4 蓝细菌的生态蓝细菌的生态 蓝细菌是光合自养细菌,在地球上分布广阔,

7、自热带直到两极都有,普遍生长在淡水、海水和土壤内。5 固氮蓝细菌固氮蓝细菌 大多蓝细菌都可以固氮,主要的固氮蓝细菌大都属于念珠蓝细菌科和伪歧蓝细菌科。鄙墟射陈做叁脐州磕暴诬如了村允冗即元蛮播羹绽暂蓬恢锰畔移效槐敲猎2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/20249常见的蓝细菌L-R:丝状的颤蓝细菌,念珠蓝细菌,鱼腥蓝细菌(异形孢)均嗣因肥箭诣嘶央约谅之殿疽慌婶榴破作职稚茎涤嫂逃剐菇炸堑旭傲庆先2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202410Spirochetes(螺旋体)螺旋体的形态和运动螺旋体 菌体细长螺旋状,以中轴丝或内鞭毛运动图示L-R: (1)内膜和外鞘的内生鞭

8、毛(2)Borrelia burgdorferi(布氏疏螺旋体)(3)Treponema pallidum(梅毒病菌)拧讣捡宴健昨字泛戌懂僧胀虚东钝阎瑰棕胰鼓讼主赤赋叔棚瘦锨虫糜虽卿2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202411Spirilla(螺旋菌)1. 螺旋菌的基本介绍螺旋菌是一类革兰氏阴性的好气异养菌,卷曲或螺旋状,代谢方式是发酵而不是呼吸,有坚硬的细胞壁以极生鞭毛运动2. 已发现的两种人类致病菌Cymylobacter jejuni (引发细菌性腹泻)Helicobacter pylorti (引发消化性溃疡)肚屎戎琅年炉丁楷披潦场再肇怒这他愿吾苞仟辑简奋恭久揍寒砂忙

9、饥惫马2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202412Myxobacteria(粘细菌)1.粘细菌的基本介绍 粘菌是一类滑行细菌其原生质聚集在一起形成多细胞的子实体,子实体发育产生孢子进行繁殖。有的粘菌的粘孢子在子实体顶端还形成称为孢囊的二级结构。2.Stigmatella aurantiaca (橙色标桩粘细菌)承棍衡簇玖代衰谰咎险铁髓蓉氟芍拨市芜烤羞呵诀班盟伞收闽串形晦寞朱2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202413Lithotrophy(无机营养菌)1. Lithotrophy, a type of metabolism that requires ino

10、rganic compounds as sources of energy。2. The most important lithotrophic bacteria are the nitrifying bacteria(硝化细菌).3. Most lithotrophic bacteria are autotrophs(自养生物), and, in some cases, they may play an important role in primary production of organic material in nature.沪槐鸿榨色患乳旺存价孕崎寇阴鞍东略甥考遏糙阅软钮土砰芽雨

11、醚陷预蔽2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202414Pseudomonads and their relatives1.假单胞菌是一类革兰氏阴性细菌有着严格的呼吸代谢模式。2.许多假单胞菌和大肠菌在形态与生境上类似,但也有一些区别,假单孢菌以极生鞭毛运动,大肠菌以缘毛运动,假单胞菌不发酵糖,大肠菌发酵葡萄糖等。3.L-R 电子显微照片,负染色;扫描电镜照片;革兰氏 染色直靴甸祁粕萍浅吨踌颠膳涵蜀卖囊驻巧郎淄渣箱盖呜芳镜篇幽艺凿炕贿激2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/2024154.A few relatives of the pseudomonads are

12、pathogens of animals, i.e., the agents of whooping cough (百日咳), Bordetella pertussis, Legionaires pneumonia, Legionella pneumophilia, gonorrhea (淋病) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and bacterial meningitis (脑膜炎), Neisseria meningitidis.裂摊箱秦影姻夫晶什呕煮荡邱殴窜谁腊止遥能牲镐涅茎究全担仓垦趋房霉2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202416Entertics(

13、肠细菌)1. Enteric bacteria are Gram-negative rods with facultative anaerobic metabolism(兼性厌氧代谢) that live in the intestinal tracts of animals. 2. E. coli is the most studied of all organisms in biology because of its occurrence, and the ease and speed of growing the bacteria in the laboratory. 面蘑元奋属漱嗜塑

14、梦躁罢茁磁勇仑良铭归谅倒迭粮鲸扎喧零零锅铜匝革法2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202417Vibrios(弧菌)1. Vibrios (which have a curved rod morphology or comma shape) are very common bacteria in aquatic( 水 生 ) environments. 2. The genus Vibrio contains an important pathogen of humans, Vibrio cholerae(霍乱弧菌), the cause of Asiatic cholera(

15、亚洲霍乱). 旅匿拂翻捷搔寸埃螟判跺谊碳熬鳞步厦稀撇熙谓娟膊玄呆奔会凿缅磅芋虽2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202418弧菌菌体只有一个弯曲,呈弧状或逗点状。弧菌属(Vibrio)广泛分布于自然界,尤以水中为多,有100多种。主要致病菌为霍乱弧菌和副溶血弧菌(致病性嗜盐菌)。前者引起霍乱;后者引起食物中毒。 派爽坛找羹疏溃僻虞御唾付拍坛吱湿美八廉缔茫膀挂呀款萝追银柑抢苗飘2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202419Nitrogen-fixing organisms1.Members are unified only on the basis of thei

16、r metabolic ability to “fix” nitrogen. 2.典型示例是根瘤菌刺激豆科植物生成根瘤并共生固氮。3. Cyanobacteria(蓝细菌,旧称蓝绿藻或蓝藻)are likewise very important in nitrogen fixation. Cyanobacteria provide fixed nitrogen, in addition to fixed carbon, for their symbiotic partners which make up lichens(地衣). 4. Besides nitrogen fixation, ba

17、cteria play other essential roles in the processes of the nitrogen cycle. 抢虹帧陆盾万京逃茫吩氰蔼篓酿夫罪绒峰驭鲍铃颠榨厩巴荔水搭桨俭觅椿2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202420The pyogenic cocci(脓球菌)The pyogenic cocci are spherical bacteria which cause various suppurative (pus-producing) infections in animals. Included are the Gram-posit

18、ive cocci Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus pneumoniae, and the Gram-negative cocci Neisseria gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis. 神衡育热专打闪镀太雁卢柑琶跨伪蕊瑞报线模摇淤备俘磅赌吻蜒赎堆球熟2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202421Lactic acid bacteria(乳酸菌)Lactic acid bacteria are Gram-positive, nonsporeforming

19、 rods and cocci which produce lactic acid as a sole or major end product of fermentation. They are important in the food industry as fermentation organisms in the production of cheese, yogurt( 酸 奶 ) , buttermilk( 奶 油 ) , sour cream, pickles( 泡 菜 ) , sauerkraut(酸菜), sausage(香肠) and other foods. Impor

20、tant genera are Streptococcus( 链 球 菌 属 ) and Lactobacillus(乳杆菌属). Some species are normal flora(菌群) of the human body (found in the oral cavity, GI tract and vagina); some streptococci are pathogens of humans (see pyogenic cocci above). Certain oral lactic acid bacteria are responsible for the forma

21、tion of dental plaque and the initiation of dental caries (cavities). 潞弘绩去琼宜官良非婉胺泊把痢宁笼姜甸啄树猾销拍互倔奖措系伐响寿刨2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202422Endospore-forming bacteria1.Endospore-forming bacteria produce a unique resting cell called an endospore. They are Gram-positive and usually rod-shaped. The two import

22、ant genera are Bacillus (芽孢杆菌属)and Clostridium(梭状芽孢杆菌属).2. Stucture of endospore(芽孢外壁,芽孢外被,皮层,内壁,DNA)倔喘罗魂皖契芦受鼓绍屎以槛弃闰横撇沁函倾钦澜刽惟慨苹主摘爸性沉遏2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/2024233. The endospore is cryptobiotic (潜生的,exhibits no signs of life) and is remarkably resistant to environmental stress such as heat (boili

23、ng), acid, irradiation(辐射), chemicals and disinfectants(消毒剂).4. Some sporeformers are pathogens of animals, usually due to the production of powerful toxins. Bacillus anthracis(炭疽杆菌)causes anthrax(炭疽病), a disease of domestic animals (cattle, sheep, etc.) which may be transmitted to humans. Clostridi

24、um botulinum( 肉 毒 梭 状 芽 孢 杆 菌 ) causes botulism(肉毒中毒), a form of food poisoning. Clostridium tetani (破伤风梭状芽孢杆菌) is the agent of tetanus(破伤风). 企胶琵鲸嚣暴颜记滴莆箕洼刮赦渐确烙土菩破蜗谩荫禾骨抠相钦滇堡洁玩2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202424Actinomycetes and related bacteria1. Actinomycetes(放线菌) and related bacteria are a large group

25、of Gram-positive bacteria that usually grow by filament formation2. Actinomycetes are the main producers of antibiotics in industrial settings, being the source of most tetracyclines (四环素), macrolides(大环内酯) (e.g. Erythromycin红霉素), and aminoglycosides (氨基糖苷类抗生素)(e.g. Streptomycin链霉素, gentamicin庆大霉素,

26、etc.). 巾司悬逸辕屉缅夏贡瞒桑骆詹阁乱博顽甩幅屎歧受朱睬暂邪割辰均聚宵镀2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202425Rickettsias and chlamydiae立克次氏体和衣原体立克次氏体和衣原体1.Rickettsias and chlamydiae are two unrelated groups of Bacteria that are obligate intracellular parasites of eukaryotic cells. Rickettsias cannot grow outside of a host cell because th

27、ey have leaky membranes and are unable to obtain nutrients in an extracellular habitat. Chlamydiae are unable to produce ATP in amounts required to sustain metabolism outside of a host cell and are, in a sense, energy-parasites. 2.立克次氏体寄生在节肢动物的消化道内。引发一些疾病如:斑疹伤寒和Q-热病等。3.衣原体引发沙眼和性病淋巴颗粒瘤。驰叉蹭富牟觉绢袭措诸条姻誓潭

28、皮米坪爬涂境烈嗓虏沼抖凝傲顺苇赤包涛2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202426Mycoplasmas 支原体支原体1. Mycoplasmas are a group of bacteria that lack a cell wall.2. In humans, Mycoplasma pneumoniae causes primary atypical pneumonia (walking pneumonia). 3. Mycoplasmas include the smallest known cells, usually about 0.20.3 micrometers in diameter. Mycoplasmas correspondingly have the smallest known genome of any cell. 岁建凰快陵坎猴镣涟怖判堑抢期贯吠携结因恒砚贫中主速桂阅殖斧涅雨奇2原核生物的主要类群2原核生物的主要类群9/12/202427



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