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1、 我们先来看一题高考试题: Kathy _ a lot of Spanish by playing with native boys and girls. 2005, 安徽卷 A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up在此题中,take up的意思有“占据(空间等)”、“拿起”、“吸收”等,make up的意思有“编排”、“编造”等,turn up的意思有“出现”、“找到”、“(把声音等)开大”等。pick up则含有(偶然地)发现;得到(知识、利益等);耳闻而学会之意。所以该题的答案为A.下面就简要介绍其具体的用法。 pick uppick

2、 up的用法的用法短语动词短语动词pick uppick up在历年高考试题中是命题者经常设计的一个在历年高考试题中是命题者经常设计的一个考点。由于它在不同的语言环境中,具体的意义上存在着较大考点。由于它在不同的语言环境中,具体的意义上存在着较大的差异,同学们在理解和使用它时容易产生困惑。除此之外,的差异,同学们在理解和使用它时容易产生困惑。除此之外,pick uppick up在中学英语课本中出现和使用的频率也较高,为了帮在中学英语课本中出现和使用的频率也较高,为了帮助同学们全面地了解和掌握这个短语动词,本文就其基本含义助同学们全面地了解和掌握这个短语动词,本文就其基本含义和用法加以简单归纳

3、,供同学们参考。和用法加以简单归纳,供同学们参考。 1. 1. 表示表示“ “拾起拾起” ” “ “拿起拿起” ” “ “捡起捡起”( ”(某物某物) );“ “扶起扶起”( ”(某人某人) )等意思。等意思。例如:例如: Jack turned over the wallet he had picked up in the street to Jack turned over the wallet he had picked up in the street to the police. the police. 杰克把在街上捡到的钱包交给了警察。杰克把在街上捡到的钱包交给了警察。 He pi

4、cked up the dictionary at hand and began to look up the He picked up the dictionary at hand and began to look up the new word in it. new word in it. 他拿起手边的词典开始查找这个生词。他拿起手边的词典开始查找这个生词。 2 2. . 表示表示“ “中途搭载乘客中途搭载乘客” ” “( “(用车用车) )来接人来接人” ”等意思等意思。例如:。例如: The train stopped several times to pick up passeng

5、ers. The train stopped several times to pick up passengers. 火车沿途停了好几次,让乘客上车。火车沿途停了好几次,让乘客上车。 Wait here and Ill pick you up at two oclock. Wait here and Ill pick you up at two oclock. 在这儿等着,两点钟我来接你。在这儿等着,两点钟我来接你。 3. 3. 表示表示“ “意外发现意外发现” ”;( (指不是通过正规教育和指导指不是通过正规教育和指导) “) “学到学到” ” “ “掌握掌握” ”;( (尤指偶然地尤指偶

6、然地) )得到消息。得到消息。例如:例如: Looking through the evening paper last night, I picked up a Looking through the evening paper last night, I picked up a wonderful poem. wonderful poem. 昨晚在浏览晚报时,我意外发现了一首好诗。昨晚在浏览晚报时,我意外发现了一首好诗。 While working in the factory, the students picked up a great While working in the fac

7、tory, the students picked up a great deal of information on machinery. deal of information on machinery. 在工厂劳动期间,学生们学到了许多关于机械方面的知识。在工厂劳动期间,学生们学到了许多关于机械方面的知识。 (上海(上海2003 2003 年春季高考)年春季高考)He _ some French while He _ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.he was away on a business tr

8、ip in Paris.A. made out B. picked up C. gave up D. took in A. made out B. picked up C. gave up D. took in 答答案为案为 B B 4. 4. 表示表示“ “收拾收拾” ” “ “整理整理” ”等意思等意思。例如:。例如: The teacher told the students to pick up everything on the The teacher told the students to pick up everything on the floor and get the r

9、oom tidy before they went out. floor and get the room tidy before they went out. 老师告诉学生们在出去之前把地上的东西收拾起来,把房间整老师告诉学生们在出去之前把地上的东西收拾起来,把房间整理干净。理干净。 Please pick up all your toys when youve finished playing. Please pick up all your toys when youve finished playing. 你你玩过后请把玩具收拾好。玩过后请把玩具收拾好。 5. 5. 表示表示“( “(

10、从电台从电台 收音机收音机) )收听收听” ” “ “接收接收” ” “ “记录记录” ”等意思。等意思。例如例如 I managed to pick up an American news broadcast. I managed to pick up an American news broadcast. 我设法收我设法收听到一家美国电台的新闻广播。听到一家美国电台的新闻广播。 It is necessary to use a long wave radio to pick up the It is necessary to use a long wave radio to pick up

11、 the “Follow Me” program. “Follow Me” program. 必须用一台长波收音机才能收听到必须用一台长波收音机才能收听到“ “跟我学跟我学” ”这个节目。这个节目。 6. 6. 表示表示“ “加快加快( (速度速度)” )”的意思的意思。例如:。例如: The train was gradually picking up speed. The train was gradually picking up speed. 火车逐渐加快了速度。火车逐渐加快了速度。 7. 7. 表示表示“( “(生意生意 生产生产 天气天气 健康健康 社交生活等社交生活等) )的好转

12、的好转” ” “ “改改进进” ” “ “提高提高” ” “ “有起色有起色” ”等意思等意思。例如:。例如: The economy is finally beginning to pick up again. The economy is finally beginning to pick up again. 经济终于经济终于又开始有所好转。又开始有所好转。 He picked up nicely after a long careful treat. He picked up nicely after a long careful treat. 经过较长时间经过较长时间的精心治疗后,他的

13、健康恢复得很好。的精心治疗后,他的健康恢复得很好。 It seems as if the weather may pick up soon. It seems as if the weather may pick up soon. 看上去天气好像看上去天气好像很快要放晴了。很快要放晴了。 8. 8. 表示表示“ “重提重提( (话题话题)” )” “ “重新开始重新开始” ” “ “继续继续” ”等意思等意思。例。例如:如: She picked up the story where she had left it yesterday. She picked up the story wher

14、e she had left it yesterday. 她接着昨天没有讲完的故事往下讲。她接着昨天没有讲完的故事往下讲。 He left for two years and then came back expecting to pick He left for two years and then came back expecting to pick up where they had left off. up where they had left off. 他离开他离开( (她她) )两年后又回来了,希望重新开始他们的关系。两年后又回来了,希望重新开始他们的关系。 9. 9. 表示表

15、示“ “收集到收集到” ”的意思的意思。例如:。例如: Can you pick up some special kind of stamps? Can you pick up some special kind of stamps? 你能收集到一你能收集到一些特种邮票吗些特种邮票吗? ? 10. 10. 表示表示“ “与与(指异性指异性) )偶然结识偶然结识( (未经正式介绍未经正式介绍)” )” “ “结交结交” ”等意思。例如:等意思。例如: I wish I could just go out and pick up a nice man. I wish I could just go

16、 out and pick up a nice man. 我希望我能我希望我能够走出去并结识一个好男人。够走出去并结识一个好男人。 Where did Jack pick up with Mary? Where did Jack pick up with Mary? 杰克在哪里结识玛丽的杰克在哪里结识玛丽的? ? 11. 11. 表示表示“ “用较少的钱买到用较少的钱买到” ” “ “付款付款” ”的意思的意思。例如:。例如: My friends knew where to pick up a good second-hand bike. My friends knew where to p

17、ick up a good second-hand bike. 我的朋友知道在哪里可以便宜地买到好的二手自行车。我的朋友知道在哪里可以便宜地买到好的二手自行车。 12. 12. 表示表示“ “跌倒后站跌倒后站( (爬爬) )起来起来” ”的意思的意思。例如:。例如: She fell off her bike, but quickly picked up herself. She fell off her bike, but quickly picked up herself. 她从自行她从自行车上摔了下来,但马上爬了起来。车上摔了下来,但马上爬了起来。 1. Miss Li _ some E

18、nglish when she was visiting her son. A. picked up B. picked on C .picked in D. picked out2. People in the far-away mountain village cannot _ this program. A. take down B. pick up C. put away D. get along3. Sally, would you _ the story today? But I told the second part yesterday! It should be Jeanes turn. A. pick up B. put up C. bring up D. make up4. Under good treatment, Mary is beginning to_ and will soon recover. A. pick up B. dress up C. turn up D. show up



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