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1、2 什么叫体循环?什么叫肺循环?二者循环路径有何区别? 动脉内一定是动脉血,静脉内一定是静脉血吗?脉管系统3心动脉静脉毛细血管淋巴管道淋巴组织淋巴器官脉管系统心血管系淋巴系脉管系统4体循环的动脉肺循环的动脉体循环的静脉肺循环的静脉心血管系心动脉静脉毛细血管脉管系统5 动脉 artery静脉 vein 心 heart毛细血管 capillary心血管系统 cardiovascular system脉管系统6肺循环 体循环循环径路主动脉上腔静脉左心室肺静脉 身体下部周围毛细血管 肺动脉干右心房左心房右心室 肺内毛细血管 身体上部周围毛细血管 肺 内毛细血管 肺 内毛细血管右心室右心室肺动脉肺动脉右

2、心房右心房上下腔静脉上下腔静脉全 身毛细血管全 身毛细血管肺静脉肺静脉主动脉主动脉左心房左心房左心室左心室脉管系统7 动脉间吻合 静脉间吻合 动静脉间吻合 侧支吻合血管吻合交通支动脉弓动脉网 动静脉吻合动脉主干侧支循环脉管系统8心血管系统心位置、毗邻心腔外形心的构造心传导系心的血管心包心的体表投影9心的位置在哪里?与哪些结构相邻?心血管系统10位 置 位于中纵隔毗 邻前方后方两侧上方下方心的位置与毗邻心尖膈右心室肺动脉干左心耳 上腔静脉左心室右心耳升主动脉心血管系统11心尖搏动的位置在哪里?心底与哪些大血管相连?心血管系统12胸肋面膈面右缘左缘下缘心的外形冠状沟前室间沟后室间沟房间沟两面心血管

3、系统一尖 一底三缘四条沟13心尖 右心室下腔静脉左心室左心房左上肺静脉右上肺静脉右下肺静脉上腔静脉左下肺静脉左肺动脉主动脉右心房心尖 右心室左心室左心耳升主动脉上腔静脉肺动脉干主动脉弓右心耳心的外形心血管系统14心尖 右心室左心室左心房右心房心尖 右心室左心室左心耳右心耳左心耳 心血管系统15心尖切迹心尖切迹 房室交点冠状沟前室间沟后室间沟房间沟冠状沟心血管系统16 心有几个心腔? 每个心腔血液的入口和出口是什么? 心室内保证血液单向流动的装置是什么?心血管系统17心腔右心房右心室左心房左心室心血管系统18右心房 right atrium 冠状窦口orifice of coronary sin

4、us 下腔静脉口 卵圆窝fossa ovalis梳状肌肺动脉干 右心耳right auricle 上腔静脉 以界沟(内为界嵴)分前(固有心房) 、后(腔静脉窦)两部。 右房室口right atrioventricular orifice心血管系统19右心室right ventricle室上嵴 腱索 chordae tendineae肺动脉瓣 pulmonary valve 隔缘肉柱 moderator band 三尖瓣 tricuspid valve乳头肌 papillary muscles肺动脉干 以室上嵴分为流入道和流出道。三尖瓣复合体 tricuspid complex心血管系统20左心

5、房 left atrium左心室左心房主动脉肺静脉口肺静脉 左心耳left auricle 左房室口left atrioventricular orifice心血管系统21左心室left ventricle 以二尖瓣前尖分为流入道和流出道。腱索二尖瓣bicuspid valve( mitral valve)乳头肌左心房主动脉主动脉瓣 左冠状动脉 开口主动脉窦 二尖瓣 右冠状动脉 开口二尖瓣复合体mitral complex心血管系统22维持血液单向流动的结构 二尖瓣复合体 三尖瓣复合体 主动脉瓣 肺动脉瓣心血管系统23 右纤维三角左纤维三角主动脉瓣环三尖瓣环二尖瓣环肺动脉瓣环心的构造 心纤维骨

6、骼 fibrous skeleton心血管系统24 心壁和心间隔 心的构造卵圆窝室间隔(肌部) 室间隔(膜部)interventricular septum 右心房右心室左心室 房间隔interatrial septum 心血管系统251.为何心能保持节律性搏动?心血管系统26 房室束 atrioventricular bundle 窦房结 sinuatrial node房室结 atrioventricular node 左束支右束支隔缘肉柱心传导系统 conduction system of heart 心传导系由特殊分化的心肌细胞构成。 心血管系统27 心自身的血液供应是哪来的?冠心病、心

7、绞痛与此有关吗? 心的静脉血通过哪些途径回流? 心血管系统28左冠状动脉 left coronary artery 心的动脉冠状动脉 coronary artery 前室间支旋支左冠状动脉心血管系统29右冠状动脉 right coronary artery心的动脉冠状动脉 coronary artery 左室后支 后室间支右冠状动脉心血管系统30心的静脉 心小静脉心中静脉 冠状窦coronary sinus 心前静脉心大静脉心血管系统31什么是心包?心包横窦在哪,有何临床意义?心腔穿刺、心包腔穿刺在哪进行?穿刺针需要到达何部位?心血管系统32 心包 pericardium升主动脉上腔静脉下腔静

8、脉肺动脉肺静脉纤维心包浆膜心包(壁层)心包横窦心包斜窦心血管系统33左上点 右上点 右下点左下点(心尖的体表投影) 左侧第五肋间,锁骨中线内侧12cm,或距前正中线79cm。心的体表投影右下点左下点右上点 左上点 心血管系统34The heart is a cone-shaped, four chambers, enclosed by pericardium organ. It is located the mediastinum of the thorax and resting upon the diaphragm.Heart is a muscular pump in the cardi

9、ovascular system. When the ventricles contracts, they pump the blood to the arteries. When the atria relax, they receive the blood from all parts of the body. The cardiac rhythmic contraction is under the control of cardiac conduction system which is composed of special cardiac muscular cells. The S

10、-A node is the pacemaker.The heart is supplied by coronary artery which is divided into left conoroay and right coronary a.The hearts own capillaries blood returns to the right atrium mainly by the cardiac sinus. Summary to the heart(1)心血管系统35Summary to the heart(2)The main points are as the follows

11、:Position and external features of the heart.Chambers of the heart: the division and structure of the four chambers; the conception of the tricuspid complex and bicuspid complex; the direction of blood flow when the heart contracts and relaxes.Wall of the heart; the location, function and clinical c

12、onsideration of septa.The constitution and function of the cardiac conducting systemBlood vessels of the heart: the main branches and blood supply regions of left and right coronary arteries; the position and major tributaries of coronary sinus.The layers and function of the pericardium; the concept

13、ion of the pericardial cavity and pericardial sinus.Surface projection of the apex.心血管系统36动脉肺循环的动脉体循环的动脉心血管系统37 肺循环的动脉 主动脉弓动脉韧带 arterial ligament 肺动脉干 pulmonary trunk 左肺动脉右肺动脉心血管系统38 请画出体循环动脉的主干架。 头颈部、上肢、胸部、腹部、盆部及下肢动脉主干的行径、一级分支的名称及主要分支的辨认标志。心血管系统39主动脉分段头颈部的动脉上肢的动脉胸部的动脉腹部的动脉盆部的动脉心血管系统下肢的动脉体循环动脉40 主动脉

14、 主动脉弓 胸主动脉 升主动脉 腹主动脉 髂总动脉 主动脉弓右颈总动脉 左颈总动脉 头臂干左锁骨下动脉心血管系统41 有哪些动脉进入颅内?从哪里进入? 感受血压和血液中化学成分的主要结构是什么?心血管系统42颈总动脉 common carotid artery颈动脉窦carotid sinus 颈内动脉internal carotid artery颈外动脉external carotid artery颈动脉小球carotid glomus 心血管系统43甲状腺上动脉舌动脉 面动脉 上颌动脉 颞浅动脉颈外动脉 颈外动脉甲状腺上动脉舌动脉 面动脉 上颌动脉 颞浅动脉颈外动脉 心血管系统44椎动脉甲

15、状腺下动脉胸廓内动脉甲状腺上动脉锁骨下动脉 subclavian artery甲状颈干 颈内动脉颈外动脉腹壁上动脉胸廓内动脉腹壁下动脉腹壁上动脉肋间前支胸廓内动脉锁骨下动脉肌膈动脉心血管系统45上肢的动脉主干腋动脉肱动脉尺动脉桡动脉掌 浅 弓掌 深 弓心血管系统46胸肩峰动脉胸外侧动脉肩胛下动脉旋肱后动脉胸肌支 腋动脉axillary artery心血管系统47肱动脉brachial artery旋肩胛动脉肱深动脉肱动脉心血管系统48肱动脉桡动脉尺动脉掌浅支 骨间总动脉骨间前动脉桡动脉radial artery 尺动脉ulnar artery 心血管系统49 保证手在不同功能姿势下血液供应的动

16、脉基础是什么? 心血管系统50掌浅弓superficial palmar arch 掌深弓deep palmar arch尺动脉掌浅弓指掌侧总动脉指掌侧固有动脉掌浅支桡动脉尺动脉掌深弓掌心动脉掌深支桡动脉心血管系统51 肺动脉既是功能性血管也 是营养性血管吗?心血管系统52 胸主动脉 食管支支气管支肋间后动脉胸主动脉thoracic aorta心血管系统53 请画出腹腔干、肠系膜上、下动脉及其分支。 手术中如何寻找胆囊动脉、阑尾动脉?心血管系统54壁 支 脏 支 成对(3对) 不成对 (3支) 腹主动脉abdominal aorta膈下动脉骶正中动脉肠系膜上动脉肾动脉腹腔干睾丸动脉肠系膜下动脉

17、髂总动脉心血管系统55肾上腺的动脉肾上腺中动脉 肾上腺上动脉肾上腺下动脉膈下动脉肾动脉心血管系统56腹腔干celiac trunk脾动脉 splenic artery 胃左动脉 left gastric artery胃网膜左动脉胃网膜右动脉胃右动脉胃十二指肠动脉肝总动脉 common hepatic artery肝固有动脉 心血管系统57脾动脉胃左动脉胃网膜左动脉 胃网膜右动脉 胃右动脉胃十二指肠动脉胰十二指肠上动脉胃短动脉腹腔干celiac trunk心血管系统58腹腔干的分支胃 网 膜 右 动 脉胰 十 二 指 肠 上 动 脉腹腔干食管支等脾支胰支胃 网 膜 左 动 脉胃短动脉胃 右 动

18、脉左支右支 胆囊动脉胃 左 动 脉脾 动 脉肝 总 动 脉肝 固 有 动 脉胃十二指肠动脉心血管系统59 肠系膜上动脉 superior mesenteric artery 中结肠动脉右结肠动脉回结肠动脉阑尾动脉肠系膜上动脉空肠动脉回肠动脉 胰十二指肠上动脉心血管系统60肠系膜下动脉 inferior mesenteric artery肠系膜下动脉左结肠动脉乙状结肠动脉直肠上动脉心血管系统61 髂总动脉 髂内动脉 髂外动脉髂总动脉common iliac artery心血管系统62髂内动脉脐动脉膀胱上动脉闭孔动脉臀上动脉 臀下动脉阴部内动脉直肠下动脉髂内动脉 internal iliac ar

19、tery心血管系统63脐动脉膀胱上动脉闭孔动脉臀上动脉 臀下动脉阴部内动脉子宫动脉髂内动脉 internal iliac artery输尿管心血管系统64阴部内动脉 internal pudendal artery阴部内动脉肛动脉会阴动脉阴茎深动脉阴茎背动脉阴部内动脉阴蒂深动脉心血管系统65髂外动脉腹壁下动脉髂外动脉external iliac artery心血管系统66下肢的动脉主干股 动 脉腘动脉胫前动脉胫后动脉足底外侧动脉足底内侧动脉足背动脉心血管系统67股动脉 股深动脉髂外动脉腹壁浅动脉股动脉femoral artery股动脉股深动脉 旋股内侧动脉 旋股外侧动脉旋髂浅动脉 穿动脉心血管

20、系统68 动脉popliteal artery 动脉胫前动脉胫后动脉腓动脉胫前动脉anterior tibial artery胫前动脉足背动脉心血管系统69胫前动脉胫后动脉腓动脉胫后动脉posterior tibial artery 趾足底总动脉足底内侧动脉足底外侧动脉胫后动脉趾足底固有动脉足底弓 动脉心血管系统70 手术中结扎子宫动脉、甲状腺上、下动脉应注意什么? 营养甲状腺、肾上腺、胃、结肠的动脉是什么? 在活体上有哪些部位可触及哪些动脉的搏动? 从股动脉插管,通过何途径可达心脏,或肝脏,或冠状动脉?心血管系统71Summery to the arteries(1)Arteries are

21、 strong, elastic vessels adapted for carrying blood away from the ventricles of the heart and leading to the capillaries. These vessels subdivide into progressively thinner tubes and eventually give a rise to fine branches. There are many special receptors around the wall of arteries, such us caroti

22、d sinus and carotid body. The arteries of the cardiovascular system can be divided into two major pathway- a pulmonary circuit and a systemic circuit.Arteries to the systemic circuit includes the aorta and its branches leading to all body tissues. The aorta is the largest artery in the body. It exte

23、nds upward from the left ventricle, arch over the heart to the left and descends just in the front of the vertebral column. Its principal branches supply the all parts of the body. 心血管系统72Common carotid artery and its branches to the neck, head and brain. Subclavian artery and its branches ot the up

24、per arm. Thoracic aorta and its branches to the thorax.Abdominal aorta and its branches to the abdominal wall and visceral organs. The arterial branches to paired organs arise from the abdominal aorta directly. The unpaired organs is nourished by the celial trunk, the superior mesenteric artery and

25、the inferior mesenteric artery and their branches.Internal iliac artery and its branches to the pelis and gluteal reagion.External iliac artery to the leg. Summery to the arteries(2)心血管系统73The main points are as follows:Artery of pulmonary circulation: the conception of the arterial ligament.The nam

26、e and blood distribution of the main branches of the major arteries.The conceptions of the carotid sinus and carotid glomus.The impulse position of some artery, including common carotid artery, facial artery, superficial temporal artery, brachial artery, radial artery, femoral artery and dorsal arte

27、ry of foot.The position and constitution of the superficial palmar arch, deep palmar arch and deep plantar arch.Summery to the arteries(3)心血管系统74 在结构和分布上静脉和动脉有何不同?心血管系统75 静脉瓣静脉vein心血管系统76静脉肺循环的静脉上腔静脉系下腔静脉系心静脉系体循环的静脉心血管系统77下腔静脉上腔静脉右上肺静脉右下肺静脉肺静脉pulmonary vein左下肺静脉左上肺静脉心血管系统78能否画出上腔静脉主干架? 静脉角在何处,有什么结构注

28、入?心血管系统79上腔静脉系 锁骨下静脉颈内静脉 头臂静脉 brachiocephalic vein 上腔静脉 奇静脉 静脉角venous angle心血管系统80上腔静脉的血液流注上腔静脉 superior vena cava颈外静脉奇静脉腋静脉头臂静脉锁骨下静脉上腔静脉右心房颈内静脉心血管系统81头颈部静脉上肢静脉胸部静脉心血管系统上腔静脉系82为什么面部的疖肿不能随意挤压?心血管系统83内眦静脉面静脉facial vein 面深静脉颈内静脉翼静脉丛 面总静脉危险三角内眦静脉面静脉面深静脉颈内静脉翼静脉丛眼上静脉眼下静脉海绵窦颈外静脉头部静脉心血管系统84颈外静脉在什么情况下可以看得更清楚

29、?有何临床应用?心血管系统85颈外静脉 external jugular vein颈内静脉 internal jugular vein颈部静脉心血管系统861.临床常用的静脉穿刺或导管插入部位在哪里?为什么? 2.人体主要浅静脉的行径及临床用途。3.临床进行静脉药物注射、输液或采血常用的部位在哪儿?心血管系统87肘正中静脉上肢的静脉腋静脉肱静脉头静脉锁骨下静脉贵要静脉手背静脉网浅静脉深静脉桡静脉尺静脉心血管系统88头静脉胸大肌三角肌间沟头静脉cephalic vein手背静脉网贵要静脉 basilic vein肘正中静脉前臂正中静脉上肢浅静脉心血管系统89腰升静脉 奇静脉 副半奇静脉 半奇静脉

30、 奇静脉 azygos vein胸部静脉心血管系统90腰升静脉 椎外前静脉丛椎内前静脉丛 下腔静脉 脊柱的静脉 椎内静脉丛 椎外静脉丛 椎内后静脉丛椎外后静脉丛心血管系统91脊柱的静脉下腔静脉右肋间后静脉副半奇静脉左腰升静脉左 腰 静 脉半 奇 静 脉右 腰 静 脉左下部肋间后静脉左上部肋间后静脉左中部肋间后静脉食 管 静 脉盆腔静脉丛支气管静脉右腰升静脉上腔静脉 奇静脉和脊柱静脉的流注 硬 脑 膜 窦 奇静脉心血管系统92能否画出下腔静脉主干架?精索静脉曲张为什么左侧多发?心血管系统93髂总静脉 common iliac vein肝静脉左肾静脉下腔静脉 inferior vena cava下

31、腔静脉系髂外静脉 髂内静脉心血管系统94下腔静脉的属支 脏支 壁支 腰静脉 左肾上腺静脉左睾丸静脉右睾丸静脉肝静脉左肾静脉膈下静脉右肾上腺静脉心血管系统95下腔静脉系的流注右 睾 丸 (卵 巢 )静 脉左 睾 丸 (卵 巢 )静 脉左、右髂总静脉左、右腰静脉肝 门 静 脉肝 静 脉右 心 房右肾上腺静脉肝 血 窦下 腔 静 脉左、右膈下静脉左肾上腺静脉左肾静脉右肾静脉心血管系统96下肢静脉盆部静脉肝门静脉腹部静脉心血管系统下腔静脉系97下肢的静脉股静脉 静脉大隐静脉髂外静脉小隐静脉足背静脉弓胫前静脉胫后静脉深静脉浅静脉心血管系统98 大隐静脉great saphenous vein股内侧浅静脉

32、内踝股静脉足背静脉弓 腹壁浅静脉阴部外静脉旋髂浅静脉股外侧浅静脉 小隐静脉small saphenous vein外踝静脉静脉下肢浅静脉心血管系统99髂内静脉 internal iliac vein壁支 脏支髂外静脉external iliac vein腹壁下静脉特点:以静脉丛分布在盆腔脏器 静脉丛回流静脉与同名动脉伴行心血管系统100能否画出肝门静脉系主干架?为什么在门静脉高压时,会发生便血、呕血及“海蛇头”等症状?心血管系统101肠系膜上静脉、脾静脉肠系膜上静脉肝门静脉脾静脉肝门静脉 hepatic portal vein行径组成收集范围腹主动脉不成对脏支供血区(除肝外)两端均与毛细血管相

33、连;缺少功能性的静脉瓣特点 在肝十二指肠韧带内心血管系统102肝门静脉脾静脉肠系膜上静脉肠系膜下静脉 胃左静脉胃右静脉胆囊静脉附脐静脉主要属支肝门静脉 hepatic portal vein心血管系统103 门 、腔静脉吻合及侧支循环(1) 上腔静脉门静脉食管静脉丛 胃左、右静脉肝静脉奇静脉食管静脉 肝 门 静 脉胃 左 静 脉食管静脉丛食 管 静 脉奇静脉上 腔 静 脉心血管系统104上腔静脉肝门静脉附脐静脉 脐周静脉网胸腹壁静脉胸外侧静脉腋静脉锁骨下静脉腹壁上静脉胸廓内静脉 门 、腔静脉吻合及侧支循环(2-1) 门静脉附 脐 静 脉脐周静脉网胸腹壁静脉胸外侧静脉头 臂 静 脉上 腔 静 脉

34、腹壁上静脉 胸廓内静脉锁骨下静脉腋静脉心血管系统105肝门静脉附脐静脉 脐周静脉网 腹壁浅静脉髂外静脉股静脉腹壁下静脉下腔静脉髂总静脉 门 、腔静脉吻合及侧支循环(2-2) 门静脉附 脐 静 脉脐周静脉网腹壁浅静脉大 隐 静 脉髂 总 静 脉下 腔 静 脉腹壁下静脉 股静脉髂 外 静 脉心血管系统106脾静脉直肠静脉丛肛静脉肠系膜下静脉下腔静脉髂内静脉直肠下静脉阴部内静脉髂总静脉 门 、腔静脉吻合及侧支循环(3) 门静脉肠系膜下静脉直肠静脉丛肛静脉阴部内静脉髂 总 静 脉下 腔 静 脉直肠下静脉 髂 内 静 脉心血管系统107临 床 肝门静脉回流受阻 “门静脉高压症”食管静脉丛曲张破裂 上消化

35、道出血 “呕血”直肠静脉丛曲张、破裂 “痔”、 “便血”脐周静脉网曲张 “海蛇头”心血管系统108右手部的感染口服、左侧臀部肌注或左侧头静脉滴注抗菌素治疗,药物如何到达病变部位?心血管系统109The veins classified into veins for pulmonary circuit, veins for systemic circuit .The veins for systemic circuit are divided into superior vena cava system , inferior vena cava system and cardiac veinou

36、s system.The deep veins usually parallel the courses of major arteries and drains the area supplied by the corresponding same name arteries. Azygos vein is a special deep vein which is no paralleling artery. The superficial veins are found in the fascia under the skin. There is a special venous syst

37、em, called hepatic portal venous system, which receive the blood from the unpaired abdominal visceral organs and lies between two groups of capillaries network. Summery to the veins(1)心血管系统110Summery to the veins(2)The main points are as follows:The characteristics of vein.Veins of pulmonary circula

38、tion.The tributaries and blood receiving region of the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava.The constitution, tributaries, characteristics and clinical consideration of the hepatic portal vein. The main anastomosis between the hepatic portal vein and vena cava.The course, blood receiving region

39、 and immerging position of basilic vein, median cubital vein, cephalic vein, great and small saphenous veins ,external jugular vein and azygos vein.The conceptions of the venous angle and dangerous area.心血管系统1111. 为何说淋巴系统是静脉系统的辅助结构?2. 淋巴系统由哪些部分组成?你听说过“哨位”淋巴结吗?有何意义?淋巴系统112淋巴系统毛细淋巴管淋巴管淋巴干淋巴导管淋巴结脾胸腺淋巴系

40、统淋巴管道淋巴器官腭扁桃体等淋巴组织113能否画出全身淋巴干和淋巴导管?淋巴系统114胸导管左腰干 乳糜池肠干 左颈干左锁骨下干左支气管纵隔干右淋巴导管右颈干右锁骨下干右支气管纵隔干右腰干淋巴管道淋巴系统115淋巴系统左右颈干左右锁骨下干左右腰干肠干右淋巴导管胸导管淋巴管道淋巴导管左右支气管纵隔干毛细淋巴管淋巴管淋巴干116右淋巴导管胸导管 右静脉角右锁骨下干右支气管纵隔干右颈干右淋巴导管 right lymphatic duct淋巴系统117全身最大的淋巴导管是什么?其起始、经过、注入及收集范围?为什么胃癌病人会引起左锁骨上淋巴结肿大?118胸导管 thoracic duct起始行径注入收集

41、范围胸导管 乳糜池左静脉角奇静脉淋巴系统119全身哪些部位能摸到肿大的淋巴结?淋巴系统120下颌下淋巴结 头部的淋巴结淋巴系统121颈前淋巴结 颈外侧浅淋巴结 颈部的淋巴结锁骨上淋巴结 角淋巴结颈内静脉肩胛舌骨肌淋巴结颈前淋巴结 淋巴系统122腋淋巴结 上肢的淋巴结 中央淋巴结尖淋巴结胸骨旁淋巴结肩胛下淋巴结 胸肌淋巴结外侧淋巴结淋巴系统123腋淋巴结的引流锁骨上淋巴结上肢胸肌淋巴结腹前外侧壁、胸外侧壁及乳房外侧部和中央部肩胛下淋巴结颈后部和背部中央淋巴结尖淋巴结乳房上部外侧淋巴结锁骨下干淋巴系统124胸壁及胸腔脏器的淋巴结胸骨旁淋巴结膈上淋巴结前膈上淋巴结中膈上淋巴结后气管支气管淋巴结肺淋巴

42、结纵隔后淋巴结肺门淋巴结纵隔前淋巴结气管旁淋巴结淋巴系统125下肢的淋巴结腹股沟深淋巴结腹股沟上浅淋巴结腹股沟下浅淋巴结淋巴系统126腰淋巴结 腰淋巴结 乳糜池髂外淋巴结髂内淋巴结髂总淋巴结腹壁淋巴结淋巴系统127 腹腔淋巴结、肠系膜上淋巴结和肠系膜下淋巴结的输出管汇成肠干。腹腔脏器淋巴结 腹腔淋巴结脾淋巴结胃网膜右淋巴结胃网膜左淋巴结胃左淋巴结幽门 下淋巴结胃右淋巴结幽门上淋巴结肝淋巴结淋巴系统128肠系膜上淋巴结 右结肠淋巴结 中结肠淋巴结 回结肠淋巴结 腹腔脏器淋巴结肠系膜下淋巴结 直肠上淋巴结 乙状结肠淋巴结 左结肠淋巴结淋巴系统129 髂总淋巴结 髂内淋巴结 髂外淋巴结 骶淋巴结 盆

43、部的淋巴结淋巴系统130脾在哪里?如何通过触诊确定脾肿大?淋巴系统131脾切迹上缘 下缘上缘脾切迹脾门 膈面 脏面脾spleen 胸腺(左叶) 心包 胸腺(右叶) 胸腺thymus淋巴系统132从功能角度出发,试比较脾门、肺门、肝门、肾门的进出结构的异同。133The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels, lymphatic organs and lymphatic tissues.The fluid in the lymphatic vessels is termed lymph.The lymphatic vessels are d

44、ivided into lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels, lymphatic trunk and lymphatic ducts, due to their diameters. The two ducts are right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct which empties into venous angle.Lymphatic organs include spleen, thymus, lymphoid nodes and tonsils. Lymphoid nodes generally oc

45、cur in groups or chains along the paths of large lymphatic vessels. They occur primarily in cervical, axillary, and inguinal regions and within the pelvic, abdominal, and thoracic cavities.Summary to the lymphatic system(1)淋巴系统134Summary to the lymphatic system(2)The main points are as follows:Organ

46、ization and character of the lymphatic system.The name and lymph receiving region of the nine lymphatic truncks.The lymph receiving region and immerging position of the right lymphatic ductThe origin, course, lymph receiving region and immerging position of the thoracic duct.Pay attention to the lym

47、ph nodes whose efferent lymphatic vessels immerge into nine lymphatic trunks.The lymph receiving region, constitution, and immerging position of axillary lymph nodes, superficial inguinal lymph nodes, deep inguinal lymph nodes, celiac lymph nodes, superior mesenteric lymph nodes and inferior mesente

48、ric lymph nodes.The position, shape, function and structure of the spleen.淋巴系统135135 感觉器与感受器是什么,有何不同?感觉器136136感觉器 机体感受刺激的装置,由感受器和附属器构成。感受器 主要指能感受某种刺激而产生兴奋的结构,广泛分布于机体各部。根据所在部位和所接受刺激的来源,可分三类: 外感受器 分布于皮肤、黏膜、视器和听器等处。 内感受器 分布于内脏和血管等处。 本体感受器 分布于肌、肌腱、关节和内耳位觉器等处。感觉器137137眼球壁眼球内容物眼球外肌眶筋膜 眶脂体眼睑结膜泪器视器眼球眼副器视器13

49、8138视器眼球眼球壁眼球内容物视轴 眼轴 139139 眼球壁由哪几层组成?各层有什么结构特点? 视器140140角膜巩膜虹膜部睫状体部虹膜睫状体脉络膜眼球壁视部盲部外膜-纤维膜中膜-血管膜内膜-视网膜视器141141 外膜 (纤维膜) 角膜 cornea巩膜 sclera 巩 膜 角 膜巩膜静脉窦视器142142中膜血管膜 色素膜脉络膜choroid 睫状体 ciliary body 虹 膜 iris瞳孔 睫状小带 晶状体虹膜睫状肌瞳孔视器143143视网膜视部内膜(视网膜retina)视网膜盲部视网膜视神经 视器144144 光线聚焦在视网膜的何处成像最清晰而落在什么地方则会看不到物象?

50、视器145145视神经盘 黄斑 视神经盘optic disc 黄斑macula lutea中央凹视器146146 光线通过哪些结构到达视网膜?视器147147视器房水晶状体玻璃体眼球内容物148148眼房和房水 chambers of eyeball and aqueous humor 眼后房 巩膜静脉窦 晶状体 睫状体瞳孔虹膜角膜角 眼前房 房水循环 睫状体上皮眼后房瞳孔眼前房虹膜角膜角巩膜静脉窦眼静脉视器149149 视近物或远物时, 物象为何能正好落在视网膜上?视器150150睫状肌舒张晶状体变薄晶状体 lens晶状体变厚睫状肌收缩晶状体核晶状体皮质晶状体囊远视与近视视器151151玻璃

51、体玻璃体vitreous body视器152 与近视相关的眼的解剖学基础有哪些?153153角膜房水晶状体玻璃体屈光系统 视器154154眼副器accessory organs of eye视器155155睑结膜睑板和睑板腺肌层眼睑 eyelids麦粒肿霰粒肿视器156156睑结膜球结膜结膜上穹结膜下穹结膜 conjunctiva视器157157泪器 lacrimal apparatus泪点下鼻甲 泪腺泪小管 泪囊鼻泪管视器158哪些肌可以调节眼球的运动? 159159上睑提肌上直肌上斜肌上斜肌腱下直肌 外直肌 滑车内直肌上睑提肌总腱环视神经滑车上睑提肌下斜肌外直肌上斜肌腱上斜肌 外直肌上直肌

52、内直肌下直肌 眼球外肌 extraocular muscles视器160160视网膜中央动、静脉鼻侧上小动脉鼻侧下小动脉颞侧上小动脉颞侧下小动脉颞侧上小静脉颞侧下小静脉鼻侧上小静脉鼻侧下小静脉视神经盘眼的血管blood vessels of the eye视器161161Eye, also called visual organ, consists of eyeball and visual accessory organs. The wall of the eyeball has three distinct layers- an outer fibrous tunic, a middle

53、vascular tunic and an inner nervous tunic. The inner nervous tunic is also called retina where exists the light receptors.Focus apparatus consists of cornea, aqueous humor, lens and vitreous body. They are all transparent, lack of blood vessels. The eye acts like a camera, the focus apparatus can fo

54、cuses light rays upon the retina. Visual accessory organs include the eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, conjunctiva, extraocular muscles, orbital adipose body and orbital fasciae, which can protect, support and move the eyeball.Summery to the eye(1) 视器162162Summery to the eye(2) The main points are as fo

55、llows:The name, characteristics, function and constitution of the three layers of the eyeball wall. The concept of pupil, optic disc and fovea centalis.The name, characteristics and function of the content of the eyeball.The function and circulation of aqueous of humor.The regulation process of the

56、lens.The constitution, function and clinical consideration of the focus apparatus.Accessory organs of the eye: The five layers and function of eyelids; The division of the conjunctiva; the constitution of the lacrimal apparatus; the function of extraocular muscles.视器163163 外耳的分部?其中,外耳道是直的吗?鼓膜上的反光区是什

57、么?前庭蜗器164164前庭蜗器 vestibulocochlear organ外耳道耳郭咽鼓管外 耳鼓室中 耳内 耳骨半规管前庭耳蜗前庭蜗器165165前庭蜗器耳廓外耳道鼓膜膜迷路鼓室咽鼓管乳突窦 乳突小房前庭蜗器中耳骨迷路内耳外耳166166外耳道 耳屏外耳 external ear 前庭蜗器167167乳突窦乳突小房咽鼓管半管鼓室咽鼓管鼓室中耳 middle ear 前庭蜗器168168 鼓室6个壁的名称、内容和交通情况如何? 急性中耳炎化脓后会引起哪些后果?前庭蜗器169169鼓室 tympanic cavity面神经管咽鼓管半管鼓膜张肌 颈内动脉鼓室盖乳突窦入口咽鼓管半管 鼓膜鼓膜张

58、肌前庭蜗器170170迷路壁 面神经岬前庭窗蜗窗面神经管凸鼓 膜 tympanic membrane松弛部紧张部反射光锥鼓膜脐锤骨砧骨鼓膜穿孔前庭蜗器171鼓室内容物是什么? 172172一条神经二块肌三块听小骨 面神经 砧骨鼓索 锤骨鼓膜张肌镫骨肌镫骨砧骨镫骨后脚锤骨鼓室内容物 前庭蜗器173173 为什么坐飞机时会有耳闭气的感觉?如何缓解?前庭蜗器174174咽鼓管 auditory tube咽鼓管软骨部鼓室咽鼓管骨部前庭蜗器175175耳蜗前庭骨半规管蜗管椭圆囊 球囊膜半规管内耳骨迷路膜迷路前庭蜗器176176 位觉感受器和听觉感受器是什么,在哪里? 晕车是怎么回事?前庭蜗器177177

59、前庭窗耳蜗蜗窗外骨半规管后骨半规管前骨半规管内耳 internal ear 内耳的基本结构骨迷路外淋巴内淋巴膜迷路前庭前庭蜗器178178骨迷路bony labyrinth 蜗螺旋板鼓阶前庭阶前庭窗外骨半规管后骨半规管前骨半规管蜗螺旋板蜗顶蜗孔蜗轴鼓阶前庭阶蜗管前庭蜗器179179膜迷路membranous labyrinth 螺旋膜骨螺旋板鼓阶前庭阶蜗管前庭膜椭圆囊斑蜗管椭圆囊后膜半规管前膜半规管壶腹嵴壶腹嵴球囊球囊斑外膜半规管螺旋器(corti器)前庭蜗器180180 我们是如何听到声音的? 听自己讲话和自己讲话录音为什么不同?前庭蜗器181181声波的传导骨传导空气传导声波脑蜗神经螺旋器

60、基底膜内淋巴前庭膜前庭阶外淋巴前庭窗听骨链鼓膜外耳道声波颅骨前庭蜗器182182Ear, also called vestibulocachlear organ, consists of external, middle, and inner sections. In addition to making hearing possible, the ear provides the sense of equilibrium.External ear consists of auricle and external auditory cana(meatus). Middle ear consis

61、ts of tympanic cavity, auditory tube, mastoid antrum and mastoid cells. Internal ear is a complex system of inter communicating chambers and tubes called a labyrinth. Each ear has two such regions the osseous labyrinth and the membrane labyrinth.Spiral organ, also called corti, is located on the bas

62、ilar membrane of cochlear duct. It is auditory receptor. Crista ampullaris, macula utriculi and macula sacculi are equilibrium receptors in the ampulla, utricle and saccule respectively, which can collect information of static and dynamic equilibrium. Summery to ear (1)前庭蜗器183183Summery to ear (2)Th

63、e main points are as follows:Constitution and function of the ear.Division and shape of the external acoustic meatus.The six walls and contents of the tympanic cavity.Division, function and clinical consideration of the auditory tube.Division and structure of the internal ear.Conception of the spiral organ (organ of Corti).The name and position of the equilibrium receptors. 前庭蜗器



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